According to The [] I dont believe in a religion but I do believe in a relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Second Kind: Evidence- observations of UFOs and the physical evidence of them including heat, damage to train, scared and skittish animals, lost time (gaps in memory), crop circles, and paralysis. He left behind a wife, two beautiful children, two brothers and two sisters. This is a common phrase used in Schizophrenia. Copyright 2023 UFO Insight, All Rights Reserved. satan can actually go up to heaven and talk to God?? The film was shot in the mountainous areas of Bulgaria, New Zealand, and parts of Alaska. Since the 1970s/1980s, there has been over 25 missing cases in Nome, Alaska, many being family, and NOT ONE has been investigated or SOLVED (only time a missing case was solved was when bodies would wash up at the jetty at the beach, or be found years later washed up as bones and DNA matched), and all these people that went missing, all ALASKAN NATIVES, most being Siberian Yupik and few Inupiaq. A police man who saw a UFO close up and then lost time !! And no one else would be reachable either! It is also used in the Illuminati and even on an American money you can find a small owl. To sell the story about paranormal activity in Nome, Universal Pictures created fake news articles to support the films narrative. Movies like The Fourth Kind are fiction, lies, and made just for the money. We miss him more than words can express. At least one known and solved missing persons case was solved, a Nome Police cop turned himself in after Sonya Ivanoff (RIP, God Bless) went missing. When will people wake up to reality , I will never understand how people can believe in something like religion and believe in God when there is no physical evidence to prove it . I was sleep and dreaming but I could hear the dr knob moving. Believe me or dont, for your sake and others around the world I pray you do believe or at the very least keep those words and the possibility of belief in Christ close to your heart. what is love then? They dont give a **** what kind of cereal you eat for breakfast so, why should you care who or what they believe in ? Andrew, I see what youre saying, I am sensitive to vibes, from people and other presences, and just putting this out there, I am a born again Christian. Oh, and ps, if you truly believe that we humans are the only intelligent life in our infinite universe, youre extremely and highly uneducated and ignorant. There have been serial killers in Anchorage, Alaska, and in Nome, Alaska! But you when at all Were you born that you can tell if a >6000 yr old book which is still used today is accurate or not. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. The Bible does say You got to tell me what youre on They claim that it takes away from any real investigation into the disappearances. Her daughter, Ashley, gets abducted, and upon questioning, Dr. Tyler tells police that shes been taken to the sky. There are Aliens. There just isnt that many people who are that stupid when all the evidence points to staged, fake, pushy, forceful, its true and believe what you will based on factual events the just are not. We take care of filtering profanity as much as we can. god created the universe he created the aliens too goid and evil exists in all planetsf#! Thats because the Studio wants something to fall back on if the comments are linked to them. Since from a spiritual view there is only black and white either you are filled with the Love (Spirit) of God or something else is inside you. Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times? They just looked at me like, um no in a surprised sort of way. All caps? So on the basis of this, my interest in the subject was huge after seeing 3 UFOs and now 30 years on still interested and searching for more proof I watched the film and cant understand why Aliens have to be so horrid!! raters peg it at 5.9 out of 10, and gave it a 25% rating. Plus I like Milla as well. They cant not! She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. Try to think people Im not convincing anybody, all I want to know is the truth behind her story.(;). by the way..the Bible has been copied over and over ..and there not one mention of a trinity in original was later added chanson le bal des insectes The end has come and people are sleeping. I believe in Demons/Angels & Aliens, Do not discount your beliefs Time prompts are number sequences that show up over and over again in a persons life, usually in the form of time, she explained. I just feel sorry for those people including the Actors and Actresses who protrayed d events in the moviescos there is only one truth, Jesus is Coming Soon! Where are the reports though? Only satan can actually go up to heaven and talk to God. The Bureau concluded that that the towns harsh climate and alcohol consumption were the most likely causes for the missing persons reports. He called Nome a boneyard for the region because there are so many remains there that have never been found. The FBI began their investigation in response to the growing frustrations of the native population. The Alaska Press Club threatened to sue, but before the case went to court, Universal offered a settlement. In 2009, the film titled The Fourth Kind introduced us to Dr. Abigail Tyler. At the beginning of the movie, Milla Jovovich says. Trying to wake up it was hard for me to breath. None of these events actually occurred, none of the archival footage was real, and Dr. Abigail Taylor has never existed, a piece on Overland reads. Is The Fourth Kind real? Without even considering the biblical explanation of our world, simple common sense would encourage us to shun evil and seek that which is good for our own welfare. Mormons Is this the new standard for journalism? Google image this: Nome Alaska. Its funny but I believe that something doesnt have to be explained because we either find God or we wont. This footage was provided from Nome psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler who has personally documented over sixty-five hours of video and audio material.. Whatevers happening to those people it doesnt sound like something Id ever want to go through nor wish upon anybody else. The FBI, Nome Police Department, Alaska State Troopers, etc., is involved in SOME of these missing cases (Google: Sonya Ivanoff). Sadly they were fakes it was not even in the right place. I state again, youre quiet ignorant of you believe that we are the only intelligent life out there. I couldnt believe that first: The town chosen to be Nome was so far from the truth. Because you just might see something that you dont believe is out there !! a witness aint enough evidence? Dining room american heritage dictionary of the english language, fifth edition. yeah. For instance, the experience that Andrew explained that happened to him when he was 7 years old it seems a problem of sleep paralysis. Once that can be accepted, then you can still hold your beliefs, understanding that a belief is different than knowledge. She also explained the time phenomenon. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The Dropa Stones Real Alien Artefacts Or Fiction Morphing Into Fact? Advanced intelligent beings should not need to instill fear, be illusive, mutilate animals and experiment on human genitalia over and over and over and over to understand humans. the book is called who or what were they. The movie studio said the film was based on archival footage of a therapist who discovered the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented while conducting her hypnosis and therapy sessions. Hmm this story is one of a kind Idk whether its true or not but I think that if it had really happened to someone then put urself in that place what would/could u do .. Except that its gonna be a demon with sharp razor teeth. There are demonic portals all around the world and where there are demonic portals there are usually a high number of UFO spotting. Jennifer Morrison, surnomme JMo, est une actrice, ralisatrice et productrice amricaine ne le 12 avril 1979 Chicago.. Elle est principalement connue pour avoir tenu le rle principal d'Emma Swan dans la srie Once Upon a Time, ainsi que pour son interprtation du mdecin Allison Cameron dans la srie tlvise D r House, puis du personnage de Zoey Pierson dans How I Met Your . The confusing show explained, Is The Bear a true story? Lutheran Stop that Ambulance hand me my 12ga and find me a nice big oak tree Ill handle it like a man inxstead of an overpaid , arrrogant sadist with no empathy, hahaha sean you are a joker. Therefore you need to guard your soul, any opening will allow something to enter it. Their legs looked as those of aliens and their heads were those of an owl. I do believe its Spiritual Warfare. noms de famille juifs algriens; danile gilbert vie prive; frank appel salary 2020 Ouvrir le menu. Therefore, most publications have concluded that Dr. Abigail Tyler is an imaginary character. Ive been a Christian my whole life. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. Religion is just a delusion its for people who are scared or just to ignorant learn the truth . There was a recreated movie on one side and actual footage on the other. There is no proof that we know of regarding aliens and there is no proof that Jesus will save you (or even agreement about what that means). All 25+ missing cases have alcohol and violence involved, except a few that were different missing persons case, from the Winter blizzards and storms, the rest are alcohol and violence. I didnt remember my dream until seeing this movie in.early 2010. lmao.okay dangerous man the next time you or your loved ones are having a stroke, heart attack, brain aneurism , happen to get in a real bad car accident, just tell the ambulance driver to bypass the hospital and go straight to the local church,,,,,,see how well your God does over science..even the Vatican just released a press statement last year stating that they are not opposed to the idea of life on other planets.get your head outta your **** you perfect example of a Sheeple. A sci-=fi author on 5 hits of sunshine LSD couldnt come up with some of the species in Madagascar. I was petrified. Pungowiyi told the paper that he is still under the belief that his uncle disappeared due to some criminal activity. Read more about how we fact-check content here. The levels of close encounters are: Before we dive deeper into the article, you can watch the official trailer video below. It is Gods word. in the mid ages witches, nowdays aliens, etc I think that we all whenever we experience something strange we should go first to a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist and have a check up before starting thinking about possesions, or something alike. Let people who make films come forward and be transparentthey may make more money lets see. What you have to remember is that while we have to deal with spiritual battles, Jesus has already won the war. Dont believe in all this vast universe anythign exist but us?! UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. Look at biological diversity you think that was an accident? I know, I sound crazy, but I hope that I will be with Jesus that day, eating a meal and singing wonderful songs, because I dont want to see satan and his demons. Simple matter of deductive reasoning will help anyone decide what to believe about aliens. What put me off the most was the deputy that sees the UFO, reports it and nobody fallows up on the most credible witness. Whether or not the entire story is true, or is loosely based on a true encounter, doesnt diminish the possibility of it. In 2009, the film titled The Fourth Kind introduced us to Dr. Abigail Tyler. Most missing cases are alcohol related homicides within Alaskan Natives. I also have not seen this director having made any other films, if you are aware of some please let me know. Besides, i just saw this supposed real abigail tyler and her real name is charlotte something. Time to wake up! They are out there !!! In the final analysis, The Fourth Kind features a therapist, who has a high probability of being fictional, and archived footage that is in actuality reenactments with professional actors. As the film starts, Milla introduces herself and her role before adding: This film is a dramatization of events that occurred October 1st though the 9th of 2000 in the Northern Alaskan town of Nome. Please understand that we can actually think or believe that humans and earth are the only planet in the universe with life..are we that arrogant also read t g e book the 12 planet We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. Yes, I am a bird expert. In 2009, Universal Pictures released The Fourth Kind, a thriller that follows the life of psychologist Dr. Abigail Emily Abby Tyler, who lives in Nome, Alaska with her husband. Love cant be proved, so just like religion is does not exist? When the 2nd coming of the Lord, that is when **** will be opened for Satan and his people, that is when God will throw Satan and his people into the Lake of fire, destroy **** and Earth, and make the new Earth (Heaven). Did Milla Jovovich say something? His body was found almost a year later in the Nome River after the ice started melting in the spring, autopsy showed broken and beaten body and face, most likely from a Police baton, and shot to the head, matching Nome Police ballistics, but NO evidence found, most likely was killed few miles out of town by the Nome River in the middle of no where Tundra. I called 911ambulance and fire dept. Your email address will not be published. Why did they check her name out she stated it was her husbands,work so maybe her husbands name should of been checked to see if he was a true phycologists but I believe theres never smoke without fire theres some truth out there that we cant comprehend. 333am is one of the most common time prompts. i dont know where r or not this is occurring or not but what i do know is even that small town bully of a sheriff needed to acknowledge therapist client privilege! Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; Web looking for online definition of dr or what dr stands for? She ran home and never went near it again, I know lots of very credible people ( a church choir master is one) who told me their sightings of saucers over water and over a high school football field. Come dead or alivetruth is made known, do you think in death, we find the answers to what we are suppose to believe. Ive experienced it myself. Just watched the movie myself and must admit for a lot of the movie as I watched I thought it may have been real and based on facts. roland kaiser beinprothese. it is a non fiction book author who spent his entire life studying the ancient puctures,writingsit explains how mankind out of no where.. were civilized and hence..Mesopotamia. ?lolololol are you for real? En Alaska, un mystre demeure encore irrsolu et il ne s'agit pas de la nomination de Sarah Palin comme colistire de John McCain lors de la dernire lection prsidentielle amricaine. EVEN if it wree all one big accident that in itself is enough of a miracle to negate the nihilist atheist stuff you naive folls try to ram down our throats. These occurrences follow similar descriptions from alien abductees around the world. : /. Thank you for your explanation of exactly what is happening now on our planet. Through many years of Humanity and book making, only one Book has made it all the way, The Bible, the Word of God. Everyone who died and passed away, is not in Heaven or **** right now, all the Dead are Resting right now, until Gods 2nd coming, thats why its called Rest in Peace. And people on here saying stuff about angels and demons and sprit realms , you gotta be kidding me are you seeing what your typing , how can someone say sh*t like that with no physical evidence to prove , man give me a break . Nor, Google shiny stars, google planes, google nightmares. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Nothing can defeat God, nothing is greater than God, not even Science is greater than God, that is why Science cant prove him, he works in mysterious ways. Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. $ you if you think we r only planet w lifehow arrogant r humans puny earth cmon open yur minds folks.. ugh They each report waking up at 333 a.m. and seeing a white owl outside their window. God is not a man of Peace, but a man of Just. People who suffer from the disorder are likely to be experiencing demonic possession. However, there actually had been a disturbing number of disappearances in and around Nome, mostly travelers coming to and from surrounding native Inupiat and Siberian Yupik areas. It was even published in a newspaper that when the full moon was bright, the light shown in on my uncles garage, through the door window and the window of a car, the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, on the shadow line. It is one movie that scares the H outta me, thinking about all this alien abduction ****, etc. Its not the job of the skeptic to prove something is fake, its the other to prove that its real. The characters sexuality explained. The 2nd coming, all the Dead souls will rise from Rest, and all humanity will be served when God comes with his Book of Life, to see who will go to Heaven and ****. The body, the soul, the spirit of an individual is a trinity within ourselves, meaning it is one, so what effects the body effects the spirit and soul, just as what effects the soul or spirit of an individual effects the body. The company couldnt promise to take down articles made or shared by other internet users. As a Christian, I know what you have said is true. She does not appear in any records of the state Psychologists Association or Licensing Board. Then I tried to call out for my parents but I had no voice, my vocal cords would not move. Have a wonderful evening. I hope theyre friendly. Double rub (fabric testing) dr: Dr synonyms, dr pronunciation, dr translation, english dictionary definition of dr. why so many versions so brainwashed Nome Alaska is located on a relatively flat to rolling geography covered in tundra- no trees within hundreds of miles, especially not tall conifers. It succeeded on the profit scale, pulling in $25.4 million dollars domestically on a $10 million investment. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. Religion is one of the worst things to happen to this world all it did was slow down our advancement as a civilization . I was intrigued in the story about this ET referred to as Thor (apparently from Venus) and his crew who stayed in Washington DC, if that is a true story, it is very interesting. I read somewhere thar if the name of Jesus is given, the whole posetion/alien/demon experience stops Therefore the owl they saw was merely a symbol which suggested that a demonic entity had found a gateway into their lives, which by the looks of it seems to be hypnosis. The Fraser Island Humanoid Encounter Contact On The Beach! They make up some white lie (no racism, but for real made just for the money only). Why is it people like you can write forever in a comments section? Myths like god, ghosts, and real aliens fall into this spectrum. And Earthyeah, its one big ball(in are small eyes) of science, and sure we live as flawed beingsjust humans making small growths into our virtues of statistics to solidify science only in the ways in which the human mind can understand it. They had a fake story that was reportedly from the real-life Nome Nugget newspaper. THanks for the article. I think some of the answers in our own backyard. So it cant be done even though we all know they are here and have been for a very long time..i Ive seen them on 3 different occasions in 2 different states Utah and Arizona. Most comments here haves, Its true, and a,I cant say for what real or not, disclaimer. Another bizarre thing showed in the movie are the implanted memories like owls to cover up the real beings. During the breakdown I saw scary images, could sense things before they happened and had profound pshychic abilities. However, investigations by several outlets didnt find a Dr. Abigail Tyler from Alaska. but they can not leave the earth. I actually thought it was real until i looked up the real dr. Abigail tyler and found nothing but pix and the summary of the movie. Many abductees report seeing animals such as owls, monkeys or raccoons outside their windows at or around 330am right before their abduction. More than what people want to believe hopefully many people are going to see that the Bible is prophesy and depicts that in Ephesians 6. Editor Nancy McGuire of The Nome Nugget was confused and angry after she saw a fake article attributed to her publication. The article began after a native named Eric Apatiki, 21, disappeared. View plans, sample savings & pricing, patient reviews & practice information. Life on earthkindergarten for the souland we choose its purpose. If theres aliens, well know it soon enough because the government will disseminate information over the next ten years showing they created UFOs and developed their technology theirselves. These events at Nome, Alaska is not entertainment but enlightenment! I believe in the word of God.. which tells us these are Fallen Angels, trying to build their own army of people. Youre more closed mined than a snake bitten evangelical from Appalachia. You do realize that there was no real archived footage in the movie? If that part of the movie where she disappeared really happened, has there been any update on her whereabouts? Look at the signs of the end time. Receive the latest articles directly in your inbox weekly. In real cases the abductees remember seeing a light in the sky, or something, then nothing. production crite sur les avantages du sport. So, God is definitely looking out for all of us in different ways. She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. I was lying on my back waiting when I felt a small amount of weight move onto my feet and then it slowly moved up my body and onto my chest. All these dry villages make Home Brew alcohol, which is only 8% to 12% alcohol, and Alaskan Natives guzzle and binge drink gallons on the Home Brew to get the same high/drunk as a 40% 750mL bottle of alcohol. The other missing cases are known to be Natives within Natives, witnesses (family) in most missing cases, but yet again, no evidence (that ****** me off! Newest comments appear first, oldest at the bottom. Ive watched this movie many times and your comment is the one that makes most sense.. My oldest son pasted away a year ago on February 10, 2015. When I watch a movie about a certain place and about a certain group of people I would like to see the place,, and the people who live there. In my own point of view as i watched the movie a year ago. I felt a negative presence at my maternal grandmothers home, and I also had an experience whenever they took my dads mom to the hospital after I took care of her while she was incapacitated from a bad fall. Its ties to real life mobs, Is The Rehearsal scripted or real? I cant stand idiots. In the film, Dr. Abigail Tyler finds evidence of alien abductions from the mouths of hypnotized patients. cant qualify or quantify! Not saying that all UFO encounters arent true, but- The real footage of the lady floating in the room is the professional actress that plays the part- Google it. About the owl, I do not know if it is superstition or truth, but it does not represent anything good. A few years ago I had a major breakdown due to overwork and past unresolved childhood abuse issues. Studies about hypnosis in spirituality suggests that hypnosis causes a hole in your soul (body) to open which can allow your spirit to leave your body, while connected with a golden thread, and of course while your body is open anything can possess it. The expressions translated from Sumerian are more like demonic phrases. Science doesnt even have all the answers to every thing on Earth, they are still discovering new things everyday, new animals, plants, medicine, etc. Ill pray to my God for your soul. This article did not fact check. Why does it matter to anyone else. Live your life with kindness, compassion and love in your heart, and you will make yourself and others around you happy. Ps, these are not demons. Demons look like ugly aliens and they are very strong and evil. Im convinced UFOs are real and abductions are a fact. My personal opinion is that Aliens are real. What was interesting to me, the voices that said We are God So quite literally Christ saved me. As CNN pointed out, the movie is pure science fiction. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. I think theyve been here in the past and we havnt studied archeology properly. If that ******* conducted his investigation the manner portrayed; he should had his shield taken from him; theres to much going on that this government is aware of concealing from the citizens; and I really do not trust NASA in any capacity; if you do then you see human lives and criminal genocides and their need for justice; as less important then rocket science; I suggest you review Project Paper clip; and the Nazi connection to NASA! they said she was crazy so the police took her son beaucse she was crazy but i believe her its all true. Too many sightings and suspicions. I do believe what happened to those people really happened. A tribal council leader, Delbert Pungowiyi, for years, had been trying to get an investigation going about various disappearances. In the film, Dr. Abigail Tyler suffered a neck injury that paralyzed her and confined her to a wheelchair. I they dont believe dr. abby tyler why is it that they cant find her daughter? Web visits to drudge 1/12/2023 25,152,778 past 24 hours 671,900,576 past 31 days 8,571,129,993 past year. If you look @ archaeological fact; There are some strange artifacts and wall art from ancient times that do tend to depict something not from earth. Aliens usually dont touch people during the abduction process. Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. That something was the demons that live in the spiritual realm. I just couldnt watch another fictionalized portrail of out great state, Alaksa!! Dont be lazy to read the bible, it is not boring, it is not fake or made up. People are being deceived by things like hypnosis and channeling. The film claimed that mysterious disappearances in Nome, Alaska, could be attributed to paranormal activity in the region. It could be a hoax BUT, then again, it could be real! No doubt in my mind. And the other flew over our heads while we were outside walking so I know they are here and you cannot convince me otherwise.. Its the beat thing to have seen them with someone so you have proof thats the best. The Holy Biblemost versions;a book built through faith and a book that will answer questions the entire span of our humanly lives.No other book can do this! The two cannot co-exist. People disappear over there and where are the bodies going? In 9 of the cases, where no bodies were ever found, state and local investigators said they will continue to search for new leads.. (was this the purpose?) We should never stand in judgement of someone elses beliefs. I know that doesnt debunk anything but the producers will to get things to credible, just like they used a mountainous film location as Nome. Even though, nothing could of depicted the shapes and figures, remotely configuring to be a woman holding a baby. Nome residents are also entertained by the obvious difference between the film version of their town and reality. family witness?). There is when all the violence starts, Alaskan Natives are blacked out smashed drunk in many of these missing persons case. Either by fear, religion, money, or because they r afraid of how they r being looked @. Your exactly right, definitely not crazy brother. know yur history Google these two words together: Sleep Paralysis. Oh my goodness! Even if this case is fiction, similar things happen though maybe not aliens cause it. Those who dont believe in him, are the ones that will be thrown to ****, simple as his Words in the Bible. I finally jumped up gasping for air. aliens r real Some people have spiritual gifts and they possess the ability to see things and see into the 4th dimension. Yes, within my Christianese, I found to see spiritual workings involved.And the characteristics add up to a very unfriendly spirit opposing what Jesus Christ stands for..Love! If you don't like what you read you can unsubscribe at any time. The films tagline says, Its Up to You to Decide. Abduction skeptics say that no abduction episode has ever proven true. And their spirit bodies were taken into the 4th dimension. The author does not own the rights to this content. I dont know if having disorders such as Schizophrenia is linked to demon possession, but I do know in the name of Jesus Christ these disorders can be cured or helped tremendously. The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. the power of the Blood Of Jesus Christ can save you lolololol, and just so u know wolves already are amongst us. I can tell you one thing that is real: Evil. In the end, Dr. Tyler left Alaska for the East Coast to live out her days under hospice care. A kindergartener could figure that out. The man that killed his wife and kids claimed he had seen something, something he couldnt bear to live with. Both sites are gone now. Since we exist of three parts. Theres some pretty interesting facts that the film brings up that some of the legends in the bible were based off of stories that were around thousands of years before the bible was written. I supose people unfamiliar with Alaska, and its many different tyes of living and environments it would seem real enoough. Nobody behaved normally. Julia.well said. I believe that God gave me the perception to pick up on spiritual presences, I guess this is what the gift discernment is. They said it was part of a viral marketing campaign. They even went so far as to create a fake site called, which listed a bio for Dr. Abigail Tyler and exhibited several scholarly articles she had supposedly written in medical journals on hypnotherapy, hypnotic regression and sleep problems. I agree that this footage may not be real but there are many many very probable cases of alien encounters across the globe. A few of the deaths were caused by people suffering from exposure to the cold, or from falling into the freezing waters of the Snake River. Abductees are paralyzed first and then moved around in a light beam. In her room, I actually smelled fresh lilies with no nearby source, and I was the only one who could smell them since I asked my dad, his moms nurse, and my brother if they smelled fresh lilies at the time. He never returned to his village of Savoonga. But I still went on line too check and found this web site and the full info on the film and a photo of the actress the played the archive footage Dr. We sure must be aware of strange things happening at the end of time. Alien portals is a place where demons come in and out from ****. I would hate for something like this to happen to someone who was unarmed in spiritual warfare. There will come a day when the 4th dimension wont be hidden anymore and we will see everything and youll want to shoot your brains out like that other guy, but you wont be able to. However, the producers were not interested in clear-cut facts as much as profitable entertainment. In addition, no one seems to be able to find any record of an Abigail Tyler having lived or worked in the Nome area. Shortly after that, they hear violent sounds outside their room followed by someone, or something, dragging them out of their bed against their will as they scream and howl in protest. Web visits to drudge 1/12/2023 25,152,778 past 24 hours 671,900,576 past 31 days 8,571,129,993 past year. came and I was sent to ER. UFO And Alien Encounters Of A Festive Kind, The Alien Abduction Process A General Overview. Now after hearing reports of abductions all my life Ive come to the conclusion that people mistake these abductions for what could be demonic possession. We cant be, statistics of a planet like ours arent that low. Ive seen it with my own eyes, but they havent went far enough until we have ships that can travel like UFOs. U know to make it more scary. The owl is a common symbol in the occult. I will say, If the Police Officer saw that, why didnt they interview him too. Whatever..and I grew up in this religious bogus And one more thing, aliens dont drag around people who are fighting to escape from them. Lack of sleep and rumminating on negative thoughts created a psychotic period. Reading all of these posts shows why most wars are fought due to religion. Thus they sometimes see demons and think its aliens. At the start of the movie the actor said that they changed everyones names AND professions! This one is fake. It sounds legitimate, except no one in Alaska has ever heard of Dr. Abigail Tyler. It is a trigger time for abductions to take place.. The news story actually used the name of the Nome Nugget Editor, Nancy Maguire, in the byline. He does not force you to believe in him, he gave everyone free will to believe what they want to believe in. The film was entertaining and it invites people to think beyond their own ego. Compare the attributes of God, exampled by the life of Christ, with the attributes of Satan. So all you people who sell your Souls to the Devil to create movies like The Fourth Kind, and anyone else who sells their souls for anything, be prepared to be Destroyed in the 2nd coming of the Christ. Even our doctors, supposedly of a lower human intelligence have figured it out. The only one that wasnt memory wiped. Wake up people! Tyler later discovers evidence suggesting that she might be a victim of an alien abduction. Voyagez jusqu' 5 personnes en illimit pendant 1 ou 2 jours sur le rseau Alop en TER ! Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our subscribers. Science doesnt state Gods inexistence and bettermight just be proving that God actually does exist. And whether theres facts to globalize the facts that some believe and more dont believe, there are indeed things going on that cant be explained through coincidence or science that ppl need to recognize, fearful of not, that there is indeed more than one power in the world besides human. Nome, Alaska, is no stranger to disappearances, but after investigations into two dozen disappearances, the FBI found no evidence of alien activity. So are We expendable to some elite st coven of Illuminati rich pig; deal makers with an entity; outside of Our scope of reality? I watched the first 20 minutes of the film (The Fourth Kind) and just turned it off. The paranormal history of Nome involving this case I am not going to speculate as true or not- I dont know. The markings and radiation they found on their bodies is simply evidence that a demon has taken them over. me too after seeing this movie more and more it looks like posetion disguised as aliens. People who meditate call on a higher self or a spirit guide, this thing they are calling on is a demonic entity, which can actually give them peace, but steal their souls. Some of what you are about to see is extremely disturbing. People who are afraid just claim that. Distraught friends and family were frustrated by the lack of attention from the police, believing that there may be one or a group of serial killers at work. When your soul is not filled with the Spirit, you surely will find another spirit controlling it. Some people have certain experiences they cannot understand, whether they see Mary or an alien, it doesnt matter. Take stress as an example, which scientifically has become the number one shredder of years of our lives. Alien encounters are measured on a scale developed in 1972 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a noted astronomer, and famous ufologist. Many people just brush the movie off as a complete fabrication. Its good read. They messed with humanity then just as they still are today! It looked like the movie screams mask. Everyone has their own beliefs. Thank you for that it totally made me understand!!! Everything in this movie is supported by archive footage. Anyway, there has to be something going on with all these people claiming abduction! Thank you and God Bless you for speaking the truth. There are spiritual forces in high places but certainly deceiving those unless you are with Christ. El caso de la doctora Abigail Tyler Caso OVNI YouTube from One person said without religion our civilization would be more advanced. I know for certain there are UFOs and aliens.while driving north in 2010 on I75 just north of Tampa Fl., I saw 14 disks at the 33% of the horizon. We are not alone. It took months to prove that in court. Why are you such an arrogant moron? I appreciate my gift and will definitely use it to glorify God, but at some times, it has been scary, even when I was in Kindergarten or 1st, Ive had very vivid nightmares or dreams and I think they were pertaining to my parents splitting up later. Every1 knows, there is other life must be. Third Kind: Contact- there are six levels of . He believed everything you commented about and I have no doubt in my mind that he went straight to heaven. But the Government to actually admit that would destroy religion as we know it and would throw this world into such turmoil that people would not be able to understand and be able to handle such a thing. Im feeling the same way, if there really are aliens, there may be good and bad ones, just like people, since this is such a vast universe and we are discovering earth like planets as well. it is a wonderful experience to see what Ive seen ..the 3 different kinds when I saw what I saw I googled it and the first pic that came up was literally what i had seen and it was also seen by a guy 3 town over and he had video taped it and to see it in slower motion was incredible was the most unusual UFO that i had ever seen . do yur research please Why not juust film in Nome instead of all over the world? This is illogical reasoning. I thought to heavier but and myself thats odd, and then the weight grew heavier I never saw what caused it. It will be too late. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Soul-spirit-Body. Couldnt they have just checked her Facebook profile? But we I know to be true is.. Some of the marketing practices might be questionable but in the end, we all watched it and it provoked discussion. well, from a spiritual point of view this movie is based on demonic possession. Demons are ugly in appearance and because they are higher than humans, they can seem terrifying in power and appearance. De . I loved that they were included in the movie, as most people know nothing about them. I woke up to something jiggling my bed room dr knob back in 2001. Just like a very small % of the world (The other big % of the world who are skeptics who believe in alien movies like the Fourth Kind), I grew up being bothered by a Demon, showing himself only as a dark shadow, no face. Witches and satanists are usually possessed with another entity. If we go by believing what we see, for me personally there is no doubt they r out there. Psychologist Chris French wrote on The Guardian: The reason I found this film so disturbing was because experience shows that no matter how obvious a hoax may be to those capable of critical thinking, there will always be many who will accept at face value the films claim to be based on true events.. First Kind: Sighting - visual sightings of flying saucers, unknown aerial objects, and odd lights. After I watch this movie I will check myself what is real or what is false and publish the outcome of it. Aliens are not a species from other planets, they are the fallen angels from Genesis 6. So, how could you track down a Dr. by a fictitious name? In my country ,they say :Where theres smoke theres fire . The only one that saw people being taken. if you like try and die right now. He researched UFOs with the US government, working with various Air Force sponsored studies including Project Sign (1947-49), Project Grudge (1949-52) and Project Bluebook (1952-69). As you watch The Fourth Kind while gripping the arm of your chair as tight as you can, you realize you arent sure yourself. Very soon! What if, both of these aliens and demons/angels are the same. I ve done more self surgery than I have spent time in a so called medical facility. Like speed of light vehicles and force fields. Its insensitive to family members of people who have gone missing in Gnome over the years.. I was in bed waiting for my cat to come and sleep at my feet, as was her routine. The movie was a complete fake. Andrew you telling us that when u where 7 years old you already knew about demons? still i think this is a very scary movie factual or not, Ah yes, I was waiting for religion to find its girthy little self into this comment section. Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; How to use dr in a sentence. Despite the overwhelming evidence disproving the alleged true events in The Fourth Kind, some people believe that theres some truth behind the films narrative. Your comment makes no point, simply saying google bananas, youll see which is basically what you said, DOES NOT MAKE A POINT. Jesus died for our sins and only after you accept Him will you receive eternal life. the next thing they remember is when theyre back. The nonprofit group that brought the cases to the attention of the general public is not happy about the movie. This movie will remain to be the most frightening real, fact-based movie I have ever seen. The movie producers didnt even bother to get the owl species right- they used a barn owl instead of a snowy owl. With the brightest flash of light the weight lifted and was gone. On the entertainment side, it fell a little short. But even if you dont believe thats ok I do and I know what Ive experienced and what my husband has experienced with me so it doesnt matter what others think .. Maybe some day they will experience something but until then open your minds and your eyes. The film claimed that mysterious disappearances in Nome, Alaska, could be attributed to paranormal activity in the region. When I first watched this film, carrying the perception that it is a true story, each detail within this story led me to think similar to ME in a above reply. Putting further doubt about the movies veracity is the fact that Universal Pictures was sued successfully after they created a fake news site called Barn owls dont live in Alaska, especially not in tundra ecosystems. When they go Nome, they also binge drink and guzzle the 40% 750mLs like the Home Brew, and they get very drunk with a very low tolerance for Real alcohol. But all in good heart. The movie looks ridiculous, said Kawarak, Inc. vice president Melanie Edward told the Daily News. Few of the missing persons cases are thought to also be known with Nome Police involved. I watched this movie about a year ago, and I still think about it. He was only 31 when he died. Knowing this makes it a little less terrifying, though I still strongly believe in the existence of aliens and beings from other worlds who created us as basically a really big science experiment, and they come back now and again to collect samples (aka abductions). Required fields are marked *. I believe people are and have been abducted by aliens for a long time, but I dont believe all of them. Im trying to find any information about her also. Reality is string together with spit and bubblegum the faster you LEARN that the faster you will be able to spot the most ignorant statements in this paragraph youve sort of written. We cannot see them, because they live in the 4th dimension. Witches and satanists all use a technique that allow them to fly in their spiritual bodies, while leaving their soul behind. Medical are is money making product sold to people totallyout of tune with their own spirits and bodies. As it is, even in 2015 a lot of people are still under the impression that Alaska is wild, filled with Natives that live uncivilized lives. Posted on May 23, 2022 by . wake up. Its sold to you as true, its beyond dumb. Peace be with you. I just thank God what happened to them didnt happen to me. Third: The side by side parts of the film made it hard to understand what was going on and what was being said. I feel bad for the people of Nome Alaska because I can see their pov on how this movie seems like sensationalism but I also feel sorry for people who claim to have invasive experiences by these visitors against their will. This film is a dramatization of events that occurred in October 2000. Be Informed! Yes! Then they black out. While I dont fully agree with everything thats been said in the past comments I want you and others to hear my testimony and decide for yourself. The ever-impressive Milla Jovovich played Dr. Abigail Tyler inThe Fourth Kind. Shes just an actress herself. Oh and when you do go to **** (with ur unbelief) you will get what u wished for which is ur **** getting sucked. An investigation of an investigation of an investigation that has more questions than answers. The milky way is the youngest known solar system by human technology, and so far the only on containing life, but the universe is infinite an unknown. In reality, Nome is on the edge of a treeless flat expanse up against the Bering Sea in the middle of Alaskas West Coast. !i think you need a nice cup of tea after that lot of mind spillage!..maybe u could try cutting down on the speed, thanks for the heads up l strongly agree with you people are just so ignornt thts why God said my pple and being destroyed because of lack of knowledge people just choose to ignore facts and things that are happening everyday.The mark of the beast already exist in evrythinng we purchase evrything wth a barcode has the mark its just a matter of time when it will be on pples foreheads and hands.We really need GOD before time run out, I really found your comment quite interesting until I read at Since these demons are much higher in intellect than humans, they are smart and they are technologically advanced, demons are TECHNOLOGICALLY advanced? I have had some interesting experiences from living at my grandparents homes of both my parents. We all have the right to believe what we choose to believe. therefore, yeah, they are aliens. A closer look at his dating life, Why did Joe leave Impractical Jokers? This stuff interests me you did so good at explaining that thanks again !! I know it has took me 3 years after it was made to see it. I seen the meaning of Life, and that is to accept God and what he created us for: to fear him the most, not all the Evil and violence, because God is the only one who can destroy both Body and SOUL. Second: The actors seemed bland. There are bodies, Celestial & Terrestrial Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". All of our knowledge is incomplete. We believe it is a miracle when the Virgin Mary is observed in some distant culture but we dont believe folks when they say they have seen an object in the sky that doesnt make sense to what they know. And just maybe the extraterrestrials came and took them for their own reasons of which we know not!!!! I liked that, but why couldnt they translate except to make rubbish of any language. The Fourth Kind suffered negative reviews as the producers faced accusations that they lied about the films true basis. Nome is the main and MAJOR hub for food, supplies, drugs and alcohol for the dozens of surrounding dry villages, dry meaning no alcohol is allowed to be imported or home made in any of these villages. Finally, for further reading, you can read our article discussing deadly experiences of the Sixth Kind here. Interested in some more facts. Its trillions and trillions of years older than our solar system, with trillions and trillions of other solar systems within, and odds are, we arent the only planet out there that holds the capability to sustain life. A legitimate biography failed to surface while licensing bodies and associations asserted that they didnt know of a Dr. Abigail Tyler. The bottom line is that none of us/you know. But the power of the Blood Of Jesus Christ can save you. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. Anne, I know what youve read is hard for you to understand but humor me a moment please. Look at videos on youtube about celebrities talking about their alter egos, or the big guy up there, or The sudden personality change when they need to perform. Think about it, not ion the slightest Im a bowhunter and i get serenaded by owls at 4m every morning starting end of Sept. The hypnosis reveals that several of them have had very similar experiences. God bless. The Alaska Press Club, on behalf of the newspaper and Maguire, sued Universal and settled out-of-court for $20,000. And that is where the common phrase demonic possession comes from. This woman was unaware of what she was actually doing and how many lives she ruined. Dr Abigail Tyler Biographie. In the film, Tyler begins to believe that these episodes are actually close encounters of the fourth kind. This civilization flourished over 6,000 years ago and is by all accounts the founder of language. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. While I do not attend church or pray, due to this and a few other things. I just watched the movie The Fourth Kind on HBO.. it was not the best movie/ Documentary. The final scene from the movie can be watched below. So some of illnesses we come across with, its origin can develop through in part of us.God bless. They cant all be bad though. I mean the alien part cousl be true but I believe that the mother killed her daughter. People should live according to their own beliefs and not care what others believe. As bizarre as it sounds Ive had several encounters of the 1st kind. They can use their spirit bodies to listen in on private conversations, kill someone and move things around but you can not see them at all, because they are only visible in the spiritual realm. Just as simple as that to prove her wrongso how could they critized her? my word! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. I drive the Facebook group called UFO I MUST BELIEVE and I post only real photos and archives. My niece was walking in her street which deadened at a quarry, and as she walked around in the quarry she saw two small grey beings up against a large rock. I do not know if the story is true or fiction, if the little girl was raptured in real life I do really really feel sorry. As the story above indicates this was fake footage by actors. I cant believe how small minded some folks arebelieving that Jesus will save you and that there is nothing beyond what we see here on earth is silly, bordering scary. Thank you for the enlightenment about the film, although I must say Im truly disappointed that it isnt true. Where are the remains going? Pungowiyi asked the newspaper. Things we cant see and haveno scientific proof of dont exist? It was later discovered that Universal Pictures had registered the domain name a month before the movie was released. Willow brush is the tallest flora around. Hes happy away from the show, Milla introduces herself and her role before adding, Is Tulsa King a true story? My god! You dont need to prove a fiction. seventh day adan test Usually people who practice these things find it impossible to submit to God and they hate talking about Jesus. religion is written to control the masses..yes there is good and evil Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Double rub (fabric testing) dr: Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; Depositary receipt, negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represent a foreign company's publicly traded securities. it will all be over soon. I do believe in God and the devil. If it is not true then the film kind of plays with viewers feelings. If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. Im sure many Christains can portray this same comprehension and ofcourse, most any one who lives outside of Christ will not agree and perhaps even ridicule the thought of it. There was something horribly satanic going on in that town and here is evidence of demonic possession yet people are so uninformed, that if it happened to them people would classify them as mentally sick. Its sad and frustrating. I though the exact same thing as ME, also Faith is totally true. One day, that demon showed itself, I went straight up to it with no fear and praying to God to release this Evil, that Evil does not scare me, but God only. If you dont believe in religion why waste your energy dissing those who do? censored I hope more people read your comment and take it to heart. But this movie felt eerily close to a truth. Therefore from a spiritual point of view, what actually happened is a series of demonic possessions which caused havoc in a small town in Alaska. After he mysteriously passes away, she resolves to continue his clinical research with clients suffering from insomnia. We come up with these Simplified ideas to understand what we see, even still, cant explain them my point is I agree with both. I study the UFO phenomenon for a couple of decades. The prospect of anything like this being real was presented well enough in this film that I felt it was worth the time to make sure it wasnt. You may not republish the article in its entirety. I have a book about Alan Godfrey who I met at Todmorden in Yorkshire England. Since these demons are much higher in intellect than humans, they are smart and they are technologically advanced. I do find Atheism to be bit undermin(d)ing and egocentric in thoughtand easy for Satan, to say! 1 in the middle of the street in broad daylight and 1 at 7 in the evening above my deck. the milky way isnt a solar system; its a galaxy, you dolt. They just change the stories to super-natural entertainment and make them seem believable, like aliens are real. How do you know what theyve seen? She calls the appearance of owls a trigger object. She said it is a way of calming the abductees before they are taken. and the most beautiful experience that Ive ever had. That point alone makes it meaningful. Demons can lift people, demons can talk through people, demons can kill people and break their bones. pentecostal, U cant even agree on a christianityCatholic Here a metaphor to help When crossing the street you look left and right. As a real event it was totally unbelievable because of these things. LMAO this is the most retarded **** I have ever read.. 4th dimension HAHAHAHAHA you dont even know what the first 3 are! you know whatmaybe your just covering **** up so people dont beliveyour probably from govermentcome on the police dont want to part of the movieso they hiding the thruthand they are afraid to, Read Quran Quran believe you will think differently. But folks, dont make that fatal attribution error (look it up online) and think that your thinking is right and someone who holds a different opinion is wrong-in the end, these are all beliefs and opinions(some informed and some not) but there is nothing in this conversation that we can actually know. Learn what logical fallacies are and stop ranting you oblivious idiot. They are also check in with MUFON. It is an eye opener for the people who are wide thinker let us accept that we not alone in this universe so. Theres a saying that nothing stays hidden and so they will take credit for many things before we ever truly know. Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. How to use dr in a sentence. People should be free to believe what they want. But still, required in faith. There are many people out there who have been abducted and under hypnosis have remembered some things, but there are so many similarities that even 5% being true is a scary thought. Right on! You spout off fairy tales then talk about having common sense. So I had to focus instead on what they were doing. God bless. My parents taught me about God, and with God, I defeated the Evil demon. True but I personally have not been a huge person involved in church participation or praying but I can tell you that my family was. For what might be going on in your spirit and/or your soul will place an effect on your body phyiscally and mentally. But the real footage is insultingly obvious as fake, and The Fourth Kind is dumb. Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; Dr synonyms, dr pronunciation, dr translation, english dictionary definition of dr. The Quiet Before The Storm Of The Modern UFO Era, The Mini UFO Waves And Strange Encounters From The End Of The Second World War, The Surge Of UFO Encounters Before The Second World War: The Final Years Of The Thirties, Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Unsolved & Unexplained, read our article discussing deadly experiences of the Sixth Kind here. Where demons come in and out from * *, etc, except no in... Spiritual presences, i cant say for what real or not,.... Is that while we have ships that can travel like UFOs spent time in a sentence never in. Pictures had registered the domain name a month before the case went to court dr abigail tyler biographie Universal a! To them didnt happen to this and a, i defeated the evil demon a barn owl instead of over! Wife and kids claimed he had seen something, something he couldnt Bear to live out days... Have gone missing in Gnome over the world before we ever truly know are with.... 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