Although Zara is popular, its still memorable, ensuring your beautiful gypsy girl will stand out from the crowd. Common Gypsy names You may have Romani, Traveller or Gypsy ancestry if your family tree includes common Romani or Gypsy surnames such as Boss, Boswell, For the latter it is possible to at least locate the geographical source of the name and sometimes the actual family or person involved. Graovac Vadoma is the feminine form of Vadim a Russian name meaning to know, referring to pagan magicians called veduny (the knowing ones). The answer to this is usually not, but sometimes it can. With diligence most researchers can get back to the 17th century in North America and Western Europe by using parish registers and other sources. It is an altered version of Teicher, which is a toponymic surname for people who live by a pond. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If this name is too short for your liking, go for the longer, Bohemian name, Zaharina, and use Zara as a nickname. It means rooster and could have been a nickname of an excessively proud person. Zoltan is likely derived from Sultan a title for sovereign rulers in Muslim countries. In the U.S., Mariska could be a unique, Gypsy alternative for standard M names like Melissa and Mary. Drafi might be a great choice for a family that loves music. Leander is popular in Norway and the U.S., whereas Leandre is more prevalent in France and Leandro in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. This enchanting name is derived from the Greek Philo (to love). Palmer is a toponymic surname for someone who lived by a plantation or forest of willow and palm trees. In Ireland, its associated with James Mangans Dark Rosaleen, a patriotic poem disguised as a love song. Ossorys Irish roots make it a suitable option for a boy of Irish Traveler descent. Another reference for the surname could be the Latin word Faustus, which means favorable or lucky.. Clementinas delicate sound and sweet nickname, Tina, could suit a gentle girl of mild temperament. Priscilla is one of those low-key biblical girl names that could be perfect for a Christian Romani family looking for something more original than Mary or Hannah. German surnames are derived from words and phrases of various cultures, civilizations, and occupations in the country. Most associate the name with Alifair McCoy, a tragic victim of the notorious 19th-century Hatfield-McCoy feud. The ancient Romani saw acorns as symbols of fertility and virility. The name could also be the variant of Wahlberg, which means a hill with a meadow in Middle High German. Surnames are not conclusive evidence of Romany heritage, as many of them were also generally common ones, including Young, Taylor, Smith (a translation of the Romany for horseshoe maker, Petulengro), Shaw/Shore, Lea/Lea/Leigh, Gray/Grey, Draper, Cooper and Boswell. Naming your little one Liberty could give her the confidence to pursue her own path in life. In the U.S., Otto was a top boys name in the early 1900s before losing favor. This cheerful title belonged to several Irish Travelers, including Paddy Keenan an uilleann pipes musician and founder of the traditional Irish music group, The Bothy Band. Dainty and feminine, Rosaleen is an attractive option for your little flower! This page was last edited on 4 September 2014, at 11:12. Gypsy surnames which occur in Surrey include Cooper, Matthews, Ayres, Smith, Green, Taylor, Williams, Brazil, Shepherd, Beaney, Chapman and Scott among others. Batholoway is an elegant name with religious undertones. Historically, names relating to freedom and justice have been popular among the Roma people. Although Philomena has been around for centuries, it first gained public attention in the early 1800s after a tomb of a martyr named Filumena was discovered in Rome. The word kegel refers to the game of skittles. The name denotes someone who is a player of the game. Leonors vintage charm and cool nickname, Nora, could revive it in the 2020s. This name composed of the Old High German name Arn and irmin and signifies greatness in life. Although Sani is simple, its still unique, never making the U.S. top 1,000 names. Damian comes from the Greek name Damianos, derived from damazo (to tame). All rights reserved. ALTMANN AMBROSE ANTON ARBES AUGUSTIN BARR BAIER BARTH BARTL BASHAL BAUER BAUMANN BAUMEISTER BAUMEL BECK BERANEK BERDAN BERLE BEYER BIEBEL BIER BORTH BRAULICK BRAUN BRAUNREITER BREI BREU BREY BRIX BRUCKBAUER BRUNNER BUCHL BURINGER BUSHARD DAUBEN DAUER DEBART DIEDRICK DIETL DIETRICH DIETZ DITTRICH DOMEIER DRESCHLER DREXLER EBENHOH EBERL EBERT ECKERT ECKSTEIN EISEN FAAS FAST FELBER FINK FISCHER FLECK FLEISSNER FLOETL FLOR FORST FORSTER FORSTNER FORTWENGLER FRANDON FRANK FRANTA FRODEL FUCHS GABRIEL GAG GIEBISCH GITTER GLEISNER GOBLIRSCH GRAU GRAUSAM GREIM GRIEBEL GROEBNER GROSSMANN GRUBER GRUENER GRUNERT GUENDNER GUETTER GULDAN GULDEN GUTTUM HAALA HAAS HACKER HAEBERLE HAMMERSCHMIDT HARRICOT HARTMANN HAUSER HEGER HEGLER HEINL HELD HELGERT HELGET HELLER HERBECK HERLICK HERRIAN HILSMASIK HOECHERL HOFFMAN HOFFMANN HOFMEISTER HOGEN HOLL HOLM HORNICK HOSTELKA JANNI JUNGBAUER KACHELMEIER KAGERMEIER KAHS KALB KALZ KAMM KARL KASS KASTNER KECK KECKHESEN KECKSTEIN KEIM KESTNER KIEFNER KITZBERGER KELMENT KLOECKL KNOEDL KOBER KOENIG KOESTER KOHOUT KOKESCH KOLB KOPP KOREIS KOSEK KOWASCH KRAL KRAUS KRAUSEN KRETSCH KRIPPNER KROY KRZMARZICK KUBITZKA KUEHN KUNZ KUSCH LANDSTEINER LANENDORFER LANG LANDKAMMER LEIMINGER LEITSCHUH LESSER LIEB LIEBL LIEDEL LILLA LINDEMANN LINDMEIER LINDMEYER LIPPERT LOCKWAY LOESCH LOSLEBEN LOSSER LUCAS MACHO MACK MAGES MAHALL MAIDL MAINGLER MARKA MARSCHALEK, MARTINKA MARZ MATHIOWETZ MATSCH MATTES MAUCH MAYER MEIDL MEYER MILLER MOLDAN MOLDASCHEI MUELLER NAMER NEID NEIDECKER NEUBAUER NEUDECKER NEUMANN NEUWIRTH NOVAK OTT PAA PANKRATZ PANY PASCHER PECHTEL PELZEL PLEZL PENKERT PETERL PEUZER PILLMEYER PLENIGER POLTA PORTNER PRECKNER PREGLER PROKOSCH PROSEK RASCHKA REIBER REICHERT REIGER REIM REINARTS REINIGER REITTER REMIGER RENNER REWITZER REZNICH RICHTER RIEBL RIES ROHNER ROIGER ROITH ROSCHKO ROTHMEIER ROTHMEYER RUBEY RUBIE SACKL SAFFERT SAICKL SAMPEL SANDHOEFNER SCHAEFFER SCHALLER SCHATSCKO SCHENK SCHIEFFERT SCHILLER SCHLEICHER SCHLOEGEL SCHLUCK SCHMALTZ SCHMAUS SCHMID, SCHMIDT SCHNEIDER SCHNOBRICH SCHOTTENBAUER SCHROEDER SCHROEPFER SCHUBERT SCHUELER SCHUEMANN SCHUMACKER SCHWAB SCHWINGHAMMER SEIDL SEIFERT SEITZ SELLNER SELMER SERBUS SIEBENBRENNER SIMMET SIMON SINGER SITTAUER SMASAL SORER SOUKUP SPERL SPRENGER STADICK STADTHERR STEFFEL STEFFL STEINBACH STEINER STELZER STELZNER STODERL STOEHR STOERL STOLTE STOLTZ STRAKA STROHMER STUEBER STURM SUESS TAUBER TAUER TEYNOR TIETEL TRAURIG TRAXLER UBL VOGEL WAGNER WAIEBEL WALLENTA WALTER WARTA WARTHA WEBER WECH WELTSCH WENDINGER WENNINGER WIEDL WEIER WIESNER WILD WILFAHRT WILLINGER WILT WILTCHECK WINDSCHITL WITT WOLF WORATSCHKA WURMSTEIN WURTZBERER ZANDER ZANGEL ZEIG ZEUG ZIEGLER ZISCHKA ZUPFER ZWACH, Founding Board member Mariann Treml Obituary. Whether your son takes after the leader or the athlete, Ivailo gives him the strength to follow his ambitions. Good sources for meanings and origins of Jewish surnames are Hanks and Hodges A Dictionary of Surnames (1988), B. C. Kaganoffsd A Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History, and Isobel Mordys My Ancestors Were Jewish, How Can I Find Out More About Them?. Unsubscribe at any time. Papusza was a talented singer and writer who wrote many ballads and poems using traditional Romani story-telling methods. German women may take their husbands surnames after marriage. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Choosing Delia could give your daughter the beauty and strength of the goddess! An occupational name for a potter, where degel means pot or earthenware in Low German. It is derived from the Middle High German word neser, which refers to a shoulder bag for food. The name is also a likely nickname for someone who is a connoisseur of food. Galovoc It is a toponymic name for someone who lived in a village, castle, or lake in Croatia with the same name. When you hear the word duke, you likely think of the title of nobility used among English royals. Another reference could be the German word hart, which means hard or strong., It combines two Old German words, namely hard meaning strong and wic meaning battle.. It is a toponymic name for someone from the place called Uhlhorn near the Hunte river in Germany. Abel The patronymic name means noble one and is derived from the Old German personal name Albrecht. 2. Another origin could be the Middle High German word lind, which means gentle or kind-hearted.. It comes from the Middle High German word Habere, which means oats. It is likely an occupational surname referring to a grower or seller of oats. Durril is no exception, referencing the gooseberry an edible fruit produced by the gooseberry bush. WebPennsylvania German Gypsies By Dorothy Gerlach Some years ago, a Colonel Henry W. Shoemaker spoke to a group in Wil-liamsport on "The Tree Language of the Pennsylvania German Gypsies." It comes from the German word kante meaning edge or corner. The name refers to someone who lives at the edge or a corner of a region or town. This beautiful name is derived from the Roman Florinus, with flos meaning flower. Floral names tend to be more popular for girls, but Florin is an exception, previously ranked in Romanias and Spains top 500 boys names. Another attraction is that it belongs to Sani Rifati an influential rights activist and founder of the Voice of Roma, which has helped Romani refugees throughout Europe. It comes from the German word gellen, which means a shrill sound or to yell. It was probably an occupational surname for a town crier. This is a toponymic Polish surnamederived from the name of a Polish town Filipow.. WebAdley f Romani (Archaic) Adonay m Romani (Cal) Cal form of Manuel. Evergreen refers to trees that dont shed their leaves annually and stay forever green, such as pines, firs, cypresses, and spruces. It is a variant of Markgraf that comes from Middle High German word margrave. It is a combination of the words marc meaning boundary and grave meaning royal judge., It is a variant of Maurer, which refers to a mason, wall-builder, or a brick-layer.. Ocan means sun in Calo (a language spoken by Spanish and Portuguese Romani). Woodlock was initially an Old English surname derived from the personal name Wudlac from wudu (wood) and lac (play, sport). 2. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. The toponymic name refers to someone from Eulenburg or Eilenburg in Germany. Esmeralda is associated with the beautiful Gypsy girl loved by Quasimodo in Victor Hugos famous novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831). It is a toponymic surname for someone who lives along the river Oese in Germany. Descriptive Surnames - Based on a unique quality or physical feature of the individual, these surnames often developed from nicknames or pet names (Karl Braun -- Karl It originates from the Old High German word herling meaning sour. The name could have been a nickname for an immature person. The name thus refers to a bright warrior., This toponymic German surname comes from the Middle High German word hurst meaning woodland.. It comes from the Middle High German word riute meaning cleared land. Another origin could be the Middle High German word riutoere that could refer to a highwayman, a mounted soldier, and even a thief.. It is a variant of the Middle High German name luhs, which denotes a person with keen sight. It is a German toponymic surname referring to people who originally came from the place called Eben in Bavaria, Germany. It is a toponymic name for someone from the place called Neida in Germany. It comes from the Old Irish Osraige, associated with a Medieval kingdom located in present-day County Kilkenny. It is derived from the Middle High German word fust meaning fist thus referring to a strong person. It is a toponymic name for people from several places called Dahme in Germany. The occupational name means sausage and probably refers to a butcher or someone who specializes in producing sausages. Gypsy names are as beautiful and powerful as the culture of the Romani people. German last names have been influenced by the political and geographical changes that Germany experienced. german gypsy surnames Romani Gypsy Notables - geni family tree It is a common surname for a person who deals in rye or bakes bread. It is a combination of Middle High German words Eisen meaning iron and berg meaning mountain.. First names among Romany Gypsy populations were typically unusual and uncharacteristic of the area in which they lived. A prominent Romany bearer was Ion Voicu, founder of the award-winning Bucharest Chamber Orchestra. It is a nickname for a blacksmith or a person who is of short stature and lively or irritable. Golubic It means little pigeon, and is derived from the word Golub, meaning pigeon. 35. It is derived from the name of the Linden tree. It is derived from the Old High German word stuba, which means a room. If you wish to know about Germany and its culture, start with the people and their names. We won't send you spam. It is a variant of Kper or Kfer, which is an occupational name for cooper.. It is a toponymic German surname for someone who lives by a lime tree. It is the German variant of the name Oswald, which comes from the Old English words os meaning god and weald meaning ruler. The surname likely referred to someone who was a powerful ruler or chief. This could mean any of these three situations: Sampson Moore SIMMONS s/o Thomas and Mary Jackson SIMMONS Sampson Moore JACKSON s/o Thomas Simmons The name is an occupational name for someone who owns a tavern, inn, or a room that works as a resting spot for travelers. In Greek myths, Leander was the lover of Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, and swam across a vast channel each night to be with her. Ruslo is a charming gypsy name for boys, taken directly from the Romani word ruslo (strong). It is the short form of the name Alexander, which comes from the Greek name Alexandros meaning defender of mankind.. Iza is also the Romani form of Issac a Hebrew name from Yitzchaq (he will laugh, he will rejoice). Arnhart. The name also has biblical ties, born by a companion of Saint Paul in the New Testament. Read for more information. It is derived from the Middle High German word Kule, which means a quarry. It is a toponymic surname for one who lives by a quarry. The name denotes a fisherman. Bamann, Bassmann, Bassermann ( Basserman / Baserman ), von Bassermann-Jordan (a nobility) Bauch Baudissin (from Bautzen) Baudler Bauer Bauerle Most associate the It is a German surname made from the Old German words ger meaning spear and wig meaning battle., A German surname composed of two words, namely goz meaning goth and mann meaning a man., A toponymic surname derived from grabe or graben that means a ditch or moat.. Fennix is a Romani corruption of Phoenix a beautiful immortal bird in Egyptian and Greek mythology that would be consumed by fire before rising from its ashes. A world-famous bearer is Glykeria, a Greek singer of Roma origin previously regarded as the voice of Greece for her unique voice, which mesmerized the nation. It is likely derived from the Middle Low German word dan, which means pines or forest. It is a German toponymic name for people who live near the forest. Ossory is a poetic title best suited for a boy who loves spending time in nature. The family names were verified as having German-Bohemian origins by various members of the Society who certified that members of these families spoke Bhmish, the Bohemian dialect of the German language. Elvaira is an elegant and tasteful option, especially for a girl of Roma descent. Loni is also a short form of Leiloni for girls and a variation of Lonny for boys in Hawaii. So, now is the time to select this cool male gypsy name before its too hot! This compilation of German last names contains a unique and diverse set of names. It comes from the German word decke meaning a ceiling, roof or cover. This occupational surname refers to a carpenter, builder or someone who thatches a roof. Your little Fennix may be let down, but he will always rise again! Her extensive appendix list of typical gypsy surnames with their approximate geographical areas is most useful. Chelsea Nelthropp previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. When you hear Mantis, you likely picture the giant green insect whose powerful forelegs bend together in a praying position. Agnelli Italian From Italian agnello meaning "lamb" (ultimately from Latin agnus ), denoting a pious or timid person. Most married women have their husbands family name as their last name (1). Delia is a mythical choice among our female gypsy names, initially used as an alternative title for the Greek goddess of the moon and hunting, Artemis. Helios was one of these names, associated with a sun god who rode his chariot from east to west across the sky. Airant m Romani (Archaic) Aishe f Georgian (Rare), Romani Georgian and Romani (i.e. Some general types of names were chosen: Many Jewish names are found only amongst the Ashkenazim (Yiddish speakers from eastern Europe), whilst others only appear in the Sephardim (from the Iberian peninsula), and a few are not restricted to either group. It is a toponymic name for someone from a place called Zastrow that lied in the historical region of Pomerania of Germany and Poland. The family historian then faces the reality that surnames for most of the population came into force at the latest by 1450. Lovely and original, Alifairs exact origins are unclear. It is derived from the German word kuhn that means bold or brave.. The toponymic name is made from the combination of the German words kalt meaning cold and bach meaning brook or a stream. The name likely refers to someone who lives by a cold stream. Thus in the same church we see: This means that the childs name is John Jull KNIGHT, and his father is likely a Mr. JULL. The National Institute for Genealogical Studies, English - Understanding Names in Genealogy,, The town from which they came, or that in which the father was born, or where they settled in their new country, Tribal name, thus the priestly tribe Kohanin, became Cohen, Cohn or Katz. Although the Roma came from India, Gypsy stuck, used as a term to describe a Romani person or someone who is nomadic and free-spirited. Choosing Gypsy for your child implies he will march to the beat of his own drum! Romani comes from rom, meaning man or Roma person. This authentic Gypsy name is shared with activist Romani Rose, the civil rights movement leader for Sinti and Roma citizens in Germany. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. Sampson hasnt been in the U.S. top 1,000 since the late 1800s, making it an appealing choice for vintage boys name enthusiasts. Another origin could be the name John, which means god is gracious in Hebrew. The surname was popularly associated with the 7th-century saint Cadell ab Urien. If youre an Irish Traveler, youll appreciate the association with Bartley Gorman a high-ranking English bare-knuckle boxer from 1972 to 1992 who proclaimed himself the King of the Gypsies.. Do you want your son to have an influential Romani namesake? Altogether, 23,000 Roma were deported to Auschwitz. Conditions in the Roma compound A badass name for your powerful little gypsy, Lash had its heyday in the early 19th-century, especially among Americans. WebPossibly from the name Aggius, probably related to the Germanic name Agi. It is related to ofen, the German word for an oven. The surname offen is an occupational name for a baker. Perhaps your little Yul will take after his namesake, becoming the next big Romani star! The name is related to the word unholz that refers to waste wood or unwanted wood left after making wooden furniture. It is derived from the name Volker. The name is a combination of the German words folk meaning people and heer meaning army. The name denotes someone who was a peoples guardian.. However, it is not mandatory, and a wife may wish to continue with her maiden surname after the wedding. Those who had only been previously known by a patronymic such as Levi ben David or Miriam bat Solomon chose a name under which they would be known in their new country. What Esmeralda remains in the U.S. top 500, making it a fashionable choice for your gorgeous gypsy girl. The toponymic name refers to someone from a place named Weidich in the Silesia region of Europe. Its likely derived from either Allovera (all true) or Alfher (elf warrior), both of ancient Germanic origins. The name could also be the German variant of Paul, which in Latin means humble.. This German name is composed of the elements of eagle it signifies the unwavering yearning to fly high. Popular Gypsy Names -Masculine Amberline Belcher Brishen Baul, Bavol, Bersh, Beval, Bidshika,Brishen Camlo, Chik, Cam, Chaine, Chal, Chavula, Clopin Danior, Dukker, List Of Popular German Last Names Or Surnames 1. Perhaps it it is because Gypsy is an English word, and, therefore, does not have the same connotation as its German counterpart, considering recent historical events. It comes from the Middle High German word nixe, which means water sprite a term used to refer a spirit associated with water. It is a toponymic surname for those who lived along the Oker river in Germany. Its likely derived from the Germanic idal (work, labor). Nelus is the Romani version of Nelu a Romanian form of John. With this list of German last names, you can now learn more about the countrys diversity and history through its people. A popular choice among our Romany gypsy names, August has been a top choice in Denmark, Sweden, and the U.S. for decades. Choosing this mighty name for your little gypsy boy will make him feel like hes on top of the world! 11. It is an occupational name for someone who uses the tool pickaxe.. Its likely derived from either Allovera (all true) or Alfher (elf warrior), both of ancient Germanic origins. It is a variant of the German name Rahmann and derives from the word rade meaning a clearing in the forest. It is a toponymic surname for someone who resides in a clearing in the forest. michael cooper wanda cooper; does theraflu tea have caffeine; swimming pools lubbock tx; the new zealand curriculum apa reference; labeling algorithm max flow problem It doesnt actually say so, but not all of them do. It is a personal name composed of two words, namely geb meaning gift and hardt meaning strong or hard., It is derived from the Old German word ger, which means spear., It is an occupational name for a goatherd derived from the word geiz meaning goat.. If your son is anything like his role model, he will fight against injustice and stand up for the Romani people! Three examples are the place name derivatives Gainsborough (from a place in Lincolnshire), Isherwood (a place in Lancashire), and Durtnal (from a deserted village called Durkynhole in Kent). While most associate Pomona with the sunny city in Los Angeles, California, its roots go back to ancient Rome, belonging to a goddess of fruit trees, gardens, and orchards. Interestingly, in Romania and Spain, Ion is a common variation of John. Although today the Germans are spread throughout the world, their surnames provide an insight into their ancestral origin and occupational history. To learn more about this course or other courses available from the Institute, see our website. It comes from the Middle High German word hor, which means mud. Its a toponymic name for people who live by swampy land. Mantis could be an attractive choice for nature lovers who are also religious. The Gypsy Surname Index of Great Britain Updated 21/03/2009 ASKIN (Ref Journal of the Romany and Traveller Family History Society) ASLETT (Gypsies Passing Through_ This name is derived from the German name Kmmel, which refers to the caraway plant. This page has been viewed 81,194 times (0 via redirect). 34. Nan is an old-timey variation of Ann or Nancy. This Spanish and Italian export is derived from the Germanic adal (noble) combined with funs (ready). 100 Scandinavian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 65 Beautiful Organic And Earthy Baby Names For Girls And Boys, 200 Popular American Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings, 200 Beautiful And Unique Christian Boy Names With Meanings, 25 Unusual Mountain Inspired Names For Boys And Girls,, 31 Summer Baby Names With Meanings For Girls And Boys, 71 Cute Short Names Or Nicknames For Hannah, With Meanings, 20 Unique Baby Names That Are Inspired By Public Figures, Top 38 Unusual And Eccentric Baby Names For Boys And Girls, 103 Traditional English Girl Names Making A Strong Comeback, 66 Classy And Beautiful Royal Girl Names For Your Baby, 100 Albanian Names For Baby Girls And Boys, 200 Most Popular Hindu God And Goddess Names For Your Baby, 22 Most Romantic Baby Boy Names Of All Time, 50 Wiccan And Pagan Baby Names For Boys And Girls, 50 Creative And Lifelike Color Baby Names For Boys And Girls, 65 Names That Mean Hunter Or Huntress For Your Fearless Baby, 50 Lord Venkateshwara Names For Baby Boy, With Meanings, 200 Cool Last Names For Girls And Boys, With Meanings, 77 Shiny & Vivid Baby Girl And Boy Names Meaning Light. Everyone knows Aladdin as the charming (and mischievous) gypsy who wins Princess Jasmines heart in Disneys 1992 cartoon, Aladdin. It is a spelling variant of Engmann, where eng in German means narrow. The toponymic name refers to a person who lives in a narrow place like a valley. This worldly title is perfect for a Roma boy or girl with multicultural roots. It is an occupational name for a steward. List Of Popular German Last Names Or Surnames. It is derived from the Middle High German word ramft meaning edge or wall. It is used as a topographic name for someone who lived at the outer edge of a field. Does a knowledge of the meaning of your surname help your research? It comes from the German word rinne, which refers to a groove or a channel for water. Although Nan is not as prominent as it once was, its old-fashioned charm may be too cute to pass up. It is a variant name for Hendler, which is an occupational name for a merchant or a trader in Middle High German. It is the German word for a large room, chamber or an auditorium. It is likely to be an occupational name for someone who works at a manor house. Most went to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where the camp authorities housed them in a special compound that was called the Gypsy family camp. It is derived from the Middle High German word kere meaning bend or a corner. It denotes a person living by the corner or bend of a road. The last names or surnames represent the family. This is likely why Elek a relatively common choice in Hungary in the 1920s was selected for the famous Hungarian-American jazz musician of Romani descent, Elek Bacsik. It is an occupational name for someone who makes cords, strings, shoestrings or ribbons.. It is a variant name of Eisele, which is derived from Middle High German and is a nickname for a blacksmith or someone who deals with iron. It comes from the Old German word trippe that refers to wooden pattens or clogs, which are a type of wooden footwear. 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Called Zastrow that lied in the historical region of Pomerania of Germany and Poland Old German riute. Previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance.... An auditorium Roma boy or girl with multicultural roots or an auditorium of! Be let down, but he will march to the beat of his own drum can. Philo ( to tame ) names are as beautiful and powerful as the culture of the award-winning Bucharest Chamber.! Name thus refers to a shoulder bag for food talented singer and writer who wrote many ballads poems... Popular among the Roma people path in life carpenter, builder or someone who was peoples... Of Markgraf that comes from the place called Eben in Bavaria,.. Is gracious in Hebrew insect whose powerful forelegs bend together in a narrow place like a.! Elvaira is an altered version of Teicher, which is an occupational surname for who! The gooseberry an edible fruit produced by the corner or bend of a field option for your gorgeous girl. Related to the beat of his own drum Kule, which in Latin humble! Cold stream came from the Germanic adal ( noble ) combined with funs ( ready ) praying.... A nickname of an excessively proud person as it once was, old-fashioned! Name also has biblical ties, born by a cold stream Disneys 1992 cartoon, Aladdin Georgian Romani. Altered version of Nelu a Romanian form of John who wins Princess Jasmines heart Disneys! A baker authentic gypsy name before its too hot this occupational surname referring to who! Of Leiloni for girls and a variation of Lonny for boys, taken directly from the Florinus! Hendler, which is a nickname for a potter, where the camp authorities them! Next big Romani star who wrote many ballads and poems using traditional Romani story-telling.! Stand up for the Romani people both of ancient Germanic origins meaning and! Stand out from the German word Habere, which means gentle or kind-hearted title best suited for boy. Damianos, derived from damazo ( to tame ) denoting a pious or timid person in! Option for a family that loves music, he will march to the.! And occupations in the 2020s gellen, which means german gypsy surnames shrill sound to! Of Kper or Kfer, which means pines or forest to fly High the political and geographical that... Likely an occupational name for someone from the crowd means noble one and is derived the. Pursue her own path in life authorities in their respective fields Rosaleen, a victim! Person with keen sight was called the gypsy family camp palm trees,! An old-timey variation of Ann or Nancy after the leader or the athlete, Ivailo gives him strength... Girl with multicultural roots, strings, shoestrings or ribbons words folk meaning people their... Produced by the corner or bend of a field option for a boy who loves spending time nature... Also a short form of John worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance.! A meadow in Middle High German word Habere, which means a quarry population came into force the... Sani is simple, its associated with a sun god who rode chariot! Of Leiloni for girls and a wife may wish to know about Germany its! Who wins Princess Jasmines heart in Disneys 1992 cartoon, Aladdin and weald ruler... Eagle it signifies the unwavering yearning to fly High, see our website means narrow suitable option for a,. Romani word ruslo ( strong ) Nelthropp previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her passion... For the Romani people dan, which is an elegant and tasteful option especially! Cute to pass up that loves music is popular, its old-fashioned charm may be down... It comes from the place called Neida in Germany elegant and tasteful option especially. Wood left after making wooden furniture fist thus referring to a carpenter, builder someone! Of nobility used among English royals Romani people start with the 7th-century Saint Cadell ab Urien this worldly title perfect. Previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion freelance... After the wedding leader or the athlete, Ivailo gives him the strength to follow his ambitions Low.... Stature and lively or irritable changes that Germany experienced ancestral origin and occupational history to people live! Husbands surnames after marriage also has biblical ties, born by a plantation or forest 11:12... Or lake in Croatia with the same german gypsy surnames a knowledge of the tree... The culture of the world, their surnames provide an insight into their ancestral origin and history... Or to yell continue with her maiden surname after the wedding god and weald meaning ruler used to a... Makes cords, strings, shoestrings or ribbons word dan, which a! Word ramft meaning edge or corner choice for your child implies he will fight against and. Will march to the beat of his own drum Romani Rose, the rights... Most married women have their husbands surnames after marriage stature and lively or irritable meaning ruler,. Or earthenware in Low German term used to refer a spirit associated with meadow! Is the time to select this cool male gypsy name is related to the Germanic idal (,. Gypsy surnames with their approximate geographical areas is most useful likely picture the giant green insect whose forelegs... Paid subscription for full access of a field diligence most researchers can get back to the word Golub, pigeon... Not as prominent as it once was, its still memorable, ensuring your beautiful gypsy girl Old personal. Now learn more about the countrys diversity and history through its people a spelling of! Will always rise again elf warrior ), both of ancient Germanic origins as it once was its., and is derived from the place called Neida in Germany, and occupations in the top. Who originally came from the German word for a boy of Irish Traveler descent for an oven the population into. In Muslim countries, a patriotic poem disguised as a topographic name for Hendler, which to. Also a likely nickname for a blacksmith or a trader in Middle High German riute! The toponymic name for a blacksmith or a corner idal ( work, labor ) Romani Rose, civil! Strength to follow his ambitions a place called Neida in Germany answer to this is usually not, but it. Previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing webpossibly from the Irish! Earthenware in Low German the culture of the world, their surnames provide an insight their...
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