should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official Know Which Countries, Entities, and Persons are Restricted Restricted Countries, Entities, and Persons The U.S. Department of the Treasury, through its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) , enforces U.S. embargo and sanction programs that may restrict transactions with certain foreign countries irrespective of whether the exported technology is controlled under the ITAR or the EAR . It is also possible for a person who was born in one country to become a Dual National for the purposes of ITAR without necessarily leaving his country of origin, simply by obtaining a foreign passport (thereby "holding nationality" from another country). The United States also has separate and more specialized export control regulations, such as the ITAR, that governs the most sensitive items and technology. documents in the last year, 946 TheCSL Search Engineworks with the CSL API to allow users to type in a name, country, or source agency in the search. It does not authorize export to the employee's country of Dual or Third Nationality.[27]. (2) Prior to September 1, 2021, for commercial space launches. It was viewed 127 times while on Public Inspection. on In considering whether or not a shipment, transfer, transmission or disclosure will require an export license, we need to consider WHAT is being shipped, WHERE it is going, and TO WHOM it is being exported or disclosed. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable [27]:31[34]. They also view the announcements of "ITAR-free" items as anecdotal and not systemic. on OFAC administers a number of different sanctions programs. The regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on Federal programs and activities do not apply to this rulemaking. Comply with U.S. and Foreign Export Regulations. [97][99], After the failed launches of Apstar 2 (1995) and Intelsat 708 (1996), both on Chinese rockets, the satellite insurance companies required the satellite manufacturers to work with China to investigate the failures. This is a list of more than 20 countries that the U.S. has deemed as being particular threats. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial An explanation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and how they control the sale of defense items and defense services. Foreign Safeguard Activity Involving U.S. Exports, Plan Your Market Entry Strategy: U.S. There is no formal certification process to become ITAR compliant. Once he has done so, he becomes a Canadian-British Dual National for the purposes of ITAR. Administered by the US Department of State, ITAR imposes controls on the export, temporary import, re-export, and transfer of many military, defense, and intelligence items - also known . Munitions List (USML) and allows him to decide which satellite technologies are the most important to protect. This is particularly helpful when searching on CSL for names that have been translated into English from non-Latin alphabet languages. 39 - 22 CFR Parts 120 . . [33], In addition, the prohibition on access by Dual and Third Country Nationals from countries proscribed under ITAR 126.1 can cause problems for countries with large immigrant populations from those countries (such as Canada and Australia, which both have large Overseas Chinese and Overseas Vietnamese immigrant populations: see immigration to Canada and immigration to Australia). Contact the Bureau of Industry and Security. The CSL pulls updates of the lists detailed below from each of the sourcing federal agencies. [1] Contents 1 Overview 2 History 3 Operation 3.1 Classification of Defense Articles 3.2 Registration legal research should verify their results against an official edition of [94] Files on a laptop carried overseas do not need to be opened overseas, and foreign persons do not need to have actual access to USML items on computer networks for a breach to occur. For the reasons set forth above, title 22, chapter I, subchapter M, part 126 is amended as follows: 1. Afghanistan Angola Belarus Burma China (Prc) Cyprus Cuba Haiti Iran Iraq Liberia Libya Nigeria North Korea Rwanda Somalia Sudan Syria Vietnam Yemen Zimbabwe What are the most common ITAR violations? [8]:120.10(5) Broad interpretations of these exceptions have faced several legal challenges. Thales Alenia was forced to discontinue its ITAR-free satellite line in 2013. We organize countries and areas into six geographical regions, each corresponding to one of our six "regional" bureaus. [70] Companies argue that ITAR is a significant trade barrier that acts as a substantial negative subsidy, weakening U.S. industries' ability to compete. ATTN: Regulatory Change, ITAR 126.1 Russia. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned Export Regulations, Get Ready to Export: Are You Export Ready, Plan Your Market Entry Strategy: Research the Global Market Place, Plan Your Market Entry Strategy: Selecting Initial Export Markets, Plan Your Market Entry Strategy: Export Counseling, Success Story: Spancrete Machinery Corporation, Plan Your Market Entry Strategy: Foreign Import Regulations, Managing Challenges: Protecting your IP Abroad, Make the Export Sale: Export Pricing Strategy, Success Story: Patton Electronics Company, Obtaining Assistance from US Embassies and Consulates, Finding Foreign Buyers: Business Travel Abroad, NAFTA, Chile, Singapore, Australia, CAFTA-DR, Colombia, Panama, Korea, and Peru FTAs - Determining rules of origin, Rules of Origin General Categories, Chile, Singapore, CAFTA-DR, Peru, Colombia, Korea and Panama FTAs, Rules of Origin: General Categories: Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Bahrain, and Oman FTAs, US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security, Strictly commercial, dual-use, and less sensitive military commodities, software and technology. How PreVeil meets the ITAR standards. ITAR Prohibited Countries: Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, N. Korea, Syria, Vietnam, Myanmar (formerly Burma), China, Haiti, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, or Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), any UN Security Council arms embargoed country (e.g., for certain exports to Rwanda). In simplified terms, an export often implies a transfer of restricted information, materials, equipment, software, and so on, to a foreign person or foreign destination by any means. In late 2012, the US Congress passed the 2013 defense authorization bill which, if signed into law, will allow U.S. satellite manufacturers to "be more able to collaborate with international partners and [place] U.S. component makers on a more even footing in the global marketplace. [4] ITAR's prominence has also increased as its implications for foreign parties that handle USML items have become better understood (see "Controversy" below). documents in the last year, 28 Specifically, the company must register with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. All rights reserved. 1503 & 1507. The ITAR regulate defense articles and defense services. The following countries are on the ITAR - Proscribed Countries List (22 CFR 126.1). [6][7] As a result, technology pertaining to satellites and launch vehicles became more carefully protected. The USML is broken down into the following categories: I: Firearms, Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns, IV: Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombs and Mines, V: Explosives and Energetic Materials, Propellants, Incendiary Agents and Their Constituents, VI: Surface Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment, VIII: Aircraft and Associated Equipment, XII: Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical and Guidance and Control Equipment, XIII: Materials and Miscellaneous Equipment, XIV: Toxicological Agents, Including Chemical Agents, Biological Agents, and Associated Equipment, XV: Spacecraft and Associated Equipment, XVII: Classified Articles, Technical Data and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated, XIX: Gas Turbine Engines and associated Equipment, XX: Submersible Vessels, Oceanographic and Related Articles, XXI: Articles, Technical Data, and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated. Facing a Foreign Trade AD/CVD or Safeguard Investigation? Clauses approved by the U.S. Department of State must be included in TAAs and MLAs in order to authorize access to USML items by Dual and Third Country National employees of foreign parties to the export authorization. ITAR applies to items identified under the Invention Secrecy Act. The Department of State insists that ITAR has limited effect and provides a security benefit to the nation that outweighs any impact that these sectors must bear. [citation needed], Theoretical access to USML items by foreign persons (including dual and third country nationals) can create difficulties for the engagement of IT professionals from overseas as network administrators or the use of overseas companies to support IT systems. This site contains PDF documents. Fundamental research is defined as university-based "basic and applied research in science and engineering where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from research the results of which are restricted for proprietary reasons or specific U.S. Government access and dissemination controls. Determine if a license or other approval is needed. (ITAR) - 22 U.S.C. This rulemaking does not involve a mandate that will result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any year and it will not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Director, Office of Directives Management, Department of State. The U.S. Government has substantially increased action against organizations and individuals responsible for breaches of ITAR since 1999. Export Controls". Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributed impacts, and equity). Munitions List (USML). More information and documentation can be found in our While every effort has been made to ensure that ITAR is part of a web of laws and regulations prohibiting U.S. individuals and companies from engaging in business with prohibited/sanctioned countries and persons for various economic, financial, anti-terrorism and human rights reasons. documents in the last year, 876 The Department of State is amending the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to add Cambodia in the list of countries for which it is the policy of the United States to deny licenses and other approvals for exports and imports of defense articles and defense services. International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Corrections and Clarifications for Export and Reexport; Canadian Exemptions; Exemptions Regarding Intra-Company, Intra-Organization, and Intra-Governmental Transfers to Employees Who Are Dual Nationals or Third-Country Nationals; and Voluntary Disclosures informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal chapter 35. It is open to the U.S. Government to refuse to authorize Retransfer of a foreign product that includes USML items: As a consequence of the blocking of these sales, Venezuela has subsequently purchased aircraft and other military hardware from Russia and Belarus.[87]. and services, go to where the export authorization is a FMS Case, the foreign government must have "Third Party Transfer Approval" from the U.S. Government; if the export authorization is an export license such as a DSP-5, all foreign parties must be named on the license (for example, some may be "intermediate consignees"); where the export authorization is a TAA or MLA, all foreign recipients must be named as parties to (or as "authorized sublicensees" under) the agreement. It is the policy of the United States to deny licenses and other approvals for exports and imports of defense articles and defense services, destined for or originating in certain countries. ITAR's impact of increased regulations also meant America's worldwide market share in satellite technology declined from 83 percent to 50 percent in 2008, states The Economist, which cited a report from Space Review. Countries with Restricted Parties on the EAR Entity List China, Canada, Germany, Iran, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, Egypt, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Lebanon, Singapore, South Korea, Syria, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates the United Kingdom. You will find them in the columnsource_information_urlfor each listed entity. [105] The Chinese space industry has been able to sell in the global market by bundling Chinese satellites with Chinese rockets, avoiding ITAR. Specifically, the proposed rule would modify relevant portions of the definitions of export (ITAR 120.17) U.S. Government enforcement activities have increased dramatically since 1999,[17] when the U.S. Department of State took over export regulations for satellites. [27] Employees of foreign persons holding Dual or Third Country Nationality from countries proscribed under ITAR 126.1, such as Vietnam, The People's Republic of China ("PRC"), North Korea, Syria and Iran, will, as a general rule, not be authorized to have access to USML items. For example, an M4 carbine, which is an assault rifle used by the U.S. military, would be identified under Category I paragraph (b): *(b) Fully automatic firearms to .50 caliber inclusive (12.7 mm). Exports or temporary imports of defense articles or defense services to countries that the Secretary of State has determined to be State Sponsors of Terrorism are prohibited under the ITAR. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications There is evidence that ITAR considerations have been a factor in decisions by foreign governments to avoid U.S. products and decisions by U.S. companies to remove USML items from their products: The U.S. Department of State charges back fees to manufacturers who have failed to register previously. "[60], The political changes in 2012 came after several years of a gradual shift in thinking. Even U.S. companies have expressed interest in ITAR-free technology. Below, under "Tools" are links to the CSL search engine, downloadable CSL files, and the CSL Application Programming . Which countries are ITAR restricted? [33], The U.S. Government actively enforces restrictions on access to USML items by Dual and Third Country Nationals. [FR Doc. documents in the last year, by the Engineers Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency to the courts under 44 U.S.C. An exception is being made to allow for case-by-case review of exports to Russia that support government space cooperation. 22 U.S.C. of the issuing agency. [96] This also creates significant challenges for manufacturers of ITAR-related items with respect to hiring practices. It is the responsibility of the federal agency to make available updated file(s) in order for the CSL to be up-to-date. The U.S. Government will also take action against individuals responsible for breaches of ITAR and such action can involve criminal penalties. [8]:120.10(5)[8]:120.11 Nor does it apply to general marketing information or basic system descriptions. With PreVeil's end . Registration is primarily a means to provide the U.S. Government with necessary information on who is involved in certain manufacturing and exporting activities. 2752, 2778, 2780, 2791, and 2797; 22 U.S.C. 2. The related Export Administration Regulations (Code of Federal Regulations Title 15 chapter VII, subchapter C) are enforced and interpreted by the Bureau of Industry and Security in the Commerce Department. Information about this document as published in the Federal Register. L. 111-266; Sections 7045 and 7046, Pub. Munitions List and 600-series items controlled by the Commerce Control List; (3) Information covered by an invention secrecy order; or, (4) Software (see 22 CFR 120.40(g)) directly related to defense articles. The Public Inspection page documents in the last year, 117 [20], All U.S. manufacturers, exporters, and brokers of defense articles, defense services, or related technical data, as defined on the USML, are required to register with U.S. Department of State. [30] This means that, for example, a TAA that includes a British company as the foreign person, but which does not include clauses authorizing access by Dual and Third Country Nationals will limit access to USML items supplied under the TAA to employees of the British company who are British citizens only. The Public Inspection page may also In this Issue, Documents ITAR does not apply to information related to general scientific, mathematical or engineering principles that are commonly taught in schools and colleges or information that is in the public domain. Person", "U.S. rules for defence company in Quebec violate rights: commission Montreal CBC News", "How to Avoid Discrimination in Hiring, While Complying with Export Laws | Connecticut Employment Law Blog", "I: Introduction What is a "deemed export" under the EAR/ITAR", "A short history of export control policy", "An Overreaction that Destroyed an Industry: The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Satellite Export Controls", "Commercial Space Transportation Quarterly Launch Report", "Rocket malfunction causes satellite to not reach preset orbit", "U.S. Satellite Component Maker Fined $8 Million for ITAR Violations", "Caleb Henry, New US Satellite Export Reforms Gets Positive Response from Industry, in Via Satellite, May 16, 2014", "U.S. ITAR satellite export regime's effects still strong in Europe", "Thales Alenia Space: U.S. documents in the last year, 12 From this API, any company can build a search engine to quickly find names, aliases, and other screening information. on NARA's [35] Other major U.S. defense contractors penalized for alleged[36] breaches of ITAR in recent years include (among others) Lockheed Martin,[37] Motorola,[38] Boeing,[39] L-3 Communications,[40] and Northrop Grumman. The Department of State is amending the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to include Russia in the list of enumerated countries with respect to which it is the policy of the United States to deny licenses and other approvals for exports and/or imports of defense articles and defense services, except as otherwise provided. The CSL search engine has Fuzzy Name Search capabilities, allowing a search without knowing the exact spelling of an entitys name. ITAR Regulations Munitions List changes over time. Because the scope of this rule implements a governmental policy limiting defense trade with a country, and does not impose additional regulatory requirements or obligations, the Department believes costs associated with this rule will be minimal. [56][57] The U.S. Government may also require U.S. exporters that are party to an export authorization to develop a "Technology Transfer Control Plan" specific to that export authorization. documents in the last year, 830 All US persons, wherever they are located, must comply with OFAC regulations. Screen potential buyers and end-users to comply with U.S. Government regulations. 01/18/2023, 41 The Department of State has determined that this rulemaking will not have tribal implications, will not impose substantial direct compliance costs on Indian tribal governments, and will not preempt tribal law. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official On February 2, 2022, the Department of State published a proposed rule that, most significantly, would amend provisions of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR") affecting how the nationality of foreign persons is determined for purposes of deemed exports/reexports. [94] Foreign employees working in the US cannot have access to the same network where ITAR data may be stored, nor may they have access to rooms or facilities where ITAR work is being done. DDTC also approved a tremendous volume of licenses for exports, reexports and brokering efforts to facilitate the total $24.3 billion in security assistance the U.S. has provided Ukraine since the war . Prohibited exports, imports, and sales to or from certain countries. The prohibition on Retransfer stems from the requirement for all export authorizations to include the statement that "[t]he technical data or defense service exported from the United States in furtherance of this agreement and any defense article which may be produced or manufactured from such technical data or defense service may not be transferred to a person in a third country or to a national of a third country except as specifically authorized in this agreement unless the prior written approval of the Department of State has been obtained."[30]. L. 108-375; Sec. Learn more about recent Russia sanctions and other export control updates. [27]: 3.9.c If access to USML items by Dual and Third Country National employees of a foreign organization is authorized, it only authorizes transfer to the employee. The first step a company should take is to register with the State Department. [99] Space Systems/Loral paid a $20 million fine in 2002 for Intelsat 708, and Hughes paid a $32 million fine in 2003 for Apstar 2. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on Actions are often initiated by U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and include: Since 1990, the U.S. Government has also operated the "Blue Lantern" end-use monitoring program. The authority citation for part 126 continues to read as follows: Authority: has no substantive legal effect. This includes information in the form of blueprints, drawings, photographs, plans, instructions or documentation. "[55] Blue Lantern checks are conducted following a careful selection process to identify transactions that appear most at risk for diversion or misuse. The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. 553(a)(1). 03/17/2021 at 8:45 am. The Department of State defines Dual and Third Country Nationality as follows: Although "nationality" is not defined under ITAR, it is accepted that the U.S. Government will take country of origin[27] and continued ties or allegiance to a country into account when determining Dual or Third Country Nationality. Embargoed and Sanctioned Countries The U.S. export regulations restrict imports and exports to certain destinations without a U.S. Government authorization (called "license"). Further, the Department is amending ITAR 126.1(a) to allow exporters to use the exemptions provided in ITAR 126.4(a)(2) and (b)(2) for exports to Russia when in furtherance of government space cooperation. These links are also embedded into the CSL search engine and CSL downloadable files. 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