Various Russian, Caucasus, and Western historians agree on the figure of c. 500,000 inhabitants of the highland Caucasus being deported by Russia in the 1860s. Azamatov, Danil D. (1998), "The Muftis of the Orenburg Spiritual Assembly in the 18th and 19th Centuries: The Struggle for Power in Russia's Muslim Institution", in Anke von Kugelgen; Michael Kemper; Allen J. Frank, Muslim culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, vol. Only a handful of Muslim were allowed to make the haj. [Source: Library of Congress, July 1996 *], There is much evidence of official conciliation toward Islam in Russia in the 1990s. [55] Its healthcare expenditure is notably lower than other developed nations. The majority of the Muslims resided in the Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union, which now are independent countries. The number of Muslims is increasing, in part because their birthrate is higher. When guests from the Middle East visit Russia, they say ties within the Russian Ummah were exemplary, the Mufti explained. He says that the Khanty-Mansiisk district is "a unique Siberian region" in that about 15 percent of its population consists of Muslims, mostly from the Middle Volga, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The new amendments also ban giving away Russian territory, a possible reference to Crimea. In one two week campaign in the early 2000s, 9,000 people, most from the Caucasus, were forcibly deported and another 10,000 left of their own. The number of Muslim houses of worship in the U.S. also has increased over the last 20 years. Saint Petersburg, Russia Population (2023) - Population Stat Saint Petersburg, Russia Population Population in Urban Area, now 5,521,095 World: 76th Europe: 6th Russia: 2nd Population in City Area, 2022-08-17 5,351,935 World: 43rd Europe: 3rd Russia: 2nd Saint Petersburg Urban Area Population Graph Approximately 87-95% of them are Sunni and roughly 3% are Shia and roughly 7% are non-denominational Muslims. Several factors contribute to the fast growth in the Muslim population. "In Israel, the Christian number is stable because there is freedom of religion," Pastor Petra Heldt, a leading Christian scholar who has lived in Israel 40 years, told Fox News Digital. added that spirituality was still the need of the population in light of the increasing cost of living and the Ukraine-Russia conflict. It is the most spoken native language in Europe, the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia, as well as the world's most widely spoken Slavic language. says UK population data for 2021 (Representational image) . The Russian Muslim Spiritual Administration's advisory council pointed to absolutely different worldviews, cultures and education.. [51], Russia, by constitution, guarantees free, universal health care for all Russian citizens, through a compulsory state health insurance program. Those that remained loyal to Russia were settled into the lowlands, on the left bank of the Kuban' River. Many of the religious leaders were poorly trained and seemed more interested in politics than religion. [79] There are 22 republics in Russia, who have their own ethnicities, cultures, and languages. [78][79] This problem is evident even within Tatarstan itself, where Tatars constitute a majority. The changing demographics mean that dozens of new mosques will need to be built in Russias largest cities, Gainutdin said at a forum hosted by the State Duma on Monday. time. Russia, the largest country in the world by area, had a population of 147.2 million according to the 2021 census, or 144.7 million when excluding Crimea and Sevastopol, up from 142.8 million in the 2010 census. Kazan has a large Muslim population (probably the second after Moscow urban group of the Muslims and the biggest indigenous group in Russia) and is home to the Russian Islamic University in Kazan, Tatarstan. [100], Islam is the second-largest religion in Russia, and it is the traditional religion amongst most peoples of the North Caucasus, and amongst some Turkic peoples scattered along the Volga-Ural region. ", "Are Russia's 20 million Muslims seething about Putin bombing Syria? Wahhabis have been accused of stirring up trouble in Dagestan and being behind bloody clashes between rival Muslim groups there. E.Andreev, L.Darski, T. Kharkova "Histoire dmographique de la Russie. ; Russia population is equivalent to 1.87% of the total world population. ", "Putin Points Muslim Rage at Cold War Foes", "Chechnya declares public holiday to support huge anti-Charlie Hebdo rally", "Because of Syria, Moscow Focusing on Sunni-Shiite Divide Within Russia", "Shaykh Said Afandi al-Chirkawi -", "Checkmate fighter puts Russia ahead of the game", " - " " ",, "European Public Opinion Three Decades After the Fall of Communism 6. Followers of our Prophet Muhammad came to Russia 22 years after he left earthly life.. The Russian Opposition and most of the Russian population opposes worker migration. Official recognition: He also noted that Islam was declared as the state religion in one of the states located in the territory of present-day Russia in the Volga Bulgaria, in 922, which was 66 years earlier than the acceptance of Orthodox Christianity as the state religion of Kievan Rus. The latter is a post-Soviet group that claims the allegiance of the majority of Russias Muslim groups. The post-communist union has formed a political party, the Nur All-Russia Muslim Public Movement, which acts in close coordination with Muslim clergy to defend the political, economic, and cultural rights of Muslims and other minorities. This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 23:47. [53][54][55][56], A chain e-mail spread a hoax speech attributed to Putin which called for tough assimilation policies on immigrants, no evidence of any such speech can be found in Russian media or Duma archives. Now, up to 20 percent of the population may be Muslim," he said. Putin has called for tolerance and stated that Islam is a peaceful religion but at same time he has characterized the war in Chechnya as battle between Christians and Muslims and has said, If you are a Christian you are in danger.. [87] The constitution allows the country's individual republics the right to establish their own state languages in addition to Russian, as well as guarantee its citizens the right to preserve their native language and to create conditions for its study and development. [4] This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year [5], and according to the World Christian Encyclopaedia, between 1990 and 2000, Islam received around 865,558 converts . The Sreda Arena Atlas 2012 did not count the populations of two Muslim-majority federal subjects of Russia, namely. The growth rate for the Muslim population in Russia is projected to be 0.6% annually over the next two decades. Some Muslim ethnic groups have been among the most resistant minorities to becoming part of unfied Russia. [60] Obesity is a prevalent health issue in Russia; 61.1% of Russian adults were overweight or obese in 2016. On Hitler's birthday (April 21), 2001, 300 young hoodlums ransacked stalls at a Moscow market, belonging mostly to people from Caucasus region and Central Asia, killing three peoplea Tajik, Azerbaijani and an Indian. Federal regions also have their own departments of health that oversee local administration. Islam was repressed and made Communist-friendly in the Soviet era. According to a comprehensive survey conducted in 2012, Muslims were 6.5% of Russia's population. Given the demographic changes, Muslims will represent one third (the downward estimate) and half (the upward estimate) of the Russian population . Russia for Russians: Some irresponsible politicians want to achieve electoral success by creating nationalist waves., When they say Russia is for Russians, its a mistaken path that could lead to the break-up of the Russian Federation., Also in 2007, Alexander Belov, from the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, said: History is a fight between races and religions., Its the law of nature people are used to being with people like themselves, speaking the language their mothers taught them.. to your sister when you were really talking about praying." [16] There are over 193 ethnic groups nationwide. [17] Until the late 18th century, the Crimean Tatars maintained a massive slave-trade with the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East, exporting about 2 million slaves from Russia and Ukraine over the period 15001700.[18]. Harassment and attacks of people from the Caucasus increased after terrorist attacks involving Chechens. *, The Islamic Cultural Center of Russia, which includes a medrese (religious school), opened in Moscow in 1991. There are believed to be around 20 million Muslims in Russia. ", "Islam, Islamism, and Terrorism in the Northern Caucasus and Central Asia: A Critical Assessment", "ISLAMIC EXTREMISM IN THE NORTH CAUCASUS: WHAT KIND OF THREAT FOR REGIONAL SECURITY? [85][86] According to the Russian Census of 2002, 142.6million across the country spoke Russian, 5.3million spoke Tatar, and 1.8million spoke Ukrainian. Most of them work in the construction, cleaning and in the household industries. An Odesa-based migrant told Crisis Group, however, that the community in that city alone was 1,000-families strong. Russian data includes occupied Crimea and Sevastopol starting in 2014, Ethnic groups in Russia of more than 1 million people in 2010, Percentage of ethnic Russians by region in 2010. In the 2021 Census, roughly 71.7% of the population were ethnic Russians, 16.7% of the population were ethnic minorities and 11.6% did not state an ethnicity. Muslims are the second largest community after Hindus forming 14.6% of the total population in Republic of India. Central mosque of Karachaevsk, Karachaevo-Cherkessia. The number of Muslims is increasing, in part because their birthrate is higher. Mosques and madrassas (Muslim schools) were closed down, turned into museums or run by puppet imams and muftis. Asia's population increased from 1.4 billion in 1950 to 4.7 billion in. Hall & Company, Boston); New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, U.S. government, Comptons Encyclopedia, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, AFP, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Economist, Foreign Policy, Wikipedia, BBC, CNN, and various books, websites and other publications. No pope: Islam is a very democratic religion, we do not have one hierarchy like in Christianity., There is no pope or Ecumenical Patriarch for Islam. 2005. Europe has lost almost 60% of its Jewish population over the past 50 years, mainly as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union after which many Jews . Shireen Tahmasseb Hunter, Jeffrey L. Thomas, Alexander Melikishvili. . More than 3 million Tajik citizens were officially registered in Russia in 2021. . 2: Inter-Regional and Inter-Ethnic Relations, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, pp. Chechens are accused of following Wahhabism. [61] However, Russia's historically high alcohol consumption rate is the biggest health issue in the country,[62][63] as it remains one of the world's highest, despite a stark decrease in the last decade. by Daniel Pipes. A census in 2002 counted 14.5 million while Russian Muslim leaders claim there are 23 million. In the 1990s, the number of Islamic publications has increased. In March 1999, Maskhadov closed down the Chechen parliament and introduced aspects of Sharia. In a few areas, notably Chechnya, there is a tradition of Sufism, a mystical variety of Islam that stresses the individual's search for union with God. They are objects of discrimination and abuse and are often the targets of round-ups of "illegal" residents without residence permits. In Muslim areas the slogan was; "There is no God, and Lenin is his prophet. Germany and the United Kingdom also have large muslim populations with 4.95 million and 4.13. In: Pridemore, W.A. Population Research and Policy Review, 2008, 27: 551574. In Russia, we have this problemwe are always looking for an enemy. [45], While total expulsion (as practiced in other Christian nations such as Spain, Portugal and Sicily) was not feasible to achieve a homogeneous Russian-Orthodox population, other policies such as land grants and the promotion of migration by other Russian and non-Muslim populations into Muslim lands displaced many Muslims, making them minorities in places such as some parts of the South Ural region and encouraging emigration to other parts such as the Ottoman Empire and neighboring Persia, and almost annihilating the Circassians, Crimean Tatars, and various Muslims of the Caucasus. [82] The city has permitted the existence of four mosques. Among them are two magazines in Russian, Ekho Kavkaza and Islamskiy vestnik , and the Russian-language newspaper Islamskiye novosti , which is published in Makhachkala, Dagestan. There are also about 20,000 to 32,000 Druze living mostly in the north of Jordan, even though most Druze no longer consider themselves Muslim. The faith was introduced by merchants visiting the Swahili coast, as it became connected to a larger maritime trade network dominated by Muslims.This would lead to local conversions and assimilations of . According to Mufti Ravil Gaynutdin, chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, there were 25 million Muslims in 2018, approximately 18 percent of the population. Sudan (39,585,777) Even though the nations on the list above have the most Muslims, several smaller countries have a greater concentration of Muslims than the larger ones. (ed.). The meeting's pan-Islamic complexion created concern in Moscow about the possible spread of radical Islam into Russia from the new Muslim states along the periphery of the former Soviet Union. According to a comprehensive survey conducted in 2012, Muslims were 6.5% of Russia's population. Although Islam is a minority religion in Russia, Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe. [11], Muslims form a majority of the population of the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan in the Volga Federal District and predominate among the nationalities in the North Caucasian Federal District located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea: the Circassians, Balkars, Chechens, Ingush, Kabardin, Karachay, and numerous Dagestani peoples. [Source: Library of Congress, July 1996 *]. From the early 16th century up to including the 19th century, all of Transcaucasia and southern Dagestan was ruled by various successive Iranian empires (the Safavids, Afsharids, and the Qajars), and their geopolitical and ideological neighboring arch-rivals, on the other hand, the Ottoman Turks. [44] Muslims were exempt from military conscription during World War I. It doesnt just burn me up, it drives me crazy. (XIX . The number of mosques in Russia increased from around 500 in the Soviet era to around 5,000 around 2000. [82] Russian is the second-most used language on the Internet after English,[83] and is one of two official languages aboard the International Space Station,[84] as well as one of the six official languages of the United Nations. [84] The city's economy "could not manage without them," he said. According to the United Nations, Russia's immigrant population is the third-largest in the world, numbering over 11.6 million in 2016;[18] most of which are from post-Soviet states, mainly Ukrainians. [22] In response, Kazakh religious leaders attempted to bring religious fervor by espousing pan-Turkism, though many[quantify] were persecuted as a result. [Source: Library of Congress, July 1996 *], Representatives attended from several newly independent Central Asian republics, from Azerbaijan, and from several autonomous jurisdictions of Russia, including the secessionist-minded autonomous republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. - . They bring their dirty culture here.. There are over 5,000 registered religious Muslim organizations,[12] equivalent to over one sixth of the number of registered Russian Orthodox religious organizations of about 29,268 as of December 2006. Hate crimes and attacks are directed at Muslims. [116] Saint Petersburg, the cultural capital, is the second-largest city, with a population of roughly 5.4 million inhabitants. The Muslims in Tatarstan are majorly ethnic Muslims, who are direct descendants of the earliest Muslims in Russia, called the Volga Bulgars. 100 (18111913 .). Ahmad Adil | 07.05.2021 NEW DELHI Dismissing propaganda launched by Hindu nationalists against the growing Muslim populace in India, former top bureaucrat and author Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi said Hindus will always remain in the majority in the country. [94][95][96] Other branches of Christianity present in Russia include Catholicism (approx. There are also an additional 3 million to 4 million migrants from former Soviet states. There was much evidence of official conciliation toward Islam in Russia in the 1990s. [18], Demographic statistics according to the latest Rosstat vital statistics[19] and the World Population Review in 2019. Its Muslim population is expected to rise from 16.4 million in 2010 to 18.6 million in 2030. Insurgency in the North Caucasus continued until 2017. For example, the Mrcani Mosque was the only acting mosque in Kazan at that[when?] 35. According to experts, Russias [Muslim] population will increase to 30 percent in a decade and a half, said Ravil Gainutdin, the chairman of the Council of Muftis, a religious group representing Russias Muslim community. Today, the Central Spiritual Directorate of Muslim and Council of Muftis of Russia are the two primary Muslim groups in Russia. Johnny B says Nov 6, 2021 at 11:13 am "Blacklock's Reporter says the Muslim population as a portion of the entire country has more than tripled since 1996 but remains outnumbered 9 to 1 by Catholics." [108], Russia has compulsory education for a duration of 11 years, exclusively for children aged 7 to 1718. Prejudice towards dark-skinned from the Caucasus and southern Russia is common. According to US Department of State in 2017,[3] Muslims in Russia numbered 14 million or roughly 10% of the total population. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. In the 2021 census, there were 3.9 million Muslims (6.5%): an increase of 44% in just ten years. [65] The country's high suicide rate, although on the decline,[66] remains a significant social issue. The Russian government, for its part, fears the rise of political Islam of the violent sort that Russians witnessed in the 1980s firsthand in Afghanistan and secondhand in Iran. [56] Russia has one of the world's most female-biased sex ratios, with 0.859 males to every female,[12] due to its high male mortality rate. Albania - 1.587.608 - 56% of total population Andorra - less than 1000 - 0.01% of total population Austria - 573.876 - 6.8% of total population Belarus - 19.000 - 0.2% of total population Belgium - 658.463 - 5.9% of total population Bosnia&Herzegovina - 1.790.454 - 50.7% of total population In total, Muslims will make up about 26 percent of the world's population, an increase of about 3 percent from today's level. By 2022 approx 20-21 crores or 15% of the population are Muslims In India. [74], A record 18,000 Russian Muslim pilgrims from all over the country attended the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 2006. [16], The Tatars of the Crimean Khanate, the last remaining successor to the Golden Horde, continued to raid Southern Russia and burnt down parts of Moscow in 1571. He said the number of Muslims was also mentioned in the population census. Germans, Poles, and Lithuanians were allowed to be sold to Crimean Tatars in Moscow. Within each state, excluding, say, 3 or 5 richest districts, rest should get them in proportion to their population. Also, in the middle of the Volga Region reside populations of Tatars and Bashkirs, the vast majority of whom are Muslims. [28] Cossack non-Muslims shared the same status with Siberian Cossack Muslims. The first Muslim state in the future Russian lands was Volga Bulgaria[15] In the respective areas they ruled, in both the North Caucasus and South Caucasus, Shia Islam and Sunni Islam spread, resulting in a fast and steady conversion of many more ethnic Caucasian peoples in adjacent territories. [57] In 2019, the overall life expectancy in Russia at birth was 73.2 years (68.2 years for males and 78.0 years for females),[58] and it had a very low infant mortality rate (5 per 1,000 live births). [72] Various distinct ethnic groups also inhabit the North Caucasus. A study conducted in 2000 by the Cooperative Congregational Studies Partnership identified 1,209 mosques in the U.S. that year. A large proportion of them died in transit from disease. Primary school is compulsory for 11 year-olds, starting from age 6 to 7, and leads to a basic general education certificate. [57][58][59][60], Islam has been expanding under Putin's rule. Islam in Tanzania is the second largest religion in the country behind Christianity. Ravil Gainutdin, chairman of the Council of Muftis. In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size). [97][98] There is some presence of Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism; pagan beliefs are also present to some extent in remote areas, sometimes syncretized with one of the mainstream religions. [92][93] As of a different sociological surveys on religious adherence; between 41% to over 80% of the total population of Russia adhere to the Russian Orthodox Church. [17] According to the United Nations, Russia's immigrant population is the world's third largest, numbering over 11.6 million; most of whom are from other post-Soviet states. In 2017, a survey made by the Pew Research Center showed that 73% of Russians declared themselves as Christiansout of which 71% were Orthodox, 1% were Catholic, and 2% were Other Christians, while 15% were unaffiliated, 10% were Muslims, and 1% followed other religions. The hate of worker migration has become so severe it has caused a rise in Russian nationalism, and spawned groups like Movement Against Illegal Immigration.[42][43]. [65] Aslan Maskhadov's government was unable to rebuild the region or to prevent a number of warlords from taking effective control. The Muslim population in Europe is about 50 million today going to 60 million by 2030, forming 8% of Europe's population (excluding Turkey). Russia will continue to have the largest Muslim population (in absolute numbers) in Europe in 2030. Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia. The comments follow the beheading of a French schoolteacher for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to students. There are about 2.6 million Muslim adults and children in the United States (0.8 percent of the U.S. population) in 2010. Dark-skinned men with beards are particularly suspected. Numerous callers to radio talk shows said all people from the Caucasus should be deported from Moscow. About 30% of Muslims live in Africa (almost half of the continent's population). Money from the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, has financed the building of mosques and helped Russian Muslims to become better organized. Many Muslims also reside in Ul'yanovsk, Samara, Nizhniy Novgorod, Moscow, Perm', and Leningrad oblasts. The relationship between the government and radicals deteriorated. The trend of Russification has continued at different paces in the rest of Tsarist and Soviet periods, so that[citation needed] as of 2014[update] more Tatars lived outside the Republic of Tatarstan than inside it. Israel's population is 9.6 million. [27] Muslim Turkics and Buddhist Kalmyks served as Cossacks. Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 300,000 Russian citizens and residents are estimated to have left Russia by mid-March 2022, at least 500,000 by the end of August 2022, and an additional 400,000 by early October,[citation needed] as political refugees, economic migrants, and conscientious objectors,[44][45][46][47][48] making a total of approximately 900,000. [82], Russia is a multilingual nation; approximately 100150 minority languages are spoken across the country. In more than 40 of the world's 120 Muslim-majority countries, Muslims make up the majority of the population . Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., Inc, 117145. Around 30 percent of the Russian population will practice Islam within the next 15 years, Russias grand mufti has predicted, citing demographic trends. Muslims are followers of the religion Islam, who believe in and live by the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. The Russian Criminal Code's article 'on the incitement of hatred or attacks on the dignity of a person, based on race, nationality, language or faith' can result in punishment in the form of . In fertility rates, 2.1 and above is a stable population and has been marked blue, 2 and below leads to an aging population and the result is that the population decreases. Major Islamic communities are concentrated among the minority nationalities residing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea: the Adyghs, Balkars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Cherkess, Ingush, Kabardins, Karachay, and numerous Dagestani nationalities. None of the Medium-Growth Muslim population countries will have a majority of Muslim population in the next 200 years, the most will be more than 25 per cent of the population in Italy (in 2220) and Switzerland (in 2200). There is also a high concentration of followers of Islam in the regions where Islamic states were located before the formation of a single Russian state; today, these regions are Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the republics of the North Caucasus, the mufti said. [66] This eventually led to the invasion of militants in Dagestan and the start of the Second Chechen War in 1999. km (6,323,482 sq. The struggle to delineate the respective powers of the federal and local governments in Russia also has influenced Russian relations with the Islamic community. All numbers for the Russian Federation in this section do not include the Ukrainian regions of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk, which Russia annexed in September 2022 and which are currently partly under Russian military control. [83] The mayor of Moscow claims that four mosques are sufficient for the population. China's population shrank last year for the first time in more than six decades, official data shows, as the world's most populous country faces a looming demographic crisis.. Islam remains the largest non-Christian faith group at 6.5% of the population, versus 4.9% in 2011. Note: Crude migration change (per 1000) is a trend analysis, an extrapolation, based the calculation average population change (current year minus previous) minus natural change of the current year (see table vital statistics). Mishar Muslims, Teptiar Muslims, service Tatar Muslims, and Bashkir Muslims joined the Orenburg Cossack Host. They are shouted down in the streets with the call, Eh, Shamil!, a reference to the 19th century Chechen leader Shamil Basayev. [12] In 2009, Russia recorded annual population growth for the first time in fifteen years; during the mid-2010s, Russia had seen increased population growth due to declining death rates, increased birth rates and increased immigration. The Muslim community in Russia continues to grow, having reached 25 million, according to the grand mufti of Russia, Sheikh Rawil Gaynetdin. The Rosstat statistics agency said Russia's population increased 1.4 . In August 2012, Russian emigration following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russian emigration associated with the invasion, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, highest number of confirmed cases in the world, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, List of cities and towns in Russia by population, List of federal subjects of Russia by total fertility rate, List of federal subjects of Russia by life expectancy, Indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, "Russia Demographics 2020 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends) - Worldometer", "Russia Population 0 to 1800 Our World in Data", "RUSSIA: historical demographical data of the whole country", "Population of Russia 2022 | Religion in Russia | Find Easy", "Population density (people per sq. [10] As of 2020, the overall life expectancy in Russia at birth was 71.54 years (66.49 years for males and 76.43 years for females). [64], In 1991, Chechnya declared independence as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. [citation needed] Due to overwhelming demand from Russian Muslims, on 5 July 2011, Muftis requested President Dmitry Medvedev's assistance in increasing the allocated by Saudi Arabia pilgrimage quota in Vladikavkaz. [14] In 2020, the total fertility rate across Russia was estimated to be 1.5 children born per woman,[15] which is below the replacement rate of 2.1 and about equal to the European average. Muslims that live in places where they are a minority are harassed, humiliated and talked about by non-Muslims in muffled whispers. [61] Tatar Muslims are engaging in a revival under Putin. Speaking at a conference in Moscow, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin said the number of Muslims in . Russia is a secular state by constitution, and its largest religion is Christianity. Muslims in India - With over 209 million followers (2021), Islam is the second-largest religion in India after Hinduism. They are blamed by nationalist groups for taking jobs away from ethnic Russians, dominating markets, harassing women and not paying taxes. 14. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Sources: Our World In Data and Gapminder Foundation.[22]. [30] Cossacks in Siberia included Tatar Muslims like in Bashkiria. So the politicians see the Muslimswe are poor, we have no power. The Russian Federation inherited two of the four spiritual boards, or muftiates, created during the Stalinist era to supervise the religious activities of Islamic groups in various parts of the Soviet Union; the other two are located in Tashkent and Baku. For that reason, the Russian government has provided extensive military and political support to secular leaders of the five Central Asian republics, all of whom are publicly opposed to political Islam. Minority groups", " ", "Moscow mayor: No more mosques in my city", "7500 Mosques Have Been Erected In Russia Since Putin Became President", "Moscow's Muslims find no room in the mosque", "Litvinenko converted to Islam father says", "On The Road | British investigators land in Moscow", Reasons and Consequences: Banning Hadiths and Seerah in Russia,, History of Hajj in Russia from 18th to 21st century, Islam in Russia (History & Facts),, Chris Kutschera - "The Rebirth of Islam in Tatarstan", Russia has a Muslim dilemma Ethnic Russians hostile to Muslims, Islam, Russian Orthodox Church Relations and the State in Post-communist Russia. [69] Putin is believed to have backed protests by Muslims in Russia against Charlie Hebdo cartoons and the West.[70]. In the earyly 2000s, Russian newspaper ran pictures of local Muslim leaders next to pictures of Osama bin Laden. [54], Russia spent 5.32% of its GDP on healthcare in 2018. [53] The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation oversees the Russian public healthcare system, and the sector employs more than two million people. He also informed the students about the events that took place in the regions on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria. Brill, 2001. [117] Other major urban areas are Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and Chelyabinsk. Aslan Maskhadov 's government was unable to rebuild the Region or to prevent a of... Million migrants from former Soviet states the North Caucasus [ 95 ] 60! Even within Tatarstan itself, where Tatars constitute a majority with Siberian Cossack Muslims 28 Cossack! The beheading of a French schoolteacher for showing cartoons of the total population... Groups nationwide the allegiance of the religion Islam, who have their own departments of that... A comprehensive survey conducted in 2012, Muslims were 6.5 % ): increase... 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By nationalist groups for taking jobs away from ethnic Russians, dominating,... S 120 Muslim-majority countries muslim population in russia 2021 Muslims were 6.5 % of the population Muslims... In light of the continent & # x27 ; s population increased 1.4. U.S. that year [ 54 ], Demographic statistics according to a comprehensive survey in. United Kingdom also have their own departments of health that oversee local administration the existence four. Saint Petersburg, the Cultural capital, is the second-largest religion in -. World in data and Gapminder Foundation. [ 22 ] at 23:47 beheading of a French for... Second-Largest religion in the U.S. population ) in Europe in 2030 27: 551574 groups Russia! Muslim, & quot ; he said, T. Kharkova `` Histoire dmographique de Russie. Muslims that live in Africa ( almost half of the total population in Republic of.... 1.87 % of Russia, which includes a medrese ( religious school ), in... 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