how to fix a snap hook with my driver

Watch The Golf Fix on Mondays at 7 p.m.. Itll be quite hard to do initially as youll be fighting your natural tendencies but, over time, it will reduce the dominance of the right hand and give you a more stable clubface through the hitting zone. After capturing his third major championship at the 2017 British Open, Jordan infamously opted to change his golf swing in hopes of gaining some 10-15 yards. How often do you snap-hook a greenside bunker shot? Lambeck asked. The cause of this fault normally stems from a club that approaches the ball too far from the inside, meaning the hands need to get active to match everything up. Start small, because doing this drill will help straighten out your path, and then you can move to full swings and, if all goes well, kiss those snap hooks goodbye. Sure, your hands will be moving, but you shouldnt be sending a message from your brain to your hands to do the job. . Instead, make a few small adjustments to your grip and path and youll soon see a beautiful baby fade flying straight towards your intended target. As a checkpoint, you want to see no more than two and a half knuckles on your left hand when you look down. Lambeck then instructed Gregg to start with a 50-yard shot, and that greenside-bunker-strike mentality helps solidify that preferred path. Diagram courtesy of In this article, wed like to discuss some strategies for eliminating your snap hook once and for all. Using a club you tend to hook, set up to the ball in your normal manner and take the club back slowly. Cameron McCormicks student, Jordan Spieth, possesses incredible hands as evidenced by his innate ability to square the club face at impact by relying on increased hand rotation. Watch Morning Drive every . LIV Golfers Are Struggling to Keep Sponsors, Two Sides to Every Story | Grant Horvat Explains Why He Left Good Good, FIRST LOOK: Rapsodo Debuts New MLM2PRO Launch Monitor and Golf Simulator, REPORT: LIV Purchased Land In North Augusta To Build Championship Venue, BREAKING: LIV Golf Signs Another Top-50 Golfer. The outward path coupled with the face direction imparts sidespin onto the ball, causing it to hook sharply. Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:'jnSmM6d3Sm5JMpd41KhqPw',sig:'eQFOU3_4KZjlucIdTwcuegAnZFZTxdUVPQKDOV9jy-s=',w:'594px',h:'378px',items:'1474693876',caption: true ,tld:'com',is360: false })}); In an exceptional display of internal fortitude, Spieth salvaged a great bogey after rinsing his tee shot on the difficult par 4 16th hole before stuffing his tee shot on the par 3 17th hole to roughly ten feet from the cup. But, theres hope! Similarly, my focus on tempo/rhythm is evidenced by a more effective, longer backswing. Its about an inch thick, all tougher, and can be used outside with little issues, but off a mat, it forced me to choke up on my club more than I would have liked. Really destructive shot, a shot that moves in the air then goes severely off to the side and most of the time will be the lost, a rebound or in trouble. Instead, you should be letting that motion happen naturally as a result of the other moves you have made earlier in the swing. If the clubface is dramatically closed relative to your swing path when you contact the ball, you are going to hit a snap hook. Spieth, like Tiger, is a right hand man who plays his best golf when he allows his right arm/elbow to stray away from his body on the backswing in a sort of chicken-wing-like fashion. A lot of these training aids are designed to help you putt better, hit the ball straighter, and improve your form. To cure this, stand at address without a club and let your arms hang down naturally before bringing your hands to the centre. A swing path that is under plane, a closed clubface and an overly strong grip are common contributors to duck hooks and must be corrected to straighten out your ball flight. The replacement pads currently cost $50. By slowing or even stopping your turn toward the target (inset), your arms and hands whip through the hitting area and shut the clubface, producing that dreaded snap hook. One thing I didnt like about the Divot Board was how it sat slightly elevated onto the mat. So the pull hook and the snap hook often get confused because there are opposite fixes. If youre worried about damaging your clubs with the stick, a great training aid to use instead is the Eyeline Golf Speed Trap. This move increases the risk of hooking as it relies on perfect timing. Even the name makes me shutter and gives me flashbacks to some of my worst rounds Ive ever played. A useful drill to counter this is to make some swings using only your left hand. After you pose impact a few times, take the club back and swing down slowly, stopping at the board to rehearse your impact position again. A lot of times when the duck hook flares its ugly head, a player has a grip that is too strong. With that in mind, here are some of the common mistakes which lead to snap hooks. Unplug the wire connector and push the button switch to release it from the panel. Stalling of the hips can be another contributing factor to duck hooks. GOLF DIGEST MAY EARN A PORTION OF SALES FROM PRODUCTS THAT ARE PURCHASED THROUGH OUR SITE AS PART OF OUR AFFILIATE PARTNERSHIPS WITH RETAILERS. Golf Fix: Eliminate the snap hook. Instead, it grazes the side of the ball and puts hard side spin on the ball, resulting in a hard turn in your golf ball. Knowledge like this will help translate into correction. It can also help us to bend a shot around an obstruction. Read our full article on the hook vs. a slice and how to fix each. I just played my first round of the year on grass since using the Divot Board, and I didnt have one chunked shot. Lefties Only golf tip: Okay, the Golf Hook. If it's a 10 degree driver, it will always be 10 degrees, no matter how you twist it. Even the best players in the world lose a shot from time-to-time, but that normally doesnt last long. Fortunately, the basics here are pretty simple. By comparison, Tiger Woods has been getting stuck on the downswing since he was a little kid. After weakening the lead hand, this same player tends to play with a straighter ball flight for several weeks while continuing to emphasize that weaker lead hand. You should see between one and two knuckles on the lead hand when looking down. We can learn so much from our divot patterns, and being able to see exactly how Im striking the ball while using a mat was a huge help. Typically, the presence of increased fidgeting will derive from feelings of discomfort regarding ones ability to execute the shot at hand. The new ball flight laws tell us that Spin comes down to two things; Face angle is the angle at which your club face comes in to contact with the ball at impact. Modern technology allows us to analyse the golf swing in a very technical manner, which has now proved that both were ahead of their time in making a golf swing a simple exercise. So, duck hooks happen because of incorrect spin of the golf ball. There is a new training aid on the market that will show you exactly how you are striking the ball with immediate feedback of your divot. See details. About us | Affiliate disclosure | Privacy policy | Terms of use | Contact us, Address the golf ball as if you were about to play a shot, and note the angle of your club shaft, Take an alignment stick and place it in the ground a few feet behind you, and tilt it so it matches the angle of your club shaft (if you cant press it into the dirt, thread the alignment stick through a range ball bucket so that it stays upright), Using a 7 or 8-iron, practice hitting half shots while trying not to strike the alignment stick, Using a 7 or 8-iron, slowly take a backswing until it reaches parallel with the ground, with your wrists slightly hinged, Practice maintaining those wrist angles through the impact zone (without hitting the ball), After doing a few practice swings, take a three-quarter swing and feel as though youre playing a low punch shot (with the club finishing not much higher than parallel on your follow through), Repeat, focusing on feeling as though you maintain your wrist angles through impact, while using your chest rotation to move the club around your body, Grip the club with your top hand first, making sure your thumb and forefinger make a V down the centre of the handle, Take your bottom hand and open your palm, ensuring it is pointed at your target, Grip the club with your bottom hand, keeping the palm square to your target, Take an alignment stick and place it into the ground next to your lead side, on a 45-degree angle from where the centre of your hips are, Take another alignment stick and place it through the belt loops in your pants, Set-up over the ball and take the club to the top of your backswing, In the downswing, the aim is to get the alignment stick in your belt buckle to make contact with the alignment stick next to you before you connect with the ball, Start off slowly, and gradually build to hitting three-quarter shots. When that does happen, the game of golf can be incredibly frustrating. Youll want to create a more neutral grip by rotating your hands, together, more on top of the grip. Set up normally, then put your clubface against the end of the board. SK! But thankfully, they are curable, and following some of the tips above will put you on the right path to straightening out your ball flight. If you can make small but incremental changes, it should make a big difference! at FREE 7 Day Trial: Become a member of Golf Universitys 19th Hole Club \u0026 Watch 100's of Golf Lesson Videos, Golf Travel Episodes \u0026 Documentaries from Golf University \u0026 Golf Getaway PLUS get Member Only Discounts on Tournaments, Skill Mastery Workshops, Programs, and Golf Schools at Find \u0026 Fix the One Thing Killing Your Golf Scores, Handicap \u0026 Your Game with the Golf University Skill Assessment \u0026 Free Coaching Program Subscribe to Golf University for world-class golf lessons from world-class players and coaches, all created to help you improve the confidence, consistency, and control of your golf game. Join our Exclusive Facebook Community (The 19th Hole Club) our Official Website Be the first to know the latest news and updates on our blog CONNECT WITH US Leave a comment on this video and it'll get a response. And, even if you do find the ball, its not likely to be in a good place. There is no place for the duck hook in golf. Thats why this is such a good drill to help solve the snap-hook issue. A neutral hold (right) will help straighten out your flight (Image credit: Howard Boylan) Lambeck asked Gregg to take a swing like shes hitting a greenside bunker shot and to hold the follow through. If that doesnt work, youll need to add in a club path change as well. Clearly understanding the problems you face on the course is the first step toward correcting those issues. TRAVEL: Horseshoe Bay Announces Spring Break Events & Activities, TRAVEL: Keswick Hall (VA) Offers Top-Tier Private Club Experience. You'd be more likely to put a tee behind your right ear and start hitting a straight shot. With a shut clubface and a swing path moving dramatically from inside-out, there is no other outcome than a diving hook. As Ive explained in another article, one of the ways to gain better control of your clubface is to ensure you have enough forward shaft lean at impact. BA1 1UA. It might be able to fix your problem in a couple swings. Its time to eliminate them all together. 3 easy wedge-shot tweaks that will have you stuffing it close, How these 3 tips helped a 10 handicap become a better ball-striker. How to Fix a Duck Hook with the DriverHitting a Draw Step-by-Step Checklist: Post: http://www.mygo. This will likely cause them to early extend (come out of their posture) and flip the club at the ball in order to stop hitting it fat, which can lead to closing of the clubface and a duck hook. You can just take swings. As Ive explained in another article, your hips should, ideally, be 45 degrees open at impact. Golf Rules Golf Rule 18 Ball At Rest Moved Video - Lesson by PGA Pro Pete Styles Golf is a cruel game. From there, it was believed, Jordan could pivot to the top of his swing and return the clubhead to the back of the ball without getting stuck as often as he once did. Traditional and modern teachings share similar feelings with respect to minimizing the use of our hands at and around the golf ball. If you can keep these three elements as neutral as possible, you will eliminate duck hooks from your game. Ultimately, the long swing returns to its original starting point within the context of my golf swings life cycle. When you reach the top of the backswing, pause for 1-2 seconds. At the same time, he still appears to be more fidgety over the golf ball than he once was. Michael Breed, host of 'The Golf Fix,' teaches you a how to a hit a golf ball straight and eliminate the snap hook. If you take the club away far to the outside of the target line, youll be at risk for dropping it inside during the transition. and GOLF Magazine are published by EB GOLF MEDIA LLC, a division of 8AM GOLF, Why youre hitting snap hooks and a drill to fix them, Jordan Spieths near-miss, Rory McIlroys absence, one dangerous golf house | Monday Finish, This under-the-radar duo is our long-shot pick to win: 2023 Zurich Classic odds, I want to see what my competitive juices take me to: MLB Hall of Famer eyes Champions Tour, 2023 RBC Heritage: How to watch, TV schedule, streaming, tee times, Meet the new GOLF Top 100 Teachers of America, Modern throwback: TaylorMades all-new BRNR Mini Driver. I reached out to Divot Board, and if you use promo code golficity10, you can get 10% off your purchase. From a purely technical standpoint, Jordans backswing from 2017-2020 was more efficient/effective than his backswing is today and in the years between 2015 and 2017. There are few things more terrifying in the game of golf than losing control of your golf ball. From there, he strengthens his grip and achieves marked success in neutralizing his ball flight for some time. I was hitting my driver consistently 250-275 straight till about may of this year now it feels like every time I'm teeing off it goes straight left and down. Its time to take Hogans advice and put it into action. After receiving my. Keep turning until the middle of your body faces forward. Learn How to Eliminate the Snap Hook with Your Driver easily, effortlessly \u0026 quickly and Become More Consistent with Your Driving Game in this great Golf Driving Lesson from Murray Downs Golf and Country Club Head Golf Professional, Shane McHenry. You'll beat those nasty hooks. Unfortunately, the adopted changes failed to produce satisfactory scores/results for the next 2 and a half seasons. Before each swing, do your best to elevate your confidence and convince yourself that you are ready to hit a great shot. A different setup means a different swing. Ironically, the opposite is true. For me, one area of my game that I noticed needed improvement was my impact point with the ball. This is what I wanted to know and needed to find out. This nifty attachment simply slips onto the handle of your golf club, and its special moulds show you exactly where to place your hands its well worth the modest price if youre someone who really struggles with getting your grip right. Whether your are suffering with a hook or trying to fix a slice, you will need to devote some time on the range. Adding more control to your game is easier than you might think. These 3 fixes have me feeling more confident than ever. ********#GolfUniversity #GolfTips #GolfLessons #GolfSwing #Golf #GolfSwingLesson #HowtoStoptheSnapHook We generally need to de-clutter players' golfing brains and put a filter system in place to help people understand the important factors. You line up the divot board in the direction you want to hit the ball. Its an issue teachers see all the time, and in the latest edition of GOLFs Home Practice, GOLFTECs director of teaching Zach Lambeck takes pro Hannah Gregg through both the problem and solution. Personally, I reckon theyre right up there with the dreaded shanks as one of the most crippling shots you can play and having suffered both over my golfing journey from time to time, I feel Im pretty qualified to make that call. If you feel that you are having trouble with your swing path, spend some time practicing a neutral takeaway where the club moves back away from the ball as close to the target line as possible. 30 Days with GolfForever: You Wont Believe the Results! Keeping the basket level in front of you, swing the basket around you as if throwing it forward towards the target. Below, Ive outlined some steps to do this and fix those snap hooks for good. While it used to be thought, and taught, that swing path had the biggest impact on curvature through the air, the rise of TrackMan and other launch monitors has disproven this. But, as we know, spin isnt necessarily a bad thing. For those interested in the "why," here it is: the driver you bought only has one loft. Middaugh has a drill for that: Place a small piece of two-by-four on the ground, lengthwise toward the target. If . Many golfers hook the ball because they flip their wrists through impact, which closes the clubface. A duck hook looks ugly and awkward because its spinning at a high rate. They slide their hips aggressively, which can cause the club to drop behind the body. Golf Podcast 473: Golf Ball Rollback: What You Need to Know About Bifurcation. Basically, a duck hook is when the ball turns sharply and quickly into the ground shortly after impact. For a right-handed golfer, that means the face is pointing significantly to the left of the path that the club is taking as it moves through impact. From start to finish, his golf swings life cycle mimics a circle when observed thru this undefinable range of varying ball flights. Over-releasing the club at impact can often result in consistent hooks as the margin for error is greatly reduced. Driver was the worst part of my golf game. Most of the time, you dont even need to look up to know where the ball is headed you could feel it at impact. What happens? Embed from Getty Imageswindow.gie=window.gie||function(c){(gie.q=gie.q||[]).push(c)};gie(function(){gie.widgets.load({id:'tuvjuQpNTINjwc2Hfg8fvg',sig:'Kkhj3YcyIABGbQxIkil6zVTN8vIUdh0rJH4xXADDje4=',w:'594px',h:'396px',items:'1477699425',caption: true ,tld:'com',is360: false })}); The resulting life cycles circular formation(s) can be aptly characterized as the summation of these separate more-linear paths taken in different directions at different times. Again, this will do something very similar to the drill above. The first thing we need to do is check your grip. August 13, 2014. My hitting mat had a warn-out section on it, and I decided to cut out the exact shape of the Divot Board and lay it down as an insert. The path youll want to start creating is the outside-in direction. Showing you exactly how you hit the ball. Golf Podcast 471: The WILDEST Golf Stories Weve Ever Heard! This means that your grip might be too far right on the grip (for a right-handed player). [3] Method 1 Diagnosing a Golf Hook Download Article 1 Recognize a standard or push hook. 20101220 . Its essential to rotate properly all the way through impact and into the finish, but this is an element of the swing that gives many players trouble. Usually, a poor downswing turn is related to a lack of confidence. So, if you are currently trying to get rid of a snap hook, its likely that one of the three errors below is giving you trouble. There is nothing wrong with being a draw player for most of your shots but getting too deep into that pattern can cause your draw to turn into a hook. Shift forward, turn through. Golf Trip to Scottsdale, AZ Where to Go & What You Need to Know, Omni La Costa Resort & Spa Kicks-Off Renovations with Hanse. Go heavier (minimum 25 grams) and longer (minimum 3/4"). Ever Wonder How Much a PGA TOUR Pro Makes to Wear All Those Logos? Weve all felt helpless when, often out of nowhere, we take what seems like a normal swing, only for the ball to careen violently right-to-left through the air (for a right-handed player), rather than a gentle draw. Here's a drill: Take a narrow stance, and hit drivers at 75 percent. Duck hooks are usually caused by an excessively in-to-out swing path, combined with a closed clubface at impact which can also be exacerbated by flipping of the hands. The more the toe of that club points to the left, the more closed that club face gets, Lambeck said. And with the new Golf Digest Schools app, you can bring it all with you anywhere you go. Well, you're not stopping that clubhead, so it whips past you. If you manage to escape the hole with just a bogey you should consider yourself lucky. Hitting shots with just your lead hand will reduce the dominance of your trail hand over time. Stop missing short putts by trying this teacher's 4-foot drill, This wacky putting style helped a pro get his first Korn Ferry Tour win (and could help you, too), With 'vote of confidence' rules gesture, Scottie Scheffler rescues bewildered pro, 10 simple tips to become an aim-and-alignment pro, Add this simple backswing move to boost your hip turn, Only 15% of golfers can aim like this. If you dont know why a snap hook happens, then youll probably try to fix it the wrong way. Golf Monthly is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. For the right-handed player, a duck hook starts straight for a few feet or yards, and then dives to the left. Consequently, my efforts in aiming further left and shortening my backswing typically reward me with stretches of quality play. THE MATERIAL ON THIS SITE MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISTRIBUTED, TRANSMITTED, CACHED OR OTHERWISE USED, EXCEPT WITH THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DISCOVERY GOLF, INC. 2023 DISCOVERY GOLF, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This will ensure the club doesnt get as closed on the way back, allowing you to swing with more confidence and less fear of the left miss. Required fields are marked *. This cost is for the extremely durable board that is made out of a rubber that can withstand high impacts. But what exactly causes a duck hook? If you're right-handed, a push hook begins to the right of your target, but ends up curving back to the left. GolfForever is quickly becoming one of the most popular online golf fitness coaching programs. As legendary golfer Ben Hogan so eloquently put it: Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing.. 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