agrimony magical powers

One could even say specifications. If worn by a bride it is said to guarantee a long and happy marriage.Lavender Used for protection, healing, love, sleep, purification, and peace. Adders Tongue - Dogs Tooth Violet (or Adders Tongue Fern acacia : protection, psychic powers, money and love spellsadam & eve roots : love, happinessadders tongue : healingafrican violet : spirituality, protectionagaric : fertilityagrimony : protection, sleepague root : protectionalfalfa : prosperity, anti-hunger, moneyalkanet : purification, prosperityallspice : money, luck, healingalmond : money, prosperity, wisdomaloe : protection, luckaloes, wood : love, spiritualityalthea : protection, psychic powersalyssum : protection, moderating angeramaranth : healing heartbreak, protection, invisibility,anemone : health, protection, healingangelica : exorcism, protection, healing, visionsanise : protection, purification, youthapple : love, healing, garden magic, immortalityapricot : lovearabic gum : spirituality, purify negativity and evilarbutus : exorcism, protectionasafoetida : exorcism, purification, protectionash : protection, prosperity, sea rituals, healthaspen : eloquence, anti-theftaster : loveavens : exorcism, purification, loveavocado : love, lust, beautybachelors buttons : lovebalm, lemon : love, success, healingbalm of gilead : love, manifestations, protection, healingbamboo : protection, luck, hex-breaking, wishesbanana : fertility, potency, prosperitybanyan : luck, happinessbarley : love, healing, protectionbasil : love, exorcism, wealth, flying, protectionbay : protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strengthbean : protection, exorcism, wart charming,reconciliation, potency, lovebedstraw, fragrant : lovebeech : wishesbeet : lovebelladonna : astral projection benzoin : purification, prosperitybergamot, orange : money, successbe-still : luckbetony, wood : protection, purification, lovebirch : protection, exorcism, purification and cleansingbistort : psychic powers, fertilitybittersweet : protection, healingblackberry : healing, money, protectionbladderwrack : protection, sea spells, wind spells,money, psychic powersbleeding heart : lovebloodroot : love, protection, purificationbluebell : luck, truthblueberry : protectionblue flag : moneybodhi : fertility, protection, wisdom, meditationboneset : protection, exorcismborage : courage, psychic powersbracken brazil nut briony : image magic, money, protectionbromeliad : protection, moneybroom : purification, protection, wind spells, divinationbuchu : psychic powers, prophetic dreamsbuckthorn : protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matterscabbage : luckcactus : protection, chastitycalamus : luck, healing, money, protectioncamellia : richescamphor : chastity, health, divinationcaper : potency, lust, luckcarawy : protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powerscardamon : lust, lovecarnation : protection, strength, healingcarob : protection, healthcarrot : fertility, lustcascara sagrada : legal matters, money, protectioncashew : moneycastor : protectioncatnip : cat magic, love, beauty, happinesscat tail : lustcedar : healing, purification, money, protectioncelandine : protection, escape, happiness, legal matterscelery : mental powers, lust, psychic powerscentaury : snake removingchamomile : money, sleep, love, purificationcherry : love, divinationchestnut : lovechickweed : fertility, lovechicory : removing obstacles, invisibility, favors, frigiditychili pepper : fidelity, hex breaking, lovechina berry : luck, changechrysanthemum : protectioncinchona : luck, protectioncinnamon : spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, protection, lovecinquefoil : money, protection, prophetic dreams, sleepcloth of gold : understand animal languagesclove : protection, exorcism, love, moneydaffodil : love, fertility, luckdaisy : lust, luckdamiana : lust, love, visionsdandelion : divination, wishes, calling spiritsdatura : hex breaking, sleep, protectiondeerstongue : lust, psychic powersdevils bit : exorcism, love, protection, lustdevils shoestring : protection, gambling, luck, power, employmentdill : protection, money, lust, luckdittany of crete : manifestations, astral projectiondock : healing, fertility, moneydodder : love, divination, knot magicdogbane : lovedogwood : wishes, protectiondragons blood : love, protection, exorcism, potencydulse : lust, harmonydutchmans breeches : loveebony : protection, powerechinacea : strengthening spellsedelweiss : invisibility, bullet-proofingelder : exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleepelecampane : love, protection, psychic powerselm : loveendive : lust, loveeryngo : travelers luck, peace, lust, loveeucalyptus : healing, protectioneuphorbia : purification, protectioneyebright : mental powers, psychic powerfennel : protection, healing, purificationfenugreek : moneyfern : rain making, protection, luck, riches,eternal youth, health, exorcismfeverfew : protectionfig : divination, fertility, lovefigwort : health, protectionflax : money, protection, beauty, psychic powers, healingfleabane : exorcism, protection, chastityfoxglove : protectionfrankincense : protection, exorcism, spiritualityfumitory : money, exorcismfuzzy weed : love, huntinggalangal : protection, lust, health, money,psychic powers, hex-breakinggardenia : love, peace, healing, spiritualitygarlic : protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theftgentian : love, powergeranium : fertility, health, love, protectionginger : love, money, success, powerginseng : love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, lustgoats rue : healing, healthgoldenrod : money, divinationgolden seal : healing, moneygorse : protection, moneygotu kola : meditationgourd : protectiongrain : protectiongrains of paradise : lust, luck, love, money, wishesgrape : fertility, garden magic, mental powers, moneygrass : psychic powers, protectionground ivy : divinationgroundsel : health, healinghawthorn : fertility, chastity, fishing magic, happinesshazel : luck, fertility, anti-lightning, protection, wishesheather : protection, rain making, luckheliotrope : exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibilityhellebore, black : protection hemlock : destroy sexual drive hemp : healing, love, vision, meditationhenbane : love attraction henna : healinghibiscus : lust, love, divinationhickory : legal mattershigh john the conqueror : money, love, success, happinessholly : protection, anti-lightning, luck, dream magic, balancehonesty : money, repelling monstershoneysuckle : money, psychic powers, protectionhops : healing, sleephorehound : protection, mental powers, exorcism,horse chestnut : money, healinghorseradish : Purification, Exorcismhorsetail : Snake Charming, Fertilityhoundstongue : tying dogs tongueshouseleek : luck, protection, Lovehuckleberry : luck, protection, dream magic, hex breakinghyacinth : love, protection, happinesshydrangea : hex breakinghyssop : purification, protectionindian paint brush : loveiris : purification, wisdomirish moss : money, luck, protectionivy : protection, healingjasmine : love, money, prophetic dreamsjobs tears : healing, wishes, luckjoe-pye weed : love, respectjuniper : protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, healthkava-kave : visions, protection, luckknotweed : binding, healthladys mantle : loveladys slipper : protectionlarch : protection, anti-theftlarkspur : health, protectionlavender : love, protection, sleep, chastity,longevity, purification, happiness, peaceleek : love, protection, exorcismlemon : longevity, purification, love, friendshiplemongrass : repel snakes, lust, psychic powerslemon verbena : purification, lovelettuce : chastity, protection, love, divination, sleeplicorice : love, lust, fidelitylife everlasting : longevity, health, healinglilac : exorcism, protection, beautylily : protection, breaking love spellslily of the valley : mental powers, happinesslime : healing, love, protectionlinden : protection, immortality, luck, love, sleepliquidamber : protectionliverwort : protectionliverwort : lovelooestrife : peace, protectionlotus : protection, lock-openinglovage : lovelove Seed : love, friendshiplucky Hand : employment, luck, protection, money, travelmace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powersmaguey : Lustmagnolia : Fidelitymahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightningmaidenhair : Beauty, Lovemale Fern : Luck, Lovemallow : Love, Protection, Exorcismmandrake : Protection, Love, Money, fertility, healthmaple : Love, Longevity, Moneymarigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams,business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powersmarjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, health, Money, Healingmaster Wort : Strength, Courage, Protectionmastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, lustmay Apple : Moneymeadow Rue : Divinationmeadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, happinessmesquite : Healingmimosa : protection, love, prophetic dreams, purificationmint : money, love, luck, healing, exorcism, travel, protectionmistletoe : protection, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcismmolukka : protectionmoonwort : money, lovemoss : luck, moneymugwort : strength, psychic powers, protection,prophetic dreams, healing, astral projectionmulberry : protection, strengthmullein : courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcismmustard : fertility, protection, mental powersmyrrh : protection, exorcism, healing, spiritualitymyrtle : love, fertility, youth, peace, moneynettle : exorcism, protection, healing, lustnorfolk island pine : protection, anti hungernuts : fertility, prosperity, love, luckoak : protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luckoats : moneyolive : healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lustonion : protection, exorcism, healing, money,prophetic dreams, lustorange : love, divination, luck, moneyorchid : loveoregon grape : money, prosperityorris root : love, protection, divinationpalm, date : fertility, potencypansy : love, rain magic, love, divinationpapaya : love, protectionpapyrus : protectionparosela : huntingparsley : love, protection, purificationpassion flower : peace, sleep, friendshippatchouly : money, fertility, lustpea : money, lovepeach : love, exorcism, longevity, fertility, wishespear : lust, lovepecan : money, employmentpennyroyal : strength, protection, peacepeony : protection, exorcismpepper : protection, exorcismpeppermint : purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powerspepper tree : purification, healing, protectionperiwinkle : love, lust, mental powers, money, Protectionpersimmon : changing sex, healing, luckplot weed : protectionpimento : lovepimpernel : protection, healthpine : healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, moneypineapple : luck, money, chastitypipsissewa : money, spirit callingquassia : lovequince : protection, love, happinessradish : protection, lustragweed : courageragwort : protectionraspberry : protection, loverattlesnake root : protection, moneyrhubarb : protection, fidelityrice : protection, rain, fertility, moneyroots : protection, power, divinationrose : love, psychic powers, healing, love, divination, luck, protectionrosemary : protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youthrowan : psychic powers, healing, protection, power, successrue : healing, health, mental powers, exorcism, loverye : love, fidelitysaffron : love, healing, happiness, wind raising, lust, strength, psychic powers.sage : immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, wishessagebrush : purification, exorcismst.

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