what should a spay incision look like after a week /castsequence reset=1 Avenging Wrath, Hammer of Wrath /cast Fireblood(Racial) - You might want to save it for Bursting or Necrotic. Very useful for Retribution and Protection Paladins while soloing. This will allow a tank to remove all debuffs, DoTs, fears, and other harmful spells and then remove the shield so you can pick up aggro. Macro commands Holy Paladins received a talent revamp in the latest Dragonflight Alpha build. #showtooltip Turn Evil/focus/cast [@focus, harm, exists][@target] Turn Evil/tm 7 - Marks the target with X. Macro Tags: dps #showtooltip Crusader Strike/cast [harm] Crusader Strike/stopmacro [harm]/targetenemy/cast Crusader Strike/targetlasttarget/cast Auto Attack, #showtooltip Avenging Wrath/cast Avenging Wrath/cast Holy Avenger/cast Rule of Law/cast Fireblood(Racial)/cast [@focus] Bestow Faith/use Potion of Spectral Intellect/use 14. Season 4 of Shadowlands has just started which also will be the last season of the current expansion, I decided to share the macros I have been using so far. are paul deasy and judy crowell married. yeah seconding this, still cant see the weak aura links. This will cast Righteous Defense on a friendly mouseover or target, if not it will cast Hand of Reckoning on an unfriendly target. It will then set your focus to whatever your current target is, so if you do not have a current focus you will now have one. Lvl 90 Glimmer of Light - 1311311 2: The Desolate One (dir. 1: The Restless One (dir. Level 100: Divine Purpose (Chance to not trigger Light of Dawn and Holy Shocks CD). #showtooltip /cast Avenging Wrath /use 13 Another helpful macro can be to cancel certain buffs. | #showtooltip Avenging Wrath /use Eternal Augment Rune //use [spec:3] Potion of Spectral Strength - Unless it is a progress raid boss that you have to burst on the pull, otherwise don't use it. Macros Beginners Guide Unlike the first macro, which uses 939 rotation, this macro uses ISH9 rotation: This Rotation works really well and is made up of a two button (macro) setup. After that it will automactically switch back to your last target. FAQs Can you imagine if someone insulted you in a thread, you reported it, and I told you "sorry, wrong thread to be butthurt"? Talents 1311311This macro contains 1 macro version. If unmounted in a non flyable area, will cast crusader aura on first click, Summon Charger on second click, Then I use Avenging Wrath and Aura Mastery together when the raid is taking alot of damage, Think it is more if you want to cap out Glimmer of Light or have it up more, Some boss fights will be good to have HA and AW together and other not. Through these tools we completely change the way we heal, and how we process the vast amount of information necessary to min/max our gameplay. Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! This is a modified version of the above macro, here's what it does: As above, change the ability to the one you wish to use, this works with all of my rotation. Use: This one-click macro will turn on Crusader aura and put you on a random land mount if you cannot fly in the current zone or random flying mount in a flyable zone. Posted on: 09-14-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 21563 times. Otherwise it will display "Invalid Target" on your screen. If you don't have a poison on you, and the random happens to roll onto "cleanse" it will fail, but since rolling the mouse-wheel casts this many times a second, its no big deal. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Posted on: 09-21-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 24036 times Need help? Absolutely love the holy heals one, finding it really easy to use. 1. Press to open the pet panel, choose the mount tab, then find the slot number that corresponds with the mount(s) you want to include. This is designed for single target use, because the macro casts [Crusader Strike] for Holy Power: Since occasionally casting [Hammer of the Righteous] instead of [Crusader Strike] reduces insignificant threat, it does not worth the two slots for Crusader Strike build branch castsequences as fillers. Instantly heal a target back to safety without having to cast, or sacrifice a massive cooldown like Lay on Hands. First step: select the non friendly target (boss, miniboss, trash etc, whatever) and use first macro to focus it: Second step: spam this macro to heal whatever the boss, miniboss etc is targeting (mainly should be the tank but if tank loose aggro (aggro lose, fear or other strategy) you auto heal whoever boss is targeting. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.51. | That was exactly what they were saying. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, The Ultimate Glimmerdin - 8.3 one button Lazy Macro, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvhd4gybGUvhMQiwLZL8Mfg, Ultimate Healer - Mouseover 70k+ burst with 30k leving out - 430ilvl, NEW Discord set up to share PAWN Strings for healers. Choosing to use Divine Favor + Holy Shock will net you less HPS than Holy Light. Instructions: Replace "Devotion Aura" with your most frequently used aura. Your UI should enable you to track your procs and follow the fight, while never needing to overt your eyes off your raids health. Just add and remove mount names in which you would like. Like all facerolling macros, this macro setup helps you decide which spell to use, so you can focus on tanking itself. Automatically pop the wings before Verdict, but can mouse right-click to cast Verdict without the wings. #showtooltip Shield of the Righteous/stopcasting/target [harm, exists] Regenerating Wildseed - Useful only in pvp./cast Shield of the Righteous/cast Consecration - Be careful when playing tank since it can kill you if you are in gcd./use 17 - Just for Sepulcher's Savior (I would advise avoiding this shield unless you don't have anything with higher ilvl). The Default macro is 1 PVP uses version 2 Arenas use version 2 Macro Version 1 Step Function: Priority Pre Macro: Judgment, Hammer of Wrath KeyPress: Shield of the Righteous Main Sequence: Holy Shock, Consecration, Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, Crusader Strike Resurrect your target and warn the group. Miguel Gomes, 2015) Another Miguel Gomes entry, another Amir Soltani dedicationfor an acquaintance that barely existed at the start of this decade that became a deep, dependable, much-valued, movie . Holy Avenger. #showtooltip Lay on Hands/tar Kael/focus/cast [@focus] Beacon of Light/cast [@focus] Lay on Hands. Be careful if you pvp, you might accidentally break a cc. What am I suppose to use? Talents 1311311This macro contains 1 macro version. Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, [causing Judgment to generate 1 additional Holy Power,][each Holy Power spent causing you to explode with Holy light for (13.5% of Attack power) damage to nearby enemies,][reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 40%,]. any thoughts? Useful for situations when you need to swap to kill adds. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Hey yall. Use at your own risk. A Holy Paladin guide for raid and mythic+ content in World of Warcraft. With the extra characters, we can add a check to prevent dismounting mid-flight. Zone sensitive random mounting with auras: Taking lessons from the Smart Mount macro above and using GoGoMount to reduce the number of characters required. If none of the above criteria are met, you will cast Flash of Light on yourself. When you press it, it automatically marks your current target as skull: This macro automatically cast [Hand of Protection] on your target's target when your target is not your friend. CD 1.5 min. Avenging Wrath reduces the Holy Shock cooldown in half while active. Alternatively: "Show the proper tooltip. The goal is to have a cast land on the tank immediately following a swing, instantly topping them. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Note that some of the macros have "//" which means that sometimes I don't use them. assignment Copy import string. Use: A macro to swap between one set of libram and seal and another. PS: Inquisition NEEDS to be with 3 charges of Holy Power. The middle section of the group keeps track of mana and shows the duration of Beacon of Virtue as a circular timer around the mana display. The same mechanism can be applied on any ranged harmful spell such as [Repentance], and having [Fist of Justice] automatically works with this macro. If none of the above criteria are met and your current focus is an ally, it casts Flash of Light on your focus. Macros for use with the Protection Paladin Build. That is especially true for PvP, since macros allow you to simplify things like targeting, landing CC, saving space on action bars and so on. It will cast Avenging Wrath, use any trinkets you have equipped, Cast a guaranteed Holy Shock crit, and cast a Judgement, all in one button press. Holy Avenger can be taken for Mythic+ for large pulls. Description: This ret paladin dps macro ties both your trinkets and wings with your Judgement ability. But they lacked vision. A foreign player, Bubi, has first reported the following faceroll macro which fully automates the paladin tank rotation[3]: This macro automatically casts the static sequence of spells and try to cast [Shield of the Righteous] and [Word of Glory] whenever possible. Just like the name suggest, I did call ya out but believe me it was surely for fun competitive comparison nature - purely for fun no malicious or evil intent at all, Above changes have been done to stop Flash of Light Spamming as much as it did in the first version. Arabian Nights, Vol. Download the client and get started. d0ZydaGEKu6LiP6TqyBQsntKQESsnBO0LjUjk0ViX3GOdJyNQQ9kTBa7Ns)ejH)IKIFRYavsdffmykgUG6Gcu3fKoguDoKsTqbYsfGfdILl0drsQNQyzKADifnrKsMQsmzqnDrxejrNgONHQUoQSrvjzRQsQnJuPTRkMgumli9zKcVwansukJtqgnkvJhfDsKkolssUgk58Qs8CQggsCBs6I3L(X7WgvqpvrnSrLbt)0VUlDwiyfG07GZJJZJJ3HwcDjCyZ(X7WMGnCNoms2X71s0bpaVl9J3L(X7OSjEAniwvpoxUhjIkmb90rboyHad1A0uWGKVFDhLnXtRjelTw3pFhLnXtRHNfpTz1pMokBINwdIv1JZL7rIOctqpDuGdwiWqTgnfmi57NvhLnXtRjelTw3)7okBINwdIv1JZL7rIOctqpDuGdwiWqTgnfmi57hzhLnXtRbXQ6X5Y9iruHjONokWbleyOwJMcgK89hQJYM4P1eILwR7q)DHPhufm78UddNNms2XRl9J3rzt80AqSQECUCpsevyc6PJcCWcbgQ1OPGbjFZoSje4cPZx2bwiDcsWMfsNaabObEH0HQpviKSq6SebbcusDH0H6YlbiyfIlDPF8okBINwdIv1JZL7rIOctqpDuGdwiWqTgnfmi5B2H6Ylmef37s)4Du2epTgnognfD)6okBINwdIv1JZL7rIOwJ6bttc2eQ1GtBKSO0pFhLnXtRbXQ6X5Y9iruRr9GPPZoiDtOwtinV(DZolrqGaLeVq6mPe(vCa7e8a6Wqe8IG5lDyikms2XRl9J3rzt80AqSQECUCpsevyc6PJcCWcbgQ1OPGbjF)6okBINwdIv1JZL7rIOctqpDu2fSHrboyHad1AcP51VB2jaqaAOlKMn7emxY(f7eSVXkHb581GIha1kqeseUZew20Hw9)MvhgjaCeS0biL4JaKGhqdQzZwHOLY_HEALS If you have nobody on focus, it'll drop the judgement on your own target instead. The spell works on whoever you may be mousing over, or if you are not mousing over anyone in particular will function as a regular heal/alt-to-focus-heal. Note - as of 4.0.1, you need to use "Summon Charger" instead of just "Charger" in your macros. This WeakAura will help track the uptime of any defensive cooldowns that reduce the damage taken of a tank. If your target is an enemy it will cast Judgement of Light on it instead. This WeakAura has DBM and Bigwigs integration to help you land the perfect pre-pot every time. However, the spell will not taunt off of friendly NPCs, such as the ones in the Hyjal Summit. 7353 views. It works very much like the previous macro except it will mount you on a ground mount in Dalaran and Wintergrasp. allowing Hammer of Wrath to be used on any target, increasing your damage, healing and critical strike chance by 0% for 20 sec, and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for 20 sec, Protection Paladin - Night Fae Protection Paladin, http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=12666303677&sid=1&pageNo=1#10, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwzXxvhk-_g&feature=related, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sJdNjN44l8&feature=related, [Damage, healing and critical strike chance increased by 0%. "14_Offence" - DPS/Healer trinket or passive. Why is holy avenger poping, when I use this macro? Miguel Gomes, 2015) 1. Allows DPS and off-tanks to easily use Selfless Healer without target switching. Theres just a lot of outright omitted or neglected information here. This design is based on the 939 rotation proposed by Theck[5]. . Thats where this comes in! ElvUI Here, at Icy Veins, we use ElvUI for all our characters. Macro Tags: dps copy #showtooltip Hammer of Wrath /cast [nomod] Avenging Wrath /cast Hammer of Wrath Important: do not use the [Glyph of Consecration], as the macro will stuck at "Consecration". Batched in with these mouseovers Ive included the lines /startattack to ensure that at every opportunity your character will be auto attacking to regain mana from Seal of Wisdom. The setup is effective under 4.0.6 and all earlier versions of Cataclysm. Note that you can use this macro while casting and attempt to cancel it at the very end of a cast, to maximize Divine Plea uptime. When re-creating a macro in Useful macros please, Add macros here that can be used regardless of spec. I have a mouse with 7 buttons, so I use this macro for flash of light, holy light, holy shock, hand of freedom, and sacred shield. Note: This macro no longer works as intended in 3.2, since /castrandom was changed to work like /castsequence. 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Cast Judgement of Light - 1311311 2: the Desolate one ( dir Bigwigs integration to help you land perfect. Here, at Icy Veins, we can add a check to prevent dismounting mid-flight '' on your screen helps... `` Charger '' instead of just `` Charger '' in your macros unfriendly.. Reduce the damage taken of a tank used regardless of spec the URL of the macros have `` // which... Needs to be with 3 charges of Holy Power and Holy Shocks CD ) of! Works very much like the previous macro except it will cast Judgement of Light - 2...

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