Larger vehicles, big sedans and large SUVs, tend to be the safest places to be on the road, and this is backed up by statistics and the laws of physics. just kidding. Ive lived in Glendale since 1989 and over time there has been a huge influx of armenians here. Back then, most of them were pretty quiet and kept Iranian ArmoGot all kinds versions here!lol. And yeah, we're saying the same thing lol.David S very impressive. I know Im spending a few grand extra per year on vehicles which we could be putting away for retirement or otherwise, and as such were borrowing against our futures, but I have peace of mind knowing she wont have any problems getting around town with her rotations and that I dont have to worry near as much about me or her being injured in a collision. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Two sets of pissed-off parents *chuckle*. Cynthia. So why should the equipment a physician uses to get from patient to patient be any different? I don't understand. are you or are you not? It has anti-lock brakes, a dozen airbags, trailer sway control, blind spot indicators, back-up camera, a sonar, and even a really annoying beep when we don't put our seat belts on. Do my own wrenching? Tesla appears to have the best system, but I recognize that the technology can become a crutch and you will not be alert for the rare moment when the system fails and driver interaction is needed (such as white tractor trailer against a bright sky is invisible to the camera system, like in FL fatal crash). So r u a conformist or a trailblazer?Is your bf an Iranian Armo as well? No one is deluded into thinking that the BMW is a more reliable car. I have this friend that has been with his Armenian girl friend for years and he cannot go to any of her family parties also Armenian guys actually come up to them and tell him that he should not be with her. Terrible at technical driving skills, not necessarily. I do sometimes go to Troy's, though, but I either get their "Giant Burger" (it's just a hamburger, but pretty tasty) or their pastrami sandwich, which ain't too bad for like $5.25 or something like that (it satisfies my pastrami urge, without me having to try to The Hat.). Their conclusion? The rest of us will get there too lol. #KC'speople ------------------It's not because they're lebanese. A brand new, fully warrantied large sedan like a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry can be bought for about $20,000 or leased for under $250 a month. It is plain and simple: he wants to drive a nice car because either he likes nice cars or he wants to impress everyone around him. Not to mention that he is the most pickiest person in the world, he will only marry girls that are under 30 and have to be super hott. I want to see what happens if it's a Turkish guy. Driving as fast as they want and blasting whatever When (if) rates ever go back up to historical levels, it would become very difficult (for me at least) to justify borrowing any money on a depreciating asset like an automobile. And I just looked through your posting history and you rarely post in this forum, for the most part. Yet I see benz after benzhmmm *Scratches head*. There's only one who has my heart and he knows who he is, The best response to the subject - George, Armenians women, dont want to be with armenians guys, because they threat them like shit!, they see the womens lower than them, dont know how to respect women, even with their own mothers.!!!! Well, we don't have a good reputation for driving in LA. But the reality is that old cars break down and arent designed to last forever, and despite some peoples luck, most old car drivers will be faced with unforeseen breakdowns and annoyances. And when you have to take those headaches to the mechanic, theres a good chance you the physician will be sized up as an easy mark with a big wallet. So many people go in with a $250 a month budget and come out with a $289 a month payment. Cynthia S. says: people need to stop thinking that we all drive expensive cars and live for only today and not think about the future! im kind of scattered) but you have your whole life to work on tomorrow. Most firms will allow the car to be taken to Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh but there may be a surcharge. Driving, especially an automobile with an expensive price tag, My reliable Japanese sportscar has started falling apart at 100k miles. I don't live in an apartment and I don't drive an expensive car.. Marvin D, Armenians are hard working people and you dont need to hate if your not driving one. Generally speaking you can get away with that on a three year lease too, but on sportier cars the consumables go quick. My wife is in her last year of residency and I feel it is important for her to have a newer, larger, reliable vehicle. There are no free volatility-reducing lunches that will inexpensively reduce your portfolio risk, and there is no risk fairy to insure the risky parts of your portfolio on the cheap. Again Ill point to the professionals fascination with products like life and disability insurance here. Neither was a CPO but were both under warranty at time of purchase. He will be doing the Pro portion and I'll write the Con, although long-term readers obviously won't be surprised by what I write in the Con section.]. Normally, someone is calling in if theyve seen a car you have in your inventory online, and theyre ready to make an appointment to see the vehicle in person, and purchase the vehicle if it meets their expectations. The problem is that a lot of immigrants don't assimilate. Getting a car is a major expense which means its important to make the right choice. This is a 400 bed hospital so were not talking a doctors office. Armenian men are encouraged to get married with other race's because they will grow the number of Armenians. The best and easiest way to do so is to front load your retirement in the first 5-10 years of practice and then allow it to grow till you retire. $15 uber to about 30 Michelin stars as well, if you're into that (I am). It's because they've been here longer and have had more time to adapt, assimilate and evolve. All young, head shaved, sweat suit with a leather jacket. This not cool IMO. Hahaha you're a good sport about it. (and then having to do this all over again when its time to pick the car up from the mechanic). Buying a car for the safety features is just justification. After the genocide of 1915, Armenians migrated all over the world. They have 12 operators signed up to their platform at the moment: all the major companies like Hertz, Avis, Sixt and For example, someone marketing homes to the uber-rich young people could go for a sports car. my question for the Armenian descent is why only Mercedes and mirrored sunglasses? Aside from accidents, breakdowns on the road or at work can leave you in a dangerous situation, and being stranded is something a successful physician should seek to minimize as much as possible. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, I hate them. Recommending it would be ridiculous. But then Id live thousands of miles away from mountains, canyons, family etc. While a luxury car is nice, whats more important for perception is the cars condition. Most Armenian parents are very strict when it comes to their daughters dating a non armenian!and its not even about them being armenian or not its a specific type of Armenianthere are 3 types. .. Armenians from Armenia (who hate everyone else).. Armenians from Iran (who hate everyone from Armenia).. Armenians from Lebanon (who pretend they love all, but hate all)most armenian families would hate it if their daughter/son dates a different ethnicity, and most will hate if their daughter/son date a different type of armenian this is due to THEM the FAMILY, getting along with the family of the other person who is being dated. (which is pretty selfish of them) but thats how they were all raised its kinda sad at times, but for most it works, Wait, I've gotta Armo friend from Greece.Where does she fit into this hatred matrix.LoL. -Needed a new fuel pump. Anyone care to comment ? What do non-Armenians think of Armenian culture? There, I fixed it for you. The Armenian diaspora that resides in Glendale is one of many, so pinni 1991 Jeep Cherokee $1100 2006-2009. Reader strategy #5: Dont buy a car unless you have to. For example, if youre a buyers agent for family homes, it makes more sense to drive a car that can accommodate a whole family. Most firms will allow the car to be taken to Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh but there may be a surcharge. Why not have both flags? Tesla has the best marketing of their systems, but nothing more than anyone else has and at times less technologically. nobody (including me) is judging you. But we will need a different (not necessarily new) car in 1 year. Research, browse, save, and share from 36 Trailblazer models in Medina, NY. . enjoy your culture. I really admire the physicians willing to tolerate a garbage job for city living. When you are writing a very large check for a car versus a monthly payment (even if you can easily afford either) you start thinking long and hard about what your actual needs and wants are for a car. Alternator, battery, all 4 tires because the alignment went out on a road trip, lthe whole computer had to be replaced after it failed and the car became nonfunctional. Putting down the phone doesnt help the guy behind you from ruining your day. Drive a 10 year old car and you will be way ahead. You are required to have a warning triangle, first aid kit and fire extinguisher with you in the car. If I were a doctor that didnt have to do any marketing for my professional practice, then I would still be driving the Subaru or more precisely I would have traded it for another Subaru with an automatic transmission. It has safety features rivaling those of a nuclear submarine. The size of the country became smaller throughout years while Muslim countries took Armenian land and people.In 1604 AD Iranian government took thousands of Armenians to Iran by force just because they knew Armenians are good at building cities and creating homes. So realtors try to get a car thats comfortable enough. I keep hearing (and seeing) that Armenians are terrible drivers. Again, doubt theres some amazing difference between a 2008 and 2016. He stated he lived in where there was a large Armenian population so he naturally was exposed to them frequently and/or he might be biased because of that. Interracial marriages are understandable the vanishing of a culture is a serious concern.3) Who are you to decide that Armenians are not enjoying their life and need a new mentality. can someone please tell me what the correlation is between driving an expensive car and living in an apartment??? ---1) "please stop being culturally relevant to what your life has offered you." They make it rain. I'm sorry, I wish I never came across this thread. I'm not sure I could pick an Armenian woman out of a lineup. Some parents and grandparents place a lot of emphasis on having clean blood lines, not mixing races so that children are %100 that race. They are very useful, though. Finding yourself stuck in the parking garage downtown at 2:00am is problematic at best. Rox, I think we're saying the same thing here! I just call myself Armo because I wanna change the world. get off the lease treadmill buy certified used Japanese autos. Most Armenian men are good examples of how a man should be in essence of work, treating women, knowing and keeping family values. Don't be cheap. I think the fact that the poster misspelled "seen" as "scene" says everything about her intelligence or lack thereof. Most dont even seem to know/understand basic rules. Whether meeting a potential client or driving a client for inspection, its possible to spend more time in the car than in the office. Who cares how old it is. Bruh, bruh, bruh, I am not advocating that you buy a BMW. Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. BTW, I drive 30 minutes to work everyday because I moved so that my children had better school opportunities. "BUT. lol My bf is Iranian Armenian! I totally agree that buying a car 3 to 5 years old is the way to go. Have you considered moving to a smaller city? A luxury car with bad fuel economy will be a disaster, especially if the realtor isnt a big earner. You mean why do they get mad when their women date non-Armenians. There has been quite a bit of improvements in engineering. For doctors or other high-income professionals, within reason, of course. One small accident and they're fucked. David S. says:Armenians are one of the oldest races that still exist, they are very small in number and that means it will be very easy to disappear from existance if interracial marriages become common for Armenian women. . Where to start? please stop being culturally relevant to what your life has offered you. Thank you Rafik jan!If a woman (of any race) doesn't want to be treated as inferior, then she should establish herself as an individual and strive towards self efficacy (this should never be at the cost of femininity, beauty, and grace). That's probably not even half of it. Armenians, like most other Middle Eastern groups, have ancient history and a very unique, exotic look. I've had plenty of Armenian/Assyrian/ Greek She occasionally works a night shift (worst is shift ending at 6AM, when dawns light actually makes you more tired than driving home at 3AM in the dark). Diagnosing a transmission whine or a driveline clunk doesnt assist a patient or develop the doctors skills. They listed my trade-in at a very attractive price. So much this, haha! You may have been winning the argument. I think the best way for me to reduce my auto-related stress is to avoid having an auto note personally. Some motorcyclists report paying nothing at all. Jeanny B. says:Armenians women, dont want to be with armenians guys, because they threat them like shit!, they see the womens lower than them, dont know how to respect women, even with their own mothers.!!!! Life is dangerous. It depends on the individuals personal choices and life! Thats a problem docs fall into all the time. Its also possible that when the client sees the agent in a great car, they assume theyre already doing great and dont need the money. Armenian men are encouraged to get married with other race's because they will grow the number of Armenians. Interesting new metric. cars being driven by Armenian teens. Many consider the car a business expense rather than just personal use. Cops just give everyone a ticket that goes 5mph over speed limit. Im a Doc in Boston Uber Pool to and from work costs on ave 50% more than Bus + t monthly pass. had a photographer for my kid bar mitzvah show up at my home in a BENZ Armenian women are great mothers, wives, sisters and daughters because they know how to respect and gain tbeir respect. Armenian willing to work. January 6th is also the day that the three wise men are said to have visited Jesus in the manger. To us, it seems like the self-driving car technology is not far enough along to justify the price. My latest car cost me about 0.4% of my net worth (excluding home), and that seems like too much. Even been threatened with violence. It can take a lot and heal itself as long as you dont push it over the edge. But the truth is that we are clinically (not just statistically) no more safe in that car than we are in the 2005 Sequoia. Yes, yes, and pay the mercedes with a walfarejajaja, Here we go, a cute language they always speak, jajaj. ready? They have equal reliability and create equal amounts of stress. How big is your emergency fund again? KC why the fuck are you so funny? The most booked rental car type is the economy type and the SUV. For my wifes car I probably would have bought her the same thing if I had to pay cash since she is on a much tighter schedule and needs something safe, sizable and reliable. Gave me a good chuckle, but Armos are too cool for seatbelts, too freespirited to be bound by traffic rules, and too self-aware not to drive impaired. you really want all those city dwellers to move elsewhere? Required fields are marked *. This is a bit of a counterpoint to the posttitled How to Buy a Car. But I must admit Im often tempted to write the check to pay one off. Then again, when I think about it, I have seen this sort of behavior with all people and races. It is my splurge for myself as I wanted to provide something better for my kids. Your email address will not be published. Im asking because I havent lived anywhere else for a long period of time, so some of you who perhaps drove in other countries and in Armenia could share your experiences. I had a stick and so couldnt trade to drive my wifes 2003 Honda Pilot when I needed a bigger rig. Mr. Daste notes that Im spending a few grand extra per year on vehicles which we could be putting away for retirement or otherwise, and as such were borrowing against our futures. I have borrowed from Future Me before and it turned out that Future Me didn't appreciate it. That'll be $4-5K. While its definitely possible to spend a few grand on a reliable old car, chances are just as good that youre purchasing someone elses headaches. Can you explain in more detail please? ----------------------------------Personally, I drive a jetta. Clients want that, and it gives them the confidence that the realtor will help them close the deal. "Armenian customer: "No, no, you do, you do 4 Jumbo Jeck, 4 cheecken sendweech, 4 large fry, 4 drink $5.99.Jack in the Box Cashier 2: "May I take your order? It was either buy a new engine or sell it to the junkyard. Moderated to ensure a place for civil, open-minded and constructive dialogue where everyone is welcome to participate. Were fast, impatient, and don't like traffic. Some realtors go for nice cars that represent their brand to the client. It will be a great deal for someone. Breakdowns are actually happening more than ever. As stupid as it may sound to others; no matter how crummy a day I had at the office, driving away in my $70000 luxury muscle car puts a smile on my face. So, why do realtors drive nice cars? It's not the majority you speak of, it's a tiny minority. People have turned into fried brain sheep over here when it comes to driving. someone (the original owner) got hosed and someone (me) got a hell of deal. Armenian girls are smokin' hot! Sometimes, the car can also communicate something about the values of the person driving it. Its also important to consider the fuel economy of a car. Granted, most readers know I'm a bit of a risk taker. The answer isn't so simple. I grew up in NYC where I had friends of every ethnic background. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Maybe weve done that already, but I have great faith in our societys engineers that a tech solution will save us from ourselves. I could move to Texas and make more money, pay less in taxes, and buy two houses like mine for the same price. Even lower cars have wifi and bluetooth now, that will be the big line in the sand. t pass is unlimited and can be used on weekends You can start your search via the form below. We did it 6 months ago obviously, much easier in a major metropolitan area, but its been incredibly nice to not have a single car to worry about. That M3 was a depreciation monster, despite buying it for literally half price lightly used, not to mention something that gives you a bunch of expensive flashing lights on the dash every few months. This includes the following. Financial Wellness and Burnout Prevention for Medical Professionals, Continuing Financial Education Las Vegas, Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy Conference Park City. ---------------------People don't need to stop thinking that and they won't stop thinking that. And yeah youve got to return your lease in drivable condition ;). I have scene many Armenian guys date other girls and there is no issue.. Michael I failed to mention other instances I have come across. Sorry for sounding like such a bleeding heart, but I dont find offhandedly mentioning trying to singlehandedly kill the planet funny at all because it contains a kernel of truth. We have two car notes despite the fact that we could buy with cash. The reason is that people think the law is for police to fine citizens. The difference those two changes will make is at least 100 times the difference that buying a fancy new car will make. and as I said its in every culture~ so MOSTLY Armenian men DONT treat their women like shit! While driving nice cars will keep a middle class family from ever becoming wealthy, a high income professional family, especially one with two working high-income professionals can certainly drive whatever they want and still eventually become financially independent. I will put my money on the Toyota any day of the week. I think 15-20 minutes is the max without figuring out a way to sleep before driving. Tricia said she had a check from her totaled Camry plus cash, easily more than half the purchase price on a forester. Some just feel entitled I suppose, it really is a shame and a very ugly thing. Are Europeans really rude to American tourists? There is an interesting video/study of one of the worst cars of all time, a Bon-Aire I believe being demolished by a mid 2000s Chevy Malibu. KC Lebanese ArmoRox Armo ArmoMe! Another couple reported paying much less, 9500 dram. Getting rid of that rusty Chrysler product in favor of the used Toyota Sequoia and buying the wife a new one feels like he took my advice, though obviously it was independent. No. Not to mention he still parties like he's 21 lol. Let's say the note is at 2%. "-Your man is Iranian from Armenia? This is my point. 75 miles each way to work, but honestly dont mind. Theres nothing wrong with enjoying city life. But it could also be for comfort and personal branding. . Armenian weddings rule. I drove a car for 8 years with no power anything, center console didnt even turn on, and I love music so it was no fun, but totally doable. she cleared the path for you! Throw in self-entitled pedestrians and cab and marshutka drivers who think they'd give Schumacher a run for his money, should they have gotten the opportunity, as well as the average age of the cars on the road to rival that of the tech in our military, and you have the ajabsandal that is Armenians roads, and that's to say nothing about the road conditions themselves (which are admittedly improving as of recent). It just means that these things are a choice not obligation. It's not that they're bad in the sense that they have bad reaction times, coordination, depth perception, etc. Why is it OK for Armenians to fly Armenian flags on their cars? Attempting to rationalize it as anything else is unnecessary and sad. This makes it easier for the client and realtor to relate on a more personal level. Here's why. Or does it just look good to see a bunch of diffrent ethnicities walking around? If you sell low-budget homes, driving a luxury car might make the buyer think youre overcharging on commission, and theyll try to bring it down even when its low enough. As for the client, its important not to judge a realtor based on the car they drive. Same mentality that caused armenia to be run into the ground by greedy people. nobody (including me) is judging you. Many will go for comfortable and nice vehicles that arent too expensive. BMW Armenia Family -BMW Armenia Commercial AdsBMW Fans!!. We get married and pay off vette and student loans. Just for safetys sake I believe its easily worth a premium of a few hundred dollars a month (particularly considering the cost of things like disability insurance), and she and I get to enjoy nicer vehicles in the process. Give the Appearance of Sold when moving out of the country. Traded in? Yeah, but if I was a high income professional a cool car would be my weakness. We've learned from, adapted to, and benefited our communities but not at the cost of our own culture. Jelly ass peeps!Then turn around and break a neck trying to check out the imports. Thanks for the opportunity to do this fun guest post! Haha, sorry to laugh, but that isnt the typical Japanese car people would think about. All that said and done, we dont have 6 cars. But a lot are. and it's just how those people's priorities are set. I am a melting pot guy and I believe most white people are that way now. Full disclosure, I did buy a new car, but negotiated off the full out the door price. Oh, and that's the last cussword for today. The only real solution will have to be that, just reality. A single breakdown per year could easily wipe out any savings by driving a beater car. Cheap not hot chicks at such a classy joint?? Police is kind to foreigners; talking your way out of paying a fine tends to be easy. Their mothers are too.Why do the Armenian men feel so insecure? Ive had my car break down a couple times, usually its a battery thing, but it never kept me from going to work, so I thinks a silly argument. You do not need an international drivers permit. Anyone else have a good solution to the issues with the rare, non-frequent night shifts (when your body is not accustomed to working nights)? Armenians are the best drivers here. Armenians are considered to be white. ---who cares? Auto accidents are among the leading causes of accidental death and injury in the United States. Come to Los Angeles and I'll show you bad drivers. The rest of us will get there too lol.-------------------------------------------All my family has Savings, Life insurance and 401Ks. We havent been here long, and yet manage to do that. Glendale is considered one of the most dangerous cities to drive because of bogus numbers. I put in a new stereo myself to do hands-free calling and navigation. I hate them and want them dead. They are assholes beyond belief. Everyone hates them so I dont know where they get their money from. We need anoth A new car comes with new everything, new filters, new battery, new tires, new seals, new rings, new belts, new bulbs, new washer fluid in the tank. 4% of $50K is $2K a year, and less in future years. Armenian brats in the greater Los Angeles area who are handed powerful cars, then make terrible decisions and kill people are not only dumb asses but also terrible drivers. Please let us know how it worked out for you. By comparison, many residents and attending physicians only have one car and they need it to run reliably every day. That's because they're part of the 63.6% white. I did date others though but it just happened that fell in love with an Iranian Armenian. if you generalize like that it will fall on every culture not just all ArmeniansNo matter what ethnicity you are, you choose how you want to live your life! And it isn't like it is a subject I had never written on before. chillax.seriously. Some clients might pick a realtor based on the car they drive. I think this strikes a balance between reliability and frugality that Im comfortable with. While driving nice cars will keep a middle class family from ever becoming wealthy, a high income professional family, especially one with two working high-income professionals can certainly drive whatever they want and still eventually become financially independent. For example, this month two of them were racing in Burbank and killed three innocent teenagers. Realtors spend a lot of hours in the car. Two realtors in one city could have different target markets and require different cars. I see people as people I am of Italian and Irish decent my family has always taught me we are the same. Absolutely. If you tracked the repair and maintenance numbers carefully, I think youll find the used car is almost always less expensive with more time involved for those things. Lovely. Even if realtors arent driving clients around, they still spend a lot of time in the car. Not to mention you can buy two Sequoias for the cost of a Tesla. But literally last time I met him for lunch, he had to roll down the window of his SL550 to grab the exterior door handle to let himself out , Craig Daste thinks fancy cars bought on credit are worth it. WAIT, thats not what I think, is it?? BEST to be HUMBLE and not keep up with the Jones. t is crowded It depends on the individuals personal choices and life! Never a breakdown. @ Barry.. lol =] I guess that could be true @Fern.. no I havent. We don't want our culture to end. They cash their checks and go enjoy life. This shouldn't happen, but sadly it does. 3-5 year old seems to be the sweet spot. This was a response to the transmission-plagued Dodge Durango that the editor has praised previously. Used Cars, New Cars, Buying Cars, Selling Cars, The following errors occurred with your submission. 06 Subaru WRX. I beat your ass you say bad things about Ukraine! Your email address will not be published. Perhaps he feels he is arbitraging the difference between his investment return and the cost of the credit. Bought my second new car 17 years ago still driving it. Of course as highly educated professionals our financial decisions couldnt be altered by something like that, just like our clinical decisions are impervious to drug reps, right? I can'tI work to pay off my Jetta, splurge on some shoes here and there and once I become a lawyer, I'll buy myself a house and THEN a nice car. Not only do I consider it a badge of honor to drive a beater, Im sure Ive saved a bundle over the years on insurance and car payments. Great cars dont necessarily mean the person is the best for the job. These were the neighbor countries of Armenia that frightened and decreased the number of Armenians for centuries and until today. The authors arguments illustrate precisely why personal finance requires very few math skills, but plenty of stop making excuses skills for spending money. Winter tires are not compulsory in the snowy season. Now you're safe from being whacked!!! However, if your target market is multimillionaires or youre a listing agent in Beverly Hills. Future Me is also upset about that whole life policy, the stupid home purchases, and that dumb mortgage refinance. sticker price new was 58,500. walkway cost including taxes and title was 35k. Mot "non//gargantuan" C. says:as stated before comrades, who cares, live your life the way you want to. KC "beach wood" O. says:Lebanese Armos have 401ks and 529ks but still roll a Benz. Its like a liver though. These anecdotal advocates are the gambling addicts, always talking about their winnings and forgetting how much theyve had to put in. -uber is more comfortable, *Ive done them all favor control of driving myself and opt for subsidized parking option Also, the gas mileage sucks, so that adds to the cost. . I have a lot of friends from your background, but none of them can answer this question. Maybe you make a million a year I dont know, but I know the jobs I looked at in Boston are 1/3 of what Im making in the mid west, and that extra buys a lot of vacations to cities. We have now owned an 11 year old car and a brand new car for about 4 months. Comment below! Let's assume they're pretty nice cars, maybe one is a $30K car and the other is a $20K car, so $50K total. Some issues that seem minor for everyone else might be a major issue for Armenians. We bring money into a family. Every time I get down on it I take it to the car wash and buy the expensive one always makes me like it a little more. Same model, same trim package. maybe I need to check out Armenia to understand this. Cars are depreciating assets, simple as that. 1996 Honda Civic $1000 2010-2013. This question is of interest not only to the Armenians themselves, but also to representatives of other nationalities. This way, you can avoid disappointing the clients that care about cars and that sort of thing. I think it'd be far easier for an Armo guy ti be a trailblazer than a woman. --------------------------It's not a matter of assimilating. I define it like this: Alife free from financial worries, a career where you make a real contribution to society, a few luxuries along the way, the ability to help others financially throughout your life, and a comfortable retirement at a time of your choosing. BUT. lol My bf is Iranian Armenian! Click to learn more! Decoupling buying an item from paying for it causes people to spend more. What stereotypical characteristics am I looking for? Are we exceptionally bad compared to the the rest? I really didnt want a loan, and I love driving the car because it feels luxurious, but a new car might have made more sense. They don't want to be a part of our culture and they are basically using us. Go to an Armenian wedding and check out the cars in the valet. New vehicles are loaded with advanced technology designed to keep drivers and passengers safe and on the roadnot in the breakdown lane. To us, its a scary thought to think that such a beautiful culture (no, not bimmers and benzes, but the actual culture) might cease to exist. Different things make different people happy. Of course, not all agents drive luxury cars. Very cool.. My Honda Fit serves me well. At least that was the only fee they could find for me. Lots of fun at the time, but It turns out they actually wanted the car back in drivable condition which cost another couple thousand at lease end. @Monique I cringe when I hear people say racial pride. I am driving 10 year old volvo I purchased for $3K cash as I am paying off 100K in student loans. Second, which varies city-to-city, is crime, and in my town, as well as several others Ive visited, the hospitals are in the worst, highest-crime areas, e.g., here in New Orleans you can walk down the sidewalk next to university hospital and stand in the spot a med student was literally shot for trying to help a rape victim. The metric just varies so much I dont think it does much. But it does happen. specially nowdays, things are changing fast and families are starting to get more used to it, and deep down inside they are all wishing and hoping it doesnt happen to their kid.. haha. Excellent point. I dont think Ive ever traded a car in. Yes, I rarely post but I do often read others' posts which is kinda why I don't post often. I know when I moved out for school, all relatives freaked out that I was moving out but its just a matter of preference, and most armenians do stay with parents till marriage! stop defending yourself. Bro if more armenians lived in actual LA there would be no traffic. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Prices tend to go way up for foreigners: anywhere from 10 000 to 27 000 dram for 2 weeks. Now she drives a 2005 Toyota Sienna and it is excellent. Exactly. It's not because Armenians are racist. Driving home with all the windows open was the cheap option for staying alive back then. One day (many years from now) Except mine will be of the Italian variety. The thought of even having to walk 10 minutes from my car to the hospital is laughable, let alone paying 5.50 a day pre tax or not that is crazy. My personal fear is not my own distractions but those of the drivers around me. You can buy a new car today in that price range with automatic braking, which might help with occasional distraction, but its not really a solution. (Yes, we are trying to singlehandedly kill the planet.). I hope i did not come off as ignorant. You have to multiply the likelihood of you being in an accident by the likelihood that this particular accident is one such that without that particular safety feature you die or are injured but with it you are just fine. chillax.seriously. Wife is an ER doc with a 50-mile commute (big city to rural area, live in Chicago and commute to Indianas more physician-friendly malpractice environment. Cheaptimes M. says:Orange dress CynthiaIs armenianShe is hawt looking I would date herBut fear I gets jumpedCheaptimes-----------------------------------haha thanks Sexy! Mr. Daste says he bought two cars on credit despite havingthe cash to buy them (although perhaps he is saying he has enough cash to buy a less expensive car.) Not at all, we're excellent and responsible drivers. A home mortgage is usually borrowed for how long. In Defense of Physician Vehicle Spending by Craig S. Daste, Jr. Everyone has a reason for choosing a particular brand or type of car. people need to stop thinking that we all drive expensive cars and live for only today and not think about the future! Of course there are exceptions to this but most people stay with their own people and culture so what's the benefit? I have driven nothing but beaters. There werent any cheap blue tooth devices at the time but that wouldve been great. Youll even find realtors that use public transport. If you are that proud of your country, why did you leave? It has never broken down and Ive never missed work due to vehicle problems. LOL. So that's 4%. Keeping my family safe while driving is important to me and didnt require purchasing new vehicles. But he takes it in good stride. -only normal maintenance and a new battery. Doing all the math, Im not sure Ive come out ahead, as Ive already had to replace the tires, and I think the brakes will probably need to be replaced soon and this light comes on about the anti-skid system every 4th or 5th time I drive it, because even though it was really low mileage and well-maintained, its still an 8 year old car, and I live in a sunny climate near the ocean where things just rot. Straighten out your financial life today! And according to him, it would have never happened if he weren't so worried about making the payments of his S550. Three posts already and now this one! In the eastern Orthodox church, Christmas is celebrated on January 6th. And a beater doesnt need to be a 20 year old, $1,000 car. It's because they have more pride in their own country than America! Traffic incidents happen all the time because of the mentality that a car is more than a necessity to get you from A to B. The target market also matters. Why's everybody cockblock'n whitey?He's just try'n to get a nut like every other squirrel out there.Ive seen and heard guys of every race do this with outsiders. Some realtors drive pickup trucks, sports cars, etc., because its what works for them. KC, but I'm Armo-Armo.Cynthia, I love the black outfit with the open back wayyyyy more! I should have made the topic " who believes you should stick to your own ethnicity and why". And again, this post was not intended to be about the author, but about the readers in general. Thus, if you have to drive the family to inspection, therell be enough space in the car to occupy them. So, realtors achieve that successful projection. Caucasus mountains where Caucasian comes from runs through Arminia. The best thing to do is take the high road and ignore the idiots who do this. I'm an Armenian guy and I dont give a mass-a-two-shits what race someone dates. Although its not completely accurate, there are some elements of truth to this belief. You can choose from a wide array of car choices Im not counting the usual stuff (prophylactic timing belt replacement, plugs, batteries, clutch, rotors, brakes, tires). Picking a car that suits your target market is a good way to put your client at ease. They have 12 operators signed up to their platform at the moment: all the major companies like Hertz, Avis, Sixt and Europcar, supplemented by local Armenian operators: a good mix of the affordable and the reliable. Seen by registered members, 9500 dram totaled Camry plus cash, more... N'T happen, but I must admit im often tempted to write the to. Home purchases, and that dumb mortgage refinance far enough along to justify the price, physician Wellness Financial! Is celebrated on january 6th is also the day that the poster misspelled `` ''! Save us from ourselves and student loans HUMBLE and not think about it, I drive a jetta Honda. 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