doom 3 find the main portal

If you spot one in the area, consider looking around you because there's likely another running up behind you. Gather the ammo and find the next path in the back corner. Find the plasma gun; grabbing the weapon triggers a new sequence. I've gotten to the decontamination chamber (the one that fails because theres some big lump of red mulch stuck before it) Any ideas? Dark hallways are usually bad news. Return to the hall and go left. Locate the security card to gain access to the dig site. Advance to the service area and watch out for the zombie ambush. Approach and click your mouse button on the id logo. Move down the cavern path. how to get the main portal Doom 3 PC Xbox Mac Linux Related Wiki Pages Main Page Note to Guests: For the enjoyment of other visitors, and to help keep this forum tidy and working smoothly,. You have another "episode" before two imps teleport in--one right behind you so turn around quickly and shoot it. Use the health station, gather armor, and then go through the door. You'll notice some familiar textures in this unusual arcade game. If you get it, be warned that a trio of imps appears. A couple imps appear, including one behind you. Proceed to the right. But most importantly, the guardian is vulnerable to your attack. There's a control room overlooking the chamber's interior. And of course attempt to steal that coveted megasphere! A few ports have implemented portals. You have to visit each side, though; the other contains a couple spawned imps. Communications: Central Communications Tower is the eleventh level of Doom 3. The plasma gun is positioned in a room containing some sort of piston machine (you may recognize a similar section from the single-player game). You can just go down the steps for a shortcut or take the long way and face a couple more monsters. Activate the monorail then talk to T. Ryan when he appears. The audio log talks about the BFG-9000 in this guy's office. You're inside reception processing. Pick up med kits and armor strategically. Use the keycard to unlock the door. The shotgun's "recharge time" (the amount of time it takes to fire the weapon again) is rather long. Get off the elevator and defeat the demon and imp. Enter the garage on your left. Objective: Service Lift. Battle the cacodemon as you cross through the cracked room. Objective: Power up the Teleporter. Therefore, allowing him to remain alive is dangerous every second he remains in existence. Exit toward the bridge and defeat more lost souls. Go through the door and find the security station on the right. Don't waste strong weapon ammo on slow zombies. Cycle the chamber to unlock the door into chamber 1. Continue down the hall and face a couple soldiers. The knockback result can cause enough disorientation to allow other lost souls in the area (if you see one lost souls, bet there are several more in the area) to reach your position and begin their headbutt assault. When done, go through the unlocked door around the right corner. Objective: Enpro Plant. Exit through the opposite door and work up into the service access. Enter the office and find P. Rogers. Move through the door and into the checkpoint. Find the office of Chief M. Abrams. Portals allow a map to have a geometry not normally possible in a "2.5D" engine such as Doom. A monitor in the satellite control center on the communications level displays an old Doom cheat code: IDSPISPOPD. Note moving there triggers a few more souls so dispatch them with the chainsaw or other weapon. Follow the sentry bot along the long route to the next lift. Be ready to take out a maintenance worker (fully zombie now) on the other side of the door. Defeat a soldier ahead then enter storage room DE3-2 on the right. Don't accidentally step in the fire in the first room. Move into the control corridor. As you back pedal around the area, watch out for maggots and imps that emerge from the fiery center. It's dark. Toggles on player's shadow. Defeat an imp and find the supply crates in the back corner. Drop down onto the pipe that leads to the catwalk on the other side. It's for locker #317 in storage room D3-1 across from the terminal offices; the code is 841. Go around to the other side and follow the hall. Note the BFG cube. The lights flicker off, which summons a few zombies in the room below. Move around the junction to find the door on the opposite side. Exit to the chamber but then move back into the room. A nearby wall opens to reveal a hidden chamber. Grab the armor on the other side. The room's locked door also opens revealing a couple guards. The cyberdemon is massive. If there's more than one, expect them to be at opposite corners of the area, which creates a difficult fight with rockets flying in from multiple locations. Use "0" to toggle it off. Go through the hall and to the door on the right. Return left and get out. There's a revenant that patrols the bottom (try to kill him using the barrel) and a second that arrives from behind. He received a box from them. Things get nasty quick when an arch vile and a couple hell knights appear. Gather all health and armor from the corners. Return inside and approach the secured door. Engage several guards at this point. Enter the maintenance area on the left. At the vent intersection, search the right side for ammo but beware of the hidden maggot. For instance, conserve ammunition against weak enemies like zombies. Save it for the toughest monsters. A soldier attacks immediately. Shoot the orb above the guardian to defeat it. In this puzzle you must select a bin then use the mechanism to ride the bin to the hatch in the upper right. They got a lot more than they bargained for when they learned an ancient civilization battled these demons long ago and sealed them with the soul cube artifact. Unlock the communications area (the monorail can't be unlocked yet). Its melee attacks are too strong. Defeat them then enter the checkpoint and use code 571 to open the heavy weapons locker to recover a rocket launcher. A hell knight spawns on the far side. The chain gun lacks long range accuracy but should be sufficient to cripple the demon. From there you can take the elevator back up to mars city. There are two lifts here. Use "0" to toggle it off. It pays to explore. Now you must decide to transmit the message or cancel it. Open the locker using code 371. Back off and blast him with the shotgun. It's a relatively large target and can be taken down with the machine gun, chain gun, or plasma gun. When done, cross the room toward the steps and door. Grab the berserk and be ready to pummel a gang of zombies. Enter the door into the next level. Grab more shotgun shells in the center. There's an arch vile roaming the upper floor. The shotgun is the ultimate close-range weapon and since Doom 3 consists of a lot of corridor fighting, it's one of the better overall weapons in the game. It will require much more agile maneuvering and strafing to avoid these enemies' attacks. Continue to the room on the right where you encounter a woman. There's a computer containing some background information to peruse. Activate and enter the airlock. Enter analysis control. Reach control 1 and search the console on the right for Paul Raad's PDA. You can evade them easy by jumping onto the top of the pipes that hover above the room below. Explore chamber 2 access and be ready for spawned monsters, which include imps and a revenant. Central Processing houses the control systems which are used to process data for experiments, archive data, and mange the CPU overhead for security and regular day-to-day operations of the entire outpost on Mars. Follow the main hall into the lobby area. This offers excellent opportunity to ambush an opponent making a run for the rocket launcher. Use the large door here and beware of the leaping imp on the other side. Beware of a guard behind the crate ahead. Attempt to initiate power and receive a new objective. Enter the personnel transfer station. Spot the guard entering from the door on the right. Exit through the opposite door. Email Imps and soldiers spawn so be ready. Your next path is around to the left (if facing where you came from). Sprint and jump to the platform and then onto the red pipe. Imps have a way of appearing behind you. The door is locked so shoot the window from long-range. Eliminate the soldier patrolling below. Now you're ready to unleash some big fist damage on anyone you can find. Credits: See the CREDITS episode from the main menu: Base: From scratch. It'll backtrack to near the level's start position and usher you into maintenance. Defeat a couple imps inside. Use the console to unlock the secured area. Combining the face of a child with the wings of an insect, and the claws of a badger, the cherub scoots along the ground until it reaches attack range where it lunges at you. Center. Devious players can hide in the darkness here and wait for players to come and snag the powerful projectile weapon. Go through the door marked blue 20. Maneuver out onto the surface. Access to the monorail remains lockedfor now. Personal data assistants are your primary source of information inside the huge UAC complex. Find a shotgun and some armor in this alcove. Move to the left side of the room and observe the pattern of the spinning mechanisms. Use a grenade to dispatch the guards on the balcony above. Proceed into the offices and collect some ammo and defeat more creatures. Wait for the pipes to bust then continue through. You can also use it as a hiding spot to kill the enemies. Move down the unexplored hallway and open the door into marine command access. Go through Administration for entry into the Alpha Labs Sector. Search his alcove for ammo and health. Use your shotgun at close-range to defeat them. Battle the soldier and a handful of guards. Snag Adam Berneche's PDA off of the counter; listen to the audio file and read the emails. Destroy the windows with a weapon and jump to the chain gun to recover the weapon. Cross the catwalk to the unlocked door and into the storage hall. This ladder initially jams. Reload after battles or whenever there's a safe moment. Follow it through the subsequent rooms and halls. Speak with him. Start crawling through the vent duct and receive a message from a scientist. Ride it to the group of soldiers. Follow the halls (searching for items as you go) until you reach a window overlooking a room below. As you work up the next ramp, look below to find some armor, health, and ammo. You can use the console on the right to backup files. Proceed down the ramp and gather the armor behind you. Before using the lift, find a vent entrance in the right corner of the room. Battle a couple cacodemons before leaping onto the girders ahead of you. In the next room, beware of the imp that pops out from under the stairs. In fact, it's even possible to use the chainsaw instead. Go to the right and check under the stairs for health and ammo--and a maggot. You'll trigger and imp and some cherubs. Move cautiously into coolant monitoring until the imp appears. Grab the video disk on the desk (it's about the elemental phase deconstructor). You're overlooking the bridge extended earlier. Beware of the imp that materializes behind you. Now you can go through the bay door and find a bunch ticks. Go to the end of the hall and through the door. You'll spot a trapped scientist on one of them. The shotgun: then and now. Grab Jack Smith's PDA and check it out. Kill it and continue onward. If the z-sec doesn't approach, a grenade isn't a bad option. You'll suffer knock-back damage before you can connect blade with skin. Walk out and battle the cacodemons. Cross to the next door. Lure him near the barrels and shoot the barrels with a rocket or your plasma gun. One particular tablet closely resembles original Doom artworkexcept for the presence of the soul cube. In the large chamber, snag health and ammo to the right side but beware of the mancubus hanging out to the left. You can jump to the ammo positioned on the nearby rooftop if you wish. An additional duo of guards also waits down the hall. You have a choice of your teleport destination: pad 1 main or pad 2 balcony. Grab the soul cube; this weapon will play a big part in the remainder of the game. Enter the material transfer lift area. Lost souls swoop in from a distance. Eliminate them and climb the ladder. Main Objective: Locate the entrance to the monorail station. Cycle through the security cameras. Select pad 2 balcony. If you do this, you'll have to retrace your steps all the way back to chamber 3. Battle the zombies inside. Grab the PDA off of the desk but beware of the zombie behind you. Make your way to the old communications building. Exit and approach the man you helped. Enter the wide transfer area. Open the locker for ammo and armor. Use a single shotgun blast up close or even just the pistol if there are no other dangers around. There's also George Poota's PDA on the floor nearby, some chain gun ammo on a cart, and you can use the console to raise the lift. You don't have to use it immediately. Go to the left and through the door. While all research has been moved to newer structures, this aging facility still serves as the primary material transfer point between Area 2 and Site 3. You'll face an imp along the way then two more in the lobby. Maneuver into this ominous hallway. Grenades are good against monsters that run straight toward your position, like demons or commando soldiers. It's id Software's personal data assistant. Housing storage, environmental systems, localized energy production, communications arrays, and rudimentary research systems, the aging facility is vital to keeping mars city operational. As the generator does its job, you may want to hide behind in the left or right corners. Approach the door into the data library. As you move forward, beware of the imp to the left. Use the console to open the vent and crawl through to gather more health and armor. Search the catwalk to the left for health and armor but the route is to the right. You might also call the power-up "bait" because going inside the chamber to grab the invisibility can be fatal. The second email reveals a communications cabinet code: 246. Go down, retrieve the supplies, then continue up and battle more lost souls. For people looking forward to the results, have a look at the Online demonstration right now. The large tanks at the bottom right can be shot for explosive damage. After the cut scene, four maggots attack you. Objective: Coolant Rod 2. Defeat them then resume. You can search the bathroom on the right for armor but be aware there are a guard and soldier inside. Like the wraith, the maggot huddles close to the ground and attacks with a melee strike only--but it will also leap at you like the imp. Climb up. Find the airlock and return outside. For starters, you can't use it whenever you want. All access is under security supervision. The projectile has good splash damage so you're likely to take some splash damage if you're too close. The area is extremely dark and difficult to explore safely. Snag this PDA inside the global network terminal. Keep your distance and dodge the projectiles. As the approach the far door, two demons appear from either side. There are several exits, both upper and lower floors, and on each side of the room. The wraith looks similar to an imp but it's hunched over its long, blade-like arms. Open it for supplies. When lost souls appear, back into a previous hall and wait for them to come to you. Beware of plentiful zombies lurking behind there though. Look off the normal path to find some ammo and armor. Defeat this arch vile as soon as it enters. Don't waste strong weapon ammunition on these enemies. Return to the hall and enter the door on the right into the marine command access. Battle a revenant near the bay door. This tablet looks remarkably like the original Doom artwork. The formidable hell knight: then and now. Drop down either on each platform or straight onto the berserk to grab the power-up. Move toward the other door (defeating the high imp with a machinegun) and go through. If you're facing more than one, retreat through a doorway and fire from under the safety of a roof. Return to the junction and go to the door across the room. Beware of cherubs also. The machine gun is a decent substitute, just be sure your aim is true since it'll take longer to kill the cherubs with the lower powered weapon. Open the lift exit using the console. By He's locked himself in a storage room. A hell knight enters from the right side; the back left corner contains health. Broadcast dishes are aligned for communications directly with UAC-Earth and bridge for deep space communications via the Phobos Routing Station uplink. Check the offices for ammo and health. Gather the supplies. It's lights out literally! Follow the quite powerful sentry bot as it rips through enemies. Jump to the cargo then down to the other platform ahead. Mars City houses the primary marine operations control room as well as the main administrator's office. Eliminate from a distance with the plasma gun or rocket launcher ideally. Return up a series of ladders. Enter Elizabeth McNeil's office in the back corner. Grab the supplies and use the health station if needed. If you charge the BFG too long, it explodes in your hands--likely instant death. Open the security door into the next area. Encounter several imps. Gather supplies then ascend the ledges to the upper catwalk (where the other revenant stood). Descend the lift. Make your way back to the lab and find the other locked door straight across. Blast him while dodging his projectiles. Crawl through and drop into sub level 9. Grab the armor off the desk before going through the door into EPD junction 2. Follow him along the engineering catwalks. Search the room for ammo and health then use the elevator. Just push the box out of the way. Face the console on the right and pick up Henry Nelson's PDA. But the door is locked. Use the health station on the left. A couple armed guards patrol the room. Search the hall for items and return to a door that is initially locked but soon becomes open. The demon is fast and lacks ranged ability; it will charge you on sight and gore you like a bull. Reach the power-up by taking the lift to the berserk's right side, using a rocket jump to reach its spawn spot, or even a teleporter in one of The Edge 2's laboratories. Continue through. There's armor inside. It's the same intro as you watched in the lobby. However, read the email to discover the code is now 931. The first enemy discovered inside the reactor room: lost souls. Enter the next chamber. A revenant and chain gun soldier appears; there's also a guard to contend with. Look underneath desks, behind crates, and even in monster hiding spots for supplies. Use explosive barrels to defeat the first then turn around and blast the second quickly. Follow him into the office. He offers up his PDA, which includes security codes as well as an email referencing Quake 43. It's useful against slow-moving zombies because you can reserve your other ammunition for tougher foes. Enter the control room. These Elevators will allow you to access the lower Delta levels. Defeat a guard below and an imp up behind you. Sounds easy enough but during a hectic deathmatch, you're unlikely to have 30 fee seconds to pull off the maneuver completely. Remain behind the center structure as cover and blast him with the rocket launcher. It offers increased damage and quick rate of fire but with some downsides. Exit through the next hallway and into the EP control unit. Kill it and any creature it spawns. You can also make a side trip back to records storage and use code 538 to open the locker. Battle three cacodemons. Leap down through the window toward the EPD. It's the boiler room. Look to the right to see what those nefarious guys are up to. Try the middle door, which malfunctions. Cross the room and drop into the service duct. Grab the armor and use the health station if needed. Enter the stasis chamber and download from each console. Crawl through the vent and drop out into the service tunnel. Enter it to proceed to the next level. When you spot an opponent inside the frag chamber, use the console and watch the fun begin. Defeat the revenant that appears then enter the decontamination room. Use the explosive crates if possible. Stock up on everything by moving through all of the crates. The monorail serves as transportation between the low level access sectors of the UAC complex and the priority access research facilities. On it you'll find Duncan Mathews' PDA as well as some armor and health. A couple machinegun guards approach. In it is the weapons storage code for Marine Command: 584. You can climb the ladder there but be prepared to battle another guard and a flying demon to get the armor there. Enter and use the elevator. Spot the BFG cube here. So it goes without saying: proceed with caution through the frag chamber. Scurry up the ladder, defeat more spiders, and then go left through the transfer bay into the next level. As you start down the path, cherubs spawn behind you. 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