list of cults

The cult was led by self-appointed mystic Anne Hamilton-Byrne who, with the help of LSD, convinced followers she was female reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was a polygamous cult founded by Warren Jeffs, a charismatic Mormon leader. Cults: The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. Encyclopedia. The non-believers, that is, people who were not members of the cult, could only receive salvation if they died. When he came out of jail in 1967, he moved from West Virginia to San Francisco, California. barbexaclone 1. The Ten Commandments figured heavily into the groups ideology, as did the apocalyptic belief that the world would end at midnight on the dawn of the year 2000. Emperor Hirohito, who was the last emperor of Japan, reigned in the years leading up to and during World War II. The group operated its own research and development center, where its members amassed firearms and prepared chemical weapons. When the founder died, he gained control of the entire group in Waco. The 7 Most Disturbing Cults From Around The World Table of Contents [ Show Table of Contents] 1) The Vampire Clan - Murray, KY 16 year old teenager Rod Ferrell was a fan of vampires and other dark themes, but he went further by telling people that he was actually a 500 year old vampire - called Vesago. In 1954, he formed the Unification Church in Seoul, South Korea. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the founder and an early leader of Mormonism, believed that polygamy was necessary to produce as many offspring as possible. Charles Manson, however, held some bizarre ideas and predictions. 1975: [14], The criteria chosen by the French Renseignements gnraux to establish the potential dangers of a movement were criticized since they were considered vague and may include many organizations, religious or not. Fr. He foresaw a violent war between whites and people of color. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries. They even purchased alien abduction insurance, which would cover up to 50 people with $1 million each. A four-hour gunfight ensued, followed by a 51-day siege in which none of the federal agents apprehended that the cult members believed that they were doing Gods will. Nancy Wong/Wikimedia. 4 Political, Racist, Or Terrorist Cults. Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple. Ralism was founded in Paris, France by Claude Vorhilon. One of the most notorious factions to arise in that era was the Manson Family, led by none other than Charles Manson, who claimed to be the manifestation of Jesus Christ. Some indicated that the Illuminati supported both the capitalist West and the communist East during the Cold War as a means of dividing the world. 1. [8], The General Office of Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China maintains a list[citation needed] of "heterodox teachings," () entitled "Information Regarding Organizations Identified as Cults e.g. A Listing of Cults in America December 24th, 1865: The Ku Klux Klan Six middle-class men found the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee. 1. It was disbanded in 1870, and again in 1944. Charles had no other option but to move in with his uncle and aunt, where he turned to a petty criminal. His religious and political mission, given to him by heaven, was the expansion of Japan and defeat of the Western forces that tried to dismantle the Japanese Empire. A very subtle, spiritual deception started in 1830 by Joseph Smith. In 1975, members of the group sold all of their possessions and effectively disappeared. The Manson Family Charles Manson may be one of the most well-known cult leaders in American history. George Washington was a leader of a Masonic lodge, and many other of Americas founders were known to be Freemasons. BothNettle and Applewhitebelieved that they were the two witnesses that the Bible referenced in the book of Revelations 11. The agents in the order were called upon to engage in what the leaders called self-sacrifice; in other words, they were to engage in guerrilla warfare and even target specific people for assassination at the risk of their own lives. [31], In May 2005 the then Prime Minister of France, in a circulaire,[32] which stressed that the government must exercise vigilance concerning the cult phenomenon,[32] said that the list of movements attached to the Parliamentary Report of 1995 had become less pertinent, based on the observation that many small groups had formed: scattered, more mobile, and less-easily identifiable,[32] and that the government needed to balance its concern with cults with respect for public freedoms and lacit (secularism). Islamic fundamentalism is referred to as Islamism, a totalitarian ideology that has given rise . He got in contact and trained with a sorcerer who practiced Voodoo. 1955: He was also very defensive about his religion. [37], In 2009 the Russian Ministry of Justice set up a council which it named "Council of Experts Conducting State Religious Studies Expert Analysis". However, he had a fascination with the Santeria religion a syncretism of Voodoo and Roman Catholicism that he may have inherited from his mother and grandmother, both believed to be Santeria priestesses. Read the latest Official Cult List 2022: Definition of a CULT: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. [12], In 1995, a parliamentary commission of the National Assembly of France on cults produced its report[13] (in French: compare an unofficial English translation). Several years ago, the founder of IHOP, Mike Bickle, created a list of seven ways to recognize the difference between a religious community and a cult. Modern humanity has adopted the practice of forming cult followings.We think of things like TV shows or video games that aren't necessarily financial successes, but are intensely admired by a group of people as having a cult following. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by James K. Walker. Shoko Asahara. List of Cults - List List This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. And some cults have massive followings that we wouldnt think are possible. Mainly though, for something to qualify as a cult, it needs to hold a creed that is deviate from the mainstream religious community or have a leader that is somehow deified. Lawrence Gesy is a pastor and expert on cults for the Archdiocese of Baltimore; much of his 20 years of working with cults is reflected in his book, Today's Destructive Cults and Movements. The 5 Scariest Japanese Cults. The two traveled across Oregon and California, preaching apocalyptic beliefs. Founder: Sun Myung Moon Founded: 1954 in South Korea. 8.3. 1. This has been criticized by lawyer Lawrence Hincker, who said that "this system of meditation, called Sahaj Marg, does not lead to a life away from the world. The Future of Cults Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Cult. Written down, the signs seem clear: 1 . His mother was just 16 years old and single. Members continued operating under the radar of authorities, and many people believe the Illuminati orchestrated the French Revolution in 1789. Although cult experts and everyday people still differ in what makes a religious group a cult, most definitions of cultor new religious movements, as sociologists call themare either too narrow or too general. Five hundred thirty members of the cult died in the fire. Adolfo Constanzo's Santeria Cult Adolfo Constanzo was born in Miami in 1962 and grew up with a traditional Roman Catholic religion. Because of this, I am fairly certain that cults, alternative religions, sects, and the like will, in this day and age, almost never be able to last. The leaders set new dates for when the end of the world would come, but it still didnt happen. An Internet archive of information about cults, destructive cults, controversial groups and movements. David Berg formed one of historys most infamous cults, The Children of God, in the 1960s. Fire at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco. Life after a sex cult: If Im not a member of this religion anymore, then who am I? by Sophia Tewa. However, Jim Jones was actually a dedicated Marxist and founded his church as a means of infiltrating Christianity with communism. Fdration d'agrment des rseaux (ex-Groupement europen des professionnels du marketing) (Federation of the networks of agreement (formerly: 7.1: Groups with a Christian background (, 7.1.2 Parish on the Road Evangelical Free Church (registered association) (, 7.1.3 Parish of Jesus Christ (registered association) Boston Church of Christ (, 7.2.1 Teutonic Belief Association (registered association) (, 7.2.2 Pagan Association (registered association) (, 7.4.7 Union for the Enhancement of the psychological Knowledge of Mankind (, This page was last edited on 25 March 2023, at 00:03. July 1879: The most major damage to any of the children were three cases of broken bones, and all were acquired in the process of removing/housing the children. At the Yearning for Zion Ranch, a community made up of members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (also known as Fundamentalist Mormonism) just outside of Eldorado, Texas, police raided the compounds, and placed 412 children in the temporary custody of the state of Texas. LIFESTYLE Cult. Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie. Founded in Indiana by a man named Jim Jones, this religious movement was based on the belief that the power of faith healing could instigate social change. [citation needed], French parliamentary commission report (1995), French parliamentary commission report (1999), The New Heretics of France: Minority Religions, la Republique, and the Government-Sponsored "War on Sects" Susan J. Palmer 2011, Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, Parliamentary Commission on Cults in France, European Grouping of Marketing Professionals, 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State, Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combatting Cultic Deviances, European Grouping of Marketing Professionals (GEPM), Cultural office of Cluny National Federation of Total Animation, Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Besanon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Religious Freedom Report 2006 - Austria, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, ENQUETE PARLEMENTAIRE visant laborer une politique en vue de lutter contre les pratiques illgales des sectes et le danger qu'elles reprsentent pour la socit et pour les personnes, particulirement les mineurs d'ge, "International Religious Freedom Report for 2012", Edmonton Police Report of Wilful Promotion of Hatred by Chinese Consular Officials against Falun Gong, "Accession to the World Trade Organization and State Adaptation", Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, "La loi anti-secte: remde empoisonn d'un mal imaginaire", "Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'enqute sur les sectes "Les sectes en France", "Rapport fait au nom de la Commission d'Enqute par MM. Heaven's Gate UFO Cult: The largest mass suicide in US history. Official Cult List 2021 has Cults which range from extreme, toxic, militant Jihadist groups like ISIS to benign religions like Bahai Faith. The cult is still in existence today and has a massive following. They punctured the bags, and within seconds, people on the subway began vomiting and choking. The Family claimed that any form of sexual conduct with a minor was strictly forbidden, but the evidence that thousands of children were sexually abused by cult members is overwhelming. ThoughtCo. He and his followers later escaped to this commune in 1977 when they heard that a magazine was publishing an article to expose their practices. This religion, most notable for its many celebrity members (ie. Manson also taught his family members how to use weapons, in preparation for what he believed was an impending race war that he termed Helter Skelter. In August of 1969, several members of the family went on a murderous rampage, beginning with the slaying of the pregnant actress, Sharon Tate. However, due to constraints of the world around them, no person other than someone who follows Hubbards teachings exactly is able to fulfill this pleasure completely. The entirety of this mass suicide represents how, in some cases, people can either be driven to do the bidding of whom they see to be their leader, even if it would defy all that they would have previously thought right, or true. In 1989 in Uganda, a man named Paulo Kashakun met Joseph Kibweteere, both of whom claimed to have seen images from God. the White Lotus Sect and the Red Lantern Sect. These rituals, he said, would guarantee them safety from the police and their enemies. [14] Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Wikipedia. 1. It also represents how, even if the members of a cult are brainwashed, violent force may be necessary for your followers to follow you. In 1993, Interpol and the CIA finally began investigating the allegations of sexual abuse made against David Berg. Kali is a Hindu goddess who worshipers believe demands human sacrifice. In his prophecy, the African Americans would win the battle but turn to the remaining whites for leadership roles. 1952: It was a blend of shamanism, Christianity, anti-communism, and Confucianism. The application of the labels "cults" or "sects" to (for example) religious movements in government documents usually signifies the popular and negative use of the term "cult" in English and a functionally similar use of words translated as "sect" in several European languages. This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. Warren Jeffs was a leader, or prophet, of one of the FLDS groups. The groups members engaged in behavior that would be considered disturbing at best, such as exhuming corpses in the attempt to resurrect the dead. Rate. Little did they know this would culminate in self-immolation and poisoning. The Ku Klux Klan They would hide during the war and only emerge when the war was over. Charles Manson was born in 1934. This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. As they were one of the most notable cults of all time, this group helped to pave the way for newer, more extremist religious movements of the future. He reinvigorated the Shinto belief that the emperor was the connection between heaven and earth and a descendant of the goddess Amaterasu. 8 Occult, Satanic, or Black-Magic Cults. There are religious cults, political cults, and self-improvement cults. A total of 13 people died, and many more were injured in what was the worst terrorist attack in Japans modern history. An irreverent look at the show featuring insights about how cults operate in the real world. The members believed that they were heralding the second coming of Jesus Christ as well as creating a unified belief system for both Christianity and Islam. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . His comments focus on a few main areas: his (then just budding) love interest, Katie Holmes; his (oftentimes rude) opinions of Brooke Shields use of anti-depressants, and a small bit on his membership in the Church of Scientology. Heaven's Gate cult: The leaders. I have provided a list of Cults and non-Christian groups in alphabetical order for your convenience. From well-respected news channels to the Comedy Central animated series South Park, Scientology is passed off as a novelty cult. 2. Both of them were beloved prophets of God" (True Christianity and How it Leads to Islam). "'Life on earth is awful,' they said, 'the world is going to end When the movement spread to the United States, many parents became outraged that he brainwashed their children, many of whom were teenagers or in college, to sell all of their possessions to him and enter into a scandalous marriage with a stranger. This aggressively evangelistic group contends that it is the only true Church, and that all Christians outside Mormonism are following a deficient Gospel and a false Christ. Everyguy~commonswiki. Many of the ancient Roman emperors, such as Nero and Caligula, claimed that they were divine and required people in the empire to burn incense to them as a ritual act of worship. In fact, one of the groups evangelistic techniques during the 1970s was something called Flirty Fishing. In Flirty Fishing, female members of the cult were encouraged to win over potential converts by having sex with them. Heavens Gate List Of Cults. At the top of the list appeared Islamic groups outside of "traditional Islam", which is supervised by the Russian government. [1][need quotation to verify], The Austrian government does not always distinguish sects in Austria as a separate group. 15. 2023 Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple is a. It became known as Zions Watch Tower Tract Society in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1881, and, on December 15th, 1884, became legally incorporated. Members of this 'neo-charismatic protestant' sect are expected to practice celibacy and currently total nearly 4,000 members in 24 congregations across Britain. Watchman Fellowship maintains over 10,000 files and a research library of over 25,000 books and periodicals on religions, cults, new religious movements and related teachings. Not to mention the large amount of money their members put into the church. Today, the Illuminati is at the center of the New World Order conspiracy theory, which suggests that they are orchestrating all significant events to gain world domination through a secret world government. Today, Aum Shinrikyo is still in existence and has many followers, though its members claim that they no longer hold to the violent ideology of Shogo Asahara. It all started when the church he grew up in kicked him out after he insisted that Gods orders were that he marry the pastors daughter. Only problem was, Mark Goodwin, Jimmie. 1. However, in 1890, the Mormons officially disavowed polygamy and, in 1935, excommunicated clergy who still advocated it. The. Peoples Temple A religious cult often twists spirituality to suit the purpose of the leader or leaders, and those who question or criticize typically find themselves punished. These techniques might be "love bombing", instant friends or emotional blackmail. There are many more out there and I'll add names in here as time goes on. This occurred after an alert from Sarah, a sixteen-year-old girl and a member of the church, tipped off the authorities to the sexual abuse of children on the ranch by older adult males. [5] In 2010, the most recent year for which sects were officially distinguished[by whom?] The 1997 Berlin Senate report entitled Cults: Risks and Side-effects: Information on selected new religious and world-view espousing Movements and Psycho-offerings[36] subdivided "selected suppliers" (ausgewhlte Anbieter) of its objects of interest as: In 2008 the Russian Interior Ministry prepared a list of "extremist groups". All other paths lead to Hell Children of God One of the nastiest cults in the world, the Children of God (COG), came to be established in the 1960s, in the city of Huntington Beach, California. Adolfo relocated to Mexico with sufficient training, where he lured drug lords and other Mexican crime syndicates. Because almost all people either have strong ties with a religion (or lack of one), or find the idea of a cult to be scary, silly, or simply annoying, almost all new religious movements simply are unable to generate enough membership to function, let alone prosper. Emperor Hirohito. As the gangs grew more powerful, they attributed their success to Constanzos rituals supernatural powers. They were highly trained and well-read so that they could blend in with their enemies surroundings, even speaking different languages, if necessary. NRMs may be novel in origin or they may be part of a wider religion, in which case they will be distinct from pre-existing . September 4, 2012. Constanzos followers worshiped him as if he was a god. Based in Florida, the movement of Kashi Ashram was founded in 1976 by an individual called Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati who believed that she had received visions first from Jesus Christ and then from several Hindu deities. Strap in, this is a list of the top 10 cults. Some of the most famous ones in American history have called SoCal . July 6, 2018. 3 Religious Cults. The CIA and Interpol began investigating sexual abuse allegations made by members against Berg. Peoples Temple members attend an anti-eviction rally at the International Hotel, San Francisco, January 1977. Applewhite sold their congregation the idea that he was the second coming of Jesus. Federal agents raided the Waco compound only to be involved in a four-hour gunfight with the cult members. The new council listed 80 large sects which it considered potentially dangerous to Russian society, and mentioned that there were thousands of smaller ones. Rev. Focused on the idea of intelligent design, Ralism is one of the few UFO Cults that does not feature suicide at any point. Tokyo Sarin attack: Aum Shinrikyo cult leaders executed. BBC News. Cult is a term, considered pejorative by some, for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of acts and practices which are considered deviant (outside the norms of society). There are also allegations about mistreatment from past members against the church. Illuminati is surrounded by several conspiracy theories that link the group to the supernatural achievements of alleged members. All Thats Interesting. August 1, 2018. They gathered to commit suicide as a way to enter a higher spiritual state. Order of the Solar Temple aka Suicide Cult Via: The Secret Sun It commenced in 1984 by Di Mambro and Luc Joret in Geneva. The Order of the Solar Temple was an esoteric cult that merged Gnosticism, alien beliefs, the occult, and other out-of-mainstream elements to create a creed that centered on establishing a correct order of authority and power. He then joined a growingBranch Davidiancult in Texas. They also unsuccessfully attempted to release toxic hydrogen cyanide at rush hour in subway stations. Constanzo became involved with some of the darker, occultish aspects of Santeria, a side that many followers disavow. They struck fear in the hearts of both the European Crusaders and their fellow Muslims. The group began to fall apart when the proposed doomsday went by, and nothing happened. After the children were returned, the church denounced polygamy (most likely as a way to assure the public that they really were not an evil cult), and faded from the public eye. Large sects listed included: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, and what the council called "neo-Pentecostals". [38] Pentecostal preacherJim Joneswas at the forefront of championing racial equality and integration and had a significant following. In November 1978, he and the leaders of Peoples Temple forced everyone at Jonestown to drink Kool-Aid that had been laced with cyanide. 4. Founded by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles in the 1970s, Heaven's Gate was an ascetic cult . At least if you can find a group . abcnews. List of Cults and non-Christian Groups. The Moonies were followers of Sun Myung Moon, who claimed that Jesus had invited him to finish His mission on earth by arranging mass weddings among complete strangers to create pure families. He then held a ritual Last Supper, just a few days before different groups of The Order of the Solar Temple began committing mass suicide. Heaven's Gate. It evolved over the next few years as members of the church moved to South America to continue living out their social justice dreams. 9 One-on-One or Family Cults. Australia has its own history with cults that are also very disturbing, whether they be our own fully fledged cults or Aussies joining them overseas. Many of them had already been married, and some of the girls already had children of their own. Daily Mail. September 27, 2018. Moon performs a mass wedding. The Children of God cult encouraged promiscuous sex and worship of Jesus Christ. [30] Raphal Liogier, Director of the Observatory of religious and university professor at the Institut d'tudes Politiques in Aix-en-Provence, said he did not understand the inclusion on the cult list of an association that is fully recognized in India. The Freemasons are a secret society that doesnt necessarily have a creed, as far as people on the outside are aware, although there are plenty of conspiracy theorists who believe that there is a creed. Marshall Applewhite was the son of a Presbyterian minister and displayed a fascination with Biblical prophecy. When Jim Jones founded The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ in 1955, many people viewed it as an egalitarian project through which people could truly live out the message of the gospel by living in the community and sharing everything they had. The cult went down in history after Joness men assassinated Leo Ryan, a U.S. Calling himself Rel, Vorilhon claimed he had a vision of an alien spacecraft in southern France that was full of beings who told him humans were the future and handed him a Bible. 918 people, including 276 children, died. A new religious movement (NRM) is a religious community or ethical, spiritual, or philosophical group of modern origins, which has a peripheral place within its nation's dominant religious culture. These documentaries about cults are available to stream on Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime and more. Our list of the 15 best cult documentaries and docuseries include The Vow and Q-Anon. Jones is notorious for the November 18, 1978 mass murder of more than 900 Temple members there. The assassins were a group of Nizari Ismail Muslims, a splinter group from the Shia sect, that formed in response to the First Crusade. 1954-1955: As the truth began to unravel, Kibweteere and other cult leaders moved swiftly to set another date for the apocalypse. In some cases, the buildings where they committed suicide were set to detonate so that the souls of the deceased would be purified with fire. The People's Temple was one of the first examples in modern history of how deadly the effects of cult brainwashing can be. This religion is based on the fact that each human was brought into the world (mostly) for their own pleasure. Some of the people who followed him found that they were becoming powerful within their cartels, and he tried to extract more money from them, as well as positions of power for his own self. The fear (and fascination) with cults is nothing new and movies about cults have been around since we started making films. So Manson had a plan for his Family. On . Duquesne et Willems (partie I)", "L'antoinisme, seul mouvement religieux n en Belgique", "Transcription intgrale de l'interview de Raphal Liogier", "Circulaire du 27 mai 2005 relative la lutte contre les drives sectaires", "Les sectes et l'argent [Cults and money]", "Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)", There's a wide world of obscure cults and religions whose bizarre beliefs and rituals make mere alien worship and murder seem tame. The group gained many followers who were disaffected with the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda, but when January 1, 2000, came and went without anything remarkable happening, the group began to unravel. SOME OTHERS: FINAL SUMMATION ON CULTS; BIBLICAL PROOF: RELIGIONS THAT ADD, CHANGE, DISCREDIT, OR TAKE AWAY FROM THE BIBLE (NO MATTER WHAT THE SOURCE) ARE NOT FROM GOD (See #7) Out there and I & # x27 ; s Gate was an ascetic cult 2021 has which. 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And Q-Anon your convenience Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints bothnettle Applewhitebelieved.

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