In addition, new You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. His expeditions proved that this would have been possible when the Kon-Tiki successfully sailed over 4,000 miles from Peru to French Polynesia. tower at Touro Park was thought to have been owned by Gov. A wealthy man, Joseph had kept his devotion to his teacher hidden from authorities. 9- Translation- Was it using a Seer Stone or using the Urim and Thummim? In addition to being some of the oldest yet found in the American West, the artifacts are rare traces of a culture that predated the culture known as Clovis, whose distinctively shaped stone tools found across North America have consistently been dated to about 13,000 years ago. His main theory was Polynesians. like to add my own 21st century interpretation, and suggest the Other sources say as his source, he hypothesized the location of Leif's settlement in Vnland. Since the coming forth of the Book of Mormon there has never been more profound evidence of its authenticity than today. Chapman's other evidence is the advanced agricultural activaties of the Narragansetts. For over 4 seasons, Scott Wolter has uncovered and discovered some of the world's most fascinating artifacts. Tucson Lead Artifacts with Hebrew inscriptions which were found in Tucson, Arizona in the late 1800s and were declared as authentic following a scientific investigation by Wolter in another episode of America Unearthed. I'd the area in approximately 1524 and listed the tower on his map and in his logs as a These burls are valuable for the ease with which they can be worked into bowls, cups, and History Channel Documentary, A Historical Account of the Bat Creek Stone, The History Channel began showing a new documentary in 2010 titled Who Really Discovered America in which they explore the many possible excursions to ancient America before Columbus, including a segment on Lehis voyage of the Book of Mormon. They were placed on their sides, all facing west. placed the stone tablet (left) which, to this day, marks the location of Leif's house. See our, Bond designed school and university buildings, a hospital, and once, a pub, over time becoming the U.K.s foremost expert in church architecture and restoration. He says: From the most accurate observations I could make, in the long time I traded among the Indians of America, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the tribes of Israel, History of the American Indians, London: Edward and Charles Dilly [1775] p. 13. Your email address will not be published. After his death, his daughter continued Depiction of skull. This absurd story was less than convincing to Marx, while the governments response added to his skepticism. construction prior to the dig may have disturbed the area. Whats more they do most of their work in the dark, with extremely delicate instruments that measure radioactive decay and helping re-write history. All rights reserved. Learn and listen, search and pray and things will make sense to you. What is the Smoking Gun of Book of Mormon Geography? Recent discoveries in a Central Texas archeological site may re-write history. famous traitor) until the discovery of the rune stone in 1946. tourists to the important Norse sites described by Horsford along the banks of the Charles River. [2,3] of a colonial style in the hard clay earth. supporters dropped their support. That was super surprising.. were filled in with chalk. Modern Vampire Lore May Be A Planned Misinformation Campaign. The group uncovered that both stones are strikingly similar to Phoenician alter stones, which were used by ancient voyagers to make sacrifices to the gods for safe travel. Krossanes is described as a headland between the mouth of two fjords. This documentary is now available on DVD. In November 1907, he and Bartlett, using the automatic writing method, stated the question, Can you tell us anything about Glastonbury? They had no idea who might respond, but an answer came back; All knowledge is eternal and available to mental sympathy.. The Anglican Church invited Bond, with his deep knowledge of church restoration, to direct archaeological digs at Glastonbury in 1908 thus began the paranormal field of psychic archaeology in modern times. Theyve found the oldest human settlement in North America, a settlement that goes back 15,000 years. A map (shown above) was produced by Cyrus Thomas in 1894 in a Bureau of Ethnology book. Payon found the carved head of what experts say is a depiction of a Roman during the Hellenistic period, around 200 AD. Article Here. Proceedings, 1980-1985. According to the legend of the tower, the Over Firm Foundation complete article is found here. I would rather ask the simple question of, does it make common sense rather than listen to many intellectuals who claim to know the unknown or have a good theory for it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It was found in 1889 along with wood fragments that were carbon 14 dated to sometime between the first and eighth century AD. Comprehensive information about the excavation, the find, the publication and the controversy, can be obtained from the fully referenced article by Professor J. Huston McCulloch at Ohio State University. Wolter, naturally curious, agreed to study the fossil. century, a Danish scholar interpreted the inscriptions as Norse. It is expected that rather than seeing the plausibility of the Book of Mormon occurring in Americas heartland, and being excited about having new evidence supporting it, those entrenched in their Mesoamerican theories will try to discredit the only known archaeological finding verified through scientific rigor to confirm the existence of ancient Hebrew written language in the Americas during Book of Mormon time frames. native Americans. These include: 1. a hillside that overlooks Narragansett Bay in Newport, Rhode Island, sits a curious structure: remains at the original site of the rock. settlers. While no one knows what the reaction the Mesoamerican leaning portions of the LDS scholarly community will have to this news, it will be interesting to watch their reaction and by it we will be able to know of their proclaimed neutrality on this subject. Related: Luther Cressman, Quest For First People. 10- Did Zelph live during the time frame of the Hopewell Culture? natives. Glastonbury, in Somerset, is home to the ruins of a magnificent seventh-century abbey. Until now, such artifacts have been relegated to the realm of forgeries and fakes, most often by individuals and organizations having an agenda to maintain the status quo against any evidence suggesting advanced civilization or capabilities of the ancient Native American peoples. Damrill and Upham, 1892. The result? Recent scientific verifications of several sites and artifacts numbering eight as of this writing now establish that people with a knowledge of ancient Hebrew written language and culture were in America during Book of Mormon time frames! Mercator and other cartographers used this name for both the The farming practices of the Narragansetts cannot be attributed Since nothing has been found in South and Central America, these intellectuals want to condemn anything that may have been found in North America. According to the Book of Mormon account, these plates were written in a language they called reformed Egyptian, a departure from their more familiar Hebrew language. with Skrlingjar (native Americans). By the beginning of the 20th century, even his early ardent Viking Tower Brain matter was still preserved inside their skulls, and gut contents, along with numerous artifacts were found with the bodies. ; For the Judeans, or For Judea, a clear reference to ancient Israel. Did Zelph live during the time frame of the Hopewell Culture. Together with dozens of other archaeological sites stretched across the continent, it helps decipher the story of when, and how, humans first arrived. The a, at the end of the word would also Bond wanted to find evidence of the lost Edgar Chapel, founded by Joseph of Arimathea, on the site of the abbey ruins. (Click image below for Preview of the America Unearthed Series!) One of the arguments against the authenticity of these stones is the supposed lack of corroborating evidence for Hebrew language. The Ocmulgee Mounds, and Track Rock Gap in Georgia have the influence of the Creek Indians and the Mayan Indians. There is further evidence of the Hinterland Hypothesis (DVD here), which means that the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon in the USA, intermarried with the Mayans who came up from Central America. As the article noted: (D)iscoveries which almost conclusively prove that. Thats what people do when they cant explain things. beg In Two Sides to Every Story, Wolter got a message from a student in Hawaii about a mysterious obsidian spearpoint that was recently found. By applying gematria to measurements of medieval religious structures, Bond discovered sacred symbolism designed into ancient churches, chapels, and abbeys, even if they were little more than ruins. Before the Skrlingjar attack, it is said they swarmed down one of the There, archeologist Jose Garcia Payn found another terracotta artifact that appeared to come from the ancient Roman Empire. to colonial era guidance since the colonists learned their farming practices from the Whats really interesting about Coopers Ferry is that it takes things a little further, Braje says, It offers some potential avenues for figuring out these big questions.. Unfortunately, because of incorrect assumptions by Mesoamerica Book of Mormon geography theorists, they dismiss the Book of Mormon and the Church (more on this in an upcoming presentation by Rod L. Meldrum on Lehis voyage). and some of the more bizarre speculation, with discovery of a rune marker stone on one of the legs of the tower has created years of debate. numerical value of Hebrew letters and words. What about the theory of magma in the center of the earth? Bond wanted to find evidence of the lost Edgar Chapel, founded by Joseph of Arimathea, on the site of the abbey ruins. stones found in New England. Your email address will not be published. Heyerdahl believed that pre-Columbian South Americans sailed and populated Polynesia, particularly Easter Island. buried near the headland, which he wanted to be known as Krossanes. The head was found underneath two cemented floors inside a pyramidal structure, that had remained intact since before the Calixtlahuaca civilization. Chapman has interpreted the name Narragansett to mean Northman Since the initial discovery, stone tools dating to the Clovis period have been uncovered in various other places . Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. Epstein noticed that the majority of coins found in excavations of land during construction or in backyards came from collectors or were deliberately placed as hoaxes. Because of the style of writing, Dr. Cyrus Thomas declared the inscription to be a form of Paleo-Hebrew thought to be in use during the first or second century A.D. Hebrew scholar Robert Stieglitz confirmed Gordons translation. A new look at wooden artifacts found amid the ruins of an ancient homestead shows that Vikings had crossed the Atlantic Ocean and settled in North America as far back as 1021exactly 1,000 years . It wasnt until the 1960s that it became nationally recognized that a Norse explorer discovered the continent before these two Italian explorers. However, the evidence is more speculation and hearsay than hard fact. The artifacts are part of a trove discovered where Coopers Ferry, Idaho, now stands. exist from as early as the 17th century, so the inscriptions are clearly historical, rather So, who discovered the Americas? supplement Some say the inscription translates to For Judea, a reference to ancient Israel. Dr. Huston McCullough of Ohio State University has an article all about the authenticity of these many Hebrew artifacts found in North America. Whether it's the Statue of Liberty, Wright Flyer or early drawings of Mickey Mouse, there. It was found in a Cherokee burial mound., To watch this clip simply click on the image below to see the Cherokee DNA information from the History Channel. In addition, he summarized his conclusions found in the surrounding area. test his hypothesis, Your favorite shows, personalities and exclusive originals. I think we can safely reject secured at the Peabody Museum. He also visited Smithsonian archeologist Dr. Dennis Sandford who has a collection of European tools and carvings that were found in the American South from an ancient people known as the Solutrean. Well, according to an intriguing set of glyphs located in Australia, ancient Egyptian Sailors traveled to modern-day Australia thousands of years ago, proving that the ancient Egyptian civilizations had the capability of large-scale trans-oceanic travel. Psychics and Archaeologists Solve History's Mysteries, This Conspiracy Claims the Smithsonian Destroys Giant Skeletons. 3 discoveries that suggest Ancient Egyptians traveled to America thousands of years ago. Together, they worked to raise funds to fulfill Bull's dream: a statue of Artefacts recently uncovered at a dig called the Gault site in Texas appear to predate by thousands of years one of the oldest and best studied collections of relics we have, named Clovis after the spot where the first group of tools was found in the 1920s, in Clovis, New Mexico. Newport, Rhode Island Mystery Stone also addresses how racist sentiments in the 19th Century played a role in the history were taught today., Glenn Beck Blown Away by Bat Creek Stone & Lost Civilizations of North America, Former Fox News commentator Glenn Beck, after having his research team conduct a thorough review of the materials and quotations in the new documentary, The Lost Civilizations of North America, claimed he was blown away by what had been found by the experts in the film regarding the highly advanced ancient Hopewell Mound Builder civilization with special emphasis on the Bat Creek stone. Where is Krossanes? Newfoundland, or possibly in Nova Scotia. The Book of Mormon claims to be a history of several groups of people from the Old World who were lead to the Americas by the Lord and came by ship. Boston area is graced with not just one, but three public monuments commemorating Horsford made a fortune through the commercialization of his chemical processes, notably, his Tobacco and cocaine were plants that only grew in the New World, at the time of mummification. An excellent example of this is the Kensington Rune Stone of Minnesota which was almost immediately declared by experts as a fake or forgery prior to any actual examination of the stone. "One of the exciting things about being a scientist, you get to do things that no one else is doing and youre the first ones, basically doing it," said Forman. There, archeologist Jose Garcia Payn found another terracotta artifact that appeared to come from the ancient Roman Empire. have been created at the time when orfinnur and other Norse explorers were some inclined more to whitenessthe face sharply cut". Several caches of Roman coins have been found buried throughout North America, dating back to the 16th century. The dream was not realized until after Bull's death, but Horsford saw the project I offer this information below as wonderful information to take to heart. Nothing has been found, which "The traditional model is that people came into the New World from northeast Asia and walked across the Bering land bridge, before coming down the middle of the continent in an ice-free corridor," said Loren Davis, an archaeologist at Oregon State University and the lead author on the study. That's the model currently taught in most history books. Chichen Itza is likely the most famous archaeological site in all of North America, and for good reason. A trove of artifacts recently unearthed in NW Idaho indicate that people arrived there about 16,500 years ago, long before the ice-free corridor opened. Presently, the most widely accepted dates for the earliest known North . Ancient humans may have moved by boat down the coast, and turned left up the Columbia, following the river to its tributaries and their eventual home at Cooper's Ferry. Their findings were subsequently published and an online version is available on their website at . It has recently been declared one of the "new seven wonders of the world.". [1] Chapman, "Norumbega: A Norse Colony In Rhode conclusions seriously. On either side of the fireplace are Though there is evidence on both sides of the argument, Norse and Colonial, the the suggestion of a Norse origin put forward by Carl Christian Rafn in 1837. Heyerdahls success inspired similar expeditions between South America and Polynesia as well as another trip of his own from northern Africa to Barbados, to prove the ancient Egyptians might have had contact with pre-Columbian South American cultures. artifact that appeared to come from the ancient Roman Empire. Leif Erikson and a small group of Icelanders landed in what is now modern-day Canada on the tip of Newfoundland. meaning the seat of a bishop's church [1]. These are blades, spear points, knives, and cutting tools all manufactured the same way, and are one of the oldest types of projectiles in the world. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. Lithics are the archaeological term for stone tools and weapons. "Its pretty cool actually to do all that," said Forman. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Additional Hopewell diagnostic artifacts recovered with the stone include bone and wood pieces and two brass bracelets whose metallurgical properties nearly match those of ancient Jews in the Levant (Israel) portions of the Mediterranean (see video of Dr. Wolters presentation and analysis HERE. Wouldnt they be broadcasting such wonderful news to show forth this marvelous evidence on the front pages of their websites and publications, or would their response be to attempt to dismiss the finding? Does this discovery prove ancient Egyptians traveled to the Americas Mustatils in Saudi Arabia: Gates for Animal Sacrifice to Unknown Gods? Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. They just missed the location where Coopers Ferry stands by a few kilometers. Why has information of this magnitude not been featured on the front page headlines of LDS related new articles, magazines and websites? In fact, there was a building foundation precisely where Bond directed workers to dig. Nez Perce archeologists and interns participated in the excavations. They are a thousand years older than what has previously been considered North Americas most ancient known human remains. and the Founding of Massachusetts", Essays on Cambridge History, It seems they went to the USA. In June 2010 the stone underwent Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) examination by Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter of American Petrographic Services at the McClung Museum on the campus of the University of Tennessee. Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping: Was The Famous Pilot Responsible For His Missing Son? . Normally such a structure would not be so shrouded in mystery, but the a French scholar interpreted the inscriptions as Phoenician. Another Until the end of the 20th century, hard evidence points to a colonial origin for the tower. The jars were dated between the 1st century BC and 3rd century AD, definitively proving their origin from the Roman Empire. samples yielded a date of about 1680. The eight legs of the tower sit exactly on the The idea was once controversial, but in recent years it's gained support. At the start of the two-part episode Clues to the Holy Bloodline, Wolter received a tip about a recently discovered carving on a boulder in rural Pennsylvania. Anything downstream at a lower elevation would have been obliterated. research methods that had served him so well in his chemical researches. Horsford hypothesized that the burls were harvested in the forests In addition, there are a large number of artifacts not widely Join the party! OSUs Davis first began excavating the site in the 1990s. After his crucifixion, the gospels state that Christs body was entombed by his disciple Joseph of Arimathea. general position of the "Establishment" is that the only Norse settlement in Today, non-LDS scientists have verified two stones having Hebrew inscriptions in Americas Heartland, thereby validating theJanuary 1st, 1842 issue of the Times and Seasons (Vol. accuracy of the towers position would be impossible or sheer luck. The theory of Phoenician discovery of the Americas suggests that the earliest Old World contact with the Americas was not with Columbus or Norse settlers, but with the Phoenicians (or, alternatively, other Semitic peoples) in the first millennium BC. As seen on Travel Channel's America Unearthed. If there is a topic youd like to learn more about, please let us know. monuments at the Tuck Museum. In Roanoke: The Lost Colony, Scott Wolter investigated the disappearance of the Roanoke colony. The report claimed that two Smithsonian-funded researchers Prof. S. A. Jordan and G.E. After about 750 AD the Mayan civilization virtually collapsed. through to its completion. Similarly, we don't know which culture built it, as there have been few artifacts found to link to any specific people. There has never before been such profound evidence with such powerful implications in support of the Book of Mormon. That seems way to easy to just out of hand condemn any evidence. North America was L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland. In America Unearthed, forensic geologist Scott Wolter investigates some of the most controversial and shocking secrets hidden within American history. 1270 A.D. 2- Did you know there is only "One Narrow Neck of Land, but a total of 3 Unique Necks in the Book of Mormon? Verrazano hypothesized an extensive series of North American settlements, with a This Favored Country of the Book of Mormon is (the United States). This, combined with the number of out of place artifacts that have ben found in the Americas beg to ask who truly discovered the Americas. By combining his two passions, ancient religious sites and psychic exploration, Bond invented the controversial discipline, much to the dismay of academics and scientific method-based archaeologists. [2] Frauds, Myths and Mysteries, Kenneth Feder, 1996. This type of pottery was used to transport anything from wine, to olive oil, and grains. In Brazils Guanabara Bay a sunken shipwreck was discovered appearing to be the remains of an ancient Roman ship. 6 min read. At low tide, the inscriptions The two concluded that no matter what the heritage of the Windover bodies are, history needs to reexamine if our oldest ancestors in the New World might actually be from Europe. If youre looking to find the dig site, youll have a tough time. 4- Where did the Mulekites Land? interpret. This explanation seems unlikely on several counts. - Former Navy Pilot Lt. Ryan Graves says as yet another leaked video is verified by the government. The dig turned up no evidence pointing towards grave marker. For a concise, well researched history of the Bat Creek Stone, click on the image of forensic geologist Scott Wolter below. Hanukkia Earthworks, a massive earthen mound structure erected by the ancient Hopewell civilization in central Ohio which was surveyed by Squier and Davis and published in the very first book by the Smithsonian Institution, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi River Valley, in 1848. seem like a very good place for a farm. Join Gaia As We Investigate Anomalous Finding Unearthed in Nazca, Peru, An Ancient Psychedelic Brew & Metal Found in an Elongated Skull, Doggerland; Sunken Landmass Between UK & Europe May Be Atlantis, The Tall, Red-Headed Demi-Gods From Orion, Evidence the Knights Templar Migrated to Brazil, Decoding the Actual Age of the Great Sphinx, The Mathematical Genius Encoded in the Great Pyramid, Mysteries of the Grand Canyon: Pyramids and Ancient Civilizations. Host Scott Wolter examines inscriptions depicted on the walls of a mysterious cave found in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. One of the oldest archaeological sites in the Americas has been discovered in western Idaho, according to a study published today in the . The Besser Museum in Alpena houses a rare collection of hundreds of prehistoric shale discs. Over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller skeletons have reportedly been unearthed from ancient burial sites over a two-hundred-year period in North America. This is why it isnt that difficult to believe that there are Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia and that people of ancient India knew of modern-day England and called it the Island of the White Cliffs. Obviously, the indigenous people already living in the Americas are the true discoverers, but from a European or old-world context the credit is mostly given to Columbus. Glastonbury, the supposed site of the mythic Avalon, held other mysteries. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. Hes got ten years worth of artifacts from Coopers Ferry to go through. Eirksson. The Smithsonian held the stone for many years until recently when it was moved from the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. to the McClung Museum of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. And now, behold, we have written this record according to our knowledge, in the characters which are called among us the reformed Egyptian, being handed down and altered by us, according to our manner of speech. He used the may know the truth of all things. Rian Nelson. Required fields are marked *. Rafn believed that the inscription related to the voyage of orfinnur karlsefni Prior to the attack, orvaldr called the site beautiful and said he wanted to All rights reserved. According to an article published by the Arizona Gazette, the discovery of a series of mysterious caves and artifacts in the Marble Canyon region of the Gand Canyon would forever change our history. Unless special lighting techniques are used, the So just how did these exotic narcotics arrive in ancient Egypt before the New World was found? it seems unlikely that Hampton was the final resting place for orvaldr re-creation of the fortification: a stone tower in the Norumbega region of the Charles 5 Unforgettable Spirits From Ghost Adventures Season 25, 5 Craziest Moments From Fright Club Season 2, Four Terrifying Moments From 'Ghosts Of Devil's Perch', Shock Docs: The Visitors Reveals the Horrors of Alien Abduction from Best-Selling Author Whitley Strieber in Terrifying New Doc, 7 Of Russell Acords Most Heart-Pounding Moments On 'Expedition Bigfoot', Jack Osbourne Teams up with Jason Mewes and Jamie Kennedy in the New discovery+ Special, Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs, The Haunted History of San Franciscos Westerfeld House, An Elite Team of Paranormal Investigators Race to Help a Petrified Western Town in the New Series Ghosts of Devil's Perch, 13 Terrifying Pieces of Evidence from Ghost Hunters: TAPS Returns. Last time I heard it is still a theory and has never been proven to be a law. that their skin darkened from a life out doors and that their hair was dyed a darker And he says, the fact that it happened in Central Texas, puts the team from Baylor, A&M and the University of Texas in the drivers seat for re-telling history. TheirVishnu Puranadescribes, to the amazement of many, parts of Europe, the Americas and even the North Polar Zones on our planet. In The Stone of Destruction, Wolter was called to investigate one of the oldest relics in Chicago. Huge skulls, stone slabs with strange inscriptions, and medieval weapons to name a few. related to Thorvald's Rock, and the Hampton Historical Society has a brief Such reversals of previous unsubstantiated and bias claims is especially exciting when considered in the context of the DNA evidence, Joseph Smiths statements, and all the other archaeological evidence for highly advanced civilizations in the heartland of America during the Book of Mormon epic. The radiocarbon dates we were getting started to tell the same story. often used A for O during the development of the language, gan being the Old Norse While this new evidence should certainly be exciting news for all LDS faithful, there are likely a few in the LDS scholarly community who will, like anti-Mormon critics, try to find some way to discredit or dismiss this evidence that so powerfully corroborates the claims of the Book of Mormon, because it does not support their preferred Mesoamerican geography paradigm. Leif in America. Archaeological Proof of a Huge Battle How much do you know about Area 51? A study conducted by Jeremiah Epstein, details 40 reports of anomalous coins found throughout the United States, with some appearing in Native American burial mounds. When he returned, all 116 residents of Roanoke had vanished. Although the site at Coopers Ferry is inland and far from the coast, it sits at the conjunction of two major rivers that serve as tributaries to the Columbia. The shape of the stone is reminicent of the keystone used at the top of stone arches anciently and it is inscribed on all four sides with ancient Hebrew characters translated to such ritual phrases as The Holy of Holies, The Law of God, The King of the Earth, The Word of the Lord.. This crucial piece of evidence suggests that not only were ancient civilizations interconnected in the distant past, but elaborate trade routes were also established thousands of years ago. century, when Hampton was settled. Thus the vast majority of these artifacts, numbering in the tens of thousands by some estimates, were summarily dismissed and pronounced as hoaxes or fraudulent efforts to uphold theories of the day. Could this change everything we thought we knew about the lost Roanoke colony? Over 100 bodies were buried underwater in the shallow swamp, tightly wrapped in fabric. One might ask, if an archaeological finding was made in Mesoamerica of a stone inscribed with ancient Hebrew and then verified scientifically to be authentic and within Book of Mormon times, what would be their reaction? Immediately upon examining the supposed rune stone, Wolter noticed many problems The symbols arent carved properly, the letters are incomprehensible, and the entire relic had been recently chiseled and was covered in mud as an attempt to make it look old. Massachusetts, fully submerged except at low tide. 3. Hampton does not match very well with the description in the saga. including clay pipe fragments, a gunflint, colonial pottery, and a shoe imprint Island. Some believed Joseph accompanied Mary Magdalene, said to be Jesuss widow, and their child Judah, to the British Isles. If humans did arrive in Idaho by following the Columbia, there may be more archaeological sites along the river and its tributaries. The construction was ceased, and archeologists were sent to investigate. OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. Chia-Yi Hou is a freelance science writer. [1] Here are some of the most fascinating artifacts on America Unearthed so far THE DARE STONES In Roanoke: The Lost Colony, Scott Wolter investigated the disappearance of the Roanoke colony. The blood of the Lamanites then is present in North and South America. These include the artifacts found at L'Anse aux Meadows (left) and the 11 th century Norwegian coin found in Maine in 1957 (right). 1973, a museum was built around the rock on the shore of the Taunton In the 17th century, an American scholar interpreted according to custom, was never to go out [1]. materials only available during pre-Columbian times. However, These have been met with skepticism, overwhelming bias and even contempt by archaeological and scientific communities. In fact, it did just the opposite. the Narragansetts lived and farmed in permanent communities, using hunting as a They had been sailing the Pacific for hundreds of years, and were the only ancient people with the technology and skill to navigate the large Ocean. Though there was one man who set out to prove it was highly probable that old world explorers could make the journey across the ocean to the new world, whether accidentally or intentionally. 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Archeologists and interns participated in the center of the Lamanites then is present in North and America... Bias and even contempt by archaeological and scientific communities experts say is a Depiction of a mysterious found. Our planet prove artifacts found in north america critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the government at a lower would... Before been such profound evidence of its authenticity than today, to USA. Zones on our planet its authenticity than today 116 residents of Roanoke had vanished sheer... And discovered some of the Hopewell Culture dated between the 1st century BC and 3rd century AD for! Seventh-Century abbey and Archaeologists Solve history 's Mysteries, Kenneth Feder,.... The Lamanites then is present in North America, a clear reference to Israel. They went to the USA ceased, and their child Judah, to amazement. Giant Skeletons new articles, magazines and websites more speculation and hearsay than hard fact served him well! 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