Hofgartenstrae 3 villalike house, representative brick building with hip roof, 1900/1901, architect Johann Arthur Otte, Hofgartenstrae 4 Grnderzeit villa, richly ornamented brick building, Renaissance Revival, 1890/1891, architects. Hofgartenstrae 5 representative one- and two-floor villa, broadly mounted Baroquified building with hip roof, 1922, architect Hans Best. im Rheinlande, Text und bertragung der Urkunde Kaiser Ludwigs des Frommen von 822, Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der, jetzt die Preussischen Regierungsbezirke Coblenz und Trier bildenden mittelrheinischen Territorien, Die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen Stdtebildes von Kreuznach, Gereimte Beschreibung des Frey- und Herren-Schiessens mit der Armbrust und einem Glckshafen, Der alte Juden Kirchoff am Kreuznacher Schlossberg, Ueber die auf dem Terrain des rmischen Kastells bei Kreuznach, die Heidenmauer genannt, von October 1858 bis November 1866 stattgefundenen Ausgrabungen, Werner von Themar, ein Heidelberger Humanist, Ausfhrliche und ordentliche Beschreibung, Umstndliche Beschreibung der im Jnner und Hornung 1784 die Stdte Heidelberg, Mannheim und andere Gegenden der Pfalz durch die Eisgnge und Ueberschwemmungen betroffenen grosen Noth, Landesverordnung ber die groen kreisangehrigen Stdte Bad Kreuznach, Idar-Oberstein und Neuwied vom 29. In the Nine Years' War (known in Germany as the Pflzischer Erbfolgekrieg, or War of the Palatine Succession), the Kauzenburg (castle) was conquered on 5 October 1688 by Marshal Louis Franois, duc de Boufflers. Herlesweiden 114, Birkenweg 127 (odd numbers), Erlenweg 2, 4, 6, 714, Ulenweg 116, Alzeyer Strae 108138 (even numbers), Pfalzstrae 1335 (odd numbers), Hochstrae 9 former Hotel Adler; ten-axis four-floor building with hip roof, third fourth of the 19th century, Late Classicist faade partly altered (shop built in), Hochstrae 17 three-floor corner house, post-Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, early 19th century, Hochstrae 22a three-floor shophouse, early 19th century; cellar older (no later than 16th century). ): Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preuischer Kulturbesitz (Mgq 414 (b), Bltter 349v351r). Only about 1950 were parts of this line torn up and abandoned. Die Stadt besitzt das lteste Radon-Sole-Bad der Welt, mehrere Kurkliniken und Gradierwerke sowie ein Rheumazentrum. Mittlerer Flurweg 2/4 pair of semi-detached houses with hip roof, Mittlerer Flurweg 6/8 pair of semi-detached houses with hip roof, Art Deco motifs, 1925, architect Dttermann, Mittlerer Flurweg 18/20 pair of semi-detached houses with hip roof, Art Deco motifs, 1925, architect Dttermann, Mittlerer Flurweg 30/32, Rheinstrae 16 long corner house with hip roof, 1930/1931, architect Karl Heep, Moltkestrae 3 villa, cube-shaped building with hip roof, 1913/1914, architect Hans Best, Neoclassical front wings 1939, Moltkestrae 6 villa with hip roof, outdoor staircase, 1914/1915, architect Willibald Hamburger. WebArmy Bad Kreuznach geht auf eine keltische Siedlung zurck und sein Name verweist wohl auf Curcinius, den Grnder des Dorfes. The indications for these treatments are for rheumatic complaints, changes in joints due to gout, degenerative diseases of the spinal column and joints, women's complaints, illnesses of the respiratory system, paediatric illnesses, vascular illnesses, non-infectious skin diseases, endocrinological dysfunctions, psychosomatic illnesses and eye complaints. Spa park (monumental zone) laid out beginning in 1840, Lmmergasse 9/11 shophouse, partly timber-frame, staircase tower, essentially from the 15th or 16th century, no. Air bases and military airfields in former West Germany (before reunification). Urkunde vom 19. An original steam locomotive and its shed, which were moved from Winterburg, can be found today in nearby Bockenau. In the First World War, both the Kreuznach spa house and other hotels and villas became as of 2 January 1917 the seat of the Great Headquarters of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, who spent Whitsun 1508 in Boppard, stayed in Kreuznach in June 1508 and wrote from there to his daughter Duchess Margaret of Savoy. [54] Furthermore, Rdesheim an der Nahe was also amalgamated, but fought the amalgamation in court, winning, and thereby regaining its autonomy a few months later. [69] From 1971 to 1987, the discipline of cultivation of the Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Bingen, was located in Bad Kreuznach. [40] In 1557, the Reformation was introduced into Kreuznach. [58], The following are listed buildings or sites in Rhineland-Palatinate's Directory of Cultural Monuments:[60]. In the course of the Napoleonic Wars (17921814), French emigrants came to Kreuznach, among them Prince Louis Joseph of Cond. Creuznacher RV has a long tradition in rowing. Belonging to the fortified complex of the Kauzenburg, across the Ellerbach from the New Town, were the Klappertor and a narrow, defensive ward (zwinger), from which the street known as "Zwingel" gets its name. Initially activated in January 1918, the unit did not see combat during World War I and returned to the United States. Rntgenstrae 16 house with gable or mansard roof, barge-rafter gable, 1907/1908, architect Gustav Ziemer, Rntgenstrae 20, Gustav-Pfarrius-Strae 30 pair of semi-detached houses; building with hip roof on brick pedestal, 1935, architect, Rntgenstrae 22/24 pair of semi-detached houses; building with hip roof with slate-clad corner oriels, 1927/1928, architect Richard Starig, Rntgenstrae 25, 27, 29, 31 group of buildings made up of four small two-floor single-family houses, buildings with hip roofs with gable, Rntgenstrae 33 villalike house, cube-shaped building with hip roof, 1926/1927, architect Conrad Schneider; characterises street's appearance, Roonstrae 3 villa with mansardlike stepped hip roof, 1916/1917, architect Philipp Hassinger, Roseninsel (monumental zone) spa-related greenspace on the Nahe's bank along Priegerpromenade; pavilion above the disused, Rostrae 25 Grnderzeit corner house, building with hip roof and, Rostrae 35 three-floor Classicistically structured house, about 1860, Rdesheimer Strae 11 villa with knee wall, country house style, soon after 1900, Rdesheimer Strae 21 sophisticatedly structured house, about 1850, Rdesheimer Strae 38 house, Classicistically structured brick building, early 1870s. Rheingrafenstrae 2 former district building office; villalike official building, Rheingrafenstrae 3 sophisticated house with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1903/1904, Architects Brothers Lang, Rheingrafenstrae 5 sophisticated corner house, brick building with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1895, Architects Brothers Lang, Rheingrafenstrae 15 Grnderzeit villa, brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, marked 1889, architect Philipp Hassinger; wine cellar building from same time, Rheingrafenstrae 19/19a plastered buildings, partly, Rheingrafenstrae 27, Graf-Siegfried-Strae 1/3 three-house block with officers' dwellings, 1912/1913, architect Wilhelm Koban, Darmstadt, Rheingrafenstrae 34 lordly villa with hipped mansard roof and corner tower, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1902, architect Jacob Metzger, Rheingrafenstrae 35 lordly villa, corner tower with tented roof, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau motifs, 1903/1904, architect Hans Best; characterises street's appearance, Rheingrafenstrae 36 villa in country house style, 1908/1909, architect Hans Best. Thus producing businesses are of great importance, and are especially well represented by the chemical industry (tires, lacquers, dyes) and the optical industry as well as machine builders and automotive suppliers. The team played in, among other leagues, the Oberliga, when that was Germany's highest level in football, as well as, later, the Second Bundesliga. The last US forces in Bad Kreuznach were parts of the 1st Armored Division ("Old Ironsides"). In 1953, the whole operation was shut down. About Press Copyright On 24 August 1495,[18] there was another uprising of the townsfolk, but this one was directed at Kreuznach's Palatine Amtmann, Albrecht V Gler von Ravensburg, who had refused to release a prisoner against the posting of a bond. Gustav-Pfarrius-Strae 31/33 pair of semi-detached houses with hip roof, Gustav-Pfarrius-Strae 35/37 pairs of semi-detached houses, Historicized and Art Deco motifs, 1927, architect Richard Starig, Gustav-Pfarrius-Strae 42/44, Steinkaut 1/2 differentiated, individually shaped housing development with hip roofs, Renaissance Revival and Art Deco motifs, 1926, architect Jean Rheinstdter. Wilhelmstrae 48 three-floor shophouse. The expression "Er ist zu Kreuznach geboren" ("He was born at Kreuznach") became a byword in German for somebody who had to struggle with a great deal of hardship. In 1375, the townsfolk rose up against the town council. Hofgartenstrae 22 representative house in country house style, 1908/1909, architect Adolf Riekenberg, Hofgartenstrae 74 three-floor house, brick-framed plastered building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1905/1906, architect Karl Keller, Hofgartenstrae 76 house, brick-framed plastered building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1904, architect Karl Keller, Hofgartenstrae 90 imposing corner house, building with hip roof with oriel turret, 1907/1908, architect Anton Kullmann, Hospitalgasse town wall; 75m-long stretch of wall of the Old Town fortification in the garden of what is now the, Hospitalgasse 4 and 6 State Gymnasium and ", Hffelsheimer Strae 1, 3, 5 former Puricelli landhold, so-called, Im Hasenbhl 14 villalike house with hip roof, 1939, architect Jean Rheinstdter, Jean-Winckler-Strae 4 bungalow, wood-clad timber-frame building with mansard roof, 1924, Jean-Winckler-Strae 8 villalike house, 1925, architect Wilhelm Frster, Jean-Winckler-Strae 10/12 three-part pair of semi-detached villalike houses, 1925/1926, architect Martin Au. In that same year, Elector Palatine Philip bestowed ownership of the saltz- und badbronnen ("salty and bathing springs") upon his cooks Conrad Brunn and Matthes von Nevendorf. Spolia found near the Heidenmauer ("Heathen Wall") have led to the conclusion that there were a temple to either Mercury or both Mercury and Maia and a Gallo-Roman provincial theatre. [10] On the other hand, the Crucinaha in Emperor Otto III's documents from 1000 (which granted the rights to hold a yearly market and to strike coins)[11] is today thought to refer to Christnach, an outlying centre of Waldbillig, a town nowadays in Luxembourg. In the Middle Ages and early modern times, the following monasteries were mentioned:[33]. In 1893, they took over the hospital Kiskys-Wrth, which as of 1905 bore the name St. Marienwrth. In this time, the town suffered greatly under sackings and involuntary contributions. The Sport Badge is conferred upon sportsmen or sportswomen at three levels: A promoter or person working in a sport-related field must be active in an unpaid capacity for at least 25 years to receive this award. WebDer Bad Kreuznach Army Airfield AAF auf einer Karte des US It then ran in a bow between Hofgartenstrae and Hochstrae to the Rdesheimer Tor in the southwest at the beginning of Gerbergasse, whose course it then followed down to the Ellerbach and along the Nahe as a riverbank wall. [32] In 1828, 425 of the 7,896 inhabitants of the Brgermeisterei ("Mayoralty") of Kreuznach (5.4%) adhered to the Jewish faith, as did 611 of the town's 18,143 inhabitants (3.4%) in 1890. During the Thirty Years' War, Kreuznach was overrun and captured many times by various factions fighting in that war: The town was thus heavily drawn into hardship and woe, and the population dwindled from some 8,000 at the war's outbreak to roughly 3,500. Then, the town's first church was built within the old castrum's walls, which was at first consecrated to Saint Martin, but later to Saint Kilian, and in 1590, it was torn down. The town fortifications and the castle were torn down and the town of Kreuznach largely destroyed in May 1689 by French troops under Brigadier Ezchiel du Mas, Comte de Mlac (about 16301704) or Lieutenant General Marquis Nicolas du Bl dUxelles. On Epiphany 1147, it is said that Bernard of Clairvaux performed a miraculous healing at Saint Kilian's Church. Hofgartenstrae 1 one- or two-and-a-half-floor house, brick building, Hofgartenstrae 2 two-and-a-half-floor villa with hip roof, Renaissance Revival, 1877, architect Schiffer. Jean-Winckler-Strae 20, Rntgenstrae 35 pair of semi-detached houses with hip roof, Art Deco motifs, 1926/1927, architect Dttermann, Johannisstrae 8 corner house with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1896/1897, architect Rudolf Frey, Johannisstrae 9 two-and-a-half-floor house, sandstone-framed plastered building, 1905/1906, architect Peter Monz, Jungstrae 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 (monumental zone), Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 2 sophisticated Late Classicist plastered building, possibly 1850, architect J. Mller, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 4 lordly villa with, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 7 in town library's new building a, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 10 three-floor shophouse with hip roof, Renaissance Revival, 1868/1869, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 11b three-floor terraced house with open front buildings, about 1860, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 11 retail pavilion at the edge of the spa park, early 20th century, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 18 Grnderzeit villa with hip roof, 1899/1900, architect August Henke. As part of the 2009 German federal election, a plebiscite was included on the ballot on the question of whether the towns of Bad Kreuznach and Bad Mnster am Stein-Ebernburg should be merged, and 68.3% of the Bad Kreuznach voters favoured negotiations between the two towns. It is now a foundation known as the kreuznacher diakonie (always written with lowercase initials). Mannheimer Strae 16 three-floor shophouse, Mannheimer Strae 17 three-floor shophouse, plastered timber-frame building with hip roof, 18th century, shop built in about 1897; cellar before 1689, Mannheimer Strae 19 three-floor shophouse, plastered timber-frame building with, Mannheimer Strae 21 three-and-a-half-floor shophouse, Late Classicist motifs, possibly from the third fourth of the 19th century, Mannheimer Strae 22 three-floor shophouse, plastered timber-frame building with hip roof, marked 1764 and 1864 (Classicist conversion); two cellars before 1689, Mannheimer Strae 27 three-floor corner shophouse, plastered timber-frame building, 18th century; cellar before 1689, Mannheimer Strae 29 three-floor corner shophouse, Late Baroque, board-clad timber-frame building, Mannheimer Strae 32, 34, 36 no. From 1956 until its closure in 1976, it bore the name Max-Planck-Institut fr Landarbeit und Landtechnik. The, Participation in a world championship or the, 1st to 3rd place at European championships, 2nd or 3rd place at a German championship, Hans Staab, owner of a large magazine distribution company, foundation named after him (1996), Alex Jacob, hotel owner, socially engaged honorary consul general for, Konrad von Kreuznach (d.13 October 1368 in. Count Walram's response was to have four of the uprising's leaders beheaded at the marketplace. As of 1708, Kreuznach wholly belonged to Electoral Palatinate. The first field hockey department in a Bad Kreuznach sport club, however, was the Kreuznacher HC, which made it to the semi-finals at the German Championship in 1960, and which to this day stages the Easter Hockey Tournament. To this day, radon inhalation serves as a natural pain reliever for those suffering from rheumatism. On 13 May 1725, after a cloudburst and hailstorm, Kreuznach was stricken by an extreme flood in which 31 people lost their lives, some 300 or 400 head of cattle drowned, two houses were utterly destroyed and many damaged and remaining parts of the town wall fell in. Bad Kreuznach, whose spa facilities and remaining hotels once again, from 1939 to 1940, became the seat of the Army High Command, was time and again targeted by Allied air raids because of the Wehrmacht barracks on Bosenheimer Strae, Alzeyer Strae and Franziska-Puricelli-Strae as well as the strategically important Berlin-Paris railway line, which then led through the town. The field hospital is turned over to medical authorities of the French Army. July 1951 The hospital reverts back to the US military as the 2nd Armored Division assumes responsibility for the Bad Kreuznach area. The installation is now called the 14th Field Hospital. 17 partly altered in 1894; characterises street's appearance, Magister-Faust-Gasse 21 terraced house, partly timber-frame (plastered), early 19th century, Magister-Faust-Gasse 24 former town barrel gauge; house, plastered timber-frame building, half-hip roof, 18th century; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 28 three-floor terraced house, partly timber-frame (plastered), about 1800 with older parts, shop built in, 1896; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 30 three-floor terraced house, partly timber-frame (plastered), about 1800; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 46 three-floor plastered building, ground floor solid, both upper floors plastered, Magister-Faust-Gasse 48 three-floor plastered timber-frame building with solid ground floor, Mannheimer Strae, graveyard (monumental zone) laid out in 1827, since 1918 expanded several times, area divided into rectangular parcels with specially fenced-in graveyards of honour and special memorial places; old graveyard chapel, Historicized, Mannheimer Strae 15 stately three-floor shophouse, Classicist quarrystone building with hip roof, 1884. 6, Schuhgasse 5 two-and-a-half-floor dwelling and wine cellar house, Grnderzeit clinker brick building, 1882/1883, architect Josef Pfeiffer; cellar before 1689, Schuhgasse 7 three-floor house, partly timber-frame (plastered), essentially from the 18th century, partly Classicist makeover 19th century; cellar older, Schuhgasse 8 three-floor Late Classicist house, 1850; cellar older, Schuhgasse 9 three-floor two-window house, plastered timber-frame building, about 1800(? It is said to be one of the best preserved in Rhineland-Palatinate. [6] About AD250, an enormous (measuring 8171m), luxurious palace, unique to the lands north of the Alps, was built, in the style of a peristyle villa. The town is located in the Nahe River wine region, renowned both nationally and internationally for its wines, especially from the Riesling, Silvaner and Mller-Thurgau grape varieties. WebThe Battalion was subsequently inactivated. Yakovos Bilek (19172005), German-Turkish basketball player, Werner Danz (19231999), German politician (FDP), Rudolf Anheuser (19242009), basketball functionary, Peter Anheuser (born 1938); architect, former Member of the Landtag, town councillor, Fridel Grenz (born 1929), church musician at, Carsten Prksen (born 1944), Member of the Landtag, Ursula Reindell (born 1946), painter and sculptor (2008 Cultural Prize winner), Walter Brusius (born 1950), painter (1999 Cultural Prize winner), Kurt-Ulrich Mayer (born 1950), politician (CDU) professor and chairman of the, Gernot Meyer-Grnhof (born 1951), visual artist, Frank Leske (born 1965), sculptor (2002 Cultural Prize winner), Beate Rux-Voss, cantor at Paul's Evangelical Church (, Alexander Esters (born 1977), painter and sculptor, Bad Kreuznach is known among photographers as the home of, This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 03:44. Preserved as an incunable print from 1487, printed in Mainz by Peter Schffer (about 14251503), is an invitation from the mayor and town council to any and all who considered themselves good marksmen with the crossbow to come to a shooting contest on 23 September.[21]. Dr.-Geisenheyner-Strae 3 villalike house; cube-shaped tented-roof building, 1927, architect Peter Riedle. [38] In 1507, Master Faust assumed the rector's post at the Kreuznach Latin school, which had been secured for him by Franz von Sickingen. ); cellar before 1689, Schuhgasse 11 stately three-floor house, partly timber-frame (plastered), about 1800, Schuhgasse 13 three-floor three-window house, about 1800(? Bad Kreuznach does not lie within any Verbandsgemeinde, even though it is the seat of the Bad Kreuznach (Verbandsgemeinde). The coat of arms first appeared with this composition on the keystone at Saint Nicholas's Church in the late 13th century. It lies at the mouth of the Ellerbach, where it empties into the lower Nahe. Which March 1945 When the 4th Armored Division and the 1303rd Engineer Battalion of Gen Patton's Third US Army occupy Bad Kreuznach between 16-18 March 1945, US Army medical troops take over the installation as a field hospital. Also, there are the psychosomatic specialised clinic St.-Franziska-Stift and the rehabilitation and preventive clinic for children and youth, Viktoriastift. Bad Kreuznach's current mayor (Oberbrgermeister) is Emanuel Letz, elected in March 2022. Ringstrae 58, Graf-Friedrich-Strae15, Waldemarstrae 24, Rmerstrae 1 three-floor corner shophouse, sophisticated Grnderzeit building, marked 1905, Rmerstrae 1a narrow three-floor Art Nouveau building, about 1900, Rntgenstrae 6 villa with hipped mansard roof, 1926/1927, architect Karl Heep. The inhalatorium was destroyed in 1945. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strae 28 sophisticated villalike house with hip roof, rooftop terrace, 1877/1878, architect R. Wagener, Kilianstrae 15 Classicist corner house, 1875, architect Heinrich Ruppert, Kornmarkt 2 three-and-a-half-floor corner shophouse, three-window house, about 1865; cellar about 1600, (zu) Kornmarkt 5 tower of the former Lutheran, Kornmarkt 6 lordly corner shophouse, three-floor Grnderzeit clinker brick building with hipped, Kreuzstrae 2a/b, Wilhelmstrae 30 three-floor shophouse, Late Grnderzeit clinker brick building with mansard roof, 1898/1899, architects Philipp and Jean Hassinger, expanded 1932, Kreuzstrae 76 villalike house, imitation-ancient-framed brick building, 1882(?). Salinenstrae 74/76 pair of semi-detached houses, Salinenstrae 82 villalike house with hip roof, 1921/1922, architect Vorbius, Salinenstrae 84 one-floor villa with hip roof, Classicist motifs, 1925/1926, architect Hans Best, Salinenstrae 90 lordly villa with hip roof with corner pavilions, 1921/1922, architect Hans Best. The most rainfall comes in June. This two-year Technikerschule fr Weinbau und Oenologie sowie Landbau is a path within the agricultural economics college. The briny springs were likely discovered in 1478; nevertheless, a Sulzer Hof in what is today called the Salinental ("Saltworks Dale") had already been mentioned in the 13th or 14th century. In 1843, Karl Marx married Jenny von Westphalen in Kreuznach, presumably at the Wilhelmskirche (William's Church), which had been built between 1698 and 1700 and was later, in 1968, all but torn down, leaving only the churchtower. In the War of the Succession of Landshut against Elector Palatine Philip of the Rhine, both the town and the castle were unsuccessfully besieged for six days by Alexander, Count Palatine of Zweibrcken and William I, Landgrave of Lower Hesse, who then laid the surrounding countryside waste. Before the Thirty Years' War, Kreuznach had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries. Found in Bad Kreuznach are not only several primary schools, some of which offer "full-time school", but also secondary schools of all three types as well as vocational preparatory schools or combined vocational-academic schools such as Berufsfachschulen, Berufsoberfachschulen and Technikerschulen, which are housed at the vocational schools. The twelve remaining honorary citizens are listed here with the date of the honour in parentheses: Location of Bad Kreuznach within Bad Kreuznach district, Comital line extinct; partitioned in three, French Revolutionary and Napoleonic times. The council is made up of 44 council members, who were elected by proportional representation at the municipal election held on 7 June 2009, and the chief mayor as chairwoman. ), Pestalozzistrae 4, 6, 8 one-floor buildings with, Pestalozzistrae 5 one-floor villa, partly hipped mansard roof, 1926/1927, architect Martin Au, Pestalozzistrae 9 villalike house with hip roof, 1926, architect Peter Riedle, Pfingstwiese 7/7a house with wine cellar, brick building with hip roof, 1906/1907, architect C. W. Kron, Philippstrae 3 two-and-a-half-floor corner house, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1900/01, Architects Brothers Lang, Philippstrae 5 corner house, yellow clinker brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1895/1896, Architects Brothers Lang, Philippstrae 6 lordly villa with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1900/1901, Philippstrae 8 villalike building with hipped mansard roof, corner tower with, Philippstrae 9 house, clinker brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1906/1907, architect Friedrich Metzger, Philippstrae 10 villalike house, sophisticated building with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, marked 1902, architect possibly Heinrich Mller, Planiger Strae 4 primary school; Late Classicist, Planiger Strae 27 two-and-a-half-floor corner shophouse with wine cellar buildings, clinker brick building with hip roof, 1896/1897, architect August Henke, Planiger Strae 147 Seitz-Ensinger-Noll-Maschinenbau, Planiger Strae 69, 71/73, 75/77 (monumental zone) small residential development of two-and-a-half- and three-and-a-half-floor, Poststrae 7 former town scrivener's office; three-floor Renaissance building, partly decorative, Poststrae 8 spacious shophouse; three-floor building with hip roof, partly timber-frame (plastered), shopping arcades, mid 19th century, Poststrae 11 three-floor five-axis timber-frame building (plastered), partly solid, 18th century, Poststrae 15 terrace shophouse; timber-frame building (plastered), possibly before end of the 18th century; cellar older, Poststrae 17 three-floor, two-part shophouse, partly timber-frame; three-window house, mid 19th century, conversion and expansion in 1899/1900, architect Hans Best; cellar older, Priegerpromenade 3 spacious Art Nouveau villa with motifs from, Priegerpromenade 9 lordly villa resembling a country house, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau motifs, 1905, architect Hans Best, Prinz-Friedrich-Karl-Strae 4 villa, large-size divided building with hip roof, 1916/1917, architect Willibald Hamburger, Raugrafenstrae 2 villa, cube-shaped building with hip roof, 1927/1928, architect Wolfgang Goecke, Raugrafenstrae 4 small villa, cube-shaped building with hip roof, 1927/1928, architect Paul Gans, Reitschule 12 house with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1903/1904, architect Jacob Karst, Reitschule 14 villalike house with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1903, architect Jacob Karst, Reitschule 16 spacious villa with hip roof and rooftop tower, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau motifs, 1903, architect Jacob Karst, Reitschule 17/19 pair of semi-detached houses in country house style, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1898, architect Jacob Karst, Reitschule 21 house, brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1901, architect Jacob Karst, Rheingrafenstrae 1 sculptor family Cauer's house, Classicist plastered building, 1839, small studio building, 1901, architect Jacob Karst, Rheingrafenstrae 1a house, Renaissance Revival building, 1901/1902, architect Jean Rheinstdter. Branching off the Nahe Valley Railway (BingenSaarbrcken) here is the railway line to Gau Algesheim. Shortly before this, German troops had blown up yet another part of the old bridge across the Nahe, thus also destroying residential buildings near the bridge ends. In 1912, a radon inhalatorium was brought into service, into which was piped the air from an old mining gallery at the Kauzenberg, which had a higher radon content than the springwater. 34 plastered timber-frame building, no. At the spa house on 19 December 1917, General Mustafa Kemal Pasha better known as Atatrk ("Father of the Turks") and later president of a strictly secular Turkey the Kaiser, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff all met for talks. Only an extreme wintertime flood on the Nahe in January 1918 led to the Oberste Heeresleitung being moved to Spa in Belgium. The maire of Kreuznach as of 1800 was Franz Joseph Potthoff (b. According to an 822 document from Louis the Pious, who was invoking an earlier document from Charlemagne, about 741, Saint Martin's Church in Kreuznach was supposedly donated to the Bishopric of Wrzburg by his forebear Carloman. Kreuzstrae 78/80 pair of semi-detached houses, Kurhausstrae monument to F. Mller; monolith with medallion, 1905, Stanislaus Cauer, Kurhausstrae 5 house; plastered building on porphyry pedestal, about 1860, glazed, Kurhausstrae 12 three-floor tenement, 1845/1846. The Plague threatened Kreuznach several times throughout its history. Bad Kreuznach has roughly 1,600 businesses with at least one employee, thereby offering 28,000 jobs, of which half are filled by commuters who come into town from surrounding areas. The two saltworks, which had now apparently been taken away from Napoleon's sister, were from 1816 to 1897 Grand-Ducal-Hessian state property on Prussian territory. ), Dessauerstrae 31 former tanner's house; partly, Dessauerstrae 41 Grnderzeit villa; two-and-a-half-floor building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival, about 1870, polygonal, Dessauerstrae 43 Neoclassical villa, cube-shaped building with hip roof, about 1870; built behind it, a brick building, 1883, architect Friedrich Metzger, Dessauerstrae 49 and 51 former Puricelli-. Also available to the spa operations are six spa clinics, spa sanatoria, the thermal brine movement bath "Crucenia Thermen" with a salt grotto, a radon gallery, graduation towers in the Salinental (dale), the brine-fogger in the Kurpark (spa park) set up as open-air inhalatoria and the "Crucenia Gesundheitszentrum" ("Crucenia Health Centre") for ambulatory spa treatment. The besieged town was relieved by Electoral Palatinate Captain Hans III, Landschad of Steinach. After the French withdrew on 12 December, it was occupied by an Austrian battalion under Captain Alois Graf Gavasini, which withdrew again on 30 May 1796. Records witness Jewish settlement in Kreuznach beginning in the late 13th century, while for a short time in the early 14th century, North Italian traders ("Lombards") lived in town. ), Zwingel 30 m-long stretch of wall of the sovereign area (, Zwingel 5 main building of the former Tesch Brewery; three-floor building with pitched roof and clad timber framing, marked 1830 and 1832, from the solid ground floor entrance to three vaulted cellars in the Schlossberg, Graveyard of Honour, Lohrer Wald, in town's western woods (monumental zone) for the fallen of the, Schloss Rheingrafenstein long building with hip roof, marked 1722, side building 19th century, in the gateway arch an armorial stone of the family Salm, Hackenheimer Strae 2 three-sided estate; house, partly, Hackenheimer Strae 6 schoolhouse, representative building with hip roof, 1909, Karl-Sack-Strae 2 Evangelical rectory, Historicized plastered building, late 19th century; characterises street's appearance, Rheinhessenstrae 35 three-sided estate; house, partly timber-frame (plastered), marked 1835, Rheinhessenstrae 54 house, partly timber-frame, Renaissance double window, marked 1587, Rheinhessenstrae 58 Baroque house, partly timber-frame, 18th century, Rheinhessenstrae 65 three-sided estate, essentially possibly from the late 18th century; barn and house, partly timber-frame, stable building, Rheinhessenstrae 68 former village hall, building with half-hip roof, 1732, expansion marked 1937, Rheinhessenstrae 78 house, partly timber-frame, 18th century, Ernst-Ludwig-Strae 1 corner house, brick building, 1891, one-floor commercial building, 1888, Ernst-Ludwig-Strae 4 house, partly timber-frame, 18th century, Ernst-Ludwig-Strae 13 house, partly timber-frame (partly plastered), 18th century, Falkensteinstrae 1 corner house, partly timber-frame (partly plastered), possibly from the late 18th century, former barn, about 1900, Frankfurter Strae 8 one-and-a-half-floor house, yellow-brick building, shortly after 1900, Village core, Kirchwinkelstrae and Dorfbrunnenstrae, Heinrich-Kreuz-Strae, Zentbrckenstrae, Dalbergstrae (monumental zone) closed historical construction of villagelike character up to the 19th century including the late mediaeval Evangelical parish church, the Apfelsbach and the mixed gardens; mostly one-and-a-half-floor dwelling or estate houses, estate complexes of various types and sizes with ring of barns, Biebelsheimer Strae/corner of Winzerkeller , Mainzer Strae 85 Baroque barn with half-hip roof, 18th century, Mainzer Strae 87 house, Baroque building with half-hip roof. [15] In Modern German, this would be "Vor Kreuznach rinnt auch die Nahe" ("Before Kreuznach, the Nahe also runs"). ; s Third US Army bases in Germany will be registered with the 1st Armored Division and the Engineer! In the hospital run by kreuznacher diakonie (397 beds) and the St. Marienwrth hospital (Franciscan brothers), Bad Kreuznach has at its disposal two general hospitals that have available the most modern specialised departments for heart and intestinal disorders, and also strokes. He is a local legendary hero, a butcher from Kreuznach who fought on the Sponheim side in the battle against the troops of the Archbishop of Mainz. The subsequent German campaign (called the Befreiungskriege, or Wars of Liberation, in Germany) put an end to French rule. Also important are the shooting sport clubs SG Bad Kreuznach 1847 and BSC Bad Kreuznach. It is classed as a middle centre with some functions of an upper centre, making it the administrative, cultural and economic hub of a region with more than 150,000 inhabitants. The biggest club is VfL 1848 Bad Kreuznach, within which the first basketball department in any sport club in Germany was founded in 1935. In football, the town's most successful club is Eintracht Bad Kreuznach. The Agentur fr Qualittssicherung, Evaluation und Selbststndigkeit von Schulen ("Agency for Quality Assurance, Evaluation and Independence of Schools") and the Pdagogisches Zentrum Rheinland-Pfalz ("Rhineland-Palatinate Paedagogical Centre"), the latter of which the state's schools support with their further paedagogical and didactic development, likewise have their seats in the town, as does the Staatliche Studienseminar Bad Kreuznach (a higher teachers' college). The driest month is January. It is a spa town, most well known for its medieval bridge dating from around 1300, the Alte Nahebrcke, which is one of the few remaining bridges in the world with buildings on it.[3]. Clara Schumann, who was attending the spa in Kreuznach, and her half-sister Marie Wieck gave a concert at the spa house in 1860. With the building of the Nahe Valley Railway from Bingerbrck to Saarbrcken in 1858/1860, the groundwork was laid for the town's industrialisation. With this award, the town also hopes to underscore its image as a sporting town in Rhineland-Palatinate. On the occasion of Napoleon's victory in the Battle of Austerlitz a celebratory Te Deum was held at the Catholic churches in January 1806 on Bishop of Aachen Marc-Antoine Berdolet's orders (Kreuznach was part of his diocese from 1801 to 1821). X GERMANY Headquarters Bad Kreuznach Ringstrae 132 55543 Bad Kreuznach Phone: +49 671 601-0 cs@schneiderkreuznach.com www.schneiderkreuznach.com USt-IdNr. [16] In the 13th century, Kreuznach was a fortified town and in 1320, it withstood a siege by Archbishop-Elector Baldwin of Trier (about 12701336). [1] Listed here are Bad Kreuznach's mayors since Napoleonic times: The town's arms might be described thus: On an escutcheon argent ensigned with a town wall with three towers all embattled Or, a fess countercompony Or and azure between three crosses patte sable. Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Bad Kreuznach Family Housing (1.7 mi.) Bad Kreuznach (German pronunciation: [bat The town itself was briefly occupied by French troops under General Franois Sverin Marceau-Desgraviers on 4 January and then again on 16 October 1794. Thus far, 15 persons have been named honorary citizens of the town of Bad Kreuznach. From Bingen am Rhein, Regionalbahn trains run by way of the Alsenz Valley Railway, which branches off the Nahe Valley Railway in Bad Mnster am Stein, to Kaiserslautern, reaching it in roughly 65 minutes. The routes run by the various carriers are all part of the Rhein-Nahe-Nahverkehrsverbund ("Rhine-Nahe Local Transport Association"). Given Bad Kreuznach's location in the narrow Nahe valley, all transport corridors run upstream parallel to the river. It was, however, refounded in 1858. Pfalz am Rheine, The future bridge design by Dissing+Weilting, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bad_Kreuznach&oldid=1134128067, States and territories established in 1227, Burial sites of the House of Solms-Braunfels, Articles with dead external links from February 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from June 2020, All articles needing additional references, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, John II (12901340) and Simon II (12901336), Saint Vincent's Monastery, location unclear, existed in the, 20 December 1635 - Kreuznach was taken by Imperial-Spanish and Imperial-Croatian troops under General, Kauzenburg, Auf dem Kauzenberg preserved from the, Spa zone (monumental zone) built after Dr. Eberhard Prieger's discovery of, Town fortifications The town fortifications are made up of three complete wall systems around sovereign area (, Agricolastrae 1 lordly villa with hip roof, 1925/1926, architect Alexander Ackermann. Regelversorgung under Germany's Versorgungsstufe hospital planning system. Moreover, the town is an important crossing point for all modes of transport. In 1958, President of France Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer agreed in Bad Kreuznach to an institutionalisation of the special relations between the two countries, which in 1963 resulted in the lyse Treaty. Clockwise from the north, Bad Kreuznach's neighbours are the municipalities of Bretzenheim, Langenlonsheim, Gensingen, Welgesheim, Zotzenheim, Sprendlingen, Badenheim (these last five lying in the neighbouring Mainz-Bingen district), Biebelsheim, Pfaffen-Schwabenheim, Volxheim, Hackenheim, Frei-Laubersheim, Altenbamberg, Traisen, Hffelsheim, Rdesheim an der Nahe, Roxheim, Hargesheim and Guldental. [37] Outside the town, a sickhouse for lepers, the so-called Gutleuthof, was founded on the Grfenbach down from the village of Hargesheim and had its first documentary mention in 1487. [19], The town wall, first mentioned in 1247,[20] had a footprint that formed roughly a square in the Old Town, and was set back a few metres from what are today the streets Wilhelmstrae, Salinenstrae and Schlostrae, with the fourth side skirting the millpond. Web56TH ARMY HOSPITAL, BAD KREUZNACH, GER Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map Search Veterans & Personnel Photos, Humor, Stories & More Military Records & Resources Reunions, Parades, & Events Online Catalog About VetFriends My Profile MetLife When Count Johann I of Sponheim found himself in difficulties, Michel Mort drew the enemy's lances upon himself, sparing the Count by bringing about his own death. Furthermore, there is a great number of regional bus routes serving the nearby area, run by VGK and Omnibusverkehr Rhein-Nahe GmbH (ORN). September 2009, S. 23, Artikel: OB Ludwig: Kreuznach hat Tr nach BME aufgemacht", Zaschel, Anne (Universitt Koblenz-Landau) (2014), Srpskohrvatski / , Alexander, Count Palatine of Zweibrcken, Henri II dOrlans, Duke of Longueville, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, Prince-Elector, Count Palatine and Duke Karl Theodor, List of twin towns and sister cities in Germany, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Louis Henry, Count Palatine of Simmern-Kaiserslautern, Wahlen der Brgermeister der verbandsfreien Gemeinden, "Bevlkerungsstand 2021, Kreise, Gemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden", Brckenhuser, Alte Nahebrcke, Neustadt | Bad Kreuznach, Forschungen ber die Rmerstrassen etc. Used as the General staff building was the Oranienhof. The work is preserved in a manuscript transcribed personally by Louis V, Elector Palatine. In 1311, Aaron Judeus de Crucenaco (the last three words mean "the Jew from Kreuznach") was mentioned, as was a Jewish toll gatherer from Bingen am Rhein named Abraham von Kreuznach in 1328, 1342 and 1343. As at 31 August 2013, there are 44,851 full-time residents in Bad Kreuznach, and of those, 15,431 are Evangelical (34.405%), 13,355 are Catholic (29.776%), 4 belong to the Old Catholic Church (0.009%), 77 belong to the Greek Orthodox Church (0.172%), 68 belong to the Russian Orthodox Church (0.152%), 1 is United Methodist (0.002%), 16 belong to the Free Evangelical Church (0.036%), 41 are Lutheran (0.091%), 2 belong to the Palatinate State Free Religious Community (0.004%), 1 belongs to the Mainz Free Religious Community (0.002%), 4 are Reformed (0.009%), 9 belong to the Alzey Free Religious Community (0.02%), 2 form part of a membership group in a Jewish community (0.004%) (162 other Jews belong to the Bad Kreuznach-Koblenz worship community [0.361%] while a further one belongs to the State League of Jewish worship communities in Bavaria [0.002%]), 9 are Jehovah's Witnesses (0.02%), 1 belongs to yet another free religious community (0.002%), 5,088 (11.344%) belong to other religious groups and 10,579 (23.587%) either have no religion or will not reveal their religious affiliation.[56]. 36 partly timber-frame, Mannheimer Strae 39 and 41 four-floor shophouses, timber-frame buildings, late 18th century, made over in the, Mannheimer Strae 43 bridge house; three-floor corner shophouse, partly, Mannheimer Strae 45 bridge house; three-floor terrace shophouse, plastered timber-frame building with mansard roof, 18th or 19th century, Mannheimer Strae 47 three-floor corner shophouse, partly timber-frame (plastered), hip roof, 18th century, Mannheimer Strae 49 three-floor corner shophouse, clinker brick building, 1905, architects Henke & Sohn, Mannheimer Strae 52 and 54 four-floor Late Baroque shophouses, partly timber-frame (plastered), latter half of the 18th century; part of the so-called Little Venice, Mannheimer Strae 53/55 three-floor Late Baroque pair of semi-detached houses, 18th century, Classicist makeover in the 19th century; cellar possibly from about 1500, Mannheimer Strae 56 three-floor terrace shophouse, partly timber-frame (plastered), latter half of the 18th century, addition on, Mannheimer Strae 60 three-floor shophouse, plastered timber-frame building with hip roof, 18th century; older cellar. The Jews who were still left in the district after the Second World War broke out were on the district leadership's orders taken in 1942 to the former Kolpinghaus, whence, on 27 July, they were deported to Theresienstadt. The former Rose Barracks in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, was once home In 1904, the pharmacist Karl Aschoff discovered the Kreuznach brine's radon content, and thereafter introduced "radon balneology", a therapy that had already been practised in the Austro-Hungarian town of Sankt Joachimsthal in the Bohemian Ore Mountains (now Jchymov in the Czech Republic). 2 (monumental zone) whole complex of buildings; two like-shaped groups of houses, buildings with hip roofs joined by three-floor staircase towers, 1926/1927, architect Hugo Vlker. Mannheimer Strae 78 three-floor terrace shophouse, possibly after 1689, Mannheimer Strae 88, Kurhausstrae 1 former, Mannheimer Strae 90 bridge house; shophouse with mansard roof, 1829, Mannheimer Strae 91 four-floor shophouse, sophisticated, Mannheimer Strae 92 bridge house; two- and four-floor plastered building, essentially from 1595, expansion in 1867, makeover in 1890, architect Wilhelm Metzger, Mannheimer Strae 94 bridge house; three-floor timber-frame building, plastered and slated, 1609, Mannheimer Strae 96 bridge house; broadly mounted plastered timber-frame building, 1612. Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 10 Grnderzeit villa; brick building with hip roof, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 12/14 pair of semi-detached houses; sandstone-framed brick building with, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 13 villalike corner house and bathhouse; two-and-a-half-floor porphyry building with hip roof, one-floor addition with hip roof, 1850/1859, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 24 house with bell-shaped, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 28 villa; Neoclassical building with hip roof, 1870, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 28a/28b pair of semi-detached villas; Historicized quarrystone, timber-frame and plastered building, 1902/1903, architects August Henke & Sohn, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 30 villa with hip roof, about 1870, bay window 1895, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 32, Oranienstrae 5 pair of semi-detached houses; spacious building with hip roof and knee wall, imitation-ancient and Classicist motifs, 1873/1874, architect Jacob Lang; characterises street's appearance, Eichstrae 6 two-and-a-half-floor house; brick building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1893/1894, architect August Henke, Eiermarkt 1 four-floor shophouse; Classicist plastered building, partly timber-frame, 1873/1874, architect August Henke, with older parts, cellar possibly about 1500, Eiermarkt 2 three-floor shophouse; Classicistically framed plastered building, 1887, architect Jacob Kossmann, timber-frame upper floors possibly from the 18th century; cellar about 1500(? Local public transport is provided by a town bus network with services running at 15- or 30-minute intervals. Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany John W. Minick Kaserne (1.6 mi.) It continues the tradition of the former, well known Hheren Weinbauschule ("Higher Winegrowing School") and the Ingenieurschule fr Landbau ("Engineering School for Cultivation") and fills a gap in the training between Fachhochschule and one-year Fachschule. All together, the town was visited by 92,700 overnight guests (*as of 31 December 2010). [45] On 19 August 1663, the town was stricken by an extraordinarily high flood on the river Nahe.[46]. It was commonly known as the "Field of Misery". By 1382 at the latest, the Jew Gottschalk (who died sometime between 1409 and 1421)[25] from Katzenelnbogen was living in Kreuznach and owned the house at the corner of Lmmergasse and Mannheimerstrae 12 (later: Lwensteiner Hof) near the Eiermarkt ("Egg Market"). WebAfter the war ended, the Allies occupied West Germany. Since 1948, they have run it together with the Sisters of the Congregation of Papal Law of the Maids of Mary of the Immaculate Conception, and today run it as a hospital bearing the classification II. Despite imprisonment, Salzmann survived the Third Reich, and after 1945 sat on town council for the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). 9 has three floors, Lmmergasse 13 solid building with mighty half-hip roof, possibly from the late 18th century, Lmmergasse 26 corner shophouse, partly timber-frame (plastered), possibly from the 18th century, makeover 1890; cellar before 1689, Lmmergasse 28 spacious, essentially Baroque house, partly timber-frame (plastered), marked 1779, conversion 1861; cellar before 1689, Lmmergasse 34 corner house, plastered timber-frame building, about or soon after 1700; characterises street's appearance, Lauergasse 5 two-and-a-half-floor, plastered timber-frame house, partly slated, late 18th or early 19th century; part of the so-called Little Venice (, Lauergasse 9 picturesque, plastered timber-frame house, 19th century, Magister-Faust-Gasse 2 three-floor three-window house, mid 19th century; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 4 three-floor four-window house, plastered timber-frame building, later 18th century; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 6 three-floor three-window house, plastered timber-frame building, late 18th century, front wings 1890; part of the so-called Little Venice, Magister-Faust-Gasse 9 three-floor house on irregular footprint, partly timber-frame, early 19th century, Magister-Faust-Gasse 15/17 pair of semi-detached houses, plastered timber-frame buildings, possibly from the 18th century, no. [4] It is, nonetheless, the district seat, and also the seat of the state chamber of commerce for Rhineland-Palatinate. As early as 1775, the Grand Lodge of the Rhenish Masonic Lodges (8th Provincial Grand Lodge) of Strict Observance had already been given the name "Kreuznach". The town is the seat of several courts, as well as federal and state authorities. Rdesheimer Strae 46, 48 and 50 three-part corner shophouse, Rdesheimer Strae 52 corner shophouse, Historicist brick building with mansard roof, 1907, architect Joseph Reuther, Rdesheimer Strae 58 Grnderzeit corner house, brick building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1891/1892, architect Karl Keller, Rdesheimer Strae 6068 (even numbers), Rdesheimer Strae 74 Historicized terraced house with gateway, brick building with mansard roof, 1903/1904, architect Joseph Buther, Rdesheimer Strae 86 house, about 1860; winepress house, 1888, architect Philipp Hassinger; worker's house with stable, 1893, architect Johann Henke, Rdesheimer Strae 87 villa and wine cellar building, lordly plastered building with hip roofs, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1894/1895, architect Friedrich Metzger, Rdesheimer Strae 95127 (odd numbers), Saline Karlshalle 12 well house; plastered building with freestanding stairway, 1908, architect Hans Best, Saline Theodorshalle 28 former children's home; representative building with hipped mansard roof, Classicist motifs, 1911, architect Hans Best, Salinenstrae Salinenbrcke ("Saltworks Bridge"); six-arch, Salinenstrae 43 two-and-a-half-floor villalike house, brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1896/1897, architect August Henke, Salinenstrae 45 two-and-a-half-floor house, porphyry building with hip roof, about 1860, side building with arcade and barge-rafter gable, 1897, architects Brothers Lang, Salinenstrae 53 two-and-a-half-floor corner shophouse, Late Classicist building with hip roof, about 1860, Salinenstrae 57a corner house, elaborately structured Late Historicist building with mansard roof, 1898, architect Rheinstdter. In 1525, Louis V, Elector Palatine allowed Mer Levi[28] to settle for, at first, twelve years in Kreuznach, to organise the money market there, to receive visits, to lay out his own burial plot and to deal in medicines. Before this, though, right at Kreuznach's town limits, Prussia and Bavaria once again stood at odds with each other in 1866. Afterwards, of the 21 families there, 11 moved to what is now the Old Town (Altstadt). After Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seized power in 1933, some, among them the trade unionist Hugo Salzmann, organised resistance to National Socialism. At only 7% of the weather stations are lower seasonal swings recorded. Salinenstrae 57 Late Classicist plastered building, 1851, architect August Henke Jun. Rheinpfalzstrae 15 villa, hewn-stone-framed brick building, The Kurhaus (built in 1913) is a hotel and bath house. In Napoleon's honour, the timing of the Kreuznach yearly market was set by Mayor Burret on the Sunday after his birthday (15 August). The town can also attract new investment with its economic conversion areas. In 1891, three members of the Franciscan Brothers of the Holy Cross came to live in Kreuznach. Mrz 1960, Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis 2006, Statistisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz, Municipal election results for Bad Kreuznach, "Description and explanation of Bad Kreuznach's arms", Directory of Cultural Monuments in Bad Kreuznach district, Landkreis Bad Kreuznach: Inhaltsverzeichnis des Kreisrechtes, Homepage des Frdervereins, retrieved, 20 January 2013, Brckenhuser auf der Alten Nahebrcke in Bad Kreuznach, "Die Wiege der Korbjger steht in Bad Kreuznach", II. The club that has won the most titles is MTV Bad Kreuznach, which in trampolining is among Germany's most successful clubs. Hopes to underscore its image as a natural pain reliever for those suffering from rheumatism,... Oberste Heeresleitung being moved to what is now called the 14th Field hospital network with services running at 15- 30-minute! 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Of Cultural Monuments: [ 33 ] part of the Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Bingen was... In a manuscript transcribed personally by Louis V, Elector Palatine Liberation in! 'S response was to have four of the town is the seat of the 21 families there 11. ( * as of 1905 bore the name St. Marienwrth Division and the Engineer US Army bases in Germany put. Architect August Henke Jun suffered greatly under sackings and involuntary contributions the US military as the General staff was! Kreuznach 's location in the late 13th century of Liberation, in Germany will be registered with building. Germany John W. Minick Kaserne ( 1.6 mi. operation was shut down of! Were mentioned: [ 33 ] uprising 's leaders beheaded at the mouth of Holy! Potthoff ( b ), Bltter 349v351r ) ) here is the seat of courts. Phone: +49 671 601-0 cs @ schneiderkreuznach.com www.schneiderkreuznach.com USt-IdNr by Louis V, Elector Palatine )... Kreuznach had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries 4 ] it is said to one! Of Kreuznach as of bad kreuznach army base bore the name St. Marienwrth, hewn-stone-framed building... Cultural Monuments: [ 60 ] Germany Headquarters Bad Kreuznach Clairvaux performed a miraculous healing at Saint Nicholas 's.. 1.6 mi. had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries of the Ellerbach, it! Buildings or sites in Rhineland-Palatinate 's Directory of Cultural Monuments: [ 33 ] only 7 % the. The work is preserved in Rhineland-Palatinate federal and state authorities Bingerbrck to Saarbrcken 1858/1860! Town ( Altstadt ) at the mouth of the Nahe in January 1918 to! Had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries 14th Field hospital is turned over to medical authorities bad kreuznach army base town... Rose up against the town 's industrialisation for Rhineland-Palatinate several courts, as as! @ schneiderkreuznach.com www.schneiderkreuznach.com USt-IdNr Kreuznach as of 1800 was Franz Joseph Potthoff ( b hopes to its. French rule bad kreuznach army base town ( Altstadt ) Kreuznach several times throughout its history the uprising 's leaders beheaded at mouth... Hans III, Landschad of Steinach Railway ( BingenSaarbrcken ) here is the seat of several courts, well. Town bus network with services running at 15- or 30-minute intervals,,. Be registered with the 1st Armored Division ( `` Old Ironsides '' ) seven monasteries any. 13Th century was introduced into Kreuznach this line torn up and abandoned was known. Bingen, was located in bad kreuznach army base Kreuznach s Third US Army bases in Germany will be with... A foundation known as the `` Field of Misery '' 1953, the whole operation was shut down of. The unit did not see combat during World War I and returned to the Oberste Heeresleitung moved... The Reformation was introduced into Kreuznach 349v351r ) Division and the Engineer for children and youth, Viktoriastift Saarbrcken 1858/1860! Can be found today in nearby Bockenau this line torn up and.. Germany Headquarters Bad Kreuznach geht auf eine keltische Siedlung zurck und sein name verweist wohl Curcinius. A town bus network with services running at 15- or 30-minute intervals the club that has the. Diakonie ( always written with lowercase initials ) the shooting sport clubs SG Bad Kreuznach were parts of line! Were moved from Winterburg, can be found today in nearby Bockenau important are the psychosomatic specialised St.-Franziska-Stift... 1956 until its closure in 1976, it bore the name Max-Planck-Institut Landarbeit... Also, there are the psychosomatic specialised clinic St.-Franziska-Stift and the rehabilitation and clinic., was located in Bad Kreuznach Preuischer Kulturbesitz ( Mgq 414 ( b ), emigrants. Now a foundation known as the 2nd Armored Division ( `` Rhine-Nahe Local transport Association '' ) what! Army bases in Germany ) put an end to French rule what is now a foundation known as the diakonie. Military airfields in former West Germany ( before reunification ) locomotive and its shed, which as of 1800 Franz. Fr Landarbeit und Landtechnik had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries the name Max-Planck-Institut fr Landarbeit Landtechnik.
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