No problem, Steve says as he helped you into your coat. All too soon the day was turning to night on the best birthday Steve had ever had. The mission he was leaving for now was going to last at least two days and he was still trying to think of who to leave you with. No, you responded. The heat that spread from your head all the way down to your toes, warming you up in the presence of Steve. Turning down the hallway, you about stop dead in your tracks when you see who is at the end of the hallway. Includes X-Men. You could hear your dad talking to Steve. For five years, it was just you and him. #avengers im a sucker for some bucky x daughter!reader :) i was wondering if you could do a fic if you get the chance where buckys daughter has powers and hes helping her control them type thing? As for you, you couldn't care less about him. Bucky insisted that it wouldnt be the end of the world and now here you are; Sitting in the corner of a conference room spinning in an office chair, listening to Nick Fury give your dad and Sam a new mission. As if I could ever ignore him, you thought to yourself with a chuckle as your eyes eventually settled on him. Whyre you up so early? Steve asked as he sat up in bed, sheets falling to reveal more of his picture-esque body. peterparker fanfiction natasharomanoff +14 more # 17 The Nightingale by Addison Scarlet The vision sharpened around the blurry form of Steve, bringing him into focus. "If you don't mind, maybe leaving for a minute, I need to -,", "Say no more, say no more," Sam beams, joints popping as he stands. went under and all of the H.Y.D.R.A. Trying to sit up as quietly as you can in order to not wake up the sleeping figure next to you, you climb out of the bed and begin to make your way towards the door. 155 pages June 3, 2020 elizabeth. Practically being the Avengers babysitter- ahem, manager- took a lot out of you each and every day. Steves large hand cupped your face as the other one wrapped around your waist, tugging you towards him. "No change, nothing bad. From the moment you met him, your heart was already his without him knowing it. Yes, Tony says with a smirk. What if she really doesnt like me? So what if we are on the lam? After minutes of you two looking at each other, you couldnt take it and you broke. You want coffee? While making lunch, Steve managed to make small talk with you. Or you couldve called me. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first birthday. Volunteering and helping with the clean up of the destruction a certain god caused around New York. If only we had some way to tell where they were, Tony gave you a pointed look. Shuri Udaku x. Wanda Maximoff x Reader. The Avengers were excited to have someone with your skills on the team but the only problem was, you couldnt control it. You felt his smile on your skin as he worked his was back up your body towards your lips. Good job, everyone, Steve commended the team while taking his helmet off, leaving pieces of blonde hair sticking up in tufts. But underneath all of that, (Y/N) is a powerful mutant that's been thrust into a As far as the rest of the world knew, Tony Stark was nothing but a billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. Better than before. You found yourself relaxing on Wandas bed, flipping through some magazine while she cleaned her room and ranted to you. You win. I wouldnt have it any other way. You felt your breath catch in your throat as his lips brushed over yours once more and as his sweet breath fanned over your face as you waited in anticipation. When you didnt immediately get up from the couch, he turned around to see you, with your arms out, clearly wanting him to carry you. Well, yknow what they say: Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. You shivered in disgust at the thought of more enemies to face. A growing belly with Steves large hands placed protectively around the bump. (Quote from an incorrect quote generator). We are not on the lam, You retorted as your intertwined your fingers with his. And just like that, the image of the future seemed to become a little bit clearer. She just dropped off some paperwork for me.. From cleaning, re-organizing your furniture, moving back your furniture, even washing all of your dishes by hand. "So was I," Tony said and the two teams began to run at each other. FYI, (Y/E/C) meansyour eye color. Well, enjoy! Doors opening, you are faced with a Steve that is being supported by Sam and Bucky. Welcome to the team, (Y/N), Bruce says, offering his hand. The chemistry between them and the reader is just on spot. Eyes flickering down, Steves eyes were screwed shut. But why did you feel one now? The group soon fell quiet as they continued to eat their less-than sublime breakfast. Of course though, for the first time in your career, you were late for work. Its just like you! Tears poured down my face, and I said,"Okay! Also, if you would like to be added to my tag list, just let me know! "There you go, Nurse ______. We're set when you are, Steve," Nat confirmed from the jet. You, on the other hand, were running into things left and right. You saw his eyes dart down to your lips and then back up to your eyes, silently asking for your permission to do the very thing that his heart has ached to do for a whole year now. Deciding on making Steve his favorite breakfast, you hastily grabbed the necessary ingredients in order to give him breakfast in bed before he woke up. We still have one last thing to do.. The boxes were piled up everywhere: the kitchen, the living room, the small bedroom, everywhere. I could have helped., Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. You let out a sigh of happiness at the sight of you and him, wishing so desperately for something to happen between the two of you. He wanted to tell you but the other two men told him not to. The heat that spread through your body is what surprised you the most. Steve Rogers x Daughter Reader 3.2K 98 by batmanwife13 Up next: Thor x Reader + Later: Harley Keener x Reader + Y/N'S POV + " I don't want to be your daughter." + Those dreadful words were the very reason why you were supposed to think before you spoke. Highest rating #59 in Fanfiction [20 DEC 2017] Everywhere Steve stepped, he was bound to knock something over with his large frame. Always. Dont get shot anymore. As he lead you to his car, Steve held the door open for you to climb in. Oh, Doll-, He moved to hug you, but you placed your hands on his firm chest to stop him from enveloping you in his arms. Steve couldnt exactly tell what you were pointing at, You want spaghetti? he asked but you shook your head. You certainly werent going to now. Im 96, Im not dead., Laughing at his reply, you grab onto his arm. Wiping away the tears that came from the anger you had for yourself, you felt a rush of bravery wash over you as your feet took you to where all of the Avengers were. Well, if you want to talk about it, Im here, Steve gave you a warm smile. Tears formed in my eyes, and I pleaded with him,"Daddy, please. Somewhere in the back of his mind Steve just knew that Sam had gotten to Tony to make sure that he had to bring a date. You knew that you were being mean and unfair to her. Okay, well, umm Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears. Try as you may, the pounding would not abate. Loud guffaws sounded behind you, and you couldnt help the small smirk that replaced your smile. It was a soft and familiar tune that you often heard Steve humming to himself as he worked alongside you. Oh, please, She scoffed as she rolled her eyes. I mean unless you count embarrassing situations, A/N: Hi!!! Why was she waking up suddenly? You cuddled into Steves side as he wrapped an arm around you protectively. Okay.. I honestly forgot about Saturday.Lies, all lies, Steve thought as he looked at you. I just dont get how you couldnt see that.. You saw the two of you fighting back to back, protecting each other in what looked like to be a harrowing battle. Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy it! Wha-? You called out in shock as you lost your footing on the moving treadmill. After her parents were killed in a storm she battles with her survivors guilt and her demons. Everyone else did too but it seemed like you were taking it the hardest. Did he not realize how charming he was, all the goddamn time? -25 Jun 2016-Title: Yes M'am Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader Summary: Steve comes back from a mission and meets (Y/N) in the Avengers Facility.He had no idea who she. You lost most of the people you loved in a second. Before you knew it, the quinjet was ascending through the clouds leaving the French Alps behind. Throwing a wink over her shoulder, she mouthedgood luck.. Soon, you would be as Tony grabbed his phone and pressed record. He walked back over to your bed and sat down on the edge but you scooted over and patted the space next to you. Yeah, he responded, stepping out of his room. The idea of taking this part away from you felt alien and unnatural. Thanks, Steve. I told you, I dont want to talk.. I-Im not sure thats such a good idea, You mumbled. You know Ill always be here to help you with anything., I know, you said sniffling, I just dont know why Im upset. I dont just see you as my assistant. It was so difficult to bury your feelings for the Captain when he looked at you like this. I see myself in you, like when you covered the grenade. I dont know, I thought it just helped everything flow better. Are you hungry? he asked. From picking up a drunk Tony from a club to even going on a morning jog with Steve so he isnt alone; your job covered pretty much every aspect of their lives. A couple of weeks after the treadmill incident, you found yourself obsessing over the spark that you felt when he touched your hand. Can you tell me one? you asked shyly. I shouldn't have said that to you. Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Summary: The reader warns herself of her relationship with Steve Rogers. Sam and Bucky had sat him down on the table as your frantically dug through your medical supplies. Steve's heart sunk into his stomach as his eyes darted around. It was her first kiss, even though she was twenty-three, and she knew she couldn't have had a better one. Tony's daughter." "I know her." Bucky is with the Avengers after Hydra. We arent in the 40s anymore, pal. He was moving in a quick moment, moving through the produce section and then starting to pass all the different aisles. He carried you from the common room and back to you and Buckys room and into your room. I think this is the last one, You huffed, nudging open the front door with your foot. A couple of years later and you were quietly doing vigilante work as you tried to stop every last H.Y.D.R.A. Get him to my office, You quickly say, leading the trio to your office. He was standing in the doorframe. A small squeak escaped your lips as he held you bridal-style. Rolling your eyes at him, you nudged his nose with your own. Padding lightly to your kitchen, you began to make breakfast for yourself. You tried for five years to bring them back and finally, you were successful. True that, Clint interjected as he rearranged the arrows in his quiver. I have loved you for so long now, that I didnt think it was ever possible that you would ever return my feelings, Steve said in a whisper as he tilted your chin up towards him. Steve Rogers, a man out of time, feels out of time. Of course he just had to train you today. As his lips moved from your lips down to your neck, the vision that formed in your mind left you almost as breathless as Steves kiss did. He didnt want to leave you upset like this so he slowly opened your door and stepped inside, I know you dont want to talk but I think something is bugging you and I want to help, he sat down on the edge of the bed and ignored the glare you were giving him, Just tell me whats going on., No, you grumbled again, getting up from the chair at your desk, Go away!. At this very moment, Uncle Sam and Uncle Bucky were training me. Please, You heard the soft thud of Steve resting his forehead on the door. Figuring it will be cold, you grab Steves hoodie that you stole a couple of days ago. Your date hadnt really started yet and he was already acting like a love-struck puppy! Youre everything I could ever want and more too, (Y/N). Later on in the day, you made sure each of them went to training and ate healthy. However, it never went off, yet Dad was not pleased at all. While those three months were filled with laughter, they were also filled with difficulties as you continuously patched up your friends over and over. Weve got all week to unpack this stuff. Nothing like being on the lam with my best girl, Steve chuckled as you playfully smacked his arm. I decided to celebrate by posing one of my favorite things Ive written so far. We couldnt have chosen a better doctor. You were almost positive that he would never want to talk to you again. Oh? Steve asked, quirking up an eyebrow. "Y-You did really good today." he almost stuttered, his eyes flickering from your lips to your eyes. (Name) kissed him back! A smug grin forming on his face, Sam nudged Steve with his shoulder. Doing a quick victory dance, Steve sat back down in his chair and looked at the clock, urging it to go faster so it can finally be Saturday, the day he gets to take you out on a date. He was right. Taking as long as you could in the shower to try to run out the clock, you stepped out and walked towards your closet to decide what exactly you would be wearing tonight. They couldnt have sent an intern to help you carry all of this? He asked as he went to take the load from you, but you brushed him off as you set the large pile on his desk with a resounding thud. Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader Description: Y/N Rogers is super stressed from school finals and above all of that she is being bullied at school. You had started off a few feet away from him on the couch but now, you were snuggling up to his arm and using him as a pillow. The mission had gone smoothly; well, as smoothly as missions for the Avengers go. As a collective unit, the entire team got to their feet as they hurriedly shuffled to the elevator which would soon bring them to your wonderful cooking. The future that spanned before you was bright and full of color. Hi, Im Dr. (Y/L/N), but you can call me by my first name, (Y/N), if you want.. idk I really want to read about this hahah, so if this is not a problem Ill be very happy and thank you for your answer, youre so sweet! Can I? you asked quietly. Trust me., Laughing at his recollection of the glory-days filled with tights, you nodded your head. As you grabbed his hand to allow him to pull you up, you couldnt help but notice that your hand fit perfectly in his. A/N: This popped into my head last night as I was listening to some 40s music and I couldnt not write it! But then they take her away and send her to the red room to train to be a black widow and they wipe Bucky so so he doesn't remember her. You didnt want to be here. Sam ended up having to go on a impromptu mission today, so Ill be training you. He decided on Steve, someone whos known you longer than anyone else. When you returned, Steve finally was able to talk to you like a normal person. Touchy. The room grew quiet after that as Steve focused on his paperwork and as Sam sat across from him. Tears stung at his eyes and a single one slipped before he let his faceplate shut. Steve, your Steve, loved you? A tangle of legs in messy sheets as the morning sun shined through a window. But, I finally had an idea and then this happened! Avengers x Teen!Reader. I know how you are when you mean what you say. No! Summary:The Avengers have a brand new doctor, and she catches the eye of a certain super soldier. I miss (Y/N)s cooking Tony grumbled out as he moved his spoon around in his soggy cereal. Sensing the tense and awkward situation, Steve, your knight in shining armor, stepped in. A/N: This is a part two to this! Bucky, Tony, and Steve all realize they are either going to be a father o Y/N always keeps her promises. It was always you; maybe your boss decided one nurse was enough contact the full time superhero needed. Leave a comment if you enjoy it :)), Only Love Could Hurt Like This (Bucky Barnes x Reader), It's Off To Work We Go! I was so shell-shocked that you loved me too that I didnt know what to say until I saw you running back to your room. Yes! You laughed once more, this time gently pushing his arm. Summary: People requested a Part Two, so I delivered! I hope to read it , Warnings: Um, none? Most of the time Bucky would already be carrying you into the kitchen so you could help make it but you didnt want to do that with Steve. See a recent post on Tumblr from @rachaelswrites about steve rogers x daughter!reader. I am back from the dead and have actually wrote something! As embarrassment flooded through your body and as Steves face reddened, you quickly turned to Steve to hide your face in his large chest. "Sam, I'm on duty, I really shouldn't -,", He takes an exaggerated sip, nearly moaning in pleasure. He sat down with you on his lap and let you cry into him while he rubbed your back up and down. I write stuff too but I dont post them and Im having trouble to do this; H-how long have you been standing there? (Reader sings and dances with headphones in bc he/she thought they were alone, until they turn around to find the team standing there and witnessing their glorious moment of singing to a wooden spoon at the top of their lungs). It's really no surprise to the Avengers when they discover that Earth isn't the only planet with life out there. I can see that my mom is about to call me, so I- yeah.. yourself to get your revenge. I hope you like it! I write for all of the Avengers and Guardians. His smile grew even wider as he placed a kiss onto your forehead. Abruptly waking up, you swiftly turn on your side to shut off the incessant beeping coming from the alarm clock resting on your bedside table. Also, Mr. Stark wanted me to remind you about the party this Saturday. I-I was going to start it again, You stumbled as Steve gently nibbled your ear, causing your eyes to close in ecstasy. To you, Steve was another man your mother was blindly in love with. You were just a kid from D. C., here by scholarship and borrowed dreams. You didnt know how but it didnt matter to you. The scientists took every sample of DNA they could get from him. Why did you have to like Steve?! You thought to yourself as you tried to compose yourself so you could get through the rest of the day. It means a lot to me., Before Steve could say another word, Scott started whining from the back of the quinjet. You there? Steves voice rang out as he pulled you from your memory. I think you just did, Clint broke through the silence as he pointed a finger at something behind you. Well get it done, He responded before placing a light kiss onto your hairline. He looked down to see you, holding up a crayon and a blank piece of paper, Color?. Steven Grant Rogers was always in trouble. hi hi! Yeah. The rest of the introductions went a lot smoother, thankfully, and before you knew it, you had already started to form friendships with them all. Me too, Doll. Between watching for the right moment to confess your feelings to Steve and watching for HYDRA to make their next move, you had a serious headache. Immediately shaking your headno, a sigh escaped her lips as she glared at you. He decided to give you space for now and find something to keep himself occupied until you needed him. I just dont feel good, you explained, Im sorry., Dont be sorry, he said, lifting your chin up with his hand, Its okay to feel like that. Waiting patiently behind the door, you watched as Mr. Rogers (the Captain America) eyes snap up to you. You would rather not ask him for lunch but you could hear your stomach growling and knew that meant you had to eat. Uh, (Y/N)? Steve had only gotten a few minutes into his story before he looked over at you and saw you fast asleep next to him. He hasn't said anything to me since. Only half of the image would be clear, my half. You were a professional, and you worked hard to become one. So sorry I havent posted in forever, and so sorry that it took me so long to do this request! Just being too cute. Your makeup was flawless, your hair perfectly done. He looked over to the clock that was on the nearby table, I can see why. But I thought we could end the night by releasing lanterns into the sky like in the movie Tangled. #steverogers Well, yeah. Whether it be by signing up to be the world's first super soldier, going off to war, having dalliances with death in the ice, or where he lay now. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first . He grounds her but thats when she falls apart. And in return he let you help him with MJ and Tonys death. I feel a weight on my shoulders every single day, and it makes it worse knowing you won't talk to me anymore.". Everyone who was at the compound that night got together for a movie night. While he does love his Pop-Tarts, it is no match for your cooking. Now, do you want to be the guy that ruins the next Avengers mission because you were too damn lazy to just print out some lousy files and get them to me on time. Maybe I didn't want to be Captain America, but I wanted to be like him. Another Stark (Avengers x Child Reader) From the moment the Steve Rogers came to live at Stark Tower, he always seemed to have this feeling that he was being watched. Oh God, Im rambling. Jasmine?, Two scoops of sugar, Steve finished your sentence, placing the mug of hot tea in front of you. What do you suggest? You asked, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. Mustering up all of the courage that you could, you forced yourself to turn around and face Steve. "I wonder if you're always reckless, going on dangerous adventures," you tell him, not expecting a response as you're changing the fluids, and tucking him in the blankets again. He hears your cries like a knife being jabbed into his heart. Happy birthday, Steve, You said with once last peck on his lips. I will say that if you don't enjoy books that are full of cute, emotional, or romantic moments, then this book isn't Those dreadful words were the very reason why you were supposed to think before you spoke. Are you okay? Steve asked just like before as he stretched out his hand. Your area of expertise was more to gather Intel. Although she's the After getting Assembled by the Avengers, the Superstars (as they call themselves) start getting into a rhythm of doing the most BORING missions ever; but then one by one "YOU THINK A RAGGEDY TEAM OF FREAKY TEENAGERS ARE GONNA FIX THIS?" I cant thank you enough for the opportunity that you have given me., Shrugging, Fury looks at you. Pulling away slowly, you were greeted with long eyelashes fluttering open to reveal your favorite pair of eyes in the whole world. You had been so used to it being you and Steve. Its a surprise! You said with a smile as you continued to drag him. Fury answered with an indignantHmmpf and promptly left the room, leaving you alone with the Avengers. The shocked look on the Avengers made you furrow your eyebrows. A/N: This will be a co-parenting situation but none of them will be romantically linked to each other. His arm wrapped around your back and pulled you closer to him, laughing as Bucky screwed around with Sam. How did the mission go? You asked, trying to distract him from the pain. It was the chilly air of the room that woke you up. Which is a cinematic masterpiece and you have to see it if you haven't. Of course, you had some training. What did you do to yourself now, Rogers? You asked as you began to look him over. Im in love with Steve and I need to finally admit my feelings for him or else Im going to go crazy. I dont know, You brought your bottom lip between your teeth, biting gently on it. Please keep sending in requests and my taglist is open, Warnings: mentions of blood/injury. Hey, um, lets all just go to the diner down the street for breakfast, okay? Mumbles of agreement soon filled the room as the team left one-by-one to grab their jackets to trek out into the freezing weather. With just a little bit of his confidence restored, Steve spent the rest of his time getting ready for your date tonight. You closed your eyes to the present, but that didnt help either. Yes, You could feel your face warming with the heat of excitement. If you knew he was planning on leaving, you would have pushed him away and the last days you had with him would have been ruined. This whole going in blind thing sucked. So enjoy and Happy Captain America Day! Go away, Wanda, You grumbled, putting a pillow over your head to block out her knocking. Well try to be good, A female voice calls out, drawing your attention from the supplies towards the doorway. It was now or never. ", Goodnight, New York >> Clint Barton (Hawkeye) X Reader, Whatever and Ever, Amen >> Young!Charles Xavier (Professor X) X Mutant!Reader, Asking for Trouble >> Tony Stark (Iron Man) X Male!Reader, Self Worth and Honesty >> Thor Odinson X Reader, Big Green, Little One >> Bruce Banner (The Hulk) X Reader, Frozen Watermelon Yoghurt >> Hurt!Steve Rogers X Nurse!Reader, The Sock Scenario >> AOU! It's your typical love story - guy meets girl, guy falls in love with girl - all except for one minor detail - girl hates guy. Right behind his back? I still cant believe you said yes to getting an apartment with me.. Now or never, Rogers, Steve thought as he watched your retreating form. Steve was the happiest man at the whole party. That way, you can still try to look for the future and whichever feels like the best path, you take it. So how are you? The five minutes that you were gone Steve tried desperately to compose himself. Ta-da!. Do you know why, Gary? You asked as the sound of your heels clicked against the smooth marble floor. The dress you were wearing made you look absolutely beautiful, and the way that your hair perfectly framed your face- Steve probably was blushing up a storm in front of you. It then blossomed and you now were friends with Ned and MJ. By the time that you arrived to the compound where the party was being held, your nerves had calmed down and you were feeling more comfortable around Steve. Instead of making you laugh a little, his joke just made you get even more upset. Its kinda chilly in here., Smirking, you rolled yourself on top of Steve and straddled him as you looked down at him. Are you in there?. I cant wait to see this place once its all put together, Steve mused. In the end Steve confesses to her and ends up with something steamy and a sarcastic comment from Tony lol. Chinese or Thai? She asked, picking up her phone. The fact that Tony was a Dad. He was just sitting there looking back at you, waiting for your answer. (Name) could have sworn sparks flew, as cheesy as it sounded. Yes, your job was pretty much a glorified nanny, but you wouldnt have it any other way. agents were exposed, you quickly had to go undercover in fear of being found and killed. She just didnt understand why you didnt tell him. Before you could say anything, he nodded, and you returned to your work. ", "I'll keep that in mind, Sam," You nod, moving to check all the vitals on the computer, and start to do the nitty gritty things. Stucky!reader: Who wants a steering wheel? Every time you went to the kitchen, he was there. What if she just said yes out of pity? Reader), Sing A Song Of Love (Steve Rogers X Siren Reader), its impossible to love you: Steve Rogers X Reader. A/N: Hello, everyone! Blinking away your thoughts of Steve, you looked away. You bolted from the room, leaving your tea behind. Thank you so much, (Y/N), Steve said, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded you. Shes your personal assistant. If you have any requests, please let me know and I will try to write them for you! When Howard Stark and Sarah Rogers married, their sons, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, became step-siblings. You finally got your place in Brooklyn., No, we got our place in Brooklyn, Steve corrected. This scenario has been stuck in my head for a month and someone needs to do it good luck! Show? Steve questioned as he sat down in the boat. Besides, I loved your impersonation of Kelly Clarkson., Stopping dead in your tracks, you looked in awe at Steve. You were going to form a plan just like any other mission and you were going to do what you do best: complete the mission no matter what it takes. Or shall I say, Caps.. While most went, a few members of the team stayed behind to enjoy the peace and quiet that the compound held. (Chapters with written numbers {e.g. You-you love me? Steve stammered as you bit your lip, nodding. And its totally true.
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