Hayley is nervous and asks Freya if she is capable of getting Elijah back. After he leaves, Hayley picks up the journal and starts reading it. She needs help by waking up the originals she tells Mary this is the only option she has. She tells them she knows someone who can get Klaus back. Back at the Bayou Hayley tells Jackson that she agrees with his plan. He tells her he didn't. In You Hung the Moon, Hayley agrees to what Davina her to do, but without issuing a threat to the witch. Klaus suggests that they fake the baby's death in order to keep the baby safe. Instead to keep her for his own ends he gave her to Father Kieran who found her a new home. While Hayley and Hope are in the infirmary, she begins notice vines creeping up outside and inside walls of the building and then blood-red flowers bloom, which she realizes are dahlias and tells the wolves that she knows they are at the building. She was finally able to hold her daughter again when she was reunited with Hope in The Map of Moments. When Elijah is alone with her he tells her that went far too easy and that she shouldn't trust any of them. Hayley was the mother of the first naturally born tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, the daughter she had with the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson. Jackson introduces her to his grandmother Mary, who reveals the ceremonies they will undergo before the marriage occurs. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Hayley attends a banquet with Klaus, Marcel and other vampires, at which Klaus orders the vampires to kill the werewolves in the bayou, her family, much to her protest. Rebekah comes in and tells her she won't be able to attend the wedding, and she gives Hayley a dress. Klaus, hurt, bites Elijah and leaves them before that Hayley discovers a bible which someone left for her to find and in this bible is Hayley's family tree. Later that night, the Mikaelsons go to Hayley's safe house. Jackson forces Hayley to decide between the Mikaelsons and the pack, and Hayley, believing the Mikaelsons will fall to Dahlia, decides to run away with Hope. Hayley was transformed into a hybrid by her daughter's blood. Later on, Hayley enters Marcel's loft and comes upon Elijah and Gia practicing. During the first season, she was protected by The Original Family and reunited with her old friend, Thomas. He can't stop being a vampire and can't stop loving her. Eve is standing besides him and he tells her that all he wants is for Hayley to be happy. Hayley walks into Rousseau's where she sees Keelin and Freya talking. The Labonair family was one of the two royal families which ruled the Crescent Wolf Clan, which itself ran the French Quarter. Marcel and Hayley are about to take Klaus and Elijah out of the water but Davina stops them with magic. She tells him the truth about the ritual, that she knows Klaus would do anything for Hope, even if he can never see her again. Later Klaus forces her to move with him to The Abattoir after his falling out with his siblings over their betrayals, and now states that his child is the only thing that matters to him. In Voodoo Child, Hayley tries to talk with Klaus about their daughter Hope and her future. She tells him that his aren't anything like hers, but he says there's one that involved how her parents died. Hayley tells him not to worry. And how they can't keep sacrificing themselves. Hayley is in her room packing and Elijah goes in the room to talk to her. In Chasing the Devil's Tail, as Klaus tries to help Elijah, his nose begins to bleed, which makes Hayley pull him off of Elijah. Oliver tells them to leave him there, but Hayley refuses and says they'll give them a fight. He follows her advice, but Kimberley retaliates by kidnapping and torturing Caroline. She is struggling with her grief and her new hybrid self. Hayley points out that she didn't use it and Klaus wants to know why, as she could've been free from their predicament. They talk about Freya's feelings for Keelin and Hayley tells her she promises she will return to Keelin and she won't let anything happen to her. As he begins to feed on her. He goes on to tell her the Hollow now has Hope's magic and The Hollow will now live inside the Mikaelson siblings. Klaus wants to leave. After the two found her coffin, they received a call from Elijah who told them that Freya must break the circle which is keeping Davina's spirit safe, in order to draw power from the Ancestral Plane and finally kill Lucien once and for all. Trivia (4) Studied at New York City's prestigious Neighborhood Playhouse in 2006. However, Lucien overpowered both of them and used Hayley as a hostage, telling Klaus to fall on his knees, otherwise, he will crush Hayley's heart. Hayley then confronts Klaus about him ordering the killing of her family. However, he later returns with both and tells Hayley that the cure is genuine. She then goes to the shed where Keelin is and lets her take a break from giving venom. After all are in agreement, Hayley asks Cami if she's okay with being bait, but she shakes off the nervousness and says to make it look convincing. Hayley then goes to Jackson who is with the other Alphas from other packs and decides to tell him later and Jackson puts some of his blood into the bowl for the ritual. Tristan tells Hayley that he will tear her eyeballs out for harming him, however she does not waver. Later, Tyler tells Stefan about Hayley and that she helped him and Chris break their sire bonds, also revealing that they plan on unsiring all the hybrids from Klaus. This angers Hayley. She tries to talk to him but he doesn't respond and disappears. She asks if this is still high school and Oliver tells her she should mind her own business. She also told to Klaus that she will never find peace and her pain will not fade until she can hold Hope in her arms again. He is hurting her while she screams. Hayley Leblanc loves writing, and recently she published her book, "Hayley mysteries: the haunted studio.". Hayley joins Freya as she does a spell to find Elijah. When that is successful, Klaus helps raise Hayley briefly before he must leave their daughter yet again (because of the Hollow). The others include: Hayley is the eleventh werewolf to be seen killed by a witch and to die by a slit throat. Klaus and Hayley argue over whether she should tell Jackson the truth about Hope. Hayley then killed Francesca as vengeance. Hayley tells him the plan is to walk into the coven house and stop the desiring spell. He says he trusts her, but he doesn't trust Jackson. She gets to hold the baby for a few moments before her throat is slit by Monique. Hayley heads over to the The Compound and helps Freya in finding where Aurora, or they will kill her. She states that she doesn't feel any better. Elijah comes to check on her to make sure that she is safe from the witches who are killing to get the power. Rustling is heard behind her and she stands, turns and is suddenly startled by a vampire. Hayley turns into a wolf and kills the leader. In the second season, Hayley has a bloodlust and wants revenge on those who made her give her baby up. While Hope goes to the garden, she and Klaus talk about her and tells him he has a lot to live up to. He tells her that she swore to honor the treaty. She tells Marcel that families fight for each other and nothing will stop that. She confronts him about why he kept the journal from her and read somewhere there is a unification ceremony that bestowed certain abilities onto every member of the pack, and if he believes it. Hayley asks why she would herself in harm's way when she doesn't know her, to which Gia tells her she doesn't have to, but she means something to Elijah and so does Hope. They arrive at Willoughby Lake Bar and when some tensions are shown, Hayley asks for a bourbon unless Hollis still has his moonshine. Other ancient vampires, such as Aya Al-Rashid and Aurora, are also able to subdue her because of their skill, power and age. After Rebekah leaves, Hayley looks in the mirror and admires her new dress. While they talk, Hayley mentions helping Tyler break his sire bond. After Hayley talks to Hope about using her blood against the Hollow. In Keepers of the House, Hayley carries an unconscious Hope into the courtyard of the Abattoir. She tells Keelin considering that she saved her life. Hayley arrives at Marcel's loft and asks him and Gia if they're up for a rescue mission. Hayley talks with Marcel at St. Anne's church, she tells him even though there has been a lot of tragedies here in New Orleans, the one good thing is that Hope was born there. In A Walk on the Wild Side, Hayley attends the Strix Gala with Elijah as his date. She realizes that it's the Hollow's magic and something isn't right. After Hope tells her she wants to stay and keep her company, Hayley shows her she's not alone as they see Jackson, and that both her parents and Mary are there as well. Hayley wants her to come in so she can kill her, but Dahlia says she merely wanted to see her and tells Hayley that the spell that is placed is growing weaker, and Hayley threatens her again. When Hope starts crying, Hayley tells him she needs to stop and feed her, and he tells her to get some guys and go to a hideout. Later, when Tyler is sitting with Hayley, she asks if he got the wolf gene from his mother, claiming his mother knows how to party as she is seen drinking a lot and doesn't appear too drunk. Hayley goes to Jackson and he asks why Klaus didn't kill him when he had the chance. Hayley is able to sense her baby and she finds her baby as the sacrifice begins to take place. Hayley finds it's going be a girl and Sabine goes into psychic fit chatting in a strange language. Hayley and Jackson are still at the church and she asks how he found her. Hayley watches Tyler and Caroline kiss, smiling slightly. Hayley keeps up the ruse that there is something romantic going on between her and Tyler by sensually wiping alcohol from Tyler's lip, knowing Klaus is witnessing it. In Ashes to Ashes, Elijah is waiting at Hayley's old shack in the Bayou and sees her naked and slightly dirty. In No More Heartbreaks, she sits across from Cami and thinks Hope's blood could possibly help cure Cami, but this is just one of the "bets" they have at the moment. Hayley is then seen with Cami and the others at St. Anne's Church, and Hayley tells her she'll heal. Jackson says they're going to meet a Crescent elder who's going to do the wedding with them. Hayley reaches into her pocket to find a note that magically appears and reads that it's from Vincent. He tells her he will leave her alone and that they still love each other, and then kiss. In The Originals season 2 premiere Hayley struggled to adapt to her new hybrid form while grieving over giving her daughter Hope away. Sometime later she talks with Klaus. She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective". However, when Elijah is granted his memories back, he collapses when he remembers who Hayley was to him. Hayley says that she doesn't want to keep things from him either and if he is about to see Sophie then he should know something important. predator (1987 full movie 123) leave the porch light on country song the double date. Hayley tells Caroline she's been staying with Tyler since she needs a place to stay, and that they're good friends. On the key chain it says: "Extra Room. Shen broke free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. This pulled Hayley into a conflict involving the supernatural community and she even became a member of The Faction as a representative of the Crescent Clan. Hayley is arguing with Elijah about how she was protecting Hope from someone they don't completely trust and Elijah says even if they do or don't, they need her, which makes Hayley frown. Hayley demands to know from Davina why they were brought to the Ancestral Plane if the Hollow is too powerful. After hearing all of this information. She finally pulls the knife out, Hayley asks him why is he doing this to her. Then Rebekah leaves New Orleans. In The Bloody Crown, she is in bed with Elijah and says despite everything they've done and lost, they're still here. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. It is then revealed that Hayley left a voicemail for Elijah and she's calling to say goodbye. Freya tells Hayley that Elijah is being hidden by magic. Elijah tells her that Jackson and the rest of the wolves will need her help. Tyler later explains that he and Hayley plan to help all of Klaus' hybrids break the sire bond. Hayley Mills Birthday Hayley Mills was born on April 18, 1946 and is 76 years old now. Elijah knows they are over and their relationship was doomed. After talking more, Jackson agrees to bring Aiden with them and give a true Crescent burial since he didn't deserve it and the pack has lost too much as it is. In this flashback, Hayley was in her daughter's nursery where she wrote to her a letter. Hayley hesitates for a moment before reaching down and pulling up a bag, unraveling it and revealing the three daggers, telling her she found them underneath "Rebekah's coffin" and tells her to find Elijah. She refuses to leave his side as his hallucinations start to get the better of him. Hope saves her by doing a spell which causes Elijah to stop. They walk through the door and when the receptionist calls some guards, she and Klaus fight them off. Rebekah then flashes back to the 1800s, where she and Marcel finally gave into one another. After they walk into the building they see a lot of dead witches and Freya tells Hayley, that The Hollow knows they are there in the building. She tells Hayley there are too many memories and she can't save Elijah or fix her pendant. Freya tells her not to long so they must hurry to come up with another plan. She and Gia are in the nursery and Hayley asks why she's there. Hayley wants Jackson to help rescue Oliver, but he won't since he was working with the Guerreras and since the witches have him, he's dead anyways. In both situations, Hayley was unapologetic and blunt but well-meaning, earning her the friendship of both women. Davina tells her the Hollow created the werewolves and that the Hollow has the same crescent wolf pack birthmark that Hayley has. While Klaus goes to find Agnes, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool as Sophie makes a potion and gives it to Hayley until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease, saving Hayley of losing her child. She is also confident in her belief that she could take down both Esther and Finn, despite the latter taking down both Klaus and Elijah, and the former being one of the most powerful witches in history, and the one responsible for the creation of vampires. In Girl in New Orleans, Agnes convinces Hayley to see OB/GYN in the Bayou. Later on, she is proven to be pregnant with his daughter, and their relationship remains neutral although it turns negative after she falsely accuses him of using their baby's blood to create hybrids and he attempts to eliminate her werewolf kin. When they find her she is completely healed - healed by her baby and Klaus takes her home after having sworn to slaughter all the witches. Before he had a chance, Shen had awoken and threatened to kill her for breaking his jaw and Marcel for betraying The Strix. It is clear they feel an attraction towards each other, however due to other factors, do not act upon them. After Jackson's death, Hayley briefly returned to the compound but has since left New Orleans with her daughter and the Mikaelsons in coffins in a sleeping spell. After taking her to their old home, Elijah promises to always protect Hayley and the baby. Hayley and Freya find Elijah and try to save him. Hayley possessed the standard powers and abilities of a non-Evolved werewolf. He tells her to be careful and she tries to talk to Lara. She also seeked . Hayley then snaps Caroline's neck, and tells Klaus about Tyler's plan. Jackson comes back with an injured Freya and heals her with some blood, however they notice that she is poisoned. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals, she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants (including betraying those she claims to care about); even at the expense of others' lives. After Jackson and Hayley get the upper hand on Klaus for a few minutes, Klaus flings them both several yards away and before they can do anything else, Dahlia arrives. Hayley gets in the truck and leaves. Elijah goes to talk to her and expresses his disappointment in Hayley. Later that night, after Tyler calls Hayley to tell her that Kimberley broke the sire bond, Hayley is in Shane's office and tells him they freed another one. Klaus tells everyone that Finn told him that their aunt Dahlia cursed all firstborns and that she'll be after Hope, but they believe she is dead. She comes into the room where Klaus is with Hope and she wants to come with him. In New Orleans, Hayley is told by Jane-Anne that in the bayou the wolves were named "Roux-Ga-Roux", Jane-Anne shows her an area on a map to go saying it'll give her what she's looking for. She is mother of Hope Mikaelson and descendant of Aria. But Elijah comes and rescues her and Jackson as he leaves her to find Rebekah. She wants the bone to finish what she started. Hayley offers her beer to Davina noting "You need it more I do" as she gives the young witch advice base from her leadership of her pack. She asks where Kayla is and begins to leave, and tells Klaus that she knows what it was like to go through the triggered curse, but Klaus won't allow it and gets ready to leave. Hayley tells the truth and snarls she was getting poison to put their child out of its misery. She tells her that the first full moon is going to hurt, but she's tough and can handle it. She is a member of famous Actress with the age 37 years old group. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The next morning, Klaus wanders into Hayley's room whilst she is supposedly sleeping; he reaches into her back and sniffs the vial of wolfsbane. But the spell keeping him there is too strong and Hayley offers to help Freya break the spell, allowing her to be channeled. She and Klaus then leave New Orleans after deciding it's best for Hope, with the war that's coming. Vincent tells Hayley that the Mikaelson family has to split up for eternity in order to defeat the Hollow. When she kills Francesca, this seems to impact her immensely, causing her to go on a spree of tearing up Hope's nursery. When she has both she will let Keelin go. In Gather Up the Killers, at home Hayley walks up some stairs into an attic and she sees a coffin. A Hollow follower surprises her and snaps her neck; killing her temporarily. As a Labonair on her right shoulder, lies the Crescent birthmark. Elijah is conflicted, but sees her sad and determined, Elijah agrees that he will be there for Hope. He offers to take Hope and the pack and get out of town. Klaus appears and saves her, in the process biting and poisoning the vampire with his werewolf venom. In Beautiful Mistake, Hayley noticed a vampire tailing her and led him into an alleyway where she tried to ambush him but he quickly had the upper hand until she bit him and infected him with werewolf venom. In Bloodletting, it's revealed that it is Tyler who kidnapped Hayley because one of his witch acquaintance's nightmare about the baby and because he wants revenge. Elijah unzips her dress at her request because she does not want to ruin his and Klaus' relationship anymore than it is. He tells her she needs to wake up so she can finish what she started to stop the Hollow. Freya tells her she needs some time and Hayley runs. Hayley and Freya open the unit and go inside. She explains to her parents that she heard voices from the Ancestors and that they have a message for them. Klaus asks Hayley if she knows any of Katherine's allies, and she responds teasingly that she might know a couple and she might even tell him about them. Once she showed up at Tyler's house, Klaus immediately suspected Tyler's secrecy about Hayley was born of him cheating on Caroline with her. I balled from the episode she died, which felt like the most realistic death in the entire series, until the last time we see her. He wants to talk with the werewolves about their alliance with Klaus. Hayley and Hope talk about Klaus and how grateful they both are for Hope saving his life. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Hayley stands over Elijah's dead body in a casket. He then hands her a bag, it's full of money so she can start over somewhere safe. Hayley in Elijah's mind hears screaming and comes across a red door. Hayley is reunited with Hope and she introduces her to Jackson. She then picks it up. Hayley has become far more hypocritical, after Klaus apparently joined forces with Dahlia, after she tried to take their daughter away from him, and after he had Dahlia, place her under the Crescent Curse, before she was fully transformed into her wolf form, Hayley uses her final moments to try and reason with Klaus, pleading with him to see that Dahlia will take Hope away from them, only for Klaus to call her out on her hypocritical nature, and coldly remind Hayley that she was the one who tried to take Hope away from him not Dahlia. She is then told Aurora drank the serum and pulls her hand out of Aurora's chest. Hayley thinks she'll have to do it all alone, but Eve doubts that and then Elijah walks in. In current time Hayley is in labor and the witches are preparing to deliver the baby. Hayley reaches her limit with the argument and gets into the car to help Kayla. She tells them if they want the same thing, they need to sit down and listen. She begs for mercy to let them go. In Save My Soul, Hayley is at the Bayou at her old shack with a cup of coffee and watching the wolves spar with each other. Through this family tree Hayley discovers that her birth name is Andrea Labonair. Hayley is horrified at this revelation and tells him to go outside, and she throws the lighter to the ground, lighting the laboratory up as she walks out. She warns Tyler that he should leave town to escape Klaus' wrath. She thanks her for saving her before against Klaus and the vampires. Klaus points out that they have not been any good for her, that they abandoned her and that he is trying to keep her safe; by killing the werewolves the vampires will have less desire to kill her. Hayley asks Jackson if he's okay with it, he says it's a piece of cake nervously. Hayley eventually comes across the red door again, and though reluctant, she goes inside. Overview (2) Mini Bio (1) Hayley Marshall was born on August 15, 1985 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Hayley returns the favor, refusing to leave his side whilst suffering the effects of Klaus' bite. Hayley arrives at Kayla's trailer and embraces her, telling her since there's not much of a pack left, she might need someone to talk to. Song: Sh. She tells him that Tristan seemed incomplete and he tells her that he has a sister named Aurora, who is usually around him. Hayley ready to get out of the city with Jackson and Hope, and they leave the nursery soon after. After six months apart, she was reunited with Hope. She tells him they have got to stop putting their lives in danger to help save others and she doesn't want this to happen to Hope. Two weeks later, Hayley, who had been feeling ill, left and never returned. She was the last Labonair and that could have been leveraged for the vampires, but instead, he brought her to Father Kieran. She says that he's bent out of shape and that he needs to live his life for himself, to which Hayley smiles a small smile. When Cami is invited in, she tells Hayley, Freya and Elijah that Lucien took Klaus. In Le Grand Guignol, Hayley holds Cleste captive in the bayou. She asks Klaus why he paints and in response he describes painting as a metaphor for control. Hayley says there might be one thing that might be able to stop Marcel. While Jane-Anne does the spell, Hayley's car acts up and weird things happen to her, when seeing other people come to her she passes out with Sophie and the other witches of the Quarter circling her. Hayley and Klaus fight, after which Hayley takes her daughter and moves over the road into an apartment with Hope and Jackson to begin a new life. He uses magic on her to make sure she doesn't move. She is then sitting at the edge of her bed until Elijah walks in telling her he took Marcel's life, and she tries to comfort him. In the meantime Elijah is watching her from a distance. How Old Is Hayley Mills? Hayley is doing it for Hope while Stefan is doing it for Caroline. Hayley, Aiden, Josh and Marcel are outlining their plan and Aiden tells them that Finn wants to meet up at Preservation Hall. He asks her to stay out of trouble in the meantime. She then sees come out of the clearing when Kayla leaves and is touched by what he tells her. Hayley and Jackson meet up right before the wedding and he gives a necklace that symbolizes healing and courage, since he says that she's done everything for the pack, she deserves it. As Freya wakes up Hayley hugs her. They kiss and Hayley gives Elijah a knife to give to Marcel. After they hear a truck coming onto the property Hayley leaves Hope's bedroom and meets with Mary Dumas. She makes it clear that she won't allow him to do anything wrong to her people. In The Originals, Hayley leaves Mystic Falls. In Every Mother's Son, Hayley tells Klaus that she will help him get rid of Esther. She fights back against Elijah and runs. She tells him what she saw and experienced when she went through the red door; a lot of innocent people being slaughtered. He says that he knew she was tough and cunning, but he never knew she was a queen. Hayley shares a dance with Elijah and he once again suggests to come back. He threatens her that if the wolves are not fighting on his side, he will kill them. She tells him she never knew her real parents and that she triggered the gene by accidentally killing someone in a boating accident while she was drunk. Hayley demands to know of Elijah's spirit made it to her talisman. She notices something weird with the bear and finds a jawbone in the stuffing of the bear in it's back. She tells him that they need a place to lay low and is told about the pack's tough times. Tyler and Hayley seem to have met in the Appalachian Mountains when Tyler was trying to break his sire bond to Klaus. Elijah feels only a bit remorseful being he didn't know who Hayley was at the time. Hayley tells her this place is where the pack would go to accept what they've done and honor the dead in order to move on. Hayley asks Freya if her reading will work. As the two were having a moment, Elijah hugged Hayley and kissed her on the forehead. Hayley looks down and quickly admits "just a little one". Hayley died shortly after giving birth to her daughter but her daughter's blood was in her system at the time. Hayley teams up with Klaus and Elijah to remove the moonlight rings from the werewolves. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Hayley is first seen in a flashback writing a love letter to her daughter when Klaus enters the room. When Elijah discovers that Rebekah is missing they are going to find her. Hayley looks at her and feels betrayed that Freya had been helping her, but Freya tells her she had no idea and Hayley shoves her, telling her to get away from Jackson. Esther later possesses Lenore and she offers Hayley a chance to live her life in a new body. Elijah tells her that he might need a bit more persuasion and Hayley proceeds into biting him again. She tells him that she has always loved Elijah, but since Jackson's death, she is constantly reminded of him, and out of respect to him, she has decided to let Elijah go. The lead vampire tells her she might be strong but she is outnumbered. They try to come up with their own to save Elijah. As seen in You Hung the Moon, she got into a heated fight with Klaus and attacked him, however he was not fighting back, simply allowing her to vent her anger. To tell him he was right. Later on, Elijah finds Klaus and learns about the baby and Klaus still isn't agreeing to cooperate. Hayley eventually wakes up and she finds Klaus. Back at the house, Klaus has returned and is berating Rebekah and Hayley for their actions, wondering why exactly Hayley was in the quarter in the first place. Rebekah shows up and asks Freya to examine her cursed mark. Hayley, Elijah, and Marcel arrive at St. Anne's church. The Hollow continues to torture Hayley by breaking every bone in her body. Hayley is angry and says since it doesn't want to be Alpha, she'll rescue Oliver herself. This does nothing to persuade Hayley, as she's afraid of him and backs away. Freya tells her it will considering she can feel the mystical energy. Hayley tries to talk with "Hope" again, to play some chess and have a snack together. They have shown to care for each other. As Keelin tries to run away from Hayley. Marcel and Hayley go into the church leaving Elijah behind. Hope agrees to help, but Hayley tells her it's okay if she doesn't want to help. The Deveraux sisters then intended to use her to gain the Mikaelsons' help against Marcel and to also complete The Harvest and bring back their daughter and niece; Monique. As Freya tries to start her spell Hayley hears some random cars coming. She shushes him as Hope is asleep and tells him that she came to feed Hope and put her down for a nap. Posted on: dinsdag,3 november 2020 how old was hayley marshall when she died In reality, it had tied Sophie's life to Hayley's and Sophie demonstrates this by cutting her finger and Hayley immediately has the same wound. Jackson is attacked in a deleted scene in The Battle of New Orleans for failing to join Oliver and Francesca, and so returns to the bayou where he meets Ansel and learns from him. Tyler assures him she doesn't, but Damon's suspicion seems to plant doubt in Tyler's mind. They tell each other how they feel about each other and how Elijah wants to take her to France. After killing the witch, Hayley tells Hope to go without her, but Greta uses Hope's hesitation to knock her out with sleeping powder. Hayley unlocks the chains that bound Hope and her powers. Jackson leaves for The Bayou and leaves Hayley and Hope. how old was hayley marshall when she died. . Hayley even cares about her daughter's survival more than about her own as it can be seen when she fought against Mikael. In Where You Left Your Heart, Hayley is an alpha again and the werewolf leader. Hayley Marshall died in a heroic and self-sacrificial fashion in an attempt to save the life of her daughter, Hope. Hayley says goodbye to her baby. Freya offers to use Jackson to trace her magic to locate her and Hayley tells her to do it. Having been told that her blood is the key to the Hollow's demise, she slice her hand open and stabs Sofya. Hayley tells them Marcel is right behind them, and that they need to keep moving. Hayley goes back to her room Hope comes into the room concerned. Just before the spell ends they see Hayley's father dropping a key in a floorboard, just before he died. He then says to take care of her and leaves. He then takes her left hand and asks her to marry him, which makes her joke about him having no ring. She triggered the werewolf curse when she was drunk on a boat trip and accidentally killed someone. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, Hayley meets Elijah who is on his way to meet Sophie. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, she walks with Klaus and Elijah alongside other mourners behind Cami's coffin. She goes through the files Kieran has on werewolf rituals and ceremonies, and concludes it sounds more like folklore and fables. In Dead Angels, Hayley is seen arguing with Klaus because he is making a lot of noise which is upsetting Hope who still doesn't understand why Jackson is gone. Hayley agrees and goes to talk to Hope about the plan. Hayley's physical strength was seemingly unusually strong even for a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid. She lunges at Eva to get away from Hope and before she can check on her, Eva telekinetically throws her back into the bedroom. He tells her that his family are all monsters and they've committed countless crimes in their past and present. She then picks a branch and uses it as a torch, and leads Kayla through the woods to show her something. Klaus says he thought Hayley and Elijah were together the night before. A member tells her she's no a member anymore, and she shows her claws and gold eyes, and tells them that she is still a wolf. When he asked a witch, Brynne Deveraux, possessed by Cleste Dubois to curse the Crescent Clan to stop them he spared Andrea to give her a better start in life. Hayley Marshall-Kenner's Funeral was held for Hayley Marshall-Kenner in God's Gonna Trouble the Water after she died to kill Greta Sienna in What, Will, I, Have, Left . First Met When Hope was born. She puts her jacket on and begins to head out to the Bayou, asking him he needs anything and asks if he can watch Hope while she's gone. When they arrive she informs Rebekah that she is going to host a party and invite the crescent werewolves, since it is the full moon, the wolves will turn human for the night and she would be able to connect with her family. Freya tells them her talisman is now becoming unstable and it won't be able to hold Elijah's soul for much longer. In Brotherhood of the Damned, she is at the bayou with Aiden and Jackson. A few days later Hayley is reading Elijah's journals and learn more about him and his feelings about his siblings. Hope you guys like it! He hands her a robe and after she puts it on, she hugs him. I'm a hybrid now. Hayley catches up to her and tells her she will help whether she like it or not. Hayley also reveals that she had Aiden gather the most influential werewolves so both werewolves and vampires can talk. Hayley goes to the compound and tells Klaus they need to talk. They talk about Hope and that she is okay. Klaus assures her that the better punishment is sentencing Tyler to a lifetime of paranoia and fear. Marcel arrived and told Hayley who he was, prompting Marcel to call Elijah for advice. Klaus then takes Hayley to his mansion, where he plays the hospitable host in order to glean information about Katherine. Hayley Marshall (birth name Andrea Labonair) is one of the main characters of The Vampire Diaries spin-off series, The Originals. The Harvest Girls do their spell and Klaus and Hayley wake up in the Ancestral Plane. However, due to Hope's blood running through her mother's veins, this made Hayley a hybrid and she succeeded to kill the witches and take her baby back. Rebekah answered that if she can't she wanted Hayley to tell her daughter about "Crazy Auntie Bex" and despite her absence, she loves her very much. Marcel is the one who ultimately saves the baby. Jackson tells her he was angry all the time and that when he took over as Alpha, it calmed him down a little bit. The werewolves decided to bring the to crescent clans back together by their marriage. She tells Alaric this is what Hope always wanted, to have a normal life, and to also interact with kids her own age. VIEW NEWER REPLIES. After Rebekah and Klaus argue over Klaus' "friendship" with Marcel and Elijah's sudden disappearance, Hayley is seen sitting upon the stairs, seemingly watching and listening to the two siblings arguing. They appear to have become allies, with Klaus in pursuit of Katherine and Hayley in pursuit of knowledge about her family. They want him to move a freezer so they can have access to the underground tunnels; Josh complies. You are here: germanium health benefits; friends of the attleboro animal shelter; how old was hayley marshall when she died . Unimpressed, the Hollow defeats Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley while taking her bone. Hayley gets her revenge on Francesca by killing her but Hayley remains angry and saddened and as a result, she tears Hope's crib apart. They are both sad because their relationship would be a problem for Klaus. Hayley sets off to find Tyler when she hears from one of Klaus' hybrids, who was from a pack she used to run with, talking about protecting him, She surprises Tyler when she shows up at his house unannounced, something which Tyler is clearly happy about. As she is still up against the tree she hears Hope calling her name. Hayley tells her that despite being concerned where Elijah is, he can take care of himself. She has been seen to wear many accessories such as large, dangle earrings, long pendants, necklaces and a variety of rings. After the witch tells her about Lara, a werewolf, she tells Hayley to go to the Bayou. As Hayley and Klaus go through her heirlooms. Unfortunately, Hayley is failing at making Hope stop crying and Jackson then takes Hope from her, trying to soothe her as well, to no avail. Hayley gives the tonic Freya made so he won't be possessed again by Dahlia and he drinks it. Hayley whispers Elijah's name, as if begging for him to help, which he only briefly acknowledges. In an alley, she leaves Declan a message and before she can do anything, someone uses magic and she is knocked unconscious, and it's revealed that she has gone missing. He eventually tries to make a deal with her; protection from Katherine, in exchange for information about Katherine's whereabouts and activities but Hayley remains coy throughout their exchanges. After Rebekah leaves she then gets a text message from Klaus telling her that the Hollow is still out there, which shocks her. Hayley returns to the compound in You Hung The Moon and hits Klaus, shouting at him for destroying their relationship and what it's done to their daughter. Hayley heads towards the area while Jane-Anne and Sophie prepare to do a spell on her. Hayley tells him that she's going to let him grieve, but a war is brewing and the wolves need their alpha, she then leaves him alone after putting her hand to comfort him. He tells her yes. They open the door and see a bunch of people chained up and attached to IV drips. Klaus takes Hayley to the church to show her that he is already helping the werewolves, because they are his clan to and then advises her to just apologize to Elijah so she could fix their relationship. Hayley tells Lara her and Marcel won't hurt her, Hayley begs for help on helping Hope and stopping the Hollow. As Hayley leaves, Katie calls one of Marcel's vampires and tells them there is a werewolf in the quarter. As another werewolf, Hayley earned Tyler's trust and helped him turn over and over again until he finally broke the sire bond. Hayley tells her she has always wondered what her parents were like and what they thought of her. As Hayley and Freya talk. Her impending motherhood has also made her more tender and dedicated to keeping her child safe. Hayley shows her she's also a werewolf by changing her eye color to a werewolf. She tells Elijah she did terrible things to find her family and when she finally did, they were already dead. Camille gives Freya a box with the antidote to Freya's poison. Hayley soon corrects her and quickly tells her she has her brother's manners. She tells him they don't know how to stop the Hollow and they can't fight it. However, when Klaus is forced to return to New Orleans when Hayley is kidnapped by Purist vampires, they share a brief reunion before Hayley sacrifices her life to save Hope's life. Klaus takes on a mentoring role, teaching Hayley how to use her new hybrid status to her advantage. Freya says that they can use a knife with Hope's blood to stop the Hollow. She sees herself killing a man in her wolf form and then kissing Elijah. Later that night, Hayley and Freya drive to an abandoned house. Hayley and Jackson talk about how the wedding is a little showy and she says it's right for Hope and for the pack to get married. While battling the Purist vampires, Hayley is surprised to see Elijah, but realizes his memories of her are gone when he helps one of the Purist vampires instead of Hayley during their fight. Hayley eavesdrops on a conversation between Tyler and Dean when Caroline shows up and meets Hayley. Hayley forgives her. She calms him down. He grabs her and holds her against a tree. In Dance Back from the Grave, Hayley is first seen when she is looking Davina's drawings about Celeste, hoping to find out why she drew them. Hayley is now transforming as her fangs come out involuntarily and bones keep snapping. She starts to wonder if the Hollow was behind the deaths of the Labonairs and if it wants to finish what it started. Hayley calls him out on his attempts to soften her up before mentioning Klaus' plans to kill Tyler. After Klaus leaves, Hayley pours gasoline all over the laboratory and walks over to the werewolf she helped earlier. Sometime later in Austin Texas Hayley is at a bar. She talks to Klaus about his party and tells him no one likes him. Though he will casually threaten her during an argument, Klaus has yet to make good on any of his threats against her, which Hayley relishes pointing out. She tried some name, Zoe, Angela and Caitlin before addressed her letter to "My Letter Girl". Hope asks if she can help and Hayley says to her they are doing everything they can. He asks what's wrong and Hayley says Elijah called and said Klaus is gone and they don't know where he went. Curiously however, Hayley somehow was able to subdue and capture Shen in their first encounter. Hayley then tells Cami more of the plan and that Aiden will lure Finn to the altar, while Hayley will jump on him and put the shackles on him. She then shows them the jawbone. They occasionally spend time together and work together to figure out what's best for the werewolf clan. Rebekah tells her that she is going to help her look for her "good brother", Elijah. She calls Klaus and both look for her. Hayley has displayed a capacity for being sympathetic to the struggles of others, most notably Davina and Cami, and gave them the advice and support that they needed at the time. Hayley Marshall's death came as a shock to many viewers, but showrunners planned it quite some time ago. She meets Jackson, the wolf who has been watching her and protecting her. She tries to talk to her about the Hollow, but she's not in the mood to talk and ignores her. They burst through the doors and fall together in the sunlight and both instantly burst into flames as Klaus looks on and screams at the sight of Hayley's burning corpse. She then climbs in the front of the moving truck and straps Hope in. Reunited in Wheel Inside the Wheel, Hayley is frustrated at Jackson for not doing his job as the alpha wolf but eventually gets over it when she needs his help to help save the pack from Esther's control. Jackson tells Hayley she fell in love with a monster, he continues to berate her over her relationship with Elijah. Hayley disagrees at first since some secrets shouldn't be said, but Jackson reassures her and she agrees. Hayley and Jackson's mind and heart is to become one and they'll share their every secret. When Elijah walks out of the room, she bursts into tears. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) is a main character in The Originals.She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals.She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective".She is the wife of Jackson Kenner and is one of the alphas of the Crescent Wolf Pack, co-ruling with Alex Gilbert. Jackson tells Klaus that he's only giving the order only because of Hayley and not because of him. This clearly upsets her and she wants to know why exactly Elijah wants her to come back. Fearing for her daughter's safety Hayley suggests that her daughter be sent away while her family cleans up the mess they have made. Hayley vamp-speeds over to Marcel and he tells her that Finn has sent him to get her blood. All Hayley wants is for her daughter to have a family that puts her first, and Hayley reminds Klaus that he should want that too. As Cami is putting the files away, Hayley notices she has large pin-pricks going down her spine and asks what's on her back. In The Feast of All Sinners, Hayley finds the Hollow on the streets of New Orleans now fully possessing Hope. She then learned that she will have a daughter which enjoyed her and she softly prepared herself to become a mother. When they try to enter a room, Freya is thrown against a wall and knocked unconscious. Hayley, Elijah and Klaus continue to talk about the Hollow. In Always and Forever, Sophie tells Elijah about Hayley and her pregnancy, and she has her coven bring her out to Elijah. That she should have wanted to be with him and not Elijah. Hayley gets off the phone from Mary who is at her apartment wanting to talk to her. According to Rebekah, Hayley's daughter, Hope, looks just like Hayley. Hayley and Klaus both disagreed, stating that she's just a kid and by doing that, they'll be losing both Kol and Marcel from their side. Hayley gives birth to a baby girl and she asks if she can hold her. Hayley does not get an answer from Klaus about what will happen to her after the baby is born, so she claims its lucky for her that she has a while before she finds out and that she will pay him back. When questioned further, rather than reveal his secrets, Shen chose to kill himself, removing his daylight ring and burning to death in the sunlight. Hayley is told that her werewolf bloodline was the first created and the Hollow fears her, wants her dead and wants the Labonair bloodline dead, including Hope. However, she finds out nothing. Hayley then starts thinking the Hollow made Richard kill her parents. Marcel knew that Hayley was coming and tells her they need to chat. Hayley wakes up with Davina next to her. Hayley hears some voices in the distant and then she slams Keelin's head against a wall knocking her out. She and Ansel arrive at the cemetery and they find a bloodied Oliver suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse. Klaus assumes that Tyler and Hayley had a fling, which Hayley does not deny. As she walks away, Hayley tells her that as long as she's alive, she'll be hunted, and she needs to disappear. Hayley is described as tough as nails and she can, at times, be protective. Mary hands her a piece of paper with another Wolfpack name on it. He tells her that she's tough like her dad. Shane threatens to include Tyler in the twelve if she doesn't manage to break Adrian's sire bond so Hayley encourages Tyler to take the role of Alpha and give Adrian orders to go through with it. Before he succeeds, Cami puts the shackles on him and Jackson goes over to see if Hayley's alright. She threatens to kill him if he tries anything but he's the one with the upper hand. Hayley talks with Rebekah about her relationship with Elijah. Hayley tells her she just needs a few minutes of her time and to meet her outside. After Dean's death, Tyler comforts Hayley which again, irritates Caroline. Back in the courtyard Hayley tells Elijah and Klaus that Hope's fever is back but she is doing alright. Hayley's pinned to a wall by Greta and, in a rush of adrenaline, Hayley wrenches free and leaps for Greta, tearing off her finger which holds the daylight ring. She says she's still a Crescent and is the last of the Labonair line, which makes her an alpha. As their suggestions don't work and Cami dies from the bite, Hayley is sitting around a candle-lit table with Freya and Hope on her lap. Hayley and Marcel meet up with Elijah, Klaus, and Vincent, Hayley teams up with Elijah and Vincent, she talks with Elijah and tells him about Lara and a blue light that has to do with the Hollow. Hayley and Freya hold hands to begin the spell. Immediately within the room, she sees dead bodies everywhere. In I Love You, Goodbye, Hayley is packing up and says that her daughter is on the road and that she's going to go get her. She asks where Marcel is and Hayley tells her that he heard Davina was back in town and that he's being overprotective because of Kol. He was interested to learn that she had a birthmark which also belonged to a particular bloodline of werewolves he had met before. And the witches that tried to kill my babythey're worth nothing more than food.Hayley. Hayley Marshall (born Andra Labonair) was a werewolf, and main character in the The Originals. Hayley then gets an idea that since Dahlia could only sense her when she's using magic, but the idea is very dangerous. Hope agrees and Hayley pokes her finger with a needle. In The Big Uneasy, Hayley is freaked out by a large number of werewolves that have come to witness her miracle pregnancy. Elijah wants her to stay out of it and to return to the compound for her safety and that of her daughter, Hayley however disagrees. He then leaves her to deal with her pack. He tells her Elijah should have told her how beautiful she looks instead of discussing the future of the city. In From a Cradle to a Grave, we see a flashback of who seats between A Closer Walk With Thee and The Battle of New Orleans. After their dealings with the Hollow, Hayley and Elijah are forced to part ways because of Hope's safety. Hayley is impressed with Davina as she admits she wants to lead the covens in a new direction and lifted The Crescent Curse seeing she would rather have Hayley as a friend not a slave. After Klaus leaves, Hayley says instead of going after her, she'll go after the things she loves. At the Abattoir Hayley finds the Hollow, she uses her magic to make Hayley drop her knife and fall to the ground in pain. witchy treats tastykake; ginger scooter scunthorpe However, Hayley is also a hypocrite, when she learnt from Tyler that Klaus is (supposedly) that their child's blood can make hybrids, and he plans to use their child's blood once she is born to make an army of hybrids to take over New Orleans, as she quickly condemned him for this supposed action of his, however, she once used Tyler for her own selfishness, even if it was to find out where she came from, and who her family is, which indirectly resulted in Tyler's mother's death, as well as ruining his life. She tells him the wolves don't want to fight, they just want a better life. In Sinners and Saints, she goes into the bayou with Sophie and Rebekah to find answers about the guardian wolf and mostly because she's tired of being cooped up in the house. When Rebekah is about to leave, she apologizes to Hayley about the things she said when she was insane. Hayley eventually arrives back at the Abattoir and tells Elijah and Klaus that the Hollow is looking for four objects. When they try to get in the mood of having some sex since they are married, Hope begins to cry and ruins the mood. She wants her alive, but needs her to be out of it, The Hollow then slices her arm with a knife. Marcel Gerard (the leader of the vampires and an acquaintance of her parents) found her in her cradle. I don't feel peace i don't feel anything! Hayley is tempted but she doesn't accept the offer. She suggests a deal: her intel in exchange for Tyler's freedom, but Klaus cannot bring himself to make any promises when it comes to Tyler. I told you I love you and I meant it.Jackson to Hayley. You know, Klaus isn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. To say that The Originals' werewolf queen Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) had an eventful pregnancy with baby Hope is putting it mildly. She was stronger than some non-Original vampires and has shown to be able to fight vampires of greater age as well, consistently defying normal expectation of such outcomes. He says that there are some in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation. She tells her that when Jackson is ready to talk, he should come home. Hayley is next seen in the quarter, running across the road to the Jardin Gris in order to buy a herb. ", nicknaming their daughter in a reference of the nickname that he gave to Hayley. Afterwards, while Hayley is dressing, Klaus notices a mark on Hayley's back which, according to him, is only found on those of a certain bloodline of werewolves originating in Louisiana. When he tells her that they kept giving the vampire werewolf venom over and over again, until the last shot was so powerful it killed her. After Caroline and Tyler argue she is abruptly awakened when Tyler throws a glass bottle and it explodes against the wall. That night, when Chris is about to leave Tyler's house, Klaus appears and berates Chris for failing to keep Elena secured. She tells Mary everything she does is for Hope. Hayley was the mother of the first naturally born tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, the daughter she had with the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson.She was also the wife of Jackson Kenner and was the alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack. Freya has a plan and tells Hayley, Marcel and Stefan to go and save Klaus and Elijah. In Season Two, Hayley goes on a rampage against those for making her give up Hope. During the consultation Hayley learns that her daughter is healthy and Hayley notices that she knew it and that her daughter is already like her. She and Elijah then converse across the compound and the Kenner apartment. Freya tells Hayley and Klaus that Hope's blood can be used as a weapon against The Hollow. Hayley is soon seen walking outside and sits upon a chair next to Rebekah. Hayley gives up on trying to talk to Hope and leaves. She gives Hope to Mary and tells her to take her far away as she can, while she stays and helps Jackson and the wolves against Klaus. Klaus snaps Hayley's neck and goes to kill Jackson. Lara kills herself and dies in Hayley's arms. Hayley returns to Klaus and informs him that Oliver is going to spy on Cassie. Elijah then joins Klaus to kill Agnes and during Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus' absence Hayley meets (again) Marcel Gerard who comes to their home. After they finish talking, Hope stopped crying and is sleeping. She then gave birth to her healthy baby girl, Hope, and was killed by Monique Deveraux as she held her daughter for the first time, because the New Orleans Coven wanted to sacrifice Hope, following Hope's paternal grandmother, Esther, orders. Hayley Mills Death Fact Check Hayley is alive and kicking and is currently 76 years old. She then offers to be bound first with the Hybrid Curse, giving Hope a better chance of being found and rescued by Klaus. Hayley and Stefan are in the trunk of Marcel's car when they talk about who they are doing this for. At the Salvatore Boarding School, she meets with Alaric, and they talk about Hope. Klaus is both shocked and distraught having to deal with Hayley's death. He then tells her that the whole time they were together she still wanted and loved Elijah. 2/12/2019. Klaus tells her they are very much alike, before saying they are backed into a corner and have to fight. She is ready to fight. She tells the werewolves that they need all the help they can get from being free from the witches. Freya offers a tonic that will make sure Dahlia will not possess them and Hayley takes a drink of it. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, a month has passed and the werewolf curse is broken thanks to Hayley. Hayley tells Keelin all she needs is her venom. After some disagreements, Hayley snaps at Kol telling him she hasn't seen her daughter Hope in a while and she will do anything to bring back Klaus so she can see Hope again. This leads her to leave for New Orleans to investigate her origins. She is the mother of Hope Mikaelson and descendant of Aria.. Before the series began, it was revealed that Hayley was pregnant with Klaus' baby from their one night stand. Klaus apparently lets Chris go, but when Jeremy and Stefan arrive Klaus allows Jeremy to chop off Chris' head while Hayley and Tyler watch in horror. 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