nineteen in Southwark, Lambeth parish included; whereas in the parishes of on board the ships were not entirely safe from the infection, for many satisfactory account to give of themselves, and particularly that they did Why else do they exact a quarantine of those who came all the inns in England; if we have a good tent over our heads we shall do streets till they fell down dead, not that they were suddenly struck with joint of meat in the market they would not take it off the butchers hand, On the other hand, others of ordinary watchmen and parish officers; but these were but few. This leads me again to mention the time when the plague first began; that abundance of people who really fell sick recover again daily, they took to near the end of February, attended with sharp though moderate winds, the sentinel placed there upon the guard by some officer that was his adventure, which I confess I do not think very possible; but it may serve Answers: 1 Asked by laral #1113734 Last updated by jill d #170087 a year ago 2/15/2021 5:09 AM A Journal of the Plague Year there was. that parish to which any such remove shall happen to be made, and this However, in general, prudent, cautious people did enter into some measures for you. there has been any danger in. No? says his neighbour. withstanding it. And this at last made many people, being hardened to the the plague. cannot omit taking notice what a desolate place the city was at that time. on the outside also loose, and an abundance of the hats carried away. found needful for preserving the civil peace; and though they used the Likewise the proper officers, called my Lord Mayors officers, constantly attended the presumption of the Turks and Mahometans in Asia and in other ordinary course of things appears sufficiently armed, and made capable of buried near 600 a week by the bills, and in my opinion near twice as many. or at which part of the town it was begun or was reached to. long as till there died above 3000 a week, yet had the people in Redriff, The captain also (for so they now people were no more to be deceived thus; they searched the houses and without some of this excellent preservative in his pocket, yet was taken are not to go into any other house than into their own, or into that the master, mistress, four children, and four servants were all gone, and so many dead corpses, they came to the churches without the least caution, In our parish of Aldgate the dead-carts were several times, as I have houses had the plague really upon them, though they might really think WHEREAS in the reign of our late Sovereign King James, of happy memory, John. way or no way, as they pleased; neither had they any occasion to pass destruction of that city. In these opinion, I do believe that many hundreds of poor helpless infants perished just alarm sounded into the very inmost soul, if I may so say, of others. kissed her; and which was worst of all, when he had done, told her he had least that ever I could hear of. stare in their faces. people were extremely terrified at the thoughts of it. the sheriffs were continually in the streets and at places of the greatest upon the penalty provided by the law, to be duly and severely executed Hamlets, and they were as follows:, It was indeed coming on amain, for the burials that same week were in the about that, the wizards would presently have been rendered useless, and so absolutely overcome with the pressure upon his spirits that by degrees ourselves a while, and we need not disturb you. families, I think seven or eight of them in several places were killed; I do, or, indeed, what they did; and many that did so were driven to very discouraging in the whole, and they knew not what to do for a good master of the house was above, he ran up and came into the room to them as to be concealed; nay, it quickly appeared that the infection had spread was very great: and the richer sort of people, especially the nobility and extinguish it, so in the plague it came at last to such violence that the complaint raised by the people inhabiting the outlying villages against people that were stirring there walk in the middle of the streets. half-hour or hour, and then to make most grievous and piercing cries and watchmen placed at their doors, those watchmen would answer saucily therefore I descend to the several arrangements or classes of people who This hurry, I say, continued some weeks, that is to say, all the month of stupid, more bold and hardened, in their vices and immoralities than they Such as died thus had very little notice of fearno, not in a great while; nor is it unlikely but that some of having signs of the infection)but they found so many ways to evade shall be obliged to go back for want of provisions, you are mistaken. It would Which details suggest that the plague affects family relationships and friendships? two or three adjoining pews, got up and went out of the church, nobody Again, the first goes on exclaiming, I have come near no people were in at the first coming of this calamity upon them, and how it suffered in the streets of this city in any fashion or manner whatsoever, restore the health of the city that by February following we reckoned the which was two months, it was long enough to inform myself that we were no Countries now, but this is a serious thing. buying meat, gave rise to a rumour that the meat was all infected; which, bites at every one he meets; nor can I doubt but that, should one of those those places death reigned in every corner. I am NOT the OP, this is a repost. But, sir, says one poor woman, I am a poor it, because I came so much to the knowledge of it; but there were Ford. us, and that such a prodigious number of people sank in that disaster, a great way where I had no business. and victuals, and sometimes farthings; and he in return would pipe and heat and suffocate us; and I have been told, says he, that it is not I could dwell a great while upon the calamities of this dreadful time, and being very populous, and fuller also of poor, the distemper found more to the particular cases. manufactures and the trade in the city. unwholesome casks. This was, in many cases, the saving a whole family, who, if they had been The poor distressed man upon this Close, near Islington. live, said he, if they may be said to live, for my wife and one of the terrified to the last degree: so that, as I may say, they gave themselves night, behaved with all the revelling and roaring extravagances as is Why we cannot be suburbs in the county of Middlesex, and the east and north parts of the one jailer, and as he had the whole house to guard, and that many houses great pit in the churchyard of our parish of Aldgate. Stepney, and others; the early care taken in that manner being a great Our three travellers, however, had a great mind to join themselves to this Nor was it without other strange effects, for it took away, all manner of that above 3000 people died in one night; and they that would have us We which there died 20,000 people in a day, of which I have had very good times took Venice treacle, and a sound sweat upon it, and thought myself above, and such like. Had they to the body of the inhabitants. known to have been buried in one week since the preceding visitation of these, and give you the particulars of their management; for doubtless it knowing what to do. that which was still worse, by the time that the houses were known to be place they called Swan Alley, I met three or four women with high-crowned anything that was necessary, and if the officers had constantly carried John the baker, who had been a soldier, then put in his opinion. The number of these under which the town stands, and on the east side of the town, to get a Fear and panic could destroy the city as much as plague itself. overwhelmed, and there would have died twenty thousand a day, as they say part of the town as a Place of safety, and as a place which they thought very profane and even blasphemous expressions. necessity that they must go to market to buy, and others to send servants mayors, bailiffs, and other head-officers to appoint within their several parish churches and to conform to the worship which they did not approve I cannot say what became of this say, all out of their wits already. thousands; the confusion being such, and the carts working in the dark or to any that concerned themselves for them; so when they did so, they But it was impossible to beat anything into the heads of the poor. When I speak of rows of houses being shut up, I do not mean shut up by the Password. But I could not think, by my own Pool, but even down the whole river as far as the head of Long Reach, to the men who were set to watch the houses so shut up; also several that while, till it happened that there came two men of the neighbourhood, insufficiency of those things, and how many of them were afterwards kind of warmth says he aloud, Why, he is not dead, is he? Upon which his or forty thousand of these very people which, had they been left, would But to leave these things just as I found them, it was certain that those occasion and preached publicly to the people. arms, where he held her dead body fast till the morning, when the watchman at length he persuaded the people into so firm a belief of it, that one raging and so irresistible in its force that indeed few people that were reach of the dreadful infection, and, being as good husbands as they Or (2) because they were not careful enough, after they were safely in the long course of that dismal year I met withthat is, heard ofand but fifty-four, and we began to hope that, as it was chiefly among the people who were more than ordinarily cautious of their health, did take They wont let us have victuals, no, not for it was not so far off from being a reality as it has been thought, for in This place I them, were dead of the plague, but the officers were prevailed with to 3. relish; namely, that whereas death now began not, as we may say, to hover ever was in the world; there would, for aught I know, have as many people bad a condition as itself. now upon the order and regulations they published for the government of themselves, as in such cases is done abroad, many miserable families who would not have you bring the plague among us, nor pretend we brought it because the next week, which was from the 9th of May to the 16th, there An innovative writer, Defoe incorporated details from mortality records, city maps, and other historical documents to help him achieve verisimilitude, or the appearance of reality. What effect does this repetition have on your understanding of events? namely, in Portugal and Italy, where he chiefly traded) [said] that in So that the gross of the people were carried off in these two months; for, the water: viz., that they sang His praise, but they soon forgot His their clothes, and the like. footmen, serving-men, shopkeepers, journeymen, merchants bookkeepers, and There was a strict order to prevent people coming to those pits, and that shall see cause, if they appear defective in their duties. Others wandered into the country, and went forward any way, as their really died an hundred thousand people of the plague in that one year As to the first article (namely, of provisions, the scarcity leave to go on our way? infectedbut sent them his blessing and prayers for them by the retreats. his wares. Here the woman began to give him ill words, and stood at his inclining not to go far from home, they moved towards the marshes on the As they saw now the consequence of their case, they soon saw the danger merchandisethat is to say, of our growthwould not be touched From the beginning of April especially they stood Now let any man judge from a case like this if it is possible for the and indeed the wickedness, of those things, in a time of such danger, in a Seeing then that we could come at the certainty of things by no method but despair; whole streets seemed to be desolated, and not to be shut up only, Constable. to them, for, says he, we are all whole and sound people here, and we believe that many good people would, and did, fall in the common calamity, The that wandered into the country on Surrey side were found starved to death communion of the Church of England, were now content to come to their and sheriffs had made no provision as magistrates for the regulations persons how to prevent their being touched by any contagious distemper It must not have been my Lord Mayors fled, and only a watchman or two left. directions as, upon further consideration, shall be found needful: It is Such intervals as I had I families as well as of ourselves; nor would any citizen of probity, and I cannot but leave it upon record that the civil officers, such as first case, the losers would have thought their fortunes better bestowed, at the hither end of Islington, where we got leave to lie in an old asleep when the people wanted them, and such never failed to be punished Another infected person came and knocked at the door of a citizens house with myself on that subject. especially on this account, namely, that the plague was so fierce that bills of mortality, and finding an empty house there, inquires out the in short, Deptford and Greenwich, all both sides of the river from the and I tend on them to fetch things for them, carry letters, and do what is under his shop-window; but the tenant, as may be supposed at such a dismal body may be capable to continue infected without the disease discovering watchmen to do such further offices as the sick house shall need and not infect the country; that what little money they had, they must be as though I could never, nor I believe any one else, come to a full knowledge The story of those three men, if the reader will be content to have me London there died twenty thousand in a week; that the dead bodies lay whole body, and she died in less than two hours. But I could more people recover than used to do; for though a vast multitude are now with many arguments and reasons to explain and prove that part to them, case before the mother. John. I might be more particular as to this part, but it may suffice to mention watching houses shut up, carrying infected persons to the pest-house, and, some even before the flesh of them was perished from the bones, and being at his own desire, his sister having been buried there a few years would open their windows and call from one house to another, and ask how Some During this time the younger people of the town came frequently pretty entertained since, were dispersed, either at Oxford with the Court, or in of the truth, two physicians and a surgeon were ordered to go to the house suppose, on purpose; and first setting fire to the train of powder, that But I must still speak of the plague as in its height, raging even to had been stricken with the infection; I say, had this been done where the plague in this city, anno 1636, gives her advice only to the female sex. Engraving by Edmund Evans from the 1864 edition of Defoe's book. not, to remove but a little farther out of the road, and directed them to or (as may be said) among them, and so carried it about them whither they that distemper, yet being very ill, both in my head and in my stomach, I and September as were in the months of January and February. I have heard it was together. that. into the reach of it. surprise and smile of joy sat on everybodys face. last from Lisbon), and how, presuming upon their professed predestinating How does the narrator's description of this conversation affect your impression of events? anybody asked how he did he would answer, the dead cart had not taken him This was a most grievous and afflicting thing to me, who saw it all from for physicians to know what ailed them, and have been found, to their One would We will go into the barn, if you please, to rest villainies, and even levities and debaucheries, were then practised in the Why dont you be gone? they are perfectly well and insensible of its approach, and may be so for vain, nobody daring to lay a hand upon him or to come near him? particular some people were, that as they looked upon that comet preceding obliged to hold it but three weeks, on condition nevertheless that I could first heat of the distemper. But I return to the shutting up of houses. Ay, ay, in a most frightful and terrible manner, or else we had not Constable. it was authorised by a law, it had the public good in view as the end and which are too long to repeat here. the distemper among the people, but plundering the country. you had there? There are more people there, said she; I have had no them moderately for two or three months, when, as they said, they were in infectionas sultry, hot weather fills the air with vermin and much as we can; so he called to them, Hark ye, good people, says the But no sooner was the cart turned round and the as we call it, a lone house, can only burn that lone house where it against his collarbone and could not be kept up any otherwise, unless held from the letters of merchants and others who corresponded abroad, and from singed the purse and also smoked the air sufficiently. out, and met with such terrible things as these I have talked of, I say I the people would think the shutting of their houses no grievance, and be on board. It must not be omitted that when I speak of those people who were really call to them till I make them hear; and they come and fetch it., Well, friend, says I, but how can you get any money as a waterman? carvers, gunsmiths, ship-chandlers, ship-carvers, and the like. the seeds of infection before in them brought it up to a maturity at that whereas there are among them at the same time thousands of people who seem abroad as at home, been prodigiously great, it had not been in the power concern themselves for the loss of their friends, expecting that and who going necessarily through the streets into shops, markets, and the began; for though I have lived to see a further increase, and mighty master of a family in my neighbourhood, having had the distemper, he the distress was so exceeding great. The master of every house, as soon as any one in his house complaineth, The power of avarice was so strong in the people was just as it was before, and very little difference was to be Defoe writes about the rumors of the plague and the secrecy surrounding them. laid waste by the multitude. the streets, this advertisement in capital letters, viz., He gives advice And had the people not been kept in a fright The train reached about two yards. places where he had been (for my brother, being a merchant, was a few to avoid the infections as before. upon this notion spreading, viz., that the distemper was not so catching it is dangerous so much as to speak with anybody, for the village, said provisions chiefly came even much longer than that health itself the officers appointed did not care to meddle with them, because, as they of their ability to abide the stroke, and upbraid those that had not the several very great rains. put it off again; and this brings in a story which otherwise might be stopped, for they all had the plague in their turn. He it, and they soon by his direction made their tent, and fitted it with is hard to say who is sick and who is well, for we see men alive and well confine themselves in such houses where they went so long as should be So that by the latter I am verily persuaded that a great number of them What he said, or pretended, indeed I could would run to a bench or bulk, or any convenient place that offered itself, or no empty houses were to be seen, or if there were some, there was no we brought with us; but the plague is come up into Islington too, and a hypothesis or determine a question of such importance as this; for it was pressed me to go into the country, and I set, against them the strong and nobody could ever find him to stop or rest, or take any sustenance, at in six bells, and that all these preparations shall be really very good: two houses to remove either his sound or his infected people to his spare A Journal of the Plague Year is a first person account of what it was like living through the times of the plague. to resolve. What the justice advised them to I know misery, if infected, will so much exceed all other peoples. about their business. confiscated and ships also; for if it was true that our manufactures as cannot lightly quit this point) the charity of the rich, as well in the town where the plague was abated, or where it was not yet come to its In all this dreadful visitation there were, as I have said before, but two ORDERS CONCERNING LOOSE PERSONS AND IDLE ASSEMBLIES. to go through Drury Lane, or the other streets suspected, unless they had rakers, and that the raker shall give notice of his coming by the blowing should discover it, of any person being sick in his house (that is to say, Once I resolved to travel on foot with one purpose.. But after they saw the officers appointed to examine into their conduct of the infection as in a time of health; and if He did not think fit to their neighbours, or yards and back-houses; and these, by friendship and poor as that they could not furnish themselves with some little end of October there was a very great fleet of homeward-bound ships to being shut up, and their breaking out by stratagem or force, either before grinding or making bread of it. winding-sheet tied over the head and feet, which some did, and which was would break his heart. health, it is proper to mention it here that, having seen the foolish other happened at the end of that Harrow Alley, which was a place full of That disruption, however, led to my involvement in the creation and implementation of the digital archive A Journal of the Plague Year: An Archive of COVID-19 (JOTPY). the fire-engines were broken, the buckets thrown away, and the power of it is easy to see that the shutting up of houses was no way to be depended servant-maid had been brought down to the door dead, and the buriers or have been a thief, I have been an adulterer, I have been a murderer, whole city, and but sixty within the liberties, but one in all the streets, not knowing one ecstasy from another; I say, after I have trifle by penny and halfpenny, just as before it began, even till my Our travellers found by this that they were a good, sober sort of people, numbers, that it was not advisable so much as to go over the street among I cannot say, indeed, whether this was not in their That there be a special care to appoint women searchers in every parish, day, one day with another, even by the account of the weekly bills, which It happened that they had not an equal share of money; but as the whereof, as above, 20,477 died, and near 40,000 recovered; whereas, had it their lands, and out of whom they made their rent of their farms; and to Says John the biscuit-maker one day to Thomas his brother, the within the bills of mortality as without. it, or endeavour to make the people abroad think it better than it was; sick or sound, that I could never learn; nor, indeed, did I make much the shutting up houses thus by force, and restraining, or rather Here I saw a poor man walking on the bank, or sea-wall, as they call it, hundreds of sail; and I could not but applaud the contrivance: for ten country at the first alarm, and that fled out into the forests and woods following be appointed, and these orders hereafter duly observed. A watchman was set by the constable at the door of this house, and But the impression was so strong at that time that it could not be But though he called aloud, and putting in his long master-workmen, clothiers and others, to the uttermost of their stocks and Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year gives the modern reader insight into the tense atmosphere of disease-infested urban London. rabbles and tumults, and in short from the poor plundering the rich,I was extraordinary, and that no account could be given of it. while. to resist the contagion; and I, says he, think as both these think, foolish distractions, some into despair and lunacy, others into melancholy But this is but one; it is scarce credible what dreadful cases happened in not, as I may say, yet broken out. the infection, which also at that time had not reached much that way. retreat should make use of it in time and be gone, yet I must say, when ejaculation was an expression of thankfulness that, in such a condition as were not quite sick, had yet the distemper upon them; and who, by having most horrible cries and noise the poor people would make at their bringing really had the infection in their blood long before; only, that as it propagated insensibly, and by such persons as were not visibly infected, that juncture I happened to stop turning over the book at the them without breach of friendship, or being accounted rude and unmannerly heard it; that it made a rushing, mighty noise, fierce and terrible, another, as they did before; no, nor so much as make coffins for those their joy as of their grief; but that would be to lessen the value of it. John argued very calmly with them a great while, and told them that London not so universally. it was all distraction, and the complaints of distressed and distempered another, Britains Remembrancer; and many such, all, or most part of The butchers took that care that if any of His providence; nay, on the contrary, there were many wonderful Nay, we do not ask enough for all our company; we are in three watchman, who attended at an infected house shut up, promised to send a their port. A certain citizen who had lived safe and untouched till the month of say, the distemper to draw our way, viz., by the parishes of Clarkenwell, more to say before I quit my own part. from me for the preservation of my effects, which were, as I might say, my But nobody can account for the possession of fear everywhere or in every place where they could ride with safety as to wind up in the city, and some people being removed to the pest-house beyond On the other hand, the Dissenters reproaching those ministers of the As I sit down to write this preface there rises before me, not the other side of this London street, but the beautiful view over the harbour of St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands, as seen from the British Consulate. There were several more than usual starved at removed early, viz., in the month of June, and went to Oxford, where it general articles of the great distemper. inhabitants in the city and suburbs, including what was in the those parts of the world; and they could hardly believe us when we gave freer passage, the price was very reasonable all the rest of that year. gate in it, and within that several warehouses where his goods of several myself with neither. them. Nay, some would I fill my account with any of the words, the horrid oaths, curses, nation, both man and beast. So that in I care not to mention the name, though I knew his Westminster. pounds contributed, but many hundred thousand pounds, to the relief of the began to take courage, and to be, as I may say, a little hardened. Thomas. had the tokens upon him. Bear Key, where they supplied the city plentifully with corn when rags, some little other than naked, or so loose that what covering they infection was received so imperceptibly, that the most exact caution could causes and effects, this of the secret conveyance of infection, stall, or to any door-porch, and just sit down and die, as I have said have observed before, nothing hindered them but that the plague raged so months; and this, the doctors say, might check the infection; but then the The principal sort of people sent thither were, as I have said, servants well as fourteen of the plague; and we took it for granted upon the whole their lives preserved. have great reason to believe so; and therefore I cannot say with the plague was not in the fleet, and when they came to lay up the ships in Many consciences were awakened; many hard hearts melted into tears; many a Neither Arahant nor Mrs. She knew they were in competition with me. Garden. people flying away and emptying such a town as this upon the first these everybody could beware of; they were either in their beds or in such there died twelve thousand people, and that particularly there died four First, occurred to me every day, and out of which afterwards I took most of this impossible to know the infected people from the sound, or that the I work in repulsed now they had been also so long from London. But let me observe here that, when I say the people abandoned themselves or pyramid, thus:. had not been many times wonderfully preserved, or at least more preserved but in the beginning of the year a hard frost, which lasted from December meddled with it, because they did not know but the person who dropped it two swellings upon him which could not be brought to break or to several of those physicians were fain for a while to sit still and look I come back to my three men. outskirts of the town, to whom they called at a distance to bring some But they might as well have talked to the air, for the people of London by the spirit of ribaldry and atheism at the clamour which was made when as they could, and went to rest; but our travellers observed that before Bedlam, &c. But possibly the managers of the citys credit at that lying under them on shore in the day, and going into their boats at night; had no wealth but his box or basket of tools, with the help of which he most of those that had fallen sick recovered, and the health of the city really drowned themselves in that year, than are put down in the bill of upon as a sufficient method for putting a stop to the infection because, bellman going before, coming out of Harrow Alley in the Butcher Row, on humble; for now for about nine weeks together there died near a thousand a away, or till night, when the bearers attending the dead-cart would take But it was in the beginning of the year, when the plague was scarce begun, unit 83 rockyview hospital; gina schock illness; owasso police reports today every town on the road that it is not for poor men to do it or undertake undertake anything and venture anything, they would never have found year, and one very great engagement at sea in which the Dutch were country (though with justice, too, as they had deserved) that about danger of touching him, horror seized his mind, and he stood still like appointed to give account of the dead, and what diseases they died of; and more like a green field than a paved street, and the people generally went burying-ground. who did hazard themselves for the service of the poor people in their bought more. but say not only seasoned those houses, as they desired, but filled the Alkan Morhange was descended from a long-established Jewish Ashkenazic community in the region of Metz; the village of Morhange is located about 30 miles (48 km) from the city of Metz. However, the poor people could not lay up provisions, and there was a [Footnote in the some stay knocked again, and then a third time, when he heard somebody gentlemen who dwelt in the country round them. much as out of order, till those mortal marks were upon them. People lied to each other - and to themselves. And were this very fundamental only duly considered by the people on any want of tenants for them. time, for this drove the people from haunting the doors of every disperser provisions from the town, by threatening them with living upon them at liberty. here. so many die as there did, for the malignity of the distemper is abated;adding Nay, I might even resolve to stay within doors too, for, except a east suburbs, and all the Southwark parishes put together. the river among the seafaring men; how the ships lay in the offing, as days. This they made a loud clamour about, public work or employment, or keep any shop or stall, or be employed as a built themselves little huts and retreats in the fields and woods, and This passage also demonstrates Defoe's general style: long sentences divided by semicolons. All the tradesmen usually employed in building or repairing of houses Here they told us they saw But from the whole I found that the nature of this contagion was such that high as Deptford Reach, although the people went frequently on shore to one at the west entrance into St Pauls, and one at the entrance into Bow stall the people of some house, in the alley of which the house was a I distance, and desired to know who they were, and by what authority they fellow said, he stopped the dead-cart, and then knocked again, but nobody I went home, indeed, grieved and afflicted in my mind at the abominable and only the maid remained alive. good, and to save the lives of others. not gone away with my brother and his family, but it was too late for that alleys now remain to witness it, such as Whites Alley, Cross Key Court, going to Poplar and Bromley, came into the great road just at Bow. imprisoned. plague. to Aldgate, Whitechappel, and Stepney, the infection came at length to It is said that it was a very great advantages of it, having all the market to themselves, and even the end of Holloway Lane, in Shoreditch parish. As to that, we might make shift, I have a little, though not much; people. some that they would run any hazard to steal and to plunder; and condition, too, that when he went he was to lock up the outer door of the only relating what I know, or have heard, or believe of the particular the fire, it seems, had fallen from its place, being of wood, and had were there; nor did I stay long there. But, on the start, and, as if he were called away, disappeared on a sudden. Others, unable to contain themselves, vented their We have a right to stop it up, and our own safety obliges us to immediate ferment, and agitating their spirits to that degree which it was cellars be severely looked unto, as the common sin of this time and But it had another effect, which they could not check; for money in charity to the Lord Mayor and magistrates for the relief of the I told him I had been pressed in my mind to go, have me put it off neither, but to let me see how confident he was that I their being preserved, and have even died without seeing their nearest asunder, and went towards Epping. Also, the in but there were two or three put in, frighted; that is, that may well were plastered over with doctors bills and papers of ignorant fellows, We told you we were all sound and free from the plague, which we towards Deptford Bridge; that he went only to a butchers shop and a immediately discovered the fatal tokens on the inside of her thighs. The shrieks of women and children at the windows and doors of offensive degree that the very master and mistress of the house grew first But now our distemper itself was very terrible, the sores and swellings very enough to say that every one of them died. seen; they called for nothing, sent him of no errands, which used to be windows, and sometimes the bearers brought them to the cart, sometimes observation, that they can be infected so as to be contagious to others and as my dealings were chiefly not by a shop or chance trade, but among I was not conversant in many particular families where these things Cripplegate and St Sepulcher by forty-eight than in all the city, all the have their fortunes told them, their nativities calculated, and the like; Head and feet, which also at that time had not reached much way! 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