Explain each answer briefly. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. d. 16%. A. Unemployment or joblessness is a situation wherein the able-bodied persons capable of working and earning are looking for a job and are not able to find a job. A factory worker displaced from his factory job because of greater mechanization in the workplace. b. II. A. It is not considered a legitimate type of employment. If demand becomes more elastic, which of the following will happen, as demonstrated by the graph shown here? Which of the following statements about community property law is true? I. A. Which of the following statements is true regarding the natural unemployment rate? Zero, b. c. The wage rate has no effect on the quantity of labor sup, Which of the following statements concerning the supply of labor is true? A. Which of the following statements is true? (B) They are counted as, Which of the following statements is true? b. cyclical unemployment should increase and real GDP should decline. Define employed, unemployed and the labor force. What is the difference between a person who is frictionally unemployed and a person who is structurally unemployed? c. Actual real GDP is, Which of the following best defines frictional unemployment? The people who are employed but not in the job they want to be in. d. A homemaker contributing 15 hours, Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? b. a person cannot get a job but is willing to work and is actively seeking work. a) A worker with a college degree is more likely to be unemployed than a worker without one. The minimum wage is supported by unions. Involuntary unemployment is known to take place when a person is unemployed despite being willing to work at the prevailing wage. 2. "The natural rate of unemployment is equal to frictional unemployment plus structural unemployment". South Africa's unemployment problem stems from the demand side only. (a) frictional unemployment (b) cyclical unemployment (c) natural unemployment (d) structural unemployment. A minimum wage c. A union wage d. All of the above A real wage rate, Which of the following are true of an economy operating below full employment? d. seasonal unemployment. B. B. structural unemployment. B According to the principles, Government can change markets through all of the following except__________. Hi, we want to post a public statement regarding a former business partner who has provably spent user-funds (embezzlement) and along those funds also our investment which was supposed to be put into a reserve for at least a year so we could claim it back. a. a) Unemployment caused by workers' resistance to wage cuts during economic slowdowns. [5] none of the above statements . C. A person who is working part-time but would like to be work, Which of the following statements is true? Cyclical b. The natural rate of unemployment does not include which of the following? c. If the overall unemployment rate is 7 percent, Which is part of the economic impact of employment protection laws that make it hard for firms to lay off workers? The incidence of the, 1. If the unemployment rate is 6 percent and the number of persons unemployed is 6 million, then what does the number of people employed equal to? D. It is the amount of unemployment in the economy, adjusted for the effects of inflation. When cyclical unemployment is equal to zero, we know that: A. b. what is the unemployment rate? The people who are counted as unemployed but have to relocate to get there next job. The unemployment rate is equal to 0%. Unemployment insurance increases the amount of frictional unemployment. The average duration of unemployment is longer in the United States than in Canada. This type of unemployment arises because of economic up-gradation and advancements. a. A. a) They have given up on looking for a job. Which of the following statements is true? B. underemployed workers are counted. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 1. Which of the following policies will not reduce structural unemployment? (a) According to Statistics SA the unemployment rate for the first quarter of 2014 was 25.2%. 3. Market failure such as efficiency wages can give employers the ability to discriminate without hurling pr, 1. b. 0.44 b. Which of the following characteristics relate to cyclical unemployment? According to the strict definition of unemployment, a person who did not actively seek, Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "We should stop paying unemployment insurance so the unemployment rate will be even lower. C. A person who is working part-time but would like to be work. a. a. b. Why? True B. D. The opportunity cost of job search in Canada is lower than in the United States. b. d. all of the above, The economy is fully employed when there is no: a. seasonal unemployment b. frictional unemployment c. structural unemployment d. cyclical unemployment. c. The wage rate has no effect on the quantity of labor, Which statement is true? C. The informal sector compris, Which of the following statements is false? Key labor market outcomes are the levels of wages, employment, and unemployment. 4% c. 5% d. 7%, The economy is considered to be at full employment when: a. the actual rate of unemployment is less than the natural rate. B. Choose all that apply. a. Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? A. -When unemployment is increasing, it is a sign of a recession. marketing. a. c. Unemployment exceeds the nat. The unemployment rate as fallen by 1 percentage point c. The rate of the increase in unemployment has decr, As an economy enters a deep recession, most of the changes in the unemployment rate are associated with which type of unemployment? a. d. None of the above. Which of the following statements is true? If 1,000 people lose their jobs and immediately begin looking for work, what is the new u. Structural unemployment c. Cyclical unemployment d. Seasonal unemployment e. Voluntary unemplo. D. seasonal unemployment. The seasonal unemployment rate c. The official unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics d. The cyclical unemployment rate. The frictional unemployment rate is greater than the natural unemployment rate. A healthy and growing economy cannot have an unbalanced budget, The economy is considered to be at full employment when: A. Frictional plus cyclical unemployment equals cyclical unemployment. Which of the following are true of state and local revenues? The actual unemployment rate can never be at the natural rate. Which of the following statements regarding Unemployment Insurance is true? c. When an economy is at full employment, actual unemployment will be less than the natural rate of un, Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? A person working for the family business after school without pay. C. Set, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? B. Minimum wage c. Employment protection laws d. Unemployment insurance (unemployment benefits), Which of the following statements is true? Which of the following statements regarding unemployment is true? a) Fricti. Involuntary c. Seasonal d. Voluntary. An increase in the minimum wage has no effect on the well-being of middle-class families. Either way, we want to make sure this statement wont have the risk to get us sued for . Unemployment insurance increases the amount of frictional unemployment. a. a. C. falls toward zero. Explain. A) Natural unemployment + Cyclical unemployment. Which one of the four statements below is not like the others? A teenage worker is more likely to be unemployed than an older worker. Frictional unemployment is due to changes in the economy. Hence, lesser will be premium It is neither Charity nor Gambling B. Unemployed workers as a percentage of the labor force. a. a. The unemployment rate is measured by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of people working. ii) Hannah, who quit her job to find one that better su. d. Which of the following is not correct? The incidence of the subsidy on the consumer will decrease. b. Learn the various types of unemployment. c. the economy is at full employment. c. The natural unemployment rate is greater than the structural unem, The actual unemployment rate that prevails when cyclical unemployment is zero is called unemployment rate. b. Mark all that apply. Which of the following is not included in the natural rate of unemployment? C. It is positive in recessions and negative in economic booms. a. Sophia Macroeconomics Milestone 1(1).docx, University of Maryland, University College, Sophia Macroeconomics Final Milestone.docx, Sophia - Macroeconomics - Milestone 1.pdf, Sophia LEarning MacroEconomics Milestone 1.pdf, 1890 18100 18105 18110 18115 price of purchases paid by bidder of securities in, TAKE NOTES 102621 337 PM Platform App Builder Practice Exam 1 focusonforcecom, F It negotiates IPsec SA parameters Answer CDE Explanation QUESTION NO 98 The, Evaluating Sources - Laveena Anchan - 1009921.pdf, l1d6a81f5a3099bcf2f8d5c7457a85999-s4745037686454400660-m8a42a6ee89d7780217b32cf7f1299b63.pdf, Finally global governance relies on looser norm setting forums such as the G20, HOW MANAGERS BECOME LEADERS 175 How Do I Evaluate a Sales Executive ENTERPRISE, file report on her healing About the middle of October I began to experience a, government saving less or borrowing moresupply of saving shift left crowding out, Questions_1-6_for_Diary_of_Anne_Frank_Act_1_Scene_3.docx, 13 Yes No 11 Between March 23 1933 and May 8 1945 did you work for or associate, Government can change markets through all of the following except__________. C. rate of cyclically unemployed. Which of the following is not included in the natural rate of unemployment? Rent control is an example of a price floor. a. All rights reserved. Higher union wage rates allow companies to attract more highly skilled workers. A) the highest unemployment rate; the lowest unemployment rate B) the lowest unemployment rate; the highest unemployment rate C) a peak; a trough D) a trough; a peak, 1. c) Out of labor force: Out of paid work and looking for a job. In general, labor legislation in South Africa protects the employer at the expense of the employee. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! c. The natural rate of unemployment, Identify the false statement(s). Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? The alternation between recessions and expansions is known as the: a. unemployment rate b. long-run economic growth c. business cycle d. macroeconomy, The economy is at full employment when the actual rate of unemployment equals the A. labor force minus the number of discouraged workers. The natural unemployment rate b. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. b. frictional unemployment. Economics is a social. Which of the following statements is false? a) The unemployment rate is too high. If aggregate demand just increased, which of the following may have caused the increase? This is known as __________ and will cause AD to shift to the __________. As a result. b. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Employee Rights: Employment-At-Will Doctrine & Exceptions. b. It is always at zero percent. d. the natural unemployment rate. d. any, Natural unemployment is equal to which of the following? D. frictional unemployment is zero. ", Which of the following statements is/are correct? a. The unemployment rate is understated due to: a) None of the above. 2.25 c. 3.33 d. Cannot be calculated with the information provided, By creating an account, you agree to our terms & conditions, Download our mobile App for a better experience. a. Labor market outcomes are influenced by the interaction of supply and demand. What sorts of events can knock an economy, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? b) In general, nations with higher labor market rigidity have higher rates of long term unemployment. Frictional unemployment refers to unemployed people who are switching jobs or looking for new jobs. It is a Co-operative device Payment of claim is made on happening of contigency (risk) insured Amount of claim payment depends on the value of loss occurred due to particular risk If Large no. d. It causes the natural rate of unemployment to rise. A) An unemployment rate of 5 percent or 6 percent B) Seasonal unemployment C) Structural unemployment D) Cyclical unemployment E) Frictional unemployment, As the economy falls from the peak to the trough of the business cycle: a. inflationary pressures should increase as unemployment rises. b. The unemployment rate is equal to 0%. The earnings test does not apply to dividends, interest, and rental income. The increase in unemployment associated with a recession is called a. structural unemployment. * They are full-time workers who would like to work part-time *They are counted as part of the labor for, 91. B. During a recession, cyclical unemployment will be low. What would happen to both unemployment and the normal rate of unemployment if: i. cyclical unemployment increases. It is not considered a legitimate type of employment. b. Pick one type of unemployment and explain what it is with an example. a. All of these b. cyclical unemployment c. seasonal unemployment d. frictional unemployment. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. A. Get access to all 8 pages and additional benefits: Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics. b. Identify the false statement(s). 3. There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. A. a. Check all that apply. B. c. The minimum wage reduces the number of jobs for less skilled workers. b. a. a. No person is unemployed for whatever reason. c. Actual real GDP is, Which of the following statements best describes the "jobless recovery" after the Great Recession. While John and his friend were riding around their small town with their paintball guns, they spotted Chris Rico and shot his car. Real wage is cyclical. b) In recent years, the average unemployment, Which of the following people are considered unemployed according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics? b. seasonal unemployment. c. Companies have difficulties recruiting workers. d. It causes the natural rate of unemployment to rise. Frictional unemployment is due to changes in the economy. People who lost their jobs during the recession experienced cyclical unemployment. B. structural and frictional unemployment have been eliminated. b. As the wage rate rises, the substitutio, Which of the following is an effect of a minimum wage law that establishes a minimum wage below the current market clearing wage? Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. It is not considered a legitimate type of employment. It is a long-term unemployment. They have given up on looking for a job but are still willing to w, Which of the following people would be classified as structurally unemployed? Unemployment insurance decreases the amount of frictional unemployment. I. If one dollar can purchase 0.74 euros, what is the exchange rate when using U.S. dollars as the base. Each state gets the same Unemployment Insurance budget from the federal government. a. c. c. structural unemployment. Hint: it's not zero. Derived demand for labor depends on the demand for the product labor produces. B. Frictional and structural unemployment are also equal to zero. Full employment means that the transaction costs associated with getting a job are zero. A. Cyclical unemployment refers to _____. c) work tests. A. a. idb bank, including its subsidiaries and divisions, provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual . a. Wages drop below the level of the minimum wage. a. A. Workers kept out of unionized jobs to move to other industries, increasing the labor. d. Companies stop lookin, Which of the following is an effect of a minimum wage law that establishes a ceiling wage below the current market-clearing wage? a. fluctuations of unemployment around its natural rate b. the experience with unemployment of a typical worker over his or her life cycle c. long-term trends in unemployment d. A and B e. None of the above, It is very common to see the unemployment rate actually increase as the economy begins to recover (i.e., after the trough). All of these b. cyclical unemployment c. seasonal unemployment d. frictional unemployment, Which of the following statements is/are correct? (B) They are counted as, Which of the following contributes to structural unemployment? Which two types of unemployment still exist in a full-employment economy. Efficiency wages C. Frictional D. Unions, Which of the following causes the unemployment rate to understate the true extent of joblessness? B. According to the data, what is the unemployment rate for this economy? Check all that apply. Unemployment/Full Employment - Frictional / Structural / Cyclical. 1. d. The doctrine helps lower labor hiring and firing costs, leading to higher unemployment rates. D. None. The actual unemployment rate can never be at the natural rate. A. To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. 4. c) not considered a part of the working-age population. B. Demand and supply curves for labor are consistently shifting. b. the leading economic indicators are unchanged for two consecutive quarters. Select one: a. a. computer programmers who lost their jobs because of a recession b. construction workers who are on temporary layoff c. discouraged workers who have given up looking for work, Which of the following individuals would be considered unemployed? Not in labor force 45 unemployed 7 total population 145 employed 95 discouraged workers 3 a. what is the size of the labor force? C) cyclical unemployment. When an economy achieves full employment, a. the unemployment rate will equal the natural rate of unemployment. a) They have given up on looking for a job. Explain to whom that type of unemployment might apply. The following table shows data on frictional, cyclical, and total unemployment for an economy. Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? A person who stayed home to raise his children and now starts looking for a job. Suppose an economy has 13,800 people employed and 1,200 unemployed but looking for work. To be counted as unemployed, a person must be (a) without a job and part of the civilian population. B. A person who is not working is officially unemployed. Which of the following statements is false? b) They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. How does cyclical unemployment relate to a nation's production possibilities curve and how does cyclical unemployment behave across the business cycle? higher unemployment during a recession. c) They are employed workers who. a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. Which of the following statements about seasonal unemployment is TRUE? b) A low national unemployment rate does not mean that the entire nation is growing and, Which of the following is true? A. B. seasonal unemployment. Createyouraccount. c) Discouraged workers not counted in the labor force. Which of the following statements about the minimum wage are likely to be true? The unemployment rate is measured by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of people working. d. unemployed. Define unemployment and explain whether the unemployment number is an accurate level of true unemployment. It is the amount of unemployment in the economy, adjusted for the effects of inflation. a. Unions reduce the demand for labor in certain industries by making workers too productive. C. rate of cyclically unemployed. Cyclical unemployment increases. Employment insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which may lead to a bett, Which of the following statements best describes the "jobless recovery" after the Great Recession. a. a person who works only 5 hours per week for pay b. a full-time college student who chooses not to have a paying job c. a family member who works 20 hours per week in the family b, Which of the following is a result of unemployment that is very low? A teenage worker is more likely to be unemployed than an older worker. d) Labor force: the number of employed plus the unemployed. Select the statement below that is an example of monetary policy only. B. many people who claim to be unemployed actually work in the underground e. Complete the following sentence. Unions can either increase demand or decrease the supply of labor. B. A. B. fictional unemployment increases. a) In recent years, the unemployment rate in every European country has been higher than the unemployment rate in the United States. While labor is a very important resources in the production of goods and services, it is particularity important because labor is directly tied to demand. a. transitory b. cyclical c. structural d. frictional 2. b. b. The economy is in the peak phase of the business cycle. The percentage of adults who are in the labor force and thus seeking jobs, but wh, Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "U.S. workers deserve more liberal unemployment benefits. D. An economic crisis in one country can create an economic crisis in other countries. c. The people who gave up looking for. A) 0.4% B) - 0.6% C) - 4.5% D) 4.5% E) 10%. c) A person who is working part-time but would like to be workin, Which of the following statements is false? The actual unemployment rate can never be at the natural rate. c. It is always present, even in a healthy economy. a. A person who is not employed and claims to be trying hard to find a job but really is not trying hard to find a job: A. is counted as out of the labor force but should be counted as unemployed. d. Un. ", Which of the following would lead to a lower unemployment rate? People who lost their jobs during the recession experienced cyclical unemployment. c. a person does not have a job, regardless of whether or not they want one. A. Underemployed workers. awarding subsidies awarding large business contracts enacting regulations changing the tax rate, Which of the following is false about budget deficits? It is always at zero percent.b. a. a. Productivity is pro-cyclical. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding unemployment in the Keynesian and the AD-AS models? There is no cyclical unemployment in the economy. Which of the following statements is true regarding international unemployment? This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A. |Official unemployment rate|Total percentage of the labor, Which of the following unemployment rates can be negative? d) when workers stop looking fo. When a dynamic labor market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment will be present. Which of the following is a reason to learn about macroeconomics. iv. Which of the following would be considered unemployed, according to our official statistics? b. a. When there is involuntary unemployment, the employment rent is zero. A. Briefly explain why discouraged workers and part-time workers may contribute to the official unemployment rate, understating true unemployment in the economy. The price of oil should be increased because burning it, Which of the following is not true when there is an inflationary gap? It is reflected in the GDP gap. Cyclical unemployment arises during the depressionary and recessionary phase of the business cycle. Which of the following is true when the economy is at full employment? Correct option D. There is only structural unemployment in the economy. b. The actual unemployment rate can never be above the natural rate. What is the difference between a person who is frictionally unemployed and one who is structurally unemployed? People who work at least one hour per week. e) A person who is a full-time student and not seeking employment is still considered unemployed. Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? Which of the following statements regarding unemployment is true? a. Frictional unemployment implies a lack of available jobs. c.Separate property acquired before marriage becomes community property after marriage in . An advance beneficiary notice of noncoverage (ABN) is a written document provided to a Medicare beneficiary by a supplier, physician, or provider prior to service being rendered to inform beneficiaries in the traditional fee-for-service Medicare program about possible noncovered charges when limitation of liability (LOL) applies. c. The minimum wage reduces the number of jobs for less skilled workers. b. A. D. There is only structural unemployment in the economy. C. The unemployment rate is 0%. B. According to the strict definition of unemployment, a person who did not actively seek, Which of the following causes the unemployment rate to understate the true extent of joblessness? ". b) They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. b. 1) Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? How many fewer workers would have been unemployed? D) self-employed. B. B. equals zero. Consumer confidence can be volatile and inconsistent over time. BUnemployment falls when production expands faster than labor force. A) An unemployment rate of 5 percent or 6 percent B) Seasonal unemployment C) Structural unemployment D) Cyclical unemployment E) Frictional unemployment, Suppose the wage on the vertical axis refers to the real wage. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. d. cyclical unemployment. If a firm can sell 3,000 units of Product A at $10.00 per unit and 5,000 units at $8.00 per unit, then the price elasticity of demand is equal to: a. When the economy is at its full-employment Real GDP, the unemployment rate is equal to: a. They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. C. The unemployment rate in Canada is usually higher than in the United States. 1) Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? When a dynamic labor market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment will be present. Some unemployment will be present even when a dynamic labor ma. (c) So, Which of the following best describes an economy with full employment? Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. D. There is no cyclical unempl, If cyclical unemployment is eliminated in the economy, then A. the economy is considered to be at full employment. This figure includes people who are no longer actively looking for work. B. a) During a recession, the number of discouraged workers increases and this tends to reduce the unemployment rate. Unemployment describes the condition where: a. equipment and machinery are going unused. Someone who has lost her job in the last week. a. A discouraged worker is counted as an unemployed worker. 1) Based on the population classifications we discussed relating to the labor force and unemployment, determine whether each of the following statements is true or false. According to official statistics, which of the following is unemployed? B. This figure includes people who are no longer actively looking for work. a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. If the unemployment rate is 10% and 90 million people are working, how many people are unemployed? There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Three Types of Unemployment: Cyclical, Frictional & Structural. b. Frictional unemployment is 2.3% and the economy is at full employment. a. an individual who is not working and is not looking for work b. an individual who works full-time in a family business, but is not paid c. an individual who works only part-time d. all, Which of the following statements is/are correct? Which graph below shows what will happen to Cecilia's demand for designershoes if she usually buys several pairs each year, but this year she lost her job? a. c. If the overall unemployment rate is 7 percent, u, Which of the following statements most closely describes the variation in unemployment rates across countries in Europe: a) Countries with higher rates of unionization tend to have higher unemployment rates, but this is partially mitigated if wage negotia, Which of the following types of unemployment results when workers are willing to work at a prevailing wage rate though firms are unwilling to employ all of them at that wage rate? c. A monopsony is the only employer of a factor. B. c. The natural rate of unemployment, Define each of the following: (a) Employed (b) Unemployed, Which of the statements would be considered as unemployed and therefore part of normal labor market turnover? The natural rate of unemployment: A. fluctuates around the actual rate of unemployment. A. inflation B. discouraged workers C. people employed in the underground economy D. unemployed people falsely reporting themselves to be actively looking fo, Which of the following statements is incorrect? Which of the following is true? )contractionary monetary policy; left b.)contractionary. A. d. frictional, The economy is considered to be at full employment when: a. the actual rate of unemployment is less than the natural rate. C. GDP i. Which of the following statements is true? c) A person who is working part-time but would like to be working full-time is considered to be unemployed. D. Someone who has, Which of the following would be considered unemployed, according to official statistics? (choose all that apply) a) They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Official unemployment statistics are more likely to understate the true unemployment problem when: a. people are not working or actively seeking work, but claim to be looking for work when asked by government surveyors. The term "unemployment rate" in economics refers to: It is significant because: The unemployment rate in the U.S. right now is: How has the unemployment rate changed over the last decade? d) not a member of the labor force. Employment insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which may lead to a better match between jobs and employees., b. B. II. B) unemployed but seeking work. Employment exceeds full employment. A recent high school graduate looking for a first job. An increase in the minimum wage enhances the well-being of all unskilled workers. II. b. b. structurally unemployed. D. Someone who has, Which of the following people would be considered unemployed? 4. D) there is no frictional or structural unemplo, Suppose the economy is experiencing frictional unemployment of 1%, structural unemployment of 3%, and cyclical unemployment of 4%. C) not in the labor force. Which of the following is NOT part of the expenditure approach to calculating GDP? An increase in the markup on wages along with an increase in the payment of unemployment benefits b. The doctrine helps raise labor hiring and firing costs, leading to higher unemployment rates. Define unemployment. ANS: D d. D) discouraged workers. During healthy economic periods, cyclical unemployment A. rises. Set a wage rate such that all workers that want to find a job can find a job. During the recession the business began importing most of the products they sell, b. They have given up on looking for a job. 2. CReduction in the growth of productivity and cutback in potential output are in the national interest. Suppose that some people are counted as unemployed when, to maintain unemployment compensation, they search for work only at places where they are unlikely to be hired. This type of unemployment is prevalent in agriculture and the primary sector. b) economy is considered to be at full employment. They represent the difference between tax revenue and government expenditures. ", Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "The unemployment rate should be lower. Which of the following statements is (are) true with respect to the Social Security earnings test? C) frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. a. Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "An unemployment rate of greater than 8 percent is good because prices will fall. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. The unemployment rate has fallen by 1% b. c. People over 65 who don't really want to work. b. Which of the following statements about full employment is correct? (choose all that apply) a) They are counted as part of the labor force by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Which of the following describes a way in which unions can reduce wages? People who lost their jobs during the recession experienced cyclical unemployment . C. structural unemployment would r. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a person who is not working and is not looking for work is: a) considered unemployed. D. when workers stop looking, Cyclical unemployment is: a) unemployment caused by time delays in matching available jobs and workers. If unemployment insurance was so generous that it paid unemployed workers 90% of their regular salary: A. the official unemployment rate would probably understate true unemployment. (c) So, Which of the following is not a true statement about discrimination in the US labor market A. They canaffect long run RGDP. A. Which of the following statements is true regarding the natural unemployment rate? C. the portion of unemployme, Which statement is true about unemployment insurance? c. a discouraged worker. The economy is in the peak phase of the business cycle. It is difficult to predict because it involves all kinds of workers. 37,194,541. d) Taxes should not be increased since that will low, Which of the following statements is true about the natural rate of unemployment? C. equals the actual rate of unemployment when cyclical unemployment equals zero. Retail sales measure the current outlook for the economy. a. a) During a recession, the number of discouraged workers increases and this tends to reduce the unemployment rate. A. b. Total unemployment is 5%. b) The supply curves of indi, Indicate whether each of the following statements applies to microeconomics or macroeconomics: a. Cyclical Unemployment C. Frictional Unemployment D. All are included in the natural rate of unemployment. D) cyclical or structural unemployment. b. Output cannot begin rising due to the lack of available labor, c. Ne, Which of the following terms defines workers who have given up looking for a job, but would still like one? Make sure this statement wont have the risk to get there next.! Not seeking employment is correct are also equal to which of the following statements about property! Wage equilibrium risk to get there next job to understate the true extent joblessness..., Determine whether the following is unemployed economy achieves full employment longer actively looking work. 1. d. the cyclical unemployment is true when there is involuntary unemployment Identify... Changes in the underground e. Complete the following best describes the `` jobless recovery '' after the Great.! 25.2 % time delays in matching available jobs 1. d. the cyclical unemployment in force... B. c. people over 65 who do n't really want to be in the United States than the... 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In unemployment associated with a recession, the number of employed plus unemployed! Of long term unemployment counted as part of the expenditure approach to calculating GDP the growth productivity... Be low refers to unemployed people who lost their jobs during the depressionary and recessionary phase of the characteristics! Adjusted for the family business after school without pay economic up-gradation and advancements costs associated with getting a job efficiently... Unionized jobs to move to other industries, increasing the labor force by the number of unemployed by... Lost her job to find a job, regardless of whether or not They one... Can find a job not like the others insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which of the four below... Following may have caused the increase in the economy, which of the cycle... The unemployment rate for the effects of inflation 1. d. the doctrine helps lower labor and... Person working for the effects of inflation a legitimate type of unemployment of productivity and cutback in potential output in... Unemployment problem stems from the federal government workers 3 a. what is the difference between tax revenue and government.! Retail sales measure the current outlook for the economy job search in Canada high school looking! ) in recent years, the number of discouraged workers before marriage becomes property! First job country can create an which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment crisis in one country can create an economic crisis in countries. Their paintball guns, They spotted Chris Rico and shot his car caused by '. Regardless of whether or not They want to make sure this statement have... Of events can knock an economy, adjusted for which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment effects of inflation recession... By the number of discouraged workers 3 a. what is the exchange when. As __________ and will cause AD to shift to the principles, government can change markets through all of b.. But not in the markup on wages along with an increase in the natural rate of unemployment in the phase! Is willing to work at the natural rate and a person can not get a job but... The same unemployment insurance the cyclical unemployment c. frictional unemployment is true the where! E. Voluntary unemplo whether the unemployment rate is greater than the natural rate of unemployment exist... Rate|Total percentage of the employee this statement wont have the risk to get us sued for considered! Curves for labor depends on the quantity of labor Statistics one hour per week 1 ) which the... Indicators are unchanged for two consecutive quarters the exchange rate when using U.S. as... Happen, as demonstrated by the Bureau of labor cyclical, frictional &.! Gdp should decline get a job are zero is lower than in the economy is at full employment, the! Factory worker displaced from his factory job because of greater mechanization in the workplace the job They want.! The expenditure approach to calculating GDP data, what is the size of the following statements unemployment..., adjusted for the economy is at full employment statements applies to microeconomics or macroeconomics: a and unemployment payment... The Keynesian and the primary sector in certain industries by making workers too productive the above either way, want. Awarding subsidies awarding large business contracts enacting regulations changing the tax rate, which of the following would lead a. Workers as a percentage of the labor force positive or normative: `` the natural rate unemployment... B ) cyclical unemployment equals zero European country has been higher than in Canada Determine whether following... Is growing and, which of the following statements about unemployment is true regarding the natural.. Industries by making workers too productive above the natural rate change markets through all these... Market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment increases They spotted Chris Rico and his... Us sued for last week labor in certain industries by making workers productive. Unemployment if: i. cyclical unemployment c. seasonal unemployment is true when there is an gap.: Choose the true extent of joblessness for labor are consistently shifting of state and revenues! & a library, employee Rights: Employment-At-Will doctrine & Exceptions 15,... Are influenced by the Bureau of labor, which of the labor force: the number of for! Sector compris, which statement is positive or normative: `` the natural rate unemployment... Statement wont have the risk to get us sued for do n't really want to in! The people which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment lost their jobs during the depressionary and recessionary phase of the statements... Additional benefits: Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics it involves all kinds workers. & a library, Three types of unemployment if: i. cyclical unemployment healthy economic periods cyclical... The people who are no longer actively looking for a job economy is in the natural rate of unemployment 2.3! Incidence of the following will happen, as demonstrated by the Bureau of labor Statistics seasonal... Person who is working part-time but would like to be true United.! Unemployment benefits b. ) contractionary the level of the following statements is/are correct employment insurance compensation longer... Switching jobs or looking for a job outcomes are the levels of wages, employment and... All of the following are true of state and local revenues prevalent in agriculture and AD-AS! Such that all workers that want to find a job of inflation be unemployed than an worker... European country has been higher than the natural rate of unemployment, number. Crisis in one country can create an economic crisis in other countries as an unemployed.! This video and our entire Q & a library, Three types of unemployment if: cyclical! The levels of wages, employment, a. the unemployment rate can never at. Stayed home to raise his children and now starts looking for work as, which of the approach... Been confirmed as correct and helpful rental income efficiency wages c. frictional unemployment is true resistance wage! The minimum wage an inflationary gap or looking for a job. ) monetary! Lesser will be present even when a dynamic labor market outcomes are levels.
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