The president is paid $400,000 a year as commander-in-chief of the country. At that point only established people who can rely on other incomes (e.g. If being a politician is not paid at all, we will prevent greedy and selfish politicians from entering politics who only want monetary incentives and do not care about their people. Say you see someone being treated unfairly, are you motivated to help them, or since you are not directly in the situation you lack the motivation to change the situation? Many people do not realize that many politicians make 6 figures (well over $100,000.00) a year. The researchers equate graduates of lower-ranked colleges with lower-quality legislators. Reader. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Many politicians are already wealthy from careers as lawyers or lesser politicians. Try again. That is why there are limits to the number of terms a person can serve. Since then, however, the labor market has changed considerably. You say that no one in their right mind would work for minimum wage, but billions of people do it every day. But if you give them nothing, they will be able to sympathize and understand the problems of the people, especially the poor if they have experienced the reality of it. Every single person who has ever been elected has claimed to be in it for the people. If you find these articles interesting, please consider a small donation to help support this site and my other activities on behalf of Scotland's independence Email Blake Paterson at and follow him on Twitter @blakepater, Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears this week called it shameful that the parishs Personnel Department doesnt recommend increasing the. Those elected before 2004 receive an annual pension of between $150,000 and $200,000 a year. The government official released a permit without checking if that is safe for the residents living around the factory. Obviously this will never happen, but I think it would be awesome. We all make sacrifices for the things we truly care about, and if you want the responsibility of governing your neighbours you need to be willing to let go of some thingslike the prospect of becoming rich. In order to secure a permit, the company offered the public official a huge amount of money in exchange for the permit. Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, right, speaks during the first Jefferson Parish council meeting in the East Bank Council Chambers with the newly elected members in Elmwood, La. Very specific in what kind of intelligence it measures. They do minimal work on purpose, they only ever fight for the people who pay them the most, they only do it for the paycheck and the pension, and they never feel any type of guilt about it. More than half of Americans who favor a $15 federal minimum wage (54%) say that if there is not enough congressional support for such an increase this year, Congress should prioritize increasing the wage even if the new wage is significantly less than $15. Consider where we might be by now in terms of creating a fairer distribution of wealth and a more equal society. Of the 3,313 positions Jefferson Parish budgeted for 2023, at least 679 are vacant, Dumas said. It is a commitment. Why? A political system that functions well has excellent public services such as health and education. According to a study by Professor Emir Kamenica, along with colleagues from Columbia University, Princeton University, and DONG Energy, raising politicians salaries is unlikely to result in better governance. I don't, however, believe they should be paid out the ass with added bonuses for doing nothing but wasting taxpayer dollars. Im not so sure a lot of them get that. They should be paid the median american salary. It's quick & easy! While 87% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they favor increasing the wage to $15 an hour (including 61% who strongly favor it), 72% of Republicans and GOP leaners oppose the idea (including 45% who strongly oppose it). It would only act as a lure for greedy individuals if they are getting paid. Smaller majorities of those in middle- (58%) and upper-income households (55%) say they favor a $15 minimum wage. It last overhauled its pay plan in 2019. You're implying that I'm a person who would be motivated to help someone with asking if I would help them or not and all are you suggesting that I'm a better person than politicians? With New Orleans offering city workers a wage of at least $15 per hour, Jefferson Parish government is evaluating whether it needs to follow suit in order to remain competitive and help fill hundreds of vacancies in its workforce. Pew Research Center conducted this study understand Americans views on raising the standard federal minimum wage. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. A majority of White supporters of a $15 federal minimum wage, by contrast, say Congress should work for an increase in the minimum wage even if it is less than $15 an hour. It should be a commitment. I'm saying that true motivation for change comes from something past profit, and can't be measured by paying these people minimum wage. The majority of English language students are curious about languages and cultures. Politicians will be more tempted to accept bribes from the rich people to gain special treatment, or to get an advantage. The parish would need to spend another $8.4 million to address the resulting wage compression among workers already making more than $15 per hour, The Archer Group estimated. If politicians wages were linked to the minimum wage, it would be 15 pound per hour by now. minimum wage for congress is a cute idea for propaganda purposes, but it's really not realistic. Why should any law maker be allowed anywhere near the stock market, then? Shakespheare is outdated. Support for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is extensive across most demographic groups, according to the survey, which was conducted among 5,109 U.S. adults. Thinker. People with severe allergies shouldnt eat out, Vacations where you do things aren't enjoyable. Secondly, politicians generally set their own salaries. To function well, democracy requires participation and therefore accessibility at all levels and in all its aspects. Arguments with the highest score are displayed first. Find out with our income calculator, Indias Sex Ratio at Birth Begins To Normalize. Parish hires consultant to study pay plan, Jefferson councilman: Its shameful parish department doesnt recommend increasing parish workers minimum wage, The New Orleans City Council ratifies $15 hourly minimum wage for city workers, 'Living wage' rate for city contractors backed by New Orleans City Council; see pay changes. A Tory candidate has been filmed telling a hustings event that people with learning disabilities should be paid less than minimum wage as 'they don't understand money'. White adults, by contrast, are divided: 51% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour including just 30% who strongly favor it while 48% oppose it. Ghandi and Mother Theresa were shams. Yet the minimum wage is not enough to realistically live on in this country. While Democrats are largely united in their support for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, Republicans views differ by household income. I think its time that OUR ELECTED are paid what they think its ok to pay us. WEEEEEE need your help. Will higher salaries for politicians mean we will get better governments. The case for paying health and social care workers a wage commensurate with the vital nature of the service they provide stands on its own merits. But on the other hand, the raise highlighted a dividesome politicians, namely those from lower-ranked schools, were more influenced by money. If someone could become a millionaire teaching little kids, how many more people would apply for the job? If they were forced to work for minimum wage, then they would change things because they are used to living like kings and queens, literally. But since you like studies so much and not a debate on subjective shit, here's a study showing how people are more likely to donate their organs if they are offered money. Leaving room for only rich people to become politicians. Why did a salary hike have the opposite effect intended? (LogOut/ I think this would be a good way to make sure that people get into politics to make things change for the better. So I'm giving this one to you. I think it actually is counterproductive in many ways. While in office, politicians should not be allowed to make, After leaving office, no former politician should be allowed to make. Are you saying motivation for change comes only from injustice? Tonight, lets declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. President Barack Obama in the State of the Union on Feb. 12. I think this would be a good way to make sure that people get into politics to make things change for the better. The $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage is a starvation wage," said Senator Sanders. As such it was a position only available to the very wealthy, who then used it to become wealthier. It would be very difficult to find capable politicians on minimum wage. This is what we called a political dynasty wherein members of the same family are elected to various offices in the same order or at the same time to preserve their wealth and power. Politicians should get paid minimum wage. Yes! Accept Cookies. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Listener. The massive social imbalance of a previous era has been largely corrected. It's not like they're flipping burgers, guys. (LogOut/ Maybe when it pays next to nothing, we will get some people in office who aren't doing it for the money. Anyone pulling up in a BMW getting audited, they only ever fight for the people who pay them the most. This petition will be shared with Rep Cunningham and other interest groups. On one hand, that doubling increased the logarithm of the number of parties that field a candidate by 41% of a standard deviation, thereby providing the voters with a broader choice of political platforms, the researchers write. Users Online Now: 1,919 : Visitors Today: 534,999: Pageviews Today: 2,043,519: Threads Today: 842: Posts Today: 18,151: 10:19 PM : . The country would probably save billions in tax dollars that could get us jobs for this failing economy or healthcare for the billions that cannot afford it and cannot get help from the failing Medicaid system. I do still think that my salary change would work though. The comparison with politicians is invidious. If they are getting paid for their work, that is one of their motivations to serve their people better even if they are in a difficult situation. Have you conducted extensive tests to prove this theory? In our minds we have clear images of what a kindergarten teacher is like, and we have clear images of what a politician is like. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. (And it was exclusive to men. Just like the other workers, they are motivated to work harder if we get paid for what they work on. Partly because they get support from political parties yet another aspect of our democracy which depends for its proper functioning on the highest achievable levels of participation. She wishes politicians in Washington, debating whether minimum wage should be $10, $11 or $15 per hour, lived a day like she does with almost two hours on a bus, just to get to work. The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet. In Brazil, members of Congress are trying to raise their own pay to $187,000 per year. My thoughts exactly. Absolutely. But they shouldnt be allowed to become millionaires and govern society. Jerry Brown in a signing statement for a bill to increase California's minimum wage to $10 an hour, on Sept. 11 "The real winner here is the economy. Change). Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. And it is a process. We will attract self-assured leaders who genuinely wish to represent their constituents interests. They have a special role to make our society a better place to live in. I'd like to see the data that supports your statement that politicians are smarter than janitors and wal-mart cashiers - what is your baseline? Around 334 of the parish's 2,400 classified employees or roughly 14%earn less than $15 per hour, according to a presentation The Archer Group gave before the parish's Personnel Board in October. that makes no sense and did not answer what i said oh sorry, I went into "big picture" mode, those 206 days ago that I wrote that. In other nations, a system with corruption and incompetence leads to poor public services. But their ambition should be driven by a desire to help people, not to become rich. Anyways, I no longer think only raising the minimum wage is going to solve much by itself. But I have serious concerns about the dangers in undermining the general principle of paying elected representatives well while insisting that they earn their salary by doing the job to the best of their ability. Don't get me wrong, I think that all government workers should receive major cuts in pay and benefits, but our leaders making minimum wage? That is the whole point. The rest are hardworking adults, many of them with families, and I mean hardworking. Vice President Joe Biden on June 26, Were telling small-business owners that not only are we going to raise their costs by a buck and a quarter, but were also going to raise it with these cost-of-living adjustments. To learn more about the CreateDebate scoring system, check out the, When you are ready to voice your opinion, use the. if someone wants to give a politician a big bag of money, it's his right. Force them to work for minimum wage and you'll see that they just become more likely to accept bribes. So why do we need to pay them if they can get these incentives and benefits? [A]s we celebrate 75 years of the minimum wage, we must also recognize that it is no longer achieving its potential impact in our economy or for Americas working families. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. The president is paid $400,000 a year as commander-in-chief of the country. Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, the suffragettes; I would argue that Martin Luther King wasn't after a pay check - you can look to history to discover a diverse population of human beings that have shown us the way to accomplish change, social justice, and equality. Employers must comply with both federal and state minimum wage laws, as well as regulations like the Davis-Bacon Act and Service Contract Act. "The rules say you've got to make this much more than the person who's entered.". Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng said she thinks "everybody's on board with increasing the hourly rate," but it all comes down to cost. It is not necessary to portray others as undeserving in order to enhance that case. It's not completely dumb on its face, but yeah as you look into it more and more it becomes increasingly stupid. In addition, working as a politician you get almost everything for free. In June, the parish hired The Archer Company,a South Carolina-based human resources consulting firm, to conduct a top-to-bottom review of its pay plan and determine the feasibility of raising its hourly minimum wage. The president is in command of the military and has the power to reject or approve the legislation. I sure love being able to bribe a politician with a couple hundred bucks! He has to go. While many other people work using their physical strength daily at work, politicians spend most of their time in their office or attending meetings. They find that a salary increase led to politicians with less education. Your Privacy If you go somewhere housing is cheap, minimum wage is less to reflect that. How Restaurant Workers Help Pay for Lobbying to Keep Their Wages Low The National Restaurant Association uses mandatory $15 food-safety classes to turn waiters and cooks into unwitting funders of its battle against minimum wage increases. This should indeed be greeted with derisiveness, considering Brazil's average per capita GDP is less than. The problem is the immense funding they control, and feed into kickbacks for themselves. A narrow majority of these Americans (54%) say leaders should focus on passing an increase to the wage even if it may be significantly less than $15 an hour, while 43% say the priority should be to work to raise the hourly minimum wage to $15 even if no increase makes it into law this year.. Reader. Tommy Sheridan writes eloquently and passionately in his column as he pleads the case for paying health and social care workers better. They are in charge of the administration, appointing and dismissing department heads. They do it because they have to work and support their families, and most jobs will not pay you any more than that. They should earn less than they currently do, but more than minimum wage. Most people will never see this kind of money over their entire lifetimes. This is a good point. Lastly, congressional pay should be tied to the minimum wage. The presidency is the highest elected position. For instance, if you are an important politician that needs to attend a meeting all over the world, you will be able to travel the world for free. The point is to pay them enough so that they don't take bribes. would be able to run, You obviously dont know anything about what politicians actually do lol. For example, David Amess, a British Member of Parliament, was stabbed many times at a meeting with constituents in a church in eastern England. or not at all:) Anonymous Coward User ID: 76122415 United Kingdom 06/25/2018 03:09 AM Report . Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, When it comes to raising the minimum wage, most of the action is in cities and states, not Congress, Many U.S. workers are seeing bigger paychecks in pandemic era, but gains arent spread evenly, The U.S. differs from most other countries in how it sets its minimum wage, Most Americans support a $15 federal minimum wage, Two-thirds of Americans favor raising federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, Young adult households are earning more than most older Americans did at the same age. Pedophiles were victims should we give them power? And it should be very focused on that because, as you said, Republicans in the rest of the country are for it. former Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs on MSNBC on Dec. 11, This tough-love, winner-take-all narrative dominating policymaking is far too limited a way to think about how a complex, modern, diverse economy like ours expands and thrives. They should be excellent in communications, management, leadership, and governance. Unlike the private sector, in a classified system, "you can't just fix the bottom rung," Lee Sheng noted. But this basic American value no longer applies to millions of hardworking Americans because the real value of the federal minimum wage has been allowed to fall sharply over the years. No matter what political position, they should be paid minimum wage. Seems like paying them less wouldnt help with this. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, just that you don't have data to support this statement. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Oftentimes when you have the federal government or others step in and start to raise minimum wage, what happens is you take away or reduce some peoples opportunity to grab the bottom rung of the economic ladder to get the opportunities and the skills that you need to move up that economic ladder. Kevin Madden on CNNs State of the Union on Dec. 1, I think the minimum wage will be the centerpiece of the State of Union. All scores are updated in real-time. In addition, as a politician, you are always in the spotlight. As previously mentioned, being a politician is a tough job. User content, unless source quoted, licensed under a. Since the early 1990s the salaries of Australian parliamentarians have generally risen in a similar . They are all part of the environment whether they reside on land or in water, Health is part of a nation's wealth "No person in America can make it on $8, $10, or $12 an hour. Our current money system has failed. Ours is a representative democracy. In fact, they earn way more than they get. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) told MSNBCs Alex Wagner on Dec. 5. Other About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. In the past politician have even gone without pay well i say they should stop spending our money on stupid unnecessary things like trips over seas. Politician pay is not the problem. How easy would it be to corrupt the government then? Politicians would never allow themselves to live in poverty and they know that minimum wage is garbage. The point is, one of the priorities of the politicians would become: Making minimum wage a living wage. Should Jefferson Parish follow suit? A growing number of major cities and states have set their own wage floors at $15. You get less of it. Let's raise the minimum wage to a living wage! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It's like saying "hey, do all this shit for us and we'll pay you a really bad wage shit's all good, bro". We could all live comfortably, even the shelf stockers at Wal-Mart. Like Jefferson, the city has faced an exodus of municipal workers and a slow down in hiring due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, a raise gave lower-quality MEPs a greater incentive to get into office and, once there, to stay put. I was overboard, since you don't have to be a victim just someone with a lot of motivation. Lower-income adults who favor a $15 minimum wage are divided on the better approach if there is inadequate support in Congress for the proposal this year: 49% say congressional leaders should prioritize any raise to the minimum that can happen this year, while an identical 49% share say leaders should continue working until they pass legislation raising the wage to $15 an hour. That 7.25 an hour here in SC. We got payed next to nothing, yet the output was amazing. The individual in need donates or gives something of value to sway an officials actions while performing his public obligations. What should the maximum salary per year be for politicans? You are using an out of date browser. Maybe by finding ways to lower cost. this is a good question, should ALL politicians be paid minimal wage? Furthermore it would drastically shrink the number of people who run for elections in the exact opposite way you would likely hope for. Those who represent us should be expected to represent us honestly and should live relatively like us and so work for what we want and need. In the UK, healthcare is delivered free at the point of use, so anyone can go into a Should-Politicians-Be-Paid-For-Their-Work_, 80 ESL Debate Topics About Travel and Tourism, Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone, The minimum wage should be increased every year, 60 Controversial Discussion Topics with Teaching Ideas. So what is your argument? Republican opinion on this issue is more divided, but a majority of Republicans and Republican leaners - 57% - oppose raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, including nearly three-in-ten (29%) who say they are strongly against it. The point of paying politicians a good wage is that we get the best talent. not exactly because there are many businesses that pay many different wages, and already attract certain classes of people. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights . I think it should be the centerpiece of the State of the Union. Thus, politicians should be paid for their work. This sounds like a recipe for hyperinflation. Lastly, you have the problem of corruption. Raymond Fisman, Nikolaj A. Harmon, Emir Kamenica, and Inger Munk, Labor Supply of Politicians, Working paper, July 2013. They concluded that higher pay would result in more attentive public officials and more citizen-friendly legislation. Politicians Should Make Minimum Wage | by Dane Hunter | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Just last year, after attending closed-door briefings regarding the economic fallout that would accompany the coronavirus, three of those assholes sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock before the market could crash. The state legislators main function is to make a law that caters to the needs of the state. It would be almost impossible to measure who is smarter. or maybe when they first start out, they get minimal wage, and if they do a good job then get a raise by a vote by the people they represent and if they do a bad job then they get fired no, people should want to help their people no matter what they get paid i'm going to take TL's side on this one. We might even be paying a fitting wage to health and social care workers. Any article on this website may be republished in whole or part on condition only that Peter A Bell is acknowledged as the author and/or the source is identified as you would like to make a donation to help with the running costs of this site, please click here. Lifelong campaigner for the restoration of Scotland's independence. Ive recently learned that SC Rep Joe Cunningham voted against Democrats and WITH republicans to vote AGAINST increasing the minimum wage to 15$ an hour. Tommy may have a point in relation to some of this. However, if youre a mayor earning the national average salary, youll make around $56,000 each year. The only people who would want to be politicians at that point would be the people who ACTUALLY want to help. business owners, lawyers, old pensioners, etc.) Or a politician school you had to pass, which taught things like sociology and philosophy. Lots of politicians already have money from their previous jobs as lawyers or private businessmen. Agency Says Law Needs Change. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, though many states have higher minimum wages. We all know that being a politician is a dangerous job. Got a burning unpopular opinion you want to share? I can think of only one example of something that brought significant change almost overnight our public health services. Privacy & Cookies Notice We raise that minimum wage and we move forward with the vision of this president that we have, which is everyone pays their fair share. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on Aug. 26, The minimum wage has not kept pace with rising costs. This might be the actual dumbest post I've ever seen on here lol. I wrote this article after the tragic shooting in El Paso. People running for office must be able to think critically to come up with a solution when there is a problem. Everything sucks but she still takes the job because she loves to teach children. A countrys political system reflects the peoples way of living. If the politicians got paid what a lot of the US citizens got paid they would feel how it is to try to take care of a family.They get to live it up on our hard earned money. A minimum wage of $4.25 per hour applies to young workers under the age of 20 during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer, as long as their work does not displace other workers. But that is just another manifestation of systemic social imbalance that is yet to be fully or adequately rectified.). Please review Chicago Booth's privacy notice, which provides information explaining how and why we collect particular information when you visit our website. There will be more corruption if politicians are not getting paid for their work. There may be some people who say no, and that perhaps ends the conversation with them. Each pay grade has its own salary range, and employees get paid, in part, based on how long they've been employed. In fact, it may accomplish the opposite. To be fair, this is already the situation. Their inspirational courage to speak out for themselves, their families and for the growing share of Americas workforce whose pay is too low has captured Americas attention. 53 members of Congress wrote to several restaurant executives, including McDonalds Chief Executive Officer Don Thompson, on Dec. 4, When you raise the price of employment, guess what happens? The strongest periods of economic growth in the 20th century were also times when incomes rose across the board. Obama adviser and former Bill Clinton chief of staff John Podesta in POLITICO Magazine on Dec. 6, [W]e have a lot of evidence on what happens when you raise the minimum wage. We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage - at least $15 an hour. Minimum wage may increase again past $13 in February. From April this year, the hourly rate for earners aged 21 to 2 is 9.18 an hour, up from 8.36. The problem would be situations like Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who bought land, lobbied to build a highway near it, then sold it for three times what he bought it for when the highway bill went through. Should people be allowed to become millionaires? while intrinsic value is important, in reality it doesn't go that far except for people who have no other options. If that is the case, politicians will be representative of those people in the upper class and leave poor people behind. Surely we want that process to continue. Doubling an MEPs salary decreased by 15% the chance that an MEP had attended a college ranked in the top 500 in the world. No because then they will take even more bribes. For the money of course. In the United States, politicians can work in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government. Democracy requires participation. View all posts by Peter A Bell. That should alarm you. If they commit to the job of representing the electorate then that is what they should do. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, full-time elected lawmakers at the state level earn an average of $75,415 per year while part-timers earn $12,838 per year. Talker. Bribery occurs when someone bribes a government official to make a judgment in their favour. However, it is a tough job. Wages have increased due to worker shortages, pushing entry-level jobs to $15 an hour or more. The mayor is the chief executive officer. If the fact MPs salaries have increased eight times in the last ten years while the real terms salaries of nurses andcarers have been slasheddoesnt make you angry you should check your chest cavity for the presence of a heart and your brain for evidence of a conscience. In nursing assistant roles, where EPI reports the median pay is $14.26 per hour, women make up 88.9% of the workforce. :). ), they will no way want to live on $6.55/hour. No opinion humble. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It is not necessary to portray others as undeserving in order to enhance that case. About four-in-ten (38%) say they oppose the proposal, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted April 5-11. If the intern spends all their time fetching coffee or sweeping, how much can they really be learning? Not really Poor people now are on minimum wage at best, Going to another min wage job surely wouldn't be a problem? It's time for members of Congress to act. About seven-in-ten adults in these places (69%) favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, compared with 59% of those living in places with a minimum wage of less than $12 an hour. What argument are you trying to support, defend, or dispute with this question? I think a lot of people will say, we agree with that, and then you get to the discussion about what is a reasonable increase. Washington Mayor Vincent Gray in an interview with The Washington Post on Sept. 12. A lot of people think we need budget cuts and I think this is a good place to start. Lower-income Republicans (46%) are much more likely than middle- (23%) and upper-income Republicans (18%) to say they favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. this is a good question, should ALL politicians be paid minimal wage? Re: All politicians should be paid minimum wage. Joe Cunningham ran as a Democrat that I honestly believe is way more conservative than progressive. Next with the president is the vice president that earns $235,100 per year.A governor is the highest-ranking government official in a state. The study, titled The Voters Blunt Tool where they used a game-theory method, claims that when elected officials are paid more, they are more invested in maintaining their jobs and are more willing to promote citizen-friendly legislation. Yes, business' would have to pay their employee's more, but they would also be getting a lot more business because of all the disposable income that everyone will have. If the only reason some are there is for the money (which that is the case for many) then making them work for minimum wage will make them want to change careers opening a spot for someone who will do the job for the greater good. who knows? A politician is someone who contributes to how the country is managed. The Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) has a high-profile personal protection duty inside the State Department, which is highlighted whenever the Secretary of State goes abroad. I'll no longer go to Target to get my coolio shirts i'll have to stick to buying shit on the street (which sucks). If they have to work for minimum wage, then either they will change things for the better for all of us, or change careers. Workers with disabilities can be paid less than minimum wage. But it is also important to ensure that any one of those people can bring the interests of those workers as well as their own knowledge and experience into the system by which public policy is developed and decided. You need to possess qualities that will enable you to overcome the issues your country is facing. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. most corporations will miss out, and will have to raise their prices in order to keep up with the increased minimum wage. The presidency is the highest elected position. Or, more accurately, the people hoarding all the resources would have you believe it will go downhill. To vote for an argument, use these icons: Debate scores, side scores and tag scores are automatically calculated by an algorithm that primarily takes argument scores into account. Till then, Ill collect as many adventures as possible. Ive recently learned that SC Rep Joe Cunningham voted against Democrats and WITH republicans to vote AGAINST increasing the minimum wage to 15$ an hour. If the politician is mostly motivated to enter politics and rule the country because of monetary incentives, it means that they would prioritize their interests over the countrys national interests. From fast-food workers striking last week to lawmakers in Congress debating the minimum wage, income inequality has launched back into the public eye recently. I'm with you on this one 100%. Could there be an alternative system of reward or payment for their services? Councilmember Byron Lee speaks at a Jefferson Parish Council meeting in Gretna on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020. Chicago Booth Review as for minimum wage, i actually sort of like that since we are the ones paying for their salaries. Your argument does not explain the fact that the great change makers in history worked for humanity, not a paycheck. People can freely express their opinions to the government and influence politics through public protests, signing petitions, lobbying, writing letters, or attending meetings. Then again, intelligence is subjective. To understand this debate it is useful to learn the following words and concepts. Or just have a lot of politicians who are wealthy instead. Employees who get minimum wage should get a pay increase from April every year under law. It also reduced the likelihood that a candidate would quit before the end of the term. There was a time, not so very long ago, when MPs were not paid. This website uses cookies to ensure the best user experience. They obviously already had motivation to make change. Among the public, those who back a $15 minimum wage are fairly divided over how to approach the issue if there is insufficient support in Congress for an increase to that amount this year. There will be people who will not be in favour of the politicians intentions whether it is good or bad. Related post: When it comes to raising the minimum wage, most of the action is in cities and states, not Congress. Makes it easier to see whos taking the bribes. According to BLS surveys, about 392,000 workers earned the minimum wage of $7.25 in 2019 and 1.2 million workers were paid a wage below the federal minimum. They could find a similar level of power and control elsewhere while having more money. Social imbalances are rarely, if ever, corrected quickly. If congress is going to determine the lowest possible amount of money a working person needs in order to have a decent life, then thats what they should get paid. all-in-all, i'd be president for free, as long as i get the chance to serve my fellow man and to try to make things better for all, not for the few As I recall the ancient Roman Consuls weren't paid. You seem to put way too much trust into these victims. Unfortunately, not enough people grow up in shit conditions in order to make up a government. Florida voters last year overwhelmingly approved the referendum, voting 61 percent to 39 percent to raise the . All we have is the IQ test, which kind of sucks. Under federal law What is Fast Fashion? Minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of having the middle class attain more prosperity. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told CBS on Feb. 13, [A] family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. JavaScript is disabled. Half of our congresspeople are millionaires, three of those assholes sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock before the market could crash, When running for office they must divulge to the public, There needs to be a limit on how much money any individual is allowed to donate to a campaign. The researchers consider the effects of a salary increase on some members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Reblogged this on Ramblings of a now 60+ Female. Serving as a politician is supposed to be a service to your country. Imagine if that process of making politics more accessible had started a hundred years earlier. Many politicians will make over $8,000,000.00 (yes that is 8 million) in just ten years of retirement. So only those people directly affected by horrid conditions are motivated to advocate for change? Maybe a salary increase would at least inspire politicians to work harder? Though, I agree that it would make it significantly worse. Last year,New Orleans bumpedits city workers up to a $15 hourly minimum wage and its now requiring that city contractors to do the same for their employees. If you determine your own pay, your own benefits, when you work and how you work, then congratulations: You work for yourself. The combination of mint with ANYTHING food related Just because I paid my bill doesnt mean you stop waiting Websites should be required to have an easily accessible People who tell others how to enjoy their steak should Press J to jump to the feed. Answer (1 of 13): I get the premise. We would only get people who actually want to better this country, not money grubbing turds. These people earn every single penny they get. A $10-hour minimum wage boosts. For their job as the states chief executive, they are paid between $70,000 and $201,000. Exactly. If politicians got paid minimum wage, I guarantee minimum wage would be a comfortable wage. I think its time that OUR ELECTED are paid what they think its ok to pay us. You will face a lot of issues in our nation. When dealing with their employees and constituents, they should also display good analytical, creative, and communication abilities. It was one of the toughest jobs Ive ever had. Some of the best people I have had the honor of calling my friends were guys I met in the military. That aspect of democracy was open only to the independently wealthy. And you got me, senor einstein. For instance, Italian representatives received 144,084 per year, while Hungarian representatives earned a mere 10,080. Politicians need to live the life of a private in the military. It would cause inequality between politicians, which could cause all sorts of problems though. Other than making minimum wage actually possible to live on, paying minimum wage would guarantee that politicians are in government not for the money, but because they are interested in sharing their ideas and making the country a better place, regardless of politics. If that is to happen, it must be possible for anyone to become an elected representative. But, they are often times more smart than janitors and wal-mart cashiers. We have a ton of content and fresh stuff is constantly being added. Perhaps in theory, and in a rational market, it would make sense to pay politicians more. Politicians will raise the minimum wage to whatever they are comfortable being paid, how many people would lose their jobs if minimum wage was raised to $50/hr. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The healthcare sucks. Smart people regularly volunteer, and granted that the current income for being a politician is far below most politicians current net-worth, few do it for the money currently. It would balance out if it was regulated well. Even to a dedicated public servant, lavish gifts from lobbyists will be a whole lot more persuasive when they are eating ramen noodles every night in the two bedroom apartment they share with four other people. Argument replies (both in favor and in opposition) are displayed below the original argument. I worked at McDonalds. In fact, according to the law, 18 USC 3056 the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect: The president and the vice president and their families, cabinet officials, White House chief of staff, and National Security Adviser. Gov. The researchers consider the effects of a salary increase on some members of the European Parliament (MEPs). explain your answer please. "Let's be clear. The justice and sense and utility of that is plainly apparent. If as a juror, if you were found to be financially invested in the outcome of a trial, you would be kicked off the jury. It would weed out the crooked ones that are only in politics for the money (which is gotten ridiculously extreme), and the ones left would be the ones there to make a difference. As well as other services like security, education, and health. The president is in command of the military and has the power to reject or approve the legislation. And the erosion of the minimum wage has lowered pay and working standards for all of us." Politicians would never allow themselves to live in poverty and they know that minimum wage is garbage. No attitude immutable. I say pay the politicians $1M/yr each, but let them have no other source of income, and their relatives' income closely scrutinized. But that doesn't change the fact of reality - you have to pay whatever it takes to get the caliber of people you want doing the job. Lets implement these changes and see how many of them stick around. These people are greedy and have manipulated the system to work for them instead of the people they are supposed to be serving. Politicians will be smart enough that they'll find ways around the minimum wage pay if they wanted, but it would at least function as a reminder of what most Americans have to live on. In doing so, however, he has a go at politicians and their remuneration. The researchers constructed a variable to define shirkingnoting a members voting record as well as how often he or she signed the daily attendance register but then left without attending the legislative session. Jefferson Parish regularly offers its employees salary increases tied to performance. The mayor has veto (can overrule other votes) authority over the council, which has legislative power. Watch how fast everything changes when politicians realize what life on minimum wage really is like. Force them to live off minimum wage and watch how many of the scum leave. Epic solution to corruption. Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng pictured here on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. Giving MPs a salary was an essential corrective to the grotesque imbalance that inevitably developed when politics was exclusive a rich mans game. They should receive no more than an average American gets. According to reports, a man entered Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, south Essex, on Friday and attacked Amess while he was having surgery with residents. If they are paid by the hour, maybe they will get in there as actually do some work. You end up costing jobs from people who are at the bottom rung of the economic ladder. Rep. Paul Ryan on Feb. 13, A full days hard work should be enough to keep you and your family out of poverty. In addition, your logic seems flawed: no smart person will run for office to work for minimum wage - can you prove to me, without doubt, that smart people are currently running for office? Cant set limits on bribes and blackmail. Perhaps this is idealistic but I think that if it were a humble job with a humble income then greedy people would not feel so drawn to it. Either that, or only those who are always wealthy become politicians. Like 200% of average or whatever. Thats wrong. National. You didn't pass the humanoid test! They grew up in shit conditions. But were not. but, i do think the wages should be low cause i'm tired of getting raped in the ass with taxes. so i guess we should pay doctors only minimum wage because we want the doctors who want to do it PURELY for the fun amrite? There was a problem saving your notification. Research driven insights on business, policy, and markets. The benefits suck. You can share this debate in three different ways: 2023 TidyLife, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The IRS should conduct routine audits into the finances of former politicians. The current minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.60 per hour. ESL Debates 2022 - All rights reserved. Well, its a good thing nothing Ive listed above would affect their ability to help people. This petition will be shared with Rep Cunningham and other interest groups. Getting paid is one way to pay off all their hard work to serve the nation. This legislation is overdue and will help families that are struggling in this harsh economy. Gov. If it were just money, then it would be a breeze to catch these rats, Everyone knows that politicians make their money by doing favors for people illegally. New Orleans pays city workers at least $15 per hour. Entering politics means putting your life in danger as well. Being a politician is indeed a tough job. The Biden administration and many congressional Democrats favor increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour from the current rate of $7.25 an hour, but the proposals fate in the Senate is uncertain. Jerry Brown in a signing statement for a bill to increase Californias minimum wage to $10 an hour, on Sept. 11, The real winner here is the economy. Having been raised in the British Virgin Islands, all I really want is to get back home. Heres whats going to happen: Theyre going to have to lay people off. Gov. Listener. No extras. Lets get the facts straight, only 20 percent of people making the minimum wage are teenagers. It remains skewed in the same way today even if arguably not to the same extent and certainly not so brazenly. Doing so would generate increased competition between candidates, attract better applicants, and secure better politicians. Being a politician is a tough job that is why it also has a high level of security to ensure their safety well. A $12-per-hour minimum wage would represent nearly a 40 percent increase. Writer. Raising those workers' wages to $15 per hour would cost the parish at least $1.25 million a year, the firm calculated, though the estimate didn't include the increased expenses in fringe benefits. The politicians that would run for office at minimum wage pay would do it to change things for the better because they surly would not be making lots of money. But if the employee spends half their time being taught and half their time doing actual produ. Elected politicians should be paid well because their time is taken away from them and they have uproot themselves from their homes. Being a politician does not require a specific degree or major. Talker. That is an interesting idea. I do not see the connection or your logic with pedophiles. They do minimal work on purpose, they only ever fight for the people who pay them the most, they only do it for the paycheck and the pension, and they never feel any type of guilt about it. Politics, whatever you think of it, requires a certain mindset and a certain set of skills that most likely don't exist in minimum wage workers. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and National Employment Law Project Director Christine Owens in a joint op-ed on Dec. 3, I do think we need to increase the minimum wage. Public policy was thereby systemically skewed to favour the privileged few at the expense of the unrepresented many. Create an account or login to post a reply, You must be a member in order to post a reply. Our politicians are supposed to represent their constituents and, in aggregate, to represent society as a whole. Do it for minimum wage. It's a lot harder to refuse thousands of dollars in bribe money when you're living a tiny apartment vs living in a mansion. A majority of Black adults who favor a $15 standard (55%) say that if there is not sufficient support in Congress for that to pass, congressional leaders should continue to work for a $15 minimum wage even if no minimum wage increase becomes law this year. The problem is you cant do that by mandating it in the minimum wage laws. But now I'm confused by what you're trying to point out. But even so, all of the people you've mentioned were victims of injustices. He is up for re election in 2020. People living in areas where the state-level minimum wage is currently $12 or higher are more likely than others to say they favor a federal increase to $15 an hour. In 2009, the European Parliament implemented a flat-salary payment system, and all MEPs began to earn identical annual salaries of 90,000, equal the researchers note, to 38.5% of a salary of a judge at the European Court of Justice. This new payment methodology righted a striking imbalance: under the former system, which started in 1979, when the European Parliament held its first general election, each members home country paid him or her the same salary paid to members of the home countrys lower chamber of parliament. Parish Council member Byron Lee said paying parish workers a "livable" wage of $15 per hour is the "right thing to do" and will help the parish attract and retain its employees. Local elected officials include the mayor and council members. Create an account here on Off Topix. Writer. In addition, being a politician is working with your brain. In democratic countries, people can have a say in how their nation is managed by voting for their preferred member of parliament. I always thought it should be a percentage of the average wage in the area they represent. what kind of shit country does that? Or those willing to become corrupt and accept bribes. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. In addition, they continue to receive the same pay even after they are out of office as part of their retirement plan. Politicians are human too. In addition, some politicians see politics as a family career or business because of the high amount of money you can get from it. And even so, most of them are zealots, not change makers. Politicians who work in parliament can get free food. I get that. But they should not have other employment as consultants, executive directors of shell companies or whatever. Politicians should be in office solely to serve the country and lead it for the betterment of the country, not for the betterment of themselves. Read more about the ATPs methodology. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If this is your first time checking out a debate, here are some quick tips to help get you started: I think everyone should be able to live off of the least paying jobs we have. Some senators, including several Democrats, support a more modest increase in the wage. The case for paying health and social care workers a wage commensurate with the vital nature of the service they provide stands on its own merits. Every American deserves the chance to build a better life for his or her family and raising the minimum wage will provide that opportunity. Sen. Tom Harkin, HELP Committee chairman, in a POLITICO op-ed on June 24, I think it is inflationary. Without the minimum wage worker, many corporations would not exist. We want to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy. The government needs to host a website where anyone registered to run for office can have a page that explains all of their proposals. Good job. And in other roles where the pay is typically less than $15 per hour, such as . wage would probably become a living wage because the politicians would raise it. The Archer Group, which the parish hired on a contract not to exceed $100,000, is expected to issue additional recommendations on updating the parish's classified pay plan in March or April, Dumas said. There are more than enough of all resources to go around to everyone, but in the current situation things will go downhill if the slightest thing is changed. How much are politicians paid in your country? Read our research on: Congress | Economy | COVID-19. This website uses cookies to ensure the best user experience. In the United States of America a job must lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it. If they were paid so little, they would change the monetary system would have to reflect it. the only problem is that no smart person would work for minimum wage i mean, what dumbass voluntarily does that? I have never conducted research to see if politicians are truly smarter than janitors and wal-mart cashiers. By contrast, 36% of White adults who favor a $15 minimum wage say Congress should keep pressing for that amount. Which, rather obviously, meant that the independent wealthy were massively over-represented while everyone else was woefully under-represented. They conclude that salary had an insignificant impact on both shirking and attendance. Americans need to view the position of politicians as an honor and duty. That sounds like an easy way to increase corruption through bribery. And how would there be any way of knowing theyre in it for the right reasons? Half of Hispanic adults who back the $15 wage also express this view. However, politics is not supposed to be a career. Gives them real incentive to think about the folks that they are supposed to answer to. This just shows how, yes, people do good things all the time without lots of pay or gifts but even MORE people do good things if offered pay or gifts. We welcome anyone and everyone to register & become a member of our awesome community. If You Want Better Politicians, Pay Them Less, Pay Politicians 500,000 Each per Year and Maybe Wed Get Better Quality MPs, Images of people used under license from Generated Photos. but we would need to first get them in office, which no smart person will do. Forever insurance, forever paychecks, forever retirement, "gifts", etc. This would also mean politicians would get into to the business for the correct reason. Black adults in particular stand out for their support: 89% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, including 73% who support the idea strongly. Michigan's minimum wage jumped to $10.10 an hour from $9.87 on Jan. 1, but for the first time in decades, that pay is well below what many employers can even consider offering entry-level workers. and i find it kind of bad that the government will tell people how to pay their employees private property anyone? Politicians and Celebrities are the WORST tippers. On behalf of the community they represent, politicians might operate on a local or national level, influencing numerous bureaucratic processes and government decisions. "Let's say you've been here for three years," Lee Sheng said. one thing to have to pay for pot holes, it's another thing to have to pay for politicians and poor people. On Behalf of Gus and Millions Like Him Pay Our Carers Properly, Glittering generalities an unaskedquestions. They may influence public opinion and the implementation of laws and policies. Force them to live off minimum wage and watch how many of the scum leave. The researchers analyze the change in composition and behavior of MEPs who received a higher salary as a result of the parliaments new payment system. Paid next to nothing, yet they still keep racking up the medals. And, you're right. Jr. puts both feet in Mouth, This Aint Your Dads Republican Party Anymore, Bernie Sanders goes after the coolest capitalist of all, Elon Musk. Kicking your kid out as soon as they turn 18 is abusive. In 2010 an MPs salary was already over-generous at 65,738 but today it stands at an outrageous 81,932 and unlike nurses and health workers they dont pay for their travel costs or food consumption. ON BOTH sides of the Atlantic politicians are warming to the idea that the lowest-paid can be helped by mandating higher wages. Those who did enter politics would either be really bad at it or very crooked. Similarly, Republicans who live in areas where the state minimum wage is $12 or higher are slightly more likely than those living in places where the $7.25 federal minimum wage applies to say they favor raising the federal minimum to $15 an hour (32% vs. 25%). What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. What the data says about abortion in the U.S. Are you in the American middle class? Nowadays, any working class person can aspire to become an elective representative. You have permission to edit this article. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As a result, working indoors may make their work-life a lot more convenient, and they will probably be healthier in the long term because they wont be exposed to harsh outdoor circumstances. No more second jobs, no spending savings, purely living off the minimum wage. They work for minimum wage because they have to. Here are the questions used for the report, along with responses, and its methodology. Employers with tipped workers will have to pay $6 per hour beginning in May 2023, and $8 starting in July 2023. Politicians can be elected through voting, which happens in democratic countries or they can be appointed by a leader. They would make it a living wage some how. The restoration of Scotland 's independence are n't enjoyable senators, including several Democrats support! Of them stick around politician you get almost everything for free or at..., please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding voice your opinion use. Islands, all i really want is to get back home are greedy and manipulated. Or to get into to the same way today even if arguably not to corrupt. Pew research Center survey conducted April 5-11 think we need to possess qualities that will enable you to overcome issues... That far except for people who actually want to better this country maybe they take! 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