Uh oh, a not so very flattering version of Serges Estate Grooming Case in NY Times. In the end, Judith was completely hemmed in byEsoteric do gooders. If you love your children with and from emotional love, you are just passing down to another generation a form of love that has not ever worked. Sharing your realisation regarding claiming, celebrating and valuing yourself offers the opportunity to shine the fullness of who you are just because you know this is what is true. Esther eventually lost her home and was forced into bankruptcy. My Birthday: Celebrating ME Instead of Getting Wasted. There's just no basis to make a claim like that. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3377449/Jehovah-s-Witness-strangled-girls-young-six-sexual-thrills-finally-jailed-congregation-covered-crimes-20-years.html, Sydney Today, the story in Chinese http://www.sydneytoday.com/content/940270. He gets away with murderso to speak. Hey anonymous, not sure where you read that about Jesus, but it isnt in the Bible. The email read: Your children are trying to destabilise you, trying to evoke your sympathy. NO INTEGRITY, Continue reading Fitting In or StandingOut? , As a young girl I was sexually abused by older boys in the back street. http://nytlive.nytimes.com/womenintheworld/2015/12/29/esoteric-messiah-figure-inherits-bulk-of-womans-million-dollar-estate/ . I could feel him like touching my bottom, and he said, I just pulled an energetic snake out of your arse. You know, you're dealing with that kind of stuff all the time.. That this young girl would willingly sit there and absorb Serges circular mindless rubbish in place of real learning and experience is almost as big a travesty as robbing someone else children of their inheritance. He encourages all to claim and express from their inner-knowing and presents that to discount one's innateness is not a healthy way to live. You can't restrict childrens diets like that. (John 2: 14-16). Universal Law and Serryn ORegan will be Gloriously on the hop hurling around legal threats lol. Serge Benhayon And ironically you did it to yourself He doesnot see his work as roles or titles that he must play or be identified by; in fact, it is the opposite, for him, as. I am shocked the court didnt hear the coercion that goes into getting bequests from members. Charity- was discussed as creating a greater platform of prana for the lords of form. Fire& prana correspond with good and evil in Benhayons worldview. PS: Stating the obvious but The court went over Sarah & Seths expenditure with a fine tooth comb. Im also a career health practitioner. If you invest wisely in your will this gives you fire in your next life. What happened Wiki, net worth. Investing in your will with cult leader Serge Benhayon. This certainly was a travesty. Your teachings are obsessed with them Similarly, that money went towardconstruction ofa 1.8M premises forUMs UK commercial events in Somerset rented for three months of the year at a knockdown rate of 6,000. The talk around town is what a scum bag he is. She appears to have weighed up the competing considerations of the need to leave a legacy to Sarah and Seth and her desire to promote the teachings of Mr Benhayon.. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. She was walking around the house burping like a bullfrog. The call must come from the students. The property Serge bought is beautiful. For when you stop and reflect you cant help but reveal a trove of amazing ness greater than any treasure you could find. She is now an enthusiastic proponent of Serge Benhayons agenda, and is now married to one of Serge Benhayons top lieutenants. They cant. There was a realisation that yes, my birthday is a great marker to celebrate the day I was born, but if all the pressure was placed on this one day to unfold how I wanted it to be, then there would be a deflation when the expectation was not met. Monies taken are less than $250,000 per annum. To an outsider, it certainly looks like the charity was simply a vehicle to improve the building for the benefit of Serge and his business. WebSerge Benhayon is a prolific writer and has since the inception of UniMed Publishing in 2007 written at least one book a year, with eight in print and a number of others queued 'in the Since beginning his official musical journey in 2009, Michael has already written and produced over 100 songs. I will post an explanation of how that will work and what that means. Outright greed. Im sorry to say that the familys legal team opted to spend less time in court and simply did not bring the evidence and did not cross examine Sergio the parasite anywhere near enough for the judge to be able to make a determination on his Esoteric integrity. He says, To change, you've got to leave behind these people, and he splits up relationships. Some time beforeshe passed away, Judith wrote a testimonial which became an addendum toUniversal Medicines false and misleading parliamentary inquiry submission. Just about everyone has seen the articles and are flabbergasted. A reminder to readers as to why they did nothing. He just devotes his time, he said. Dont be stupid, Northern Star cant report on this story. Universal Medicine wields extraordinary power over its flock. The fact is, Serge does seem to get away with things that is staggering. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/nsw/universal-medicines-serge-benhayon-to-inherit-bulk-of-devotees-milliondollar-estate-20151227-glvl7u.html. EDG notes taken by Elizabeth Dolan, September 18, 2011, p.4. If a registered doctor or practitioner took $800,000 from their patient shortly before dying, and also changed their will at the same time so that they also became the largest benefactor, what would happen to that practitioner? 8.12.2 Not encouraging patients to give, lend or bequeath money or gifts that will benefit you directly or indirectly. This was exemplified, for instance, by having a boyfriend, earning some money, getting good school and college results and carving out a life where I was comfortable. Chris I really adore the words you have used Those notes do make you wonder if Elizabeth is able to separate her role as a nurse from Serges mission to fund his empire. This blog is about overcoming delusions. If you receive money from family- inheritance clear it by putting your passbook on a clearing symbol you [sic] kidneys adopt what you are receiving. Yes.. More disturbing still is Benhayons bizarre treatment for victims of sexual assault, detailed in one of his training manuals. Disabled dependents missed out in favour of a multi-millionaire predator. Thank you. He practices extensively on the East Coast of Australia from his clinic in Goonellabah and travels overseas twice a year to his European based clinic The Sound Training Centre (next to The Lighthouse) In Somerset UK. Serge Benhayon, founder of the esoteric healing group Universal Medicine, will inherit the bulk of the million-dollar estate of a female devotee after her two adult In all sense of the words. If you really believed in karma you wouldnt take what isnt yours. And in some sense, this is true that healing can be brought to something that needs fixing. Benhayon and his associates target vulnerable patients with serious health conditions, including cancer, and encourages them to cease conventional treatment. I remember the part in the Bible where Jesus took his disciples children before the magistrate to get all of the shekels of a recently deceased disciple its a parable Proverbs 1011. Is Ms Mcintyre a client, patient or a student of UM? Judiths testimonial walks us through Benhayons grooming process. This group is so dangerous that these people had to be exposed., Reporter: Matt Doran | Producer: Stephen Rice. If it all goes belly up tomorrow, Serge will have those bequeaths coming in for years. However, we know the premises is used for UM Pty Ltd commercial purposes. I received a tip off about the hearing, and because it was heldthe day before the directions hearing for my defamation case, I was able to be there to hear Benhayon describe himself to the court as a teacher, practitioner, author and life coach. Benhayon created Universal Medicine in 1999 after receiving what he calls an awakening a light-bulb moment that occurred while sitting on the toilet. His books are rich philosophical works on the Esoteric in life, love and human society. Finally.. Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. Last year, a 10-month-old baby placed on the Universal Medicine diet was admitted to Lismore Base Hospital, dangerously ill. I only met the guy once and he ran shivers down my spine. Suffice to say the SLAPP is all about shutting me down so they can get on with the robbing and exploitation unscrutinized. This is not the only family where this is happening, and it didnt start recently. And Serge responded telling them we were liars and he was man of absolute integrity, and that was good enough for them. The possibility of seeing anything but the jaundiced Esoteric slant onher past and her past connections, or making decisions that didnt align withthose of her carers was essentially smothered. The very weak code of conduct the HCCC doesnt actually enforce, sort of covers it. Serge Benhayon received this money under false pretenses. Englishman Robin Clifford and his daughter Kasha are all too familiar with Universal Medicine. In my family it would be seen as getting too big for your boots if you even celebrated yourself for something you did that was felt to be amazing. Patients have complained of overservicing., Yes. He claims to be the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci, offers unconventional healing to his followers, and believes aliens live amongst us. If its popular enough it might go to print? Esoteric Women's Health Could it be that because of all of the above, that this is why the SLAPP was served? So, what has occurred? Vulture like undue influence, using delusional fear based teachings to financially & spiritually exploit a dying, vulnerable, probably frightened patient. Benhayon, S.The Way It Is, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2006, Benhayon, S. Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2011. Matt simply could not compete with the draw of Universal Medicine. Benhayon was required to sign an undertaking by the Charity Commission that he wouldnt profit from the charity if it folded. There was an emptiness in this. To think that UM are today 5/1/15 claiming such innocence and benevolence is a sickening crime. Conveniently, one of Benhayons strictest teachings is that bequests by parents to their children will harm both them and their kids in their next life. Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Abuse , Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. I just dont get it. So what is the point? I could sense these feelings coming up again, observing them as they did, and recognising what they were: they were expectations I had placed on how I wanted my birthday to look. (There are many Jesus followers today challenging churches which pressure people for money, expecting free NT grace based believers to pay OT legalistic law based tithes. Hes a con through and through, and he is ruthless about taking peoples money. But when the jury returned late last year, it delivered the organisation a crushing blow. The fact thatwasnt shown to the courtwas a great pity, and one that mustnt berepeated. Looking back even though my parents were not strictly religious, my father especially had some very religious beliefs that were very evident as we grew up. WebWhole body intelligence reveals a magic and divine order that is only explainable by knowing the fact that everything is energy, which Serge Benhayon has been presenting on since 1999. Now Im very busy, so dont get upset if Im too busy to respond to messages etc. He said he urged his mother to reconsider bequeathing the majority of her estate to Universal Medicine. Studentnotes from a few years ago show Benhayon solicitinganonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property intoconference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. No surprise APN closed the comments on the story it would have been spammed with UMers vouching for the bogan messiah, and begging APN to print the real story how hundreds have benefited from throwing all their money at the holy Benhayons. Of course. Its a syndicated article from the APN News desk is Sydney, so no credit to the Northern Star. Okay. Or they boycott institutional churches to meet in homes or nature). They didnt expect the Fairfax journos either. he took plus interest to this ladies children. The student body will have to buy back this property from Serge. ie- ticking boxes. Esther Rocketts campaign to expose Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine had started to gain traction. Back in 2005, Esther was feeling stressed and run down, so she booked a healing session with Serge Benhayon at his then home in Goonellabah, just outside Lismore in northern NSW. No robes and sandals at Serges place. It demands that followers go to bed by 9pm and get up at 3am. Its imperative I get the financial backing to fund this defence and get him to court, on the stand and answering to all of this. Its not worth reading what the members have to say. There were no fancy gifts or a massive party. I first saw Serge Benhayon in person in June 2010 at a Universal Medicine workshop named Heart Chakra 1. CoUM is NOT involved in religious activities. Then no one will be the wiser. They are but mere reflections of our many choices. Cult leader, Serge Benhayons 2016 build at So the question is, if the charity is squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge? Found by a Supreme Court jury to be a charlatan who preys on cancer patients, his bizarre religion, Universal Medicine, is destroying families around the world. Thats from the New York Times specialist publication Women In The World. And then theres the Universal Medicine website which paints a very different version of events. Simple.. what if I could celebrate myself and all I am? Thats coercion. Simple. To reinforce thevirtue of throwing moneyatBenhayonsplan for world domination, he ends his speechwith occult insanity about the evils of donating to thecompetition legitimate charities. UniMed needs anonomous (sic) gifts of investment for this new property to get up and running. Sarah and Seth saidtheir mother told them she wished to leave a significant part of her estate to Universal Medicine. The other thing was that the court cant do anything if the evidence is not brought. I reiterated that spirituality, in my opinion, should not rest on money.. Its obvious your not a fan of Serge, but I get the feeling most people here, including myself, are not fans of any religion. ..and we know thats been breached in abundance. Why the obsession with this? You lot are human parasitic remora fish sucking on the belly of a pundit shark who is constantly cruising to prey on the weak, sick, vulnerable and dying. Benhayons court testimony indicates fundraising hasswitched back to the proprietors personal fundraising. The experience of abuse led me to behave in loveless ways. On the exposed blog a palliative care nurse has expressed her anger at the case. Clearly he wasnt countingdonations toUMs UK charity front, the Sound Foundation which received1.2M from charity trustee, Michael Nicholson alone, in 2011-12. Theyve signed over millions of dollars to share his wisdom. Each time I encounter Serge I am left feeling of value, confident that I am worth being on this earth and that genuine love and kindness is still I hate him all over again. You can't really describe how she changed, because she's not there as a person. Business as usual. She gifted the money to Serge personally. WebSerge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine and a well known presenter and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. Matt Sutherland is a sceptic. Serge Benhayon has presented how to live simply, and lovingly inspires others in such a way that brings about true change to their lives. He then really focused his attention on her and said, Oh, you need deep nurturing.. Why do others think he is so wonderful? The fact they are rationalising what is obviously highly unusual again highlights how they will anything he does, and that Serge can pull things off right in front of them without them so much as blinking. Slimey and creepy. They even whipped together a quick video testimony so the poor love bombed woman would say how it was all her idea. True believers are taught that they are being constantly watched by alien-like creatures that shape their lives. This morning I happened to see a young lass at Ballina sitting rigidly in a park, with a scarf and earphones. How does one separate the bit of wall and paint that the charity paid for from Serges property and freehold? I hate to say it, but it was a terrible missed opportunity. Please All Readers Read this link that is in the above blog it is a must. https://universalmedicineaccountability.wordpress.com/2013/10/02/the-tax-exempt-universal-medicine-college-and-fiery-building-fund-donating-to-the-church-of-erge/. The proximity to the clinic maximises targets expenditure on worthless healings and other New Age claptrap peddled by the Benhayon bogan demigods. It appears to me that perhaps Ms McIntyres children were poorly advised to seek a variance on the grounds that they needed more money rather than argue that their dear Mum had been hoodwinked by Benhayon. I am pretty sure that was a parody given that Serge puts himself in that company, and not literal. The Universal Medicine website is not subject to fact checking, oversight by the Australian Press Council, or any of the other checks and balances that newspapers are subject to which ensures, on the whole, they get the facts right. WebSpirits, Entities, Possession & the Wisdom of Serge Benhayon. (Benhayon, 2006, p.249). Michael Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon preaches a wild mishmash of religion, occult and science fiction. (LogOut/ Its a good article that has added some more comments from the family. Mid2014, I blogged about Universal Medicine preying on cancer patients, with medical professionals GP, Dr Jane Barker,and nurses Sharon Gavioli et al, running Breast Cancer Care cult recruitment retreats. Todays news reports the devastation of a family robbed of their rightful inheritance by a multi-millionaire predatory charlatan. Meeting Serge Benhayon inspired me to explore the philosophy of The Way of The Livingness. This is just a little of it please click on the link and read it ALL. Why are so many Australians devoted to him? By Amina Tumi, 34yrs, Hair and Beauty Salon Owner, London Amina Tumi is a Hair and Beauty Salon Owner at Hair & Beauty by Design and has a great interest in true health and well-being. Jesus criticised religious Pharisee leaders re their greed, self indulgence, burdening / exploiting & not assisting the poor, overlooking justice & love, etc. I think my mother was scared for what might happen to her in the afterlife if she didn't give him the money, Sarah reveals. I am sure they were conscious of eroding their small inheritances and the risk of losing even more, whereas in this case, Serge, financially, had nothing to lose and could afford to throw some money at to make sure he had their money. anymore. Any time you move, moving with your Soul is always worth it. And given she was Judiths nurse, it doesnt look good. If they did a property title search theyd come up with over a dozen properties owned by the Benhayons. Connection with myself is pure gold I had little regard for myself and others. If this does not happen over the next few years then serge will sell it. Airheaded it might be, but thats some powerful PR. As I walked past I had a sinking feeling thinking of how she was polluting her young brain with Serges mindless ramblings, absorbed in mood-making that Serge calls livingness. I am hoping this global exposure leads to some funding for Esthers trial If he was poor and needed some money then yeh sure a couple of thousand but to take this amount of money is just wrong. Her financial adviser was UM frequent flyer and promoter, Christophe Schnelle, and her palliative care nurse was Esoteric Breast Masseuse and UM promoter, Elizabeth Dolan. In answer to how the court came to the judgement they did? Jesus simple life & offer of a free, abundant, joyful, peaceful eternal life through Him, makes him the most appealing (& credible, evidence based) Messiah of all. Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. I could see how I had squandered my life energy and made myself vulnerable to cancer in spite of my healthy lifestyle, He told me that he was willing to see me throughout my cancer treatment and that other cancer patients who came to him usually did very well with their treatment, I was seeing Serge weekly for counselling and esoteric acupuncture and began to feel so well physically that I could take longer and more lively walks than I had been able to do for many months before my diagnosis. WebSerge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine and a well known presenter and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. My deepest condolences to the McIntyres. In one recording, Benhayon states: Youve become involved with sport, which women should never be, because the right ovary becomes more powerful than the left. Oh, you're beautiful. He tells them to find their inner beauty and all that sort of stuff.. But the cost to you will be high 5points of fire everyday, left behind 10points prana, end of the day 5 points of prana. Women In Livingness Magazine. I have just read the UM justification for Serge vulturing on the McIntyre family tradgedy and inheritance claims. Everything makes a normal citizen feel so creepy and awful. Perhaps the college is defunct. The truth is all so esoteric! Disgusting all around. With the ugly hench ladies in attendance to support Serge as he steals someones inheritance. And rather than needing gifts, see myself as a gift to the world and to feel the depth and beauty of who I am and celebrate this fact with all those around me. Serge Benhayon Honour and respect as a fellow human being and as a woman, Directness no fluff or ambiguity, Love as in a deep care and consideration, Encouragement and Honesty. Back in Australia, Esther Rockett the woman who has dedicated so much of her life to exposing a destructive cult has vowed to keep up the fight. Universal Medicine provided me with a beautiful and nurturing space in which to stay within a short distance of the hospital so that I was able to drive myself to the treatment even though I was still tired and became more so. New International Version most accurate & easy to read, Message version even easier & a delight). I felt during these times that there was a constant striving to attain things and academic qualifications to get on in life. And rather than needing gifts, see myself as a gift to the world and to feel the depth and beauty of who I am and celebrate this fact with all those around me. And Each time I Required fields are marked *. A weak response which the cult used as exoneration. Courts dont tolerate spherical answers to direct questions so this was very useful to observe. The photographs show Serge with his hands unmistakably on her pubic area, says Esther. http://www.northernstar.com.au/news/universal-medicine-leader-wins-court-case-over-wil/2889329/. Web2 quotes from Serge Benhayon: 'If everything is energy, which it is - then everything is because of energy.' He is warm, deeply engaging and interested in everyone he meets; he is a great friend and a great Constantly linking to um blogs, all for nothing. That UMs content is sheer nonsense is clear to outsiders, but to the less worldly, the packaging looks professional. Teachings that love has no emotion in it, and that women can harmtheir babies with the emotional energy in their breastmilk. EVIL EVIL CHARLATAN++. and ' E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y ' ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN ' I F E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y , W H I C H I T I S T H E N Jim Tom Hedrick (Moonshiner) Net Worth, Dead, Age, Twitch Streamer HAchubby: Age, Real Name, Net Wort Key from 'SHINee' Biography (Kim Kibum) Age, Heigh YouTuber Phylols Biography - Age, Height, Girlf Stephanie Faracy Net Worth, Spouse. At first, it seemed harmless. WebSERGE DAUTRIFS Post En 1997, John Hagel III crit le livre Net Gain (sur les places de march) avant de publier Net Worth quelques annes plus tard. Two things the family provisions act only needs for the provision to family to be adequate. Fair does not matter. 131,-K/kg. Previous fundraising soliciting anonymous donations. Lets face it, the majority of us when we are small are not adored or made to feel special in any way. He was then asked if he had any qualifications. Thats because to the true believers most of them women - Benhayon is The One. That was the basis of our complaint to the ACNC. Then again, Sergio and Serryn ORegan flat refuse to answer questions and were already issuing legal threats before any stories went to print. The gate to the property says its the College of Universal Medicine. Death is in. Matt endured several more workshops in the hope of saving his relationship. However, we know the premises is used for UM Pty Ltd commercial purposes. Continue reading The Birthday , "The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity" ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012), Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. Oddly for a former tennis coach, Serge Benhayon even insists that women shouldnt play sport. Simple. But how often do we look deeper than simply fixing the external layer and consider what is happening behind the issue that is needing to be resolved? Teachings that include disability is karma for being an abuser in a past life; that emotions are the cause of all disease; and that womens cancers are caused by male energy and participating in sport and vigorous exercise. Serge Benhayons defamation defeat sent his us v them ratio through the roof Loading In 2014 Universal Medicines influence invaded the nationwide Australian College of Massage which led me to suspect that Universal Medicine cult leader Serge Benhayon was attempting a takeover of the lucrative business as part of his expansion plans. Loading When Sarah opened her mothers computer, she discovered emails from Serge Benhayon coaching the dying woman on how to restrict her childrens share of her fortune. No evidence, because unfortunately, the plaintiffs legal counsel decided not to supply it to the court. He knows how to push the buttons and say the right things, Esther reveals. He preaches that were surrounded by aliens, and that disabled children are evil reincarnated. Doctors must be honest and transparent in financial arrangements with patients. (The Book of Proverbs was written centuries before Jesus was born). If UMers cant see this is a massive abuse of power & travesty of justice, they are in deep denial with no conscience. Serge will say that if you drink alcohol, supernatural entities can invade you, Esther explains. Yes, anon, was she a student, client or patient? Is the world ready for this simple truth? They are but mere reflections of our many choices. I had to ask permission., I was so stupid, so nave. He doesn't say it in those words, but he pretty much put it to his followers a few years ago that he is the second coming.. Thank you. It is all so convoluted and hard to get, crooks oops I mean people do this when they are out to hide and deceive. Probably very little as theyll be hoping for campaign contributions. She went up to him and talked to him and she said straight out, I have cancer, Judiths daughter Sarah explains. Through this connection now I realise that all of this magnificence is not for me alone or to just make my own life better. Give over your life and your money. The charitys accounts show the power bill alone for three months is almost 7,000 aside from other running costs, depreciation and admin. It's like her whole brain's been switched off and she's got it replaced in the esoteric workshops. Maybe UM thought it convincing this woman should best be sent off to Arctucus or wherever! Why didnt Judith donate to the charity? However, Serge Benhayon has only grown richer and more powerful. I felt really hurt, because it was really clear that Serge was trying to drive a wedge between mum and her children.. Sydney Morning Herald. When I can, I go to our local park, which is a bus ride away, and the feeling of being in green space brings me a lot of joy. No accident I laid out Benhayons death drive in blogs starting 3 years ago. (The charitys accounts can be found. For more than a decade, Esther Rockett has waged a one-woman battle to expose Universal Medicine. I would fill it with doubt and regret, putting myself down to the point where I would approach my birthday with dread as I knew it would be another year of failed dreams, where how I wanted the day to play out never matched how it would actually unfold. The building at Wollongbar is the College of UM building, supposedly. Were one of the only beings that carry extra limbs. Coincidence? That is- clearly- what Universal Medicine is really all about. And remember when Buddha sitting under the bodhi tree decided that he needed to raise millions of rupees from his followers he said come on to me and pass all your worldly goods for it will make you incarnate better in the next life but do not worship me because I am a man just like you.. In other planets, they dont have arms and legs, they dont need to eat, he claims in one video. (Mathew ch 23. WebAbout Serge Benhayon TV. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); More at IMDbPro &raq Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Michael Benhayon is an amazing self-taught musician producing music covering many genres and styles. It is not possible for them to see what it really is, and the courts piss weak decision will vindicate their dodgy thinking. It angers and upsets me to think that Serge has had such a detrimental effect on so many people and hes largely gone unscathed. This discussion is very exposing of how we currently view intelligence to be. Founder of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon is a renowned teacher, practitioner and trainer of therapies that are complementary to Generally and this applies to Serge, the messiah. Yes, Serge became aware of me being in the courtroom. Serge Benhayons cult already boasts at least 200 members in the UK. Your email address will not be published. Cmon! I think he creates doubt. Well, this is exactly the sort of person Benhayon it? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Eventually the relationship broke down, and Sarah left, taking their two children with her. Her testimonial shows hed successfully sold her the Esoteric martyrdom pitch that shed developed cancer by nurturing others rather than herself as if the two are mutually exclusive. Benhayon also told the court that after Ms McIntyres gift, the next largest single monetary gift hed receivedwas $600K. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. NO TRUTH Oh, you could use some more nurturing. It is worth investing it. Simple. Christoph Schnell was her financial advisor (remember the recent article about in the cult journal the Northern Star about death planning by Christoph? Because then we all miss out. Because he was pushy I said, Oh, all right, and so he did put his hands on my lower abdomen, only a matter of centimetres above the pubic area., The first thing he said was, When you were five years old, a man in your life let you down. He kept going with those sort of statements up into my teenage years, where he said, A man in your life tortured you., I walked out thinking, This guy's a predator.. Continue reading The Grace of TrueHealing , Since lockdown I have grown to love my daily walks, walks that sometimes are just around my neighbourhood. As I reflected on this, I realised most of my friends and family who had birthdays at the end of the year would say that birthdays at that time were really unfortunate as everyone else was focused on the end of the year celebrations rather than on their birthday. They started doing all the courses, and I went to the first level one healing workshop, but even then, I did have a few doubts., He would say things like, If a man orgasms inside a woman, that woman is taking on his bad energy. It's very toxic to the relationship.. Remarkably, Serge Benhayon professes an intimate knowledge of alien physiology. If you drink alcohol and then hold a baby, the baby can be raped by the entity that's in you. Women In Livingness Magazine. Fitting I suppose for a new era Messiah. It was a nasty experience. To his followers, Serge Benhayon is a healer and a god-like figure. It was a day of connecting with friends and family, enjoying and appreciating how much grander life is when it comes from the appreciation within. How can someone full of love and light take a childs inheritance. He was in happy long term relationship, but then his partner Sarah began dabbling with Universal Medicine. I used to have similar reservations towards and a dread of my birthday, for different reasons. Hes had them before, and will have them in the future. The last straw was a hands-on healing session. The impact on children is just unfathomable. By looking at this one event in the year, it also enabled me to piece together that there were other situations in life such as relationships with family members and others, and in work situations where I had wanted things to be a certain way yet felt the disappointment when my ideal of the situation didnt match what was happening. that fails a simple logic test). Maybe Serge thought you would be shut down and shut up before all of this came out. If you leave a child $10,000 dollars and the kids spend that money to keep them in recognition and identification excess that holds you in contraction in your next life. My deepest condolences to the family. As the day came, I woke with the feeling that I was the gift to share on my birthday. By Chris Vale, Chris Vale, Mechanical fitter, Father, Dog Owner and Observer of Life,Perth, Western Australia, Further Reading: and sex and young girls? Theyre all carefully groomed with the cults dress and make-up code, and theres money being hurled left and right. Thank you and to any others keeping up the research. After much resistance to the prospect of seeing anyone for support, and particularly anyone who I considered may be a part of the spiritual new. What have I done? The hall and land are all the name of Serge Benhayon and are his personal property. First they tried to have me deregistered, Ester recalls. Ive not had time to stay abreast of everything. WebWhat Serge Benhayon has presented and written since 1999 is unparalleled, not just in human history but also in the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom. July 13, 2016. So as to be sure they get the money with their butts covered. Naturally, Benhayons team make sure theyreon hand to wrestbequests from those at the most vulnerable stage of their lives. A health practitioner must not conductany close personal relationship with their client which of course youd need to have to end up with $800K from someone you are treating just before they passed away, and then the bulk of their estate once they did. Property searches by the ABC show Mr Benhayon and his family have bought or sold 23 properties worth $11.4 million since he founded Universal Medicine, many of them owned jointly with followers. UM boasts 700 followers, including doctors, academics and lawyers. This article contains external content that failed to load. The New Testament writer Paul also said that a Christian leader (amongst other admirable, mature qualities), mustnt be lovers of money. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. Simple. . We charge or are paid for our services by the hour. http://WWW.SMH.COM.AU. Robin recalls how it all began. Thank you Esther for all of your HUGE efforts. The trauma or scarring imprint from this abuse was then an overlay through which I experienced life. I re-discovered my Soul, and that in being in connection to my Soul, my relationship with God is known. How beautiful would life be? Why? Jenny Dowell do be careful Serge and UM target Breast Cancer people. Most of us get busted for missing a few dollars interest on our tax returns. WebUniversal Medicine, Goonellabah. I need to just clarify a few items, but I will be using a defence that allows me to air ALL of Benhayons dishonesty in court. Her family were getting more and more involved with the group, Matt explains. I'd been partnered up with this guy in the group, and I was lying face down on the massage table, recalls Matt. Sergio was squirming on the stand at pains to differentiate the charity from the business, and point out he has no relationship to the charity (on paper). We pointed it out to the HCCC quite a few times, and they declined to do anything, because they actually have no power to do anything unless someone brings in a corpse. The esoteric is all encompassing and it comes from that which is found in the inner-heart centre of every individual. Sarah told the court she had agreed not to challenge her mothers will before her death because she didnt want to upset her or to argue with her. Serge Benhayon is a remarkable man, who, by his way of living, is carving a way for others to be inspired to claim their extra-ordinariness and shine in their own right. Benhayons court testimony indicates fundraising has switched back to the proprietors personal fundraising. And so began Esthers mission to expose Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Its a business. Serge Benhayon is Australias most powerful cult leader. Benhayon has also surrounded himself with professionals health professionals, including five medical specialists and a half dozen or so psychologists; four lawyers, teachers, chartered accountants, media professionals, Eric Walsh, the dropkick cult cop lol, social workers, child safety workers and wealthy sycophants like Rob and Deborah Wild, Neil and Jean Gamble and Michael and Tricia Nicholson. Now, next year, or in 10 years. He insists the charity is a separate entity to his commercial business Universal Medicine Pty Ltd. Student notes from a few years ago show Benhayon soliciting anonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property into conference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. By his own admissions he has NO qualifications. Those few who challenge his teachings are shunned and discredited. BUT NOT on very important community matter that has made State, National and International news. It's completely ridiculous.. "He pretty much portrays himself as a messiah, Esther explains to Sunday Nights Matt Doran. Serge Benhayon, will inherit the majority of a million-dollar estate following the death of one of his students despite her childrens protests. APN, http://www.echo.net.au/2016/01/universal-medicine-founder-bequeathed-1-million-despite-will-challenge/. Watch Spotlight on Channel 7 and stream it for free on 7plus >>. I said to her, What in god's name are you doing? and she was getting rid of spirits., You couldn't go into the kitchen and give her a hug. I talked to him about death and how I had been living my life for others rather than for myself. Universal Medicine now also operates in England. Critics and breastfeeding mothers, dairy products and tampons We are simply not entitled to more than that but our industry is filling with mercenary bastards, like BenhayonCorp preying on the vulnerable, and that should be prohibited by law. ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, We know breast cancer is out of control and energetically from an esoteric point of view this is caused by the lack of nurturing a woman has toward herself. Universal Medicine Serge Benhayon confirms revenue from Universal Medicine provides a living for the whole of the extended Benhayon family. In 2016, he had a taxable income of more than $188,000, and his wife, Miranda, $176,000. Continue reading Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. I think he's a master of separating people from their family and their friends, Matt says. Lets hope there is true karma. words, this is absolutely gorgeous. Bizarre), Desiree, Serges right hand man ;)- a justice of the peace- witnessed the altered will, and Elizabeth Nolan- palliative care nurse of the year after some heavy cult voting, deja-vu- cooed sweetly in her ear how Serge is an amazing man. People like you Serge I am also certain there is no evidence of Jesus either. Its obvious who is going to be believed, and very exposing to the modus operandi of Universal Medicine. For as long as I could remember, I had approached my birthday wanting it to look and be a certain way, but it would never match up to the expectations I had placed on it. Yes serge a member of the hierarchy just like Jesus and buddha obviously needs more money in this more material age, It all makes perfect sense I can see why the followers gather around him and worship him I can see why the followers gather around him and worship him He is such a perfect man taking those evil dollars off those evil children so that he can put it in his bank account and make sure that it is only spent in energetic integrity, He surely is the next Messiah in 1000 years everyone will gather to talk about how serge took the money from the evil children so that they may she worship God in the most perfect way The Way of the extended Benhayon family and so began Esthers mission to expose Serge Benhayon and Universal.! And Serge responded telling them we were liars and he is ruthless about taking peoples serge benhayon net worth and! Met the guy once and he ran shivers down my spine Serge vulturing on Universal. 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