Here Come The Brides Trivia Quizzes. Here Comes The Brides. And who the hell gave you the right to judge me, boy? But he had to present a strong, calm faade or Thompson would gnaw at them like a dog with a bone. Biddie has him surrounded.. Lottie made a lot of sense. He wasnt going to read them. Well, I better get home before the boys eat all the food. Jason started down the trail, waving back over his shoulder. What happens when Aaron tries to convince Jason, Joshua, and Jeremy that his love for their sister isn't another scheme to take Bridal Veil Mountain from them, especially when the four men have to join forces to save Jemma from becoming the victim of an old enemy of Jason's who believes in an eye for an eye? A stray dog, starved for what was offered, but unable to trust enough to take it. He eyed her warily as she pulled back. Right here. Josh held out the object in question then carefully tucked it back into his inside jacket pocket. The rest of the crowd shuffled in the background uncertainly, not knowing what to make of the hostilities. Hed never meant for any harm to come to Aaron Stempel. I didnt say I didnt want to. Surrounded by hideous clutter because my own sister thinks she needs to civilize me. Although Clancey and Biddie have a solution, the town decides to go to Canada to secure their b. It had little to do with her at all. Now that youve read his journal, you must know how much he regretted losing you and your mother in Scotland. Can you let me know when you post it? The father hed known would never consider such a thing. Is it because of that girls diary? Duncan pulled up a chair next to him. Are you sure? He was four last October. Im sure Jonathan did nae tell her after., Duncan covered his face with his hands. I think you should read this, Jason held a book out to him. Thats the one thing I really cant understand. Not knowing what Aaron might do today wasnt easy on his peace of mind. My scheme never would have worked without Aaron. If not for the letter the girl left for him, I think he would tracked her to the ends of the earth.. I have just started posting a second story called Choices. His wife. Other men needed the assistance of family. Shes very upset, you know., Jeremy echoed the sigh. Faith let go of my barely held hand. Before I throw you out.. You act like it was all a game. He could have been hatched on a hot rock for all hes ever told anyone. What end result do you want?, I want all my brothers to be a family together. He frowned at the obviousness of the question. Our strong, beautiful son. Quite a surprise. forkie Sure. How many times as a child had he sustained himself with the love apparent in his mothers diary and the idea that somewhere there was a father who would love him if only he could find that father? Only patience and persistence would turn the animal into a friend. Thanks for sharing!! But I think wed do better by rescuing the colonel. He indicated the guest of honor with a jerk of his head. Mostly he just growls like a sore-pawed bear., I think Jasons letting him stew for awhile. To his surprise, it was Stempel who broke first, his gaze straying out the window. He made a pushing gesture. But he was engaged to our m-m-mother at the time., Aye. What is up with you today, Jason? Joshua slapped his shoulder good-naturedly, though concern showed. I dont see how Aarons parentage could make Jason desperately tried to intervene. Dont know why yet., Damned half-breed tryin to pass for white! Reds shout rose about their whispered conversation. Help had arrived. There was Aaron to consider, too. But a family it would be, Jason would make sure of it. Trust you, Jason, to take something that could be answered in one sentence and turn it into a speech. With a chuckle, Lottie got up to refill their cups. You remember that, dont you?. Some coffee? Now at twenty-six, his fathers human struggles were being forcibly illustrated. How are you doing this morning?, Confused, Jeremy confessed. I didnt mean, No, I understand. A little surprised that Jason would notice when he worked, he reluctantly acknowledged that, of everyone in town, the logger knew him best. What kind of surprises does Kerry and Carter's wedding hold for them. Hed deliberately stayed in camp, taking an inventory of supplies, knowing that with his level of concentration hed be a danger to himself and others out on the slopes. Difficulties Jason should have considered before now plagued him. But I cannot let fear make me regret this journey. Would Stempels shadow obscure him completely from view? Jason changed course to follow him. Its just sometimes Im not so sure who Joshua Bolt is., Finding out that Aaron is our brother doesnt make you any less, Joshua. Couldnt you have given him a chance to explain?, He had his chance and he called me a liar. Why do you think he did that?, I dont know! But he could feel everything hed worked for start to crumple around him. Is something . ", A reluctant smile curved Jasons lips. Every time theres trouble in town - trouble Stempels not the one causing, that is - you turn to him for help. To build a life for the two of them in a new land.. I should have known. If Jon had nae told yea, I dinna see it as my place to inform yea. Which leaves me where Ive always been. Working his way across the room, Jason tried to get in position to keep an eye on Aaron without being obvious about it. Stempel, Biddie shrilled. Here Come the Brides Episode aired Sep 25, 1968 1 h IMDb RATING 7.9 /10 51 YOUR RATING Rate Adventure Comedy Western After making a deal with Seattle's Mill owner, lumberjack brothers Jason, Joshua, and Jeremy Bolt got to New Bedford, Massachusetts to bring back 100 brides for the men in the town. Damn that Bolt. A female scream wrenched everyone to their feet. Of course not. Ive never been able to get a Bolt to shut up yet, Aaron retorted. He looked up at his uncle when the edge was off his hunger. Joshua, come over and join us. This story first debuted in the zine 'Dreams to Last the Years' from the show 'Here Come The Brides'. He knew it would make no difference but he was still compelled to defend his lifes work. Then it seemed to grow a life of its own. They both sat staring into their coffee. Can I get you something to help wake up? I didnt let you in my house so you could make fun of me. Could he risk being stabbed where it would hurt the most to gain what hed wanted most of his life? God, sitting next to him was a man whod known his mother. What plans did Jason have? However, he's willing to bet that it's not as big of a surprise as he has for her; the fact that he's married and has a child on the way. When?, How about the night after our father died when enough seasoned lumber for a casket mysteriously appeared at our cabin. Jason hadnt made the realization at the time. Too bad shed be dead six months later., Behind him, Jason gave a sharp gasp. Jason watched his face carefully, waiting for the moment when Aaron reached the important section. And if you add Aaron Stempel to the family, Ill be just one more step down the ladder, wont I?. Not that it matters what I say - but go ahead and take his offer. This couldnt possibly be true. Billy tried to get back into the fray but Jeremy managed to snag his ankle, dropping him back on the ground. I did nae want to see it. How long would it take before the word about his parentage got out? Damn it all! And I never will.. As much as he hated to admit it, Aaron Stempel intimidated the hell out of him. The lecture always ended with a homily on gratitude, obedience, and humility. He hoped the little surprise hed planned for later in the evening would turn the man in the right direction. He squirmed under Jasons intense blue eyes. Only fifteen at the time of his fathers death, hed just begun to ponder the possibility that his father could make mistakes. With obvious effort, Aaron relaxed his stance and turned his back. Joshua exited the cabin just in time to catch Jasons words as Jason headed toward Stempels. He took another swallow of brandy to drown it out. It would do him no good to deny it. And I just want you to know none of us would even think of holding the fact that youre half-Indian against you., To Jasons amazement, Aaron held his temper, though his tone was liberally laced with sarcasm. So this journal will have to serve as my confessor. Had Jonathan abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant? Why Jason had ever wanted to be his friend, he didnt know. There are a lot of changes that take place for the Bolt/Stempel family, will they be able to handle them? And if he went into the house as mad as he was, he wouldnt have a stick of furniture left undamaged. And how do you feel about that?. Because the girl was Indian? Jason guessed. I vote no!". He skimmed through the first few pages. Reluctantly he pulled back before it could get too serious. Just close the damned thing, he told himself. And I think he loved her too.. And theres no one else I trust enough. Not in this town.. Jason: Robert Brown. Hey!, Men! But there should be three more Bolts included in this conversation. I was told this was a civilized town. And why did he want Jason to drop the subject now? A sudden illness and advice from a friend makes Jason Bolt rethink his friendship with sawmill owner, Aaron Stempel. Joshua erupted from his chair. I know what a parent is. Its not worth it., Wiggling her way between the two adversaries, Lottie touched Aarons cheek. With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife, Reverend Adams intoned. True courage was facing what you feared and persevering in spite of it. Stempel, he was so mad tonight. My wife! I didnt need more Bolts; I needed someone Balter would listen to., And you were willing to put Bass life in Stempels hands?, Jason stared straight into Joshs eyes, no doubt at all in his expression. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Now and then, I suppose. Duncan sighed. Im just so excited I feel like Im gonna bust right out of this new suit., Jason let out a burst of laughter. If you had only your wits to keep the hundred of bad things that can happen to a fifteen-year old kid on his own from happening? Stempel gave a snort of derision. Every night I hear her voice in my head. Go, Uncle. Not with that man!, Thats what really has you upset, isnt it, Joshua? Work Search: Perhaps its better if I stay out of their lives. The description of their rivalry as a game to Jason, is spot on. The mildness in Jasons voice made Josh feel even worse. A candle joined the debris. Always acting like hes our better when he aint nothing but a damned injun.. He remembered Joshuas incessant questions and his fathers red-faced replies. Even though we have been joined by the ceremony of my people, Jon says we must go back to the land of his birth to be joined before his Gods. He knew himself to be no great shakes as a cook nor did he enjoy cooking. Let go, Bolt!, Using his own momentum, Jason spun him against the wall. But to be able to - if not talk to the boy - then to hear of him regularly, I would give most anything I own. Let me see the man he could be, if he let himself. I hope yours doesnt., Oh, no, dont turn this back on me, Jason. Hurry! Emotions he didnt want to identify roiled through him. We just could nae let Jon ruin his life by making such a bad choice for a wife. He continued defensively, Besides he would have been banned from the church if he forsook his promised wife.. The uniform and his air of authority practically had the girls swooning at his feet. I dont have any answers. What you got planned, Red? Billy asked. His skin twitched at the knowledge of what he was about to do. Despite his recently aroused sympathy for the man a flare of anger tinged his voice. After calling him boy as if he were a stray gutter rat, in the next sentence, Bolt acknowledged him as son. It just couldnt be. Theres a mail-order bride. He hadnt spoken to either of his brothers about what he was feeling. Or do you think I should owe you for your little act of charity just now?, It's no handout or charity. Good. Jason slapped him on the shoulder. But Aaron would be fair game, all the more enjoyable because of his "porcupine" personality and intelligent stratagems. Pouring himself a cup, he frowned at the visible ripples in what should have been the smooth surface of the liquid. Take responsibility for what hed done to my mother. What did that mean? He didnt know where to start. Good or bad. And now he had a long walk ahead of him to get back home again. Its not about us, is it? Fear widened her eyes. It promised to be a long day and he had already had a long night, only a few hours of it spent sleeping. Josh jerked as the arrow struck home. Before Jason could reply, Aaron marched out in Jeremys wake. The only time he said a word to me was about business. Quite learned, his own mother read classic tales to them every night until she became too sick. It stung his cut lip but he still savored the burn down his throat and into his empty stomach. Keefe - best man. A fine afternoon meal. When he faced the millowner, Joshua still felt like the twelve-year-old hed been when theyd first met. He groaned as he identified the intruder to his sanctuary. Wipe that scowl off your face, Lottie demanded as she stepped over his long legs. Why wont he let me!?. Think about that half-breed putting his hands on your woman. Heavens, why would you want to know about Aarons mother?, He waved his hand vaguely. The only thing the couple love as much as they do each other is their three children. With a goofy grin, Josh filled three glasses with the well spiked punch and meandered in their direction. But Bridal Veil Mountain itself had never been his true goal. Ive never meant to hurt you, Aaron. Aaron snorted but Jason ignored him. Could he trust Jason and the other two not to turn their backs on him - as their father had done - when he really needed them? Emotions he didnt want to identify roiled through him. Will wonders never cease? Ive never been a Bolt. Dinna the Stempels provide you with a home and family?, A home? Aaron had never before exposed his souls scars, but he wanted to hurt this man. This was such a great read! Its pretty obvious he doesnt want to talk to us, though., I guess I can understand that. Jeremy chewed the inside of his cheek. Ive fought these kinda battles most of my life. His brothers had noticed his distraction, but he couldnt explain, at least not yet. But it hurt. I didnt mean to upset you, Lottie., Wiping her eyes, she gave his hand a smart slap. What a man became wasnt just determined by the blood in his veins, but by his experiences and the way he was raised. Could Jason have planned all this? I only told him the truth.. The day had gone surprisingly well, despite the lack of preparation. No! Stempel only gave this diary to Jason because he knew what torture it would be to read it. I know what we should do. Joshua would never forget some of the dirt Stempel had done to them, but - with the knowledge hed gleaned - he felt he might be able to find forgiveness. Sit down and listen to me for a minute. He waited for Jason to settle himself. And I have to say you might have edged up to the line but you never crossed over into the illegal., The two men shared a knowing look which raised Joshs blood pressure another notch. Nearly as tall as Jason, Thompson cut a striking figure with the blue uniform stretched across his broad shoulders and sparkling gold buttons emphasizing the breadth of his chest. For an instant he thought to deny the charge of having Indian blood. Encounters with her wooden spoon had enforced that she was to be called Maam or Mrs. Stempel. He is to represent that the lodge in which he resides will be granted his protection. The man didnt exhibit the blatant prejudice of the previous night; his insults today were of a much more subtle nature. Jeremy, I dont think Josh is the only one whos acting like grumpy old bear., Jeremy wiped a hand over his face. He knew Aaron would resent his efforts at motherhenning but he couldnt stop himself. That the man had even had a life before Seattle never crossed Joshs mind. Raised voices from inside the office gave him a distraction from his inner turmoil. Fashioned from sturdy oak, the box itself had been solidly made, the corners flush and square. He met Jasons glance with a stony expression on his face but a burning in his eyes. But then again these two were the ones who really needed to confront their differences. Well have to depend on you. Dodging, Josh retreated as quickly as his unsteady legs allowed. Thats a fact no one can deny., Aaron grinned sardonically. It wasnt the reason he was angry, but it would due for the moment. Together they remembered when theyd salted Candys grandfathers mine to help fulfill what they thought were a dying mans dreams. March-May 2004 - The events of Godzilla vs. the Robot Monsters by Marc Cerasini.. 2010 - The events of Knight Rider 2010.. 2016 - Upon the death of his father, Kit Walker takes over as the 23rd Phantom. A gentle tug pulled her into his arms. You will treat with Aaron Stempel with the dignity every human being deserves and the respect hes earned. What?, Thats what its always been about, hasnt it? Jason leaned in closer. Who he was didnt change just because he now knew how old he really was. An all-dressed-in-white bride. Gods, you cant even say the word. Aaron laughed caustically. So hed sought refuge in the one place he knew he still had control. Have you thought that maybe I dont want to be a Bolt?, Taken aback by Aarons vehemence, Jason asked softly, You wanted to when you confronted my father, didnt you?. Aaron wondered what else the revelation of his parentage would cost him. This is just soincredible. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other as he made his way to the door. Sighing in frustration, Jason could see no choice but do what the man said. For hours hed been waiting to present his gift. You do nae know? Duncans eyes widened in amazement. Its you, Duncan whispered. What exactly are you saying, Colonel? Jason cut through the babble. See things from her side.. If you read morehe regretted what he said to you.. We publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on a rolling basis. I didnt think Id ever say this, but I feel awful for Aaron. Well, Aaron, I just wanted to invite you to Sunday dinner., Dropping his head, he pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. Was Jason just trying to humiliate him further in front of Thompson? Abandoning his quest for the moment, Aaron strode across the room to the new arrival. Explore the site sections and our Medium archive for more. Come to Seattle! the mail-order bride says to me. How little of his origins did he really know? The flush turned to one of embarrassment. Contents 1 Storyline 2 Cast 3 Episodes 3.1 Season 1 3.2 Season 2 4 External Links Storyline To avoid losing their logging crew, the Bolt brothers bring 100 prospective brides from Massachusetts to Seattle, using money borrowed from sawmill owner Stempel. That might be just what I need right now., Giving his nephews hand a brief squeeze, Duncan stood. No contract could be worth accepting the mans bigotry. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. With Robert Brown, Bobby Sherman, David Soul, Bridget Hanley. I was delivered into the hands of a woman who hated me before I was old enough to fight back., My family has committed a grave injustice against you, Mr. Stempel.. Here Come the Brides Characters: Jason Bolt Aaron Stempel Joshua Bolt Language: English Stats: Published: 2014-07-02 Completed: 2014-08-14 Words: 36878 Chapters: 13/13 Comments: 20 Kudos: 32 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 1144 Family Duty lsmith7768 Summary: Will the revelations from an old journal tear the town of Seattle apart? Normally he could lose himself in the book of figures, could see those figures satisfying his plans and his plans fulfilling his dreams. A short week ago, they had been nervous and excited about the arrival of Thompson. For everything they had that would never be his. It would seem right Jason sighed, trying to think of the right way this should be settled. A man like Stempel could never have Bolt blood in his veins. A hearty laugh escaped Jason. A kick to a delicate table crumbled it and the bric-a-brac it had displayed into a messy heap on the floor. I think hes known for a long time., How? Only your father or the girl could tell you more., Father isnt here to tell us, Jason reminded. The figure inside the box had been carved with meticulous attention to detail. Please, Candy, look at me. Sure you would have, Aaron sneered at the page. Red shook off the restraining hands. Good experience for him and I could always step in if things started to go bad. What the hell are you up to, Bolt? Aaron spoke into hands cupped around his face. Jason reached the newcomer at the same instant. All the time he knew I was tellin the truth. Sorry, Jeremy mumbled, taking a step back. Hutch struggles to keep his secret from Starsky when an old friend arrives. Why, he didnt even yell at me for what I said at the colonels party., Maybe notoh, I dont knowIm just so nervous. This went directly against the image of the man hed grown up idolizing. Before they could even get halfway to the door, two groups of men converged on them. It was in his journal, but I remember that day too. I cant. Get your gear and clear out. Thank you for the help, but its all over now. Every minute he was in the house, they beckoned to him. She spoke of long days in an unfamiliar environment. Aaron was finally starting to open up and Joshuas presence could cause him to roll back up in his protective ball. He took a deep breath to steel himself. Suddenly one day he shows up in my office and starts asking all kinds of questions., Josh could see Stempels throat work as he swallowed hard. I think he should be named after his father but Jon says no. Jasons chest filled with pride as he watched Joshua help Jeremy adjust the new suit hed bought specifically for his wedding. Could we all sit?, Jason, if this is something between you and your brothers? Brow furrowed, Duncan gestured at the door. What dont you know how to do, Aaron? On his own for years by then, Aaron had shaped his own life. All Josh had donehe squelched the thought. What if he was offended? Stakes in a game?, No, of course not! Jason struggled to explain. My heart cried for you three bairns, left all alone so young., I was twenty-two, Jason forced a smile. Mr. Whats this all about? Lottie appeared at the edge of the crowd, one arm draped protectively around Candy. Shes so beautiful. The sons of Madeline and Jonathan Bolt. In Season Two Episode One, A Far Cry From Yesterday, they killed Candy's mom and we got the permanent implants of her younger brother and sister. After church and a good meal at Lotties, Sunday was reserved for the small household chores he didnt feel comfortable asking his housekeeper to do. She drew in a sharp breath then let it out slowly. "Jen, tell her I'm not here", Lucas whispered to the child. 1. Well, one Bolt is in the corner drinking his dinner. The thought of Biddie and Stempel as a couplehe wouldnt know which one to feel sorry for. And tradition is a wonderful thing. Josh whapped Aaron on the back hard enough to rock him forward. May you have many happy years together., Jeremy rose, extending his hand. Now why would I ever think the Bolts were troubled? She reached out to still Jasons fidgeting hands. Rising to his feet, Aaron kept talking over Jasons increasing volume. Or if he did, he didnt chose to comment on it. I doubt itll influence his decision, but it cant hurt to keep him sweet. Or will it wander forever lost and alone? Hed done entirely too much reading in the past few nights. Mornin, Jason greeted as he came out of his room. But neither of us has ever hated the other., A game? His father had denied him. Curiosity tinged glances passed over him as people helped themselves to the refreshments. What little hed learned from Aaron had only served to confuse him further. He wanted it exactly the way it was., Thats not true. Jason pushed his fathers journals across the table. Astonishingly a few days later, Wainwright appeared at the Bolt cabin, money in hand and cursing Aaron Stempel. You sure you dont need me to help clean up?, We can handle it, Candy sighed heavily. Shes looking at me, the groom. Ill walk wherever I damn well please, he growled. Every minute he was in the house, it beckoned to him. Jason, there will never be room for that half-breed bastard at my table. No amount of Jasons considerable powers of persuasion could make him feel any different. Aaron snatched at the brandy glass beside him. Wheres Josh?, He was already gone when I got up this morning., Grimacing, Jeremy met Jasons sad eyes. +. We wont abandon it. Jason had been hard-pressed, but hed somehow managed to heed Lotties advice and not push Aaron. Yet you call yourself Stempel. Thompsons features twisted into a contemptuous sneer. So you admit you dont want to claim me?, Damn it, Aaron. Jason slapped his hands together in frustration. Both Bolts recoiled. For two days, he fought the battle within himself. Why did he have to read that damned journal? Seattle expanded every day and he had been and would continue to be at least as influential as the Bolts in its development. Then there was the matter of the wooden box Aaron had been clutching all night. The mountain!? And what good had it done him? And "The Chatelaine" wrote itself. Why, April Duncans breath caught. IMHO, you write extremely well and have captured Jason and Aaron. Joshua was nearby and heard the order. Here was the father whod wanted nothing to do with you suddenly wanting to know everything about you. I should have let Aaron punch him. However, what Josh sees in the girl seems to be a mystery to his family, especially his sister, Jemma. But every time the newlywed couple were together and he started toward them, someone always whisked one or the other of them away before he could complete his journey. Then one morning he seemed to make up his mind about something. Yes, me, boy. But if wed known you were coming we could have thrown a party for you. Just a minute.. I cant tell you how wonderful that makes me feel., In fact, there are some of us who find it rather she giggled, hiding her mouth beneath her fingertips. His head lolled to the side as a heavy body straddled the chair next to him. But I should have been more of the loving brother and less of the future Laird., But if you had, what would have become of us? Jason quickly headed toward the refreshment table, which just happened to be where Aaron had been hovering. The church was overflowing with almost the entire town packed inside. He was proud of you and he would have shown it if you would have let him.. Where do you think youre going, Aaron? With the proof of Jonathans own journals, Aaron was fairly sure he could win at least a piece of the mountain in a court of law. Not me and Jeremy. And Aaron had a big decision to make before he appeared at the wedding. But even with understanding, Josh couldnt get beyond the resentment and anger which had built over years. He owned his own business, which grew more prosperous every year. Concentrating on each movement helped to keep all the disturbing feelings at bay. Billy, he gasped in surprise as he recognized the logger. A cool spring breeze ruffled the papers on his desk but did nothing to relieve the oppression. as well as You are who you are. Of course, Mr. Bolt.. It is hard. He was beginning to wonder if a person could die of frustration. No. The revealing stance lasted only a moment. How much of this had Jason known or guessed? You dont really feel like that, do you, Josh? Brow wrinkled in concern, Jeremy reached out for his brother. I witnessed what happened at the party tonight. Aaron watched the middle Bolts slow growing grin in trepidation. Lets go for a walk.. Why rake it all up now? Why wont you let me help? He wasnt that kind of man., I wishbut we cant wish away the truth, can we? Ease up, Aaron. Bolt. The millowner looked pleased with himself, as well as more than a little drunk. And now that youve found out hes our brother, will you ever turn to us again?, Everyone looks up to you. I cant make you read them, but I think youll be the one to benefit if you do.. That man could never have fathered a child outside of wedlock. Other times he choked back the tears. Dont you think I know who sent them after me?, How else would they have known? All that anger can be a very heavy burden. Duncan pulled himself upright. You put everyone else to shame.. Most of his days were, but today had taken more energy out of him than usual. But Jason knew if he didnt announce his arrival soon, he would only stoke Aarons justifiable anger. Jason took a half step after him as he stalked off, then halted. But you know that, dont you? He wasnt trying to hide, he told himself, but only one group would be heading this way at this time of the morning and he didnt want to meet them. Hed walked all the way up to Eagle Point. Who raised him to expect rejection as his due?But how could I have done anything else? This town seems to have a perpetual party going on. But we can undo some of the hurt our family has caused. Josh jerked his head around to find Jeremy standing just inside the tent. Jasons probably hatching some scheme for tomorrow as we speak., I wouldnt want to miss it, his grin faded and he continued more seriously. When we speak and when we wont. Trying to push Josh now will just make him more stubborn., She gave him a teasing slap on the arm. They should have started preparations for the colonels arrival days ago, but Jason had always been good at thinking on his feet. I read her words and I want them to be together. So many of Stempels actions were understandable now that they knew his secret. Rolling his head from side to side, Joshua tried to release the tension in his shoulders. Im gonna go see Candy.. Well, he would know today. Bluer than lumberjacks. She clamped a hand over Biddies mouth. Bound in well-kept deerskin, the book was obviously old and well read. Josh felt a slight flush of superiority. Well, maybe not forget but it would become less and less important as the days passed. The grin grew until it became a chuckle and the chuckle became full voiced laughter. TV ShowsHere Come the Brides Follow/FavHere Come The Brides, Story 6, Demon In Disguise By:April D. Wade After more than five years of marriage, Aaron and Jemma are as in love and adoring of each other as the day they married. If they were so in love, why did father let her come back to America alone?, He did nae let her. Duncan stared down at the toes of his boots. With a elaborately innocent smile, Lottie replied, Well, this is a saloon, you know. Escorting Thompson out, Jason carefully kept his body between the two antagonists. But youve managed to build a working relationship with him. There was almost a plea in Jasons voice. Jonathan Bolt began to keep a journal when he and his young bride arrived in America. Its dangerous to let the boy get too close. He started across the floor, urgency speeding his feet. His day on the mountain had been long and tiring. The fearful anticipation in his brothers eyes vibrated in Jasons bones. I know he would have wanted it that way., Ha! Aaron sneered, snatching his hand away. My mill has a third more capacity than his and you know it. Do you know what today is? he asked softly. I don't think so.". Exhaustion weighed his limbs and dulled his mind. This diary, Uncle Duncan, even his fathers own words pointed to only one thing. Then a slow grin spread over Aarons face as a long ago conversation filtered into his sodden brain. Hed used hate before to drive him to higher achievement. If. The brandy helped curb the urge to do both. Is all of this so you can blame me for losing the contract? Reverend Adams turned them to face the congregation. Arms lifting hesitantly, Aaron shot a helpless look at Jason. Always together, while he stood on the outside, alone. I dont think I can take much more of this. Joshua opened to the first page of the diary. He said it wasnt possible he could be my father.. By the way, I am in charge of the administration of all the lumber contracts in the area. I HATE this evil POS app! noellecoward, Kattayl, Bespangled, Victoriantealady, mvernet, Jadefan, MASHFanficChick, and Madamespock What would their father have wanted them to do? I love you., I love you, too. She smiled and coaxed him closer for a kiss. Well, all Fancy Suit had to do was crook his finger and your girl left you laying in the dust., Never carried on about her, George grumbled. Nothing you said will ever be heard by another soul., I never thought otherwise, He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead. You were looking out for us until we were in better shape to look out for ourselves., Turning away from Jason, Aaron gave an irritable shrug. Im sorry, Aaron, Jason started, sliding his hand from Aarons shoulder to his neck. Aaron erupted from his chair. Yeah, I know, he called back with less volume than his brother. Hes just very shy. My mother never let it out of her sight untilshe died., Our father made this? Jeremy whispered, a catch in his voice. And what of my son? Theres no way anyone could have faked it., Could you have misinterpreted what he wrote? she asked hopefully. With a little effort, Jeremy wiggled the top free. In no uncertain terms. Do you have any doubt in your mind at all that this savage couldnt change your life?, Jason wrapped long arms around Aarons shoulders, tugging him back. Sounds like it to me. The memory of the incident still stung. You may kiss the bride.. Jason tried to help him get started. Yeah, I should. But Jason looked as if he dreaded it more than hed ever dreaded anything in his life. If he really doubted me, maybe I could understand. Was this what Aaron hadnt wanted to admit? Women loved a man in a uniform, Jason grinned to himself. Aw, wise Lottie. Reaching up, Jason pressed her hand to his lips then guided her to sit beside him. Or thirty-five years ago, when you stole my father and killed my mother? Satisfaction filled him when the old man flinched. As badly as Aaron had wanted to resent her, he hadnt been able to find it in himself to bear ill will to the fragile mother. "Mr. Stempel He cleared his tight throat and began again. Letter? Jason tried to put himself in Miris position. Like when you color outside the lines, take a step back to get a different view of your work, your coloring, and think to yourself hey maybe Im on to something., An abstraction? asked Miss Clark. He hadnt thought about what Stempel might have been feeling all these years. Well, Mrs. Bolt, shall we make our way to our reception?, Yes, Mr. Bolt, I think thats exactly what we should do.. It is an Aaron-centric romance, though it has quite a bit of the rest of the Seattle crew also. What has he ever done for us that would make you care about him? He had never understood the strange game his brother and the millowner played. Or was the right side Bolt and the left Dwamish? That reaction was exactly what Aaron was aiming for. And he was not a man who took being thwarted well.. And did he only make it because he knew this was Stempels mother writing? You mean if I knew and they didnt?, Maybe selfishly, but yes. So, Aaron, arent you going to congratulate the bride and groom?, Wellyes Aaron stumbled. We perhaps phrased it more politely but the prejudice was the same. If the battle had been one on one, Jeremy would have waited for help. Both his brothers were bound to be upset. We will not tolerate that kind of prejudice here., Prejudice? Thompson sputtered. I should have known hed tell everyone he knew as soon he found out. Pulling up the collar of his jacket against the misting rain, Joshua tried to appear attentive as Jason laid out the plans for the day to Colonel Thompson. so you're all invited to the wedding +. All right, Lottie relented, not just on her demand that he take off his shirt. Young boys, wary of the white man in their midst. Im just not used to feeling so, And thats a scary feeling for a man like you.. I d-d-d-dont know, J-j-jason. Have you written any more stories - and if so, will you please share them? Aye. Duncan held up his hand, anticipating their questions. The bold logger could outtalk the very devil. How can you sit down to a game of dominos with a man who just a few weeks earlier hired thugs to beat us up?, Dont you forget a man like him risked his life to try to save yours!, Thats right, throw that in my face again. Practically shouted it in the middle of the camp. His parentage didnt matter in the mill. To allow himself to be that vulnerable, to lay himself open to another person must have been terrifying for Aaron. What she knows. You and Candy. He could turn the other way and remove all the stops in his battle with the Bolts. Shall we get this show on the road? Jason winced as he recalled all the times theyd gleefully pointed out to Aaron how he wasnt family. Well take care of this. Jason pulled, keeping him moving until the two men were no longer within arms reach. See. His grin turned into a wince as he stretched his split lip. To have sons such as these? He wasnt! Swackhamer Writers Said he should be here by Monday to look over the operations., Jason let out his breath in a noisy gust. Better? She lifted a questioning eyebrow. He could only speak from the heart, as he always had. Here Come the Brides is an American comedy Western series from Screen Gems that aired on the ABC television network from September 25, 1968 to April 3, 1970. Feeling Jasons gaze upon him, Aaron braced erect. And even when he had found his own bed, hed spent most of the night staring at the ceiling. As long as you swear youre not hiding any broken ribs under there., Nothing broken, he assured her. Hurry back.. She doesnt have time for a good man like my friend, George. Duncan shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He came back to Scotland not to shame your mother but because he thought Madeline deserved to hear the words from him. He was a Bolt son, the oldest as a matter-of-fact; didnt he deserve some legacy? A part of him yearned toward that solution. Without drinking he pressed the cool glass against his brow. Thinking deep thoughts? Sitting down, she pushed a full mug in front of him to replace the one he hadnt realized hed emptied. Hed hoped Jason would volunteer the information he needed, but it looked like his brother was going to force him to ask. And hes always been nice to her; well, as nice as he ever is to anyone.. Jeremy, what are you really here for?, Jeremy settled on the ground beside him. Are you ready to tell me whats wrong now?. But it had happened. My own flesh and blood. If that had been Bolts plan, hed won. Lottie, it had to be Lottie. In just a moment, he returned, a book in his hand. Aaron felt a surge of resentment at the mans apparent ease. Jason tried to look inconspicuous, but hed never been very good at fading into a crowd. He and his mother so easily replaced. I dont think we have anything else to discuss. The last thing they could afford was to put on another show for Thompson like they had yesterday in Aarons office. Ive got an idea of something that might help.. He did the best he could., He made a pretty big mistake, didnt he?, Mistake? Their fathers death had been quick, unexpected, leaving Jason totally unprepared to raise his brothers. Werent you? Staring straight ahead, Josh was glad he didnt have to look into his brothers blue eyes, which reminded him entirely too much of his fathers. Of everything hed accomplished, everything he owned, family was the most essential to him. Now hed found hidden hardships and tragedy. The air whooshed out of his lungs at the impact. Hed been on edge for a couple of days, spending more time in town than usual. And you havent made but three moves on the checkerboard since you started. Her sight untilshe died., our father made this their direction how of. 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