See my other articles or YouTube videos for howtos. Atlantoaxial instability is an uncommon condition of dogs in which there is abnormal movement in the neck, between the atlas (first cervical vertebra) and axis (second vertebra). Compare the two to obtain the degree of rotation. Medical management entails strict cage rest and placing a neck brace (from in front of the ears to the mid-chest) to prevent the vertebrae of the neck from moving and causing more damage to the spinal cord. Learn about career opportunities, search for positions and apply for a job. Furthermore, a claim of brainstem stretching and kinking with resultant medullary microdamage that somehow not responds negatively to being stretched in real-time, and also lacking upper motor neuron signs, is not a very realistic claim. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In most circumstances, even if there is poor overlap but no evidence of frank facetal luxations (clinical history or with provocation), then conservative therapy can usually prevail in management. The complex anatomy of the C1 and C2 bones of your neck is unique both in appearance and function. This can also promote anterior dissociation of the head which will lead to an abnormally high basion-axial interval (BAI Harris measurement) of more than 12mm (Ross & Moore, 2015). AAI and CCI are diagnoses that mainly cause the risk for either brainstem damage or injury to the arteries that supply the brain with blood, and this can cause paralysis or stroke if left untreated in cases where there is legitimate evidence for pathology. Radiographics 2000;20:S237-50. Would this mean that upper cervical chiropractors (orthogonal, blair technique, gonstead, etc.) The most important risks involved in these injuries are concomitant arterial (especially vertebral artery) or brainstem injuries which can result in stroke or paralyis from the head and down or even death. We moved on to perform the Valsalva maneuver (a pressure test), the Queckenstedts test (manual venous compression test), and the cervical retraction test (TOS CVH), in which the first and third tests were positive, reproducing severe head pressure, dizziness, presyncope and profound fatigue. Postoperatively, the patient stays at the ICU unit for 1 day and then he/she stays in the Neurosurgical Ward. This increased mobility causes headache and cervical pain as well as signs of compression of adjacent neural elements that form cervicomedullary syndrome. The atlantoaxial subluxation can occur isolated or can be found in cases in which there is also craniocervical instability. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It means that the instability is, or will probably, shortly, become bad enough to carry the potential to damage nerves or blood vessels. Styloidectomy and Venous Stenting for Treatment of Styloid-Induced Internal Jugular Vein Stenosis: A Case Report and Literature Review. Look for jugular vein compression, dural sinus and neck vein integrity, exclude typical patholgies such as aneurysms etc., exclude vertebral or carotid dissections, evaluate the thoracic outlet for interscalene, costoclavicular or subpectoral stenosis), Doppler of the carotid and vertebral arteries (look for signs of hypertension, cf. To schedule an appointment, call one of the offices, or book an appointment online. Surgical reduction and fixation would be the only appropriate treatment. Moderator. Spinnato P, Zarantonello P, Guerri S, Barakat M, Carpenzano M, Vara G, Bartoloni A, Gasbarrini A, Molinari M, Tedesco G. Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation/fixation and Grisels syndrome in children: clinical and radiological prognostic factors. 2021 Feb;180(2):441-447. doi: 10.1007/s00431-020-03836-9. Now, for the record, I told the patient with 115 degrees that she does have CCI but that it is not causing her symptoms. Yang SY, Boniello AJ, Poorman CE, Chang AL, Wang S, Passias PG. I am not saying it is easy. In my experience, although I usually disagree with their diagnoses, is that Medserena in London has the absolute best upright imaging quality in the world. If there is a translational BDI or BAI that surpasses normal limits, however, which is maximally 12mm for BDI and BAI. All conventional things like heart and lung problems, MS, cancer, infections etc. 2021 Jun;44(3):1553-1568. doi: 10.1007/s10143-020-01345-9. This iatrogenic practice must come to an end. Hopefully, this is the result of ignorance combined with poor clinical workup skills (incompetence) and not mere greed and malevolence. A lof patients have clicking and clunking in the neck along with severe suboccipital pain. Copyright Dr Gilete Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e3182333859. Patients with rotary subluxation will develop torticollis and will generally appear fixed/rigid upon physical exam and may not be able to rotate their necks at all. This, again, prompted the more than 1000 euro consultation with the upright imaging center in a large european country. Additionally, spinal instability in the form of spondylolisthesis But this is rarely the case in my experience. 914 390 028 404-256-2633. (I will post the before- and after images when I return to Colombia in August, as they are on a separated hard drive). Testimonials Contact, Terms & conditions Either way, if positive, move on to confirm narrowing of the jugular passage between the styloid process and C1 transverse process on a CT scan. Kjetil has also published several peer-reviewed studies on musculoskeletal and neurological topics. Eur J Pediatr. The dorsal lamina of the atlas shifts caudally and ventrally against the spinous process of the axis. Both patients had severe symptoms regardless of lying down, wearing a neck brace, etc., and did not get worse nor better when turning or moving their necks. Diagnostic imaging: Spine, 3rd edition. This is not dangerous, but can cause some popping, restriction in movement, and some pain upon articulation. We examined 404 patients with this chromosome disorder and observed their atlanto-dens intervals and spinal canal widths to be significantly different from children without Down syndrome. Request an appointment or second opinion, refer a patient, find a doctor or view test results with MGfC's secure online services. Dashti SR, Nakaji P, Hu YC, Frei DF, Abla AA, Yao T, et al. Traumatic Atlantoaxial Lateral Subluxation With Chronic Type II Odontoid Fracture: A Case Report. What cervical artificial disc should I choose? Patients with legitimate CCI or AAI will generally have intermittent induction of symptoms with full rotation, flexion or extension that resolves in netural position, presuming there is no constant crushing of the brainstem or vertebral artery dissection. If the patients neck often completely locks up due to facetal luxations, then atlantoaxial fixation may certainly be a viable option for treatment, especially if conservative stabiization fails (capsular and alar ligamentous prolotherapy, postural corrections, strengthening of the suboccipital, longus capitis and levator scapulae muscles). The abnormal imaging findings will mainly be evident during extension of the head and neck. If the measurements are within normal limits, the likelihood of dangerous sequelae are low, if not absent. J NS 2015, V8 issue 4. Although this may sound terrifying, we are merely talking about mild anterior to posterior deflection of the medulla without compression. Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) is a potential complication of all forms of EDS. DOI: 10.3171/2015.1.FOCUS14791. Grabb-Oakes interval is another measurement that is often misunderstood. See my youtube channel for appropriate training. No improvement! DOI: About In such a case, to avoid foreseeable medullary damage, one may reasonably opt for fusion as preventative surgery, because the medulla, once damaged, does not always recovery after surgery. Copyright Dr Gilete Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery. This, usually due to trauma, but can also occur gradually due to certain autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, gross congenital hypermobility (such as Ehler Danlos syndrome or Marfan syndrome), or certain congenital syndromes such as Downs syndrome (Yang et al. We are not talking a bout a few degrees or milimeters of change, but obvious luxation of the joints. Neurology. Dr. Christopher Williams | 07/09/2020. For TOS CVH the patient will generally feel better when stress is reduced along with taking beta blockers (confer with your doctor). A lot of things that cause temporary results are just placebo. Look for upright compression of the IJVs), Dynamic CT also works well, but has much more radiation. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If there is no medullary compression, not even in a flexion/extension scan, then we cannot say that the patient is of surgical degree, even if it is very low, unless they look so bad that it is reasonable to expect frank compression in the near future! In some circumstances, gradual degenerative basilar invagination can also occur due to gradual and progressive degenerative horizontal misalignment of the atlantoaxial joints (Goel 2014), due to certain diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, but it is usually caused by head and neck trauma. Our surgeons can discuss with you the various treatment options for your specific condition. This is easily seen on imaging, especially on CT, as the alignment of the joint will be unequivocally abnormal to the extent that would not be achievable without tremendous ligamentous injury. Type two involves stretching or partial rupture of the transverse atlantal ligament along with capsular damage on one or both sides. Basil R. Besh, M.D. If there are no symptoms, then what reuslts are you talking about? PMID: 19769514. Therefore, when I hear about patients being operated on with no other abnormality than a CXA of 140 degrees, my opinion is that this is reckless butchery. Atlantoaxial fixation: overview of all techniques. The joint between the upper spine and base of the skull is called the atlanto-axial joint. Her symptoms, however, did not at all change when changing her neck position and she had never had torticollis. I have seen several patients misdiagnosed and become almost paralyzed by anxiety due to an increased Grabb-Oakes measurement where the dens is just barely in tangent with the brainstem, despite zero evidence of actual compression nor signal changes in the brainstem and with normal neurological examinations without any upper motor lesion signs! I dont recommend MRA. Yang SY, Boniello AJ, Poorman CE, Chang AL, Wang S, Passias PG. Why would you jump to the worst possible explanation, and especially when lacking apt evidence? Moreover, it would certainly not suggest a sinister future deterioration in the vast majority of circumstances. We offer diagnostic and treatment options for common and complex medical conditions. 2-Atlantoaxial instability, levels C1-C2 (atlas-axis). In early stages, the jugular outlets passage is only obstructed posturally, and will appear normal on supine MRI, but abnormal on upright MRI. The success rate of this surgery is 80% or greater; however, there are many potential complications and a mortality rate of 5-10%. Typically, complete membraneous ruptures of the CVJ may cause dislocation between the head and neck, resulting in positional dissociation between the the two. If your child has symptoms of AAI, the doctor will suggest an X-ray. Strong evidence of clinical correlation must be present from a clinician that is familiar with the signs and triggers in upper cervical instability-cases. 2014 Apr;5(2):59-64. doi: 10.4103/0974-8237.139199. First of all, studies have shown that FLAIR hyperintensities (suggestive of ligamentous partial rupture or damage) have been found in a lot of asymptomatic patients (Myran et al. In more serious clinics, albeit still poor practice, lateral atlantoaxial overhangs are often given excessive importance and focus despite the patient being unable to trigger a single relevant symptom in this position. In circumstances of gross trauma, the ligamentous damage may be so severe that the entire vertebrae luxate (dislocate) from normal position. Atlantoaxial (AA) instability or subluxation is most commonly seen as a congenital (present at birth) disorder in small breed dogs such as Yorkies, miniature and toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and Pomeranians. (look for signs of brainstem compression, luxation or near-luxation of the facet joints, loaded CXA and Grabb-oakes, loaded Chamberlains line, translational BDI and BAI. Musa et al. I am not saying that this applies to every DMX center nor that DMX in and by itself is never useful, but due to the overwhelming lack of competence that tends to come with these studies, I dont recommend them unless unless you have obviously abnormal imaging otherwise and want to look for occult fractures or similar sinister and stubbornly identified problem. For example, if the patient blacks out every time she turns her head to the left, a followup dynamic catheter angiography could be done, and may demonstrate high-grade stenosis of the vertebral artery when turning to the left. Traditional cases of atlantoaxial instability and craniocervical instability require obvious imaging findings with strong clinical correlation, and, when its criteria are met, are certainly treated (operated) in any skilled and compatible neurosurgical ward. This is really more of a poor posture/misalignment problem than a case of instability (Larsen 2018), but because it is a legitimate upper cervical problem then I will still mention it in this article. Now, the I was told is clearly second-hand information, and I cannot guarantee its accuracy. Diagnosis is often based on survey radiographs, alth Atlantoaxial Instability Epub 2020 Jul 4. The atlantoaxial joint is normally stabilized by a projection off the axis called the dens, which fits into the atlas, as well as several ligaments between the two bones. There are two causes for the instability, trauma and birth abnormalities. Traumatic instability occurs after forceful flexion of the head, If the brainstem compression is not positional, ie., it is seen even on neutral imaging, then the symptoms would be expected to be constant. Therefore before proposing surgery, the evaluation of each case must be done really carefully. Adapted from Problems with the upper spine in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) by E. Margolis, B. Henry, B. Sandella and M. Stephens. Powers ratio will be abnormal in cases of both BI and craniocervical dissociation (Ross & Moore, 2015). In most cases it is convenient to put bone graft, usually autologous, taken from the iliac crest or the patients own rib. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Upright MRI has very low quality and because of this, there is a lot of guesswork involved in its interpretation. It baffles me when I see patients with 130 degree CXA and some additional signs of mild/moderate laxities being butchered with C0-T1 surgery despite there being NO instability in the cervical spine and only mild findings in the upper neck that are not causing any neurovascular conflicts nor facetal lockups (eg., Cock Robin syndrome). Does it matter whether these are done laying or sitting down? In moderate stages, the MRI will appear abnormal, but the CTV will still appear relatively OK (because the patient tends to be placed on a neck wedge which protracts the head in the CT machine this reduces the compression). Second, because it is such a controversial topic that lacks medical consensus, poor understanding of the actual mechanism of pathology leads to misunderstandings. Clearly, induction of brainstem (upper motor neuron) signs with cervical motion would warrant flexion-extension imaging! As mentioned initially in this article, craniocervical instability is mainly associated with jugular outlet obstruction and basilar invagination, whereas atlantoaxial instability can cause posteriorization of the dens and brainstem compression, or rotational dysfunction resulting in either bow hunters syndrome, Cock Robin syndrome or other variants of segmental luxations. But if there is lots of space for the medulla, such invasive surgery simply is not warranted. BHS implies rotational compression of the vertebral arteries, which are two out of four arteries that supply the brain (two internal carotid and two vertebral arteries). PMID: 25210334; PMCID: PMC4158632. Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or neck under the base of the skull. ADI laxity is mainly caused by head and neck trauma, so as long as you avoid future collisions, it will probably not deteriorate. A review of the diagnosis and treatment of atlantoaxial dislocations. Please understand that no matter how bad you feel, pursuing the wrong diagnosis will not help. zen , nal , Avcu S. Flow volumes of internal jugular veins are significantly reduced in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Another diagnostic method used is cervical cineradiology, which records joint(s) movement of the entire occipitocervical, atlantoaxial and subaxial joint system. If unavailable, a CT angiogram can be used, but is less sensitive. What cervical artificial disc should I choose? This webpage is intended to provide health information so that you can be better informed. Tambin conocer las causas, los signos y los sntomas de la IAA. It is not due to mild overall instability that does not cause neurovascular conflicts. Regardless, both women were terrified and thought they would end up in a wheelchair, so it sounds quite believable to me. Burry et al (1978) documented a rare case of lateral luxation in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, in which the supporting facet had eroded away. More information about surgical treatment. It mainly consists of the posterior fusion of the affected vertebrae, in this case, the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). Last Update [site_last_modified date_format=Y-m-d H:i:s]. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. TOS is often considered a mere upper limb nerve pathology, but this is not the case. #11760. 2011, Dashti et al. the basion-dens interval, is the distance between the tip of the clivus and tip of the C2. It is also important to understand that the brainstem will not be damaged by being touched in the front by the tectorial membrane and dens. If it is, however then flexion/extension and rotational imaging to exclude positional facetal luxation is warranted. Atlas and axis screws are joined in each side by lateral bars that are unifying the instrumented fusion system. I will explain the exact mechanism of injury and symptoms in the four main sequela of AAI and CCI. One or 2 out of every 100 children with Down syndrome have symptoms of AAI, but doctors do not know the exact number yet. The surgical treatment for Atlantoaxial instability, when it manifests alone without occipitocervical instability, it mainly consists of a The atlanto-occipital joint allows your head to move up and down, while the atlantoaxial joint lets your head rotate. The ligaments involved are the transverse, alar and capsular ligaments. That said, one absolutely must eyeball the brainstem to see if there is or is not any legitimate evidence of, or risk of brainstem compression. I told her clearly that her brainstem was normal and that she did not have any positional induction of symptoms. When rotated to the right, making sure that the axial alignment of the imaging program is aligned with the spinal column longitudinally, compare the anterior aspect of the right facet vs. the facet of the C2, and the posterior aspect of the left facet vs. the facet of the C2 and calculate the actual percentile of overlap. to get a better impression of its actual thickness. In people with Down syndrome, the ligaments (connections between muscles) are lax or floppy. The renowned scholar and neurosurgeon professor Atul Goel was the first person, to the best of my knowledge, to acknowledge and document the notion of horizontal misalignment of the craniocervical facet joints and that this would often be present despite a completely normal-looking mid-sagittal slice (where most craniovertebral junction measurements are done). Sometimes, an X-ray shows AAI when there are no symptoms. A common but severely ignorant misunderstanding that some clinicians make (the patient cannot be blamed for thinking like this, but the clinician should set it straight), is the notion that mild to moderate ligamentous instabilities makes the neck (or the whole body for that matter) tense up to protect against the ligamentous instability, even though there are minimal or no clear MRI findings to support this notion, and that this somehow causes all of the patients symptoms. This, as significant irritation of the brachial plexus can also cause autonomic coaffection (Larsen et al 2021) and thus derange the function of the phrenic nerves, which in turn control the diaphragm. Neurosurg Rev. Then, if there are not even sufficient findings for surgery, how can one possibly give such a fatal prognosis? As always, it is important to do a clinical radiological correlation to make an accurate assessment. Donald Corenman, MD, DC. Postoperative hospital stay is usually around 7 days. Ann Rheum Dis. Facetal locking with rigid torticollis (Cock Robin syndrome) or similar, in cases where there is no neurological compromise, is less dangerous. I recommend doing this with a neuro-ophthalmologist, not a general ophthalmologist or opticician, as the findings are often missed. Apr 2, 2022 Any experience of Atlantoaxial instability? Surgery is often challenging because of the shape of the C1 and C2 bones, and because the vertebral arteriespass in and around these two bones on the way to the brain. 2005 Dec;53(4):408-15. Review. Another patient was told by a well-known pain physician in the US that she had brainstem compression and required several expensive prolotherapy procedures. The deep neck flexors should not engage as this lessens the compression. But, if a specialist points something out that is not conventionally considered, he should either 1. make sure to emphasize the notion that it is a subtle finding with unsure actual clinical applicability or 2. make sure to prove his points through objective findings. Higgins N, Pickard J, Lever A. Lumbar puncture, chronic fatigue syndrome and idiopathic intracranial hypertension: a cross-sectional study. Luxation of the atlantoaxial joints, ie., luxation that surpasses what is seen in Cock Robin syndrome, can also occur with traumatic and gross ligamentous rupture. Patients with genuine and symptomatic rotational vertebral artery compression will develop symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency when they fully rotate their heads to one or both directions, and may be further worsened if done simultaneous with neck extension (DeKleyn 1927). In patients with Ehler Danlos syndrome, instability is present frequently in several segments, generally C0-C1-C2 (from occipital to axis). The brainstem must be compressed from the front and the back, not merely deflected from the front. These cookies do not store any personal information. In the congenital form of AA instability, the animal is born with abnormal bony or ligamentous connections between the first two vertebrae in the neck. Diagnostic markers for occult craniovascular congestion. This is reasonable. <9mm), which overestimate the pathologies and are much misunderstood due to unrealistic consensus of what is normal) will clearly be abnormal, such as the Harris measurement (BAI), basion dens interval (BDI), or Powers ratio. Four broad categories of atlantoaxial problems were observed-atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation in six patients, anterior-posterior atlantoaxial instability caused by ligamentous injury or congenital ligamentous laxity (10 patients), atlantoaxial fracture with or without dislocation (five patients), and atlantooccipital dislocation (two patients). Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The main scope of the below studies is to 1. exclude neurovascular conflict, and 2., to look for legitimate signs of instability be it with or without neurovascular conflicts, in order to determine degree of affliction, prognosis, and treatment plan. Atlantoaxial (AAI) and craniocervical instability (CCI) are two potentially sinister diagnoses that cause damage to the segmental neurovascular structures due to overmobility of the upper cervical spine. Facetal rigidity and dysarticulation is very common in patients with poor cervical postures and functionality of the neck muscles, and especially the muscles that restrict rotation and attach directly onto the spinous or transverses processes in the spine. are generally useless in most cases? Excessive lateral atlantoaxial facetal movement is a sign of [benign] ligamentous complex laxity as long as there is no frank luxation or sinister symptoms involved with lateral flexion. Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the alar ligaments in whiplash injuries: a case-control study. Often, by radiologist alone, based on sparsome imaging findings (eg., alar ligament T2 FLAIR hyperintensity or mild to moderate lateral facetal overhangs) and a lacking compatible clinical workup. My poor baby has become completely lame and incontinent in the last 48 hours. Also a high quality supine MRI with thin slice thickness to evaluate the thickness of the ligament. The patient will hinge back at their neck while simultaneously flexing the cranium. The atlantoaxial subluxation may exist in patients neutral position (without neck movement) or may occur in relation to neck rotation movements (when the patient moves the neck to the right and left). The ligaments holding the bones together can also be injured in trauma, or weakened in certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or Downsyndrome. It does certainly insinuate some instability and ligamentous laxity, and can certainly result in greater level of wearing and tearing of the facet joints and causing some neck pain and joint effusions, but it can not be said to be any form of sinister AAI or CCI due to lacking neurovascular conflicts. DMX. (look for the same things, as well as loaded and positional narrowing of the atlanto-styloidal spaces, the latter only being visible on CT). DMX I dont recommend getting a DMX. In such a case, however, certain important measurements (not mere CXA (norm: 150-180 degrees) or Grabb-Oakes (norm. Lateral bowing of the inferior atlantal facets in netural position is a sign of transverse atlantal ligament laxity. Ultimately, the reader must discern for themselves. Henderson FC Sr, Rosenbaum R, Narayanan M, Koby M, Tuchman K, Rowe PC, Francomano C. Atlanto-axial rotary instability (Fielding type 1): characteristic clinical and radiological findings, and treatment outcomes following alignment, fusion, and stabilization. This means routine X-rays are not helpful. It could also be pointed out that the same people that determined the 2mm rule, also operated patients with a sole 140 degree CXA (and symptoms of ME) with C0-T1 fusion, which in my opinion is on the verge of fanaticism. Because it doesnt work most of the time, and doesnt cause any lasting results. Once the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instabilityis made, one should consult the neurologist, neurosurgeon, and a geneticist if the patient is a child. Pearls and Other Issues The atlantoaxial segment consists of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) and forms a complex transitional structure bridging the occiput and cervical spine. AAI is less common in adults with Down syndrome. (Fixed rotatory subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint). Not sure what you mean here. In less severe cases, physical therapy can also help. The doctor will tell you which sports and activities are safe for your son/daughter. Posture is done for the rest of your life. If its caused by rotation (rare), manipulation may temporarily improve jugular outlet passage, but it will not last. The aim of surgery is to stabilize the AA joint internally to prevent future spinal cord injury. AA instability is typically diagnosed by performing radiographs (x-rays) of the neck. Most dogs with AA instability will develop clinical signs within the first 2 years of life, often after a seemingly mild traumatic event. Bow hunters syndrome revisited: 2 new cases and literature review of 124 cases. Upright compression of the neck not talking a bout a few degrees or milimeters of,... C1 and C2 bones of your neck is unique both in appearance and.! End up in a wheelchair, so it sounds quite believable to me and neurological topics doing this with neuro-ophthalmologist! 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