He admitted that he desired to turn himself in as the Batman and hoped they could eventually be together, which Rachel said could not happen if he went to prison. The Batman saved them at the last minute and gave Rachel a hint as to his secret identity. Batman chooses to save Rachel, while Commissioner Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) moves to save who he thinks is Harvey. With The Dark Knights history firmly in mind, lets play out the alternate scenario. However, others strongly believe she was going to say someone will find us, as in her final moments she was trying to calm himdown. IT HAS MANY COMIC BOOK INSPIRATIONS. Rachel was the daughter of one of the maids at Wayne Manor. Later, grappling with the idea that people are actually dying because of the Jokers request for Batman to unmask himself, Alfred offers up another bit of advice, explaining that Batman has no limits because Batman is the one who gets to do the impossible. Although director Christopher Nolan was not thrilled about losing Holmes, he does not hold any ill will toward her. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews. Either way, Gotham was going to be in the crosshairs, and Bruce would still need to remove himself from the equation so that the city he loves could survive. He should repeatedly come up against situations where the outcome seems impossible and sometimes that should be true. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, . By the end of the film, Bruce and Selina, who faked their deaths to leave Gotham, have begun a relationship, and Bruce has passed his legacy as Gotham's protector to John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), also proving Rachel wrong in her belief that he wouldn't give up being Batman. A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? Of course, when he needs to wind down his Xbox controller is never far away. Start for FREE. The conflict between Bruce's love for her and his secret life as Batman is one of the main themes of the first two films in the trilogy, while her death in The Dark Knight partly motivates his actions in the final film, The Dark Knight Rises. There was something about the composition that made it a bit hard to follow. Frankly? He is at 250, 52nd street and she..is on Avenue X, at Cicero. The war-forged race does count as the race of your character though, and in no other circumstance does it allow the race of a character to escape. I was sure that it was because Dent was better for Gotham. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Rachel Dawes was the love interest of Bruce Wayne and later Harvey Dent in the Dark Knight films. No, of course not. The Joker knew that Batman loved Rachel, so the Joker wanted to inflict mental pain on the Batman by killing Rachel. Rachel attended the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb, who was murdered by the Joker. She urged Bruce not to give up faith in other people, even if she had disappointed him. Without contrary proof, I believed that. For less than $5/mo. Saving Harvey Dent compromised the institutions of law and order in Gotham City, and the potential saving of Rachel Dawes would have struck a massive blow against Bruce Wayne and his Batman alter ego. Next: The Dark Knight Interrogation Scenes Original Ending Was Too Brutal For Nolan. It was a fresh new take on the character with a new origin story that introduced Bruce Wayne's childhood friend and lifelong love interest Rachel Dawes, an original character created just for the films. More importantly, Rachel's story arc would have stretched across all three films, ending in a more meaningful manner than just dying a symbolic death. The gambit itself is really part of the bigger thesis The Dark Knight tries to lay out: That one man trying to save a city whether he wears a mask or does it in broad daylight is an . Bruce also shared a flirtatious relationship with Selina Kyle that developed into love. The Dark Knight: What Was Rachel Going To Say To Harvey Dent? At the end Alfred just imagines Bruce Wayne in the cafe with Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. 2009-10-29 17:33:19. Rachel enrolled in Harvard law school and got an internship at the Gotham City District Attorney's office during her first year. [1] She was named interim District Attorney.[4]. Bruce believes hes chosen Rachel, but ends up saving Harvey. Looking at the chain of events that occur in both scenarios, the path of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises leads to another, greater question about Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dents fates: does it really matter who Batman saves in The Dark Knight? Nolans Batman saved Harvey Dent alone but Batman never works alone. She was in great pain. By July 2008, Rachel was in a relationship with newly selected District Attorney Harvey Dent, creating a love triangle between him, herself, and Bruce Wayne. One of the biggest plot holes in 2008's "The Dark Knight" revolves around the Joker. Next: Heath Ledger Improvised Joker Myth: What Really Happened In The Dark Knight. Two-Face planned to take revenge on Gordon by killing the person he loved most: his son. Around the same time, a costumed vigilante calling himself the Batman appeared in Gotham, and saved Rachel from Falcone's assassins. Once at a party in law school, a classmate slipped a hallucinogenic in her lemonade and she hallucinated for the next 14 hours. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? But in either scenario, the logic has to hold up. Her worked as a domestic servant at Wayne Manor, and the two would often play together on the grounds. In the Dark Knight, why did Batman choose to save Harvey Dent, rather than Rachel Dawes? Harvey Dents tragic death would only push the stakes up higher, as with Batman being singled out as the guilty party in his death, the city would want blood for the death of its fallen angel. He said. If you could witness one event past, present, or future, what would it be? By setting up the death trap as a binary choice, the Joker assumes the only person in the whole of Gotham City competent enough to make it to one or the other on time is Batman and hes absolutely right. Is Bruce Wayne dead in The Dark Knight Rises Reddit? Newsof Holmes' departure came out around the same time that she joined the cast of the comedy Mad Money. Does rachel die in dark knight? The League starts a riot in the Narrows, one of Gotham City's slums, and Rachel is trapped. Also, the Joker admitted to lying. Depending on who you talk to, this is either a flaw or a feature. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Despite a decent cast and an interesting premise, the crime dramedy was lambasted by critics and audiences alike, even if the ensemble cast had commendable chemistry. Batman would choose to save Harvey Dent, and Bruce Wayne would choose to save Rachel Dawes, leaving the surviving party upset over their ultimate loss. What is the best estimate of the capacity of a juice box? So, why wasn't Katie Holmes in The Dark Knightas Rachel Dawes? While it doesn't adapt any one . The Batman chose to save Rachel so, he went after her. At the end of The Dark Knight Rises, when Batman is believed to be dead after saving Gotham, he has earned the respect that he deserves, even getting a statue put up in his honor. Dent was actually in the location The Joker told Batman Dawes was in, while Dawes was located where The Joker said Dent was. The gambit itself is really part of the bigger thesis The Dark Knight tries to lay out: That one man trying to save a city whether he wears a mask or does it in broad daylight is an inherently impossible task. Fortunately, this appears to have been an amicable parting. The Dark Knight appeared on 287 critics' top-ten lists, . He fights for The User. Earlier in The Dark Knight, Rachel asks Alfred to deliver a letter to Bruce, explaining that she cannot wait for his mission as Batman to be over, and is choosing Harvey instead. Batman speeds off, believing that he is traveling to Rachel's destination, while Gordon and several GCPD officers head to what they think is Dent's location. Despite this, Bruce was able to temporarily move on from Rachel when he and Wayne Enterprises CEO Miranda Tate spent the night together, but was heartbroken yet again when she was revealed to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia al Ghul, who manipulated his emotions to avenge her father's death. The loss of Rachel, in addition to his own disfigurement, drove Dent insane and after the Joker's convincing, he became the murderous vigilante Two-Face, seeking revenge on those he held responsible for her death. In her early twenties,[4] after Chill was murdered for testifying against mafia boss Carmine Falcone, she took Bruce down to the slums and showed him that Falcone's criminal empire had worsened the poverty created by Gotham's economic depression, and stated that every day more people just like Chill turned to crime out of desperation. The Batman arrived and fought off the Joker's men men, but the Joker grabbed Rachel and threw her from the skyscraper window. Throughout the rest of The Dark Knight, the newly born villain Two Face, formerly known as Harvey Dent, goes on a rampage. During this time, when you go inside Chloe's and Rachel's room, there's a note that says, "I WANT TO DIE." Who the writer of the note is is a mystery, but during the first episode of Life Is Strange, Daniel says to Max that as a rumor, Rachel could have jumped off a . Shortly afterward, Falcone has a psychotic break in police custody, and Rachel believes he is faking it to avoid trial, unaware that Crane drugged him with his fear toxin. Every time she manages to commit to a TV show without getting bored, an angel gets its wings. They didn't both try to save Dent; Gordon went after Dent while Wayne went after Dawes, but The Joker lied about who was located where. The Joker told Batman that he must choose which one of them to save and gave him both locations. Its not that Batman stories always have to be about Bruce pulling some insane stunt off perfectly, and its not that Batman stories arent allowed to be about Bruce ultimately succumbing to the inevitable and failing. In an attempt to stop him, Alfred finally confessed to Bruce that Rachel chose Dent and that he burned the letter in order to spare Bruce pain. Now, for those who want to add some extra tragedy to the scene, she might have wanted to assureDent that someone was on his way to rescue her, as she was sure Batman was going to go for her. She promptly left the penthouse. Gordon doesn't have a Batman motorcycle, so he arrives too late to save Rachel. But I really hope that I get to work with Chris some day.After signing on to The Dark Knight,Gyllenhaalsought out Holmes' blessing, which theactor gave wholeheartedly. After Bruce's parents were murdered, Rachel's mother left the manor. Rachel, by this time, is the assistant DA to Harvey Dent, a man who is challenging the mob in Gotham in a legal way. Bruce revealed to Rachel that he intended to murder Chill himself, and was angry that he was deprived of revenge. Rachel Dawes was created for the Nolan Batman universe, first appearing in Batman Begins as the childhood friend and love interest of Bruce Wayne. Maggie Gyllenhaal took over the role, and the character was killed off by the end of the film. When Bruce related to Alfred that his only solace was the knowledge that she would have waited for him, Alfred decided to burn the note, sparing Bruce the pain of the truth.[2]. Batman and Gordon just went in different directions that's it. She also appeared alongside James Franco in the HBO series Deuce and starred in the 2014 political miniseries The Honourable Woman. Not very clever to chance Rachel's death, if Batman loved her. Mad Money is an ensemble film with Holmes starring opposite Annie Hall 's Diane Keaton and The Equalizer 's Queen Latifah. At the end of the movie's novelization, she is named interim District Attorney. Let's start with the general theme of the movie. This revelation put a severe strain on Bruce's relationship with Alfred, who then left Wayne Manor. The Joker draws closer to Dent's bed. Batman goes to rescue Rachel but the Joker has switched their addresses and he actually ends up rescuing Dent 1. Before Maggie Gyllenhaal was cast, Emily Blunt and Rachel McAdams were considered to replace Holmes as Rachel. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. After the Batman and Gordon captured the Joker, Rachel and Dent were kidnapped by police officers on mob boss Sal Maroni's payroll, who are working under the Joker's orders. On her way back to Gotham, she and her partner, Crispus Allen, have a . Discover short videos related to does rachel die in the dark knight on TikTok. Could Rachel Amber have killed herself? And in moments when he does start to skew towards that isolation, stories like Bruce Wayne: Fugitive and Officer Down (the latter of which played a small role in inspiring The Dark Knights Gordon subplot), those peers can knock him back into place. Then a little later Harvey calls Gordon and tells him that they are where his family died (i.e. Gordon asks who Batman is going to save. Its time to play another game of What if with DC Comics history, but before we get into what could have happened, lets start at what actually did happen in The Dark Knight. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. She is the former love interest and childhood friend of Bruce Wayne/Batman, and the girlfriend of Harvey Dent. [4] Years later, she becomes an assistant district attorney working for District Attorney Carl Finch.[1]. Will all turbine blades stop moving in the event of a emergency shutdown, Indefinite article before noun starting with "the", Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). Batman saves them at the last minute and gives Rachel a hint as to his secret identity. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. When Bruce returned to Gotham, Rachel was surprised that he did not contact her, and later felt disappointed in him, taking his playboy faade at face value. At one point, the Joker (Heath Ledger) attacks Rachel at Dent's fundraiser, holding her at knifepoint. Br. The Joker eventually reveals that his men captured Rachel Dawes, Batman's old childhood friend . The writers of Batman Begins originally considered to have Harvey Dent appearing in the film, but the character of Rachel Dawes was created when they realized that they "couldn't do the character justice". The Dark Knight saw the demise of Rachel Dawes after the Joker tricked Batman and the police and only let them save Harvey Dent or her. As Harvey Dent is now dead, this kicks off two important events that would change the ending of The Dark Knight. Joker tells Batman that Harvey is at 250 52nd Street and that Rachel is on Avenue X, the female cop calls Gordon's wife and tells her to go to 250 52nd Street. But in order to maintain that level of endearment, those moments have to be executed precisely. According to the film's novelization, that isn't the case. Joker just knew addresses but didn't know who was where. Does Rachael die in the film The Dark Knight? Towards the end of the film, Rachel visits the remains of Wayne Manor, finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage. Dawes was an idealist who could not be corrupted by criminals like Carmine Falcone. Nolan's Two-Face was a missed opportunity. Theyre both trapped in different locations rigged to blow on the same timer, and Bruce can only rescue one. they showed showed up to the location where Rachel was but they were late to save her and the oil drum showroom blasted. It was simply a matter of preference, as Holmes wanted to branch out and explore other roles available to her at that time. to die. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Here's why. Please enter a valid email and try again. [3] Dent ultimately appeared in the sequel The Dark Knight, portrayed by Aaron Eckhart. But in actuality, The Joker has used Bruces love for Rachel as an Achilles Heel, and it leads him to being tricked into really saving Harvey. It is undeniable that Rachel's character was very important to that particular universe, due to her association with Bruce as well as Harvey Dent as they worked to stop the Joker and the rest of Gotham's organized crime network. The Joker tells Batman that he must choose which one of them to save and gives him both locations. Detective Anna Ramirez was a Gotham City police officer who, along with Michael Wuertz, was corrupted and turned DA Harvey Dent in to Maroni's men. According to Business Insider, Nolan definitely wanted Holmes to return, and was . JOKER: Hi. They later faked their deaths to leave Gotham, began a relationship, and Bruce had passed his legacy as Gotham's protector to John Blake, also proving Rachel wrong in her belief that he would not give up being the Batman.[3]. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The image we see is that of Gordon lying on what appears to be his death bed. How To Distinguish Between Philosophy And Non-Philosophy? [1] Before her death at the hands of the Joker, she was one of the few people who knew the Batman's true identity.[2][3]. The Dark Knight trilogy comes to an end. The answer, based on this exercise and the trajectory that Christopher Nolans Dark Knight Trilogy was always going to take, yields an emphatic no. Her worked as a domestic servant at Wayne Manor, and the two . [1], The League started a riot in the Narrows, one of Gotham City's slums, and Rachel was trapped. Her and Bruce were only a question in Bruce's mind. People have broken it down from every angle, speculating and analyzing the gold standard of superhero films to death over the years. The Dark Knight also introduced Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), with viewers witnessing his transformation into Two-Face after a very traumatic experience for both him and Bruce. By the start of the second film, Rachel is in a relationship with newly selected District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), creating a love triangle between him, herself, and Bruce Wayne. Crane, who had assumed the criminal alter ego of "Scarecrow," attacked her again. Additionally, a picture of her appears in Wayne Manor (Maggie Gyllenhaals archival portrayal of the character in The Dark Knight only). My question is why did he do that? He then sedates her and has his butler, Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine), take her home. Stack Exchange Network. newsletter, We will never see a movie like The Dark Knight again, The Nolan brothers obsession with mystery brought The Dark Knights Batman back to his roots, The Joker hospital scene is the chaotic brain of The Dark Knight script, The Dark Knights only redeemable character is the criminal who saves the ferries, Christian Bales infamous Dark Knight voice was the only option, The Dark Knights IMAX bank heist was a reverse revolution, The Dark Knight truck flip was peak superhero stunt work, Gothcago: How The Dark Knight built upon an American metropolis, There are two faces to The Dark Knights music, and one is always overlooked, The Dark Knights interrogation lives on in one perfect YouTube spoof, Batman veteran Scott Snyder on the extremes of The Dark Knights Joker, The Dark Knights greatest memes could outlast the movies legacy, The Batman comics that inspired The Dark Knights hyper-realism, The Dark Knight, The Wire, and the poisonous effect of corruption, How a Dark Knight Best Picture snub forced the Oscars to change, The Dark Knight being re-released in IMAX theaters for 10th anniversary, Watching the world burn: The incongruous politics of The Dark Knight, Why Im waiting to show my Batman-loving kid The Dark Knight, The confusion of The Dark Knight chase scene, or not. @GuruGulabKhatri: I don't think that's true. He just ordered his men to kidnap and trap them. 53 minutes into the film, it appears as if Batman leaves party guests at the mercy of the Joker when he dives out a window to save Rachel's life. Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes in the 2008 sequel The Dark Knight after Holmes chose not to reprise the role. The movie follows three Federal Reserve employees who plan to steal money that's already on the path to being destroyed. The Joker definitely knew that Bruce loved Rachel. and that if he does not, people will die. In the meantime, Rachel and Dent got to have one last conversation, with Rachel about to say something to Dent (as he was been dragged away by Batman) when the bombs went off. [a] But Jacob called him Benjamin. She promptly leaves the penthouse. The Dark Knight. The Batman arrived at Dent's location in time to save him, but Gordon arrived at the other too late, and Rachel died when the building exploded.[2]. In this movie, Rachel is not only involved in Bruce's life but in Harvey Dent's life as well. whats a, The actress wanted to explore other roles, which is wholly her right to do. Holmes isn't suffering for work, either. After an intense interrogation session, The Joker tells Batman/Bruce Wayne that both Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes have been kidnapped, and are just minutes away from dying in an explosion. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. . The notion of the impossible goal that Bruce grapples with is absolutely part of Batmans inherent appeal. Rachel's new flame "Bruce, don't make me your one hope for a normal life." Rachel Dawes to Bruce Wayne. Joker offers him two addresses but, inexplicably, switches who is where. Lovecraft Movie Adaptations, According To Reddit, 10 True Crime YouTubers Just As Good As Any Docuseries, The 10 Best New Movies To Watch On Netflix This Month (Updated January 2023), Michael J. No matter whether it was Harvey Dent or Rachel Dawes that was saved by Batman/Bruce Wayne, the story ultimately comes down to the fact that the moment Bruce Wayne became Batman, the split between who he is to the public and the person he defines himself as with his actions was always going to cause some sort of event. Given her position as assistant district attorney and how familiar she was with everything going on at Gothams criminal underworld, some fans have theorized that what Rachel wanted to say was something aboutDent's people working for the mob, in a final attempt to alert him about what was going on in the city. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is one of those sets of films that refuses to go out of style or circulation. At the end She was having a lot of trouble with this birth. The public's trust in Batman is restored, enough so that a statue of the Caped . He gave her instructions for a plan to save the city from the League's attack. Worth a rewatch of the film. Dent held a press conference and claimed to be the Batman. Which politician received the most support from younger voters A. Ross Perot? The House also approv ed and sent to the Senate a suhsitute m easure for the vetoed $6 billion Energy Research and I )cv elopment Administration authorization bill The new m easure does not in Thanks. The Dark Knight is the second film in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, preceded by Batman Begins (2005) (2005) and followed by The Dark Knight Rises (2012) (2012). But theres one major problem with both that thesis and that challenge: the whole thing hinges on the idea that Batman must always be fundamentally alone. While he goes and saves Harvey Dent, Gordon does not make it in time to save Rachel, who dies in a fiery explosion. The Batman arrived and fought off the Joker's men men, but the Joker grabbed Rachel and threw her from the skyscraper window. Around the same time, a costumed vigilante calling himself Batman appears in Gotham, and saves Rachel from Falcone's assassins. Heres how it works. KEEP READING:Constantine 2: Why the Sequel Should Be DCEU Canon. So, he (the Joker) lied to Batman about the locations. Holmeslater explainedwhat happened, saying, You know, I really enjoyed working on the first one and I wish I could have worked with Chris Nolan again. Making the impossible choice in this case, letting people die for the greater good is what the Caped Crusader is all about. This scenario has even more wide reaching complications, when you take into account how The Dark Knight Rises plays with the events that previously occurred. Despite this, Bruce makes efforts to move on from Rachel when he and Tate spend the night together, but is heartbroken yet again when she is revealed to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia al Ghul, who manipulated his emotions to avenge her father's death. In this new tangent timeline, Bruce tries to save Harvey Dent, as hes the best that Gotham has to offer. Hello and welcome to Scifi.SE! In "The Dark Knight", why did the cops want to evacuate Harvey Dent from the hospital in an empty bus? Rachel tells Dent that she wants to marry him. The answer is not nearly as dramatic as one would expect. Rachel's drinks of choice were condensed milk. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Why The Dark Knight Recast Katie Holmes As Rachel Dawes, The Dark Knight Had A Sneaky Reference To The Riddler, Heath Ledger Improvised Joker Myth: What Really Happened In The Dark Knight, The 10 Biggest Pet Peeves In Cinema, According To Reddit, 15 Best Jump Scare Movies (& Where To Stream Them), MCU: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Peter Parker And Michelle Jones' Relationship, 10 Pair Of Actors With The Most Believable Chemistry, According To Reddit, 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Avatar (2009), Indiana Jones 5 Will Ignore Lucas' Earlier Wish (And That's A Good Thing), Why Terrifier 2s Bedroom Scene Is So Controversial, 10 Idolized MCU Characters That Shouldn't Be Admired. And the inmates of Blackgate Prison would still be more than happy to hunt The Bat, as he put quite a few of them away in his time. Two-Face decides to flip for Batman, himself, and Gordon. Two, Rachel has to die to spark Harveys transformation into Two-Face because the plot demands it happen that way. He was the District Attorney of Gotham City who was originally working in Internal Investigations, Dent picked up the name "Harvey Two-Face" for being duplicitous when . She was a member of the Major Crimes Unit. Rachel is mentioned several times throughout The Dark Knight Rises. As is generally the case in Hollywood, creative differences or frustration between a cast member and the director can tend to result in actors leaving a project. Batman interrogated the Joker and learned that the lives of both Dent and Rachel were at stake. Something went wrong. "Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. The butler hesitates to carry out that request after Rachel's death, and eventually burns the letter in The Dark Knight 's closing montage. In The Dark Knight, superhero conventions could be subverted or obliterated when love interest Rachel Dawes is brutally killed off mid-sentence, or stalwart Batman is forced to claim a pyrrhic . Unlike his four color counterpart, Nolans Batman is a guy who works absolutely and uncompromisingly alone. Her death is further felt in the final installment of the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, as Bruce Wayne continues to mourn her absence. Before dying, she named the boy Benoni. Sinceplaying Rachel Dawes, Gyllenhaal has starred inAway We Go, River of Fundament, White House Downand the British cult film Frank. At the funeral, the Joker attempts to assassinate Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell), and leaves behind evidence indicating that Rachel will be next. I think that Maggie did a wonderful job. The loss of Rachel, in addition to his own disfigurement, drives Dent insane and after the Joker's convincing, he becomes the murderous vigilante Two-Face, seeking revenge on those he holds responsible for her death. Neither of these reasons are great, and they certainly dont hold up under a microscope. Three years later, the sequel titled The Dark Knight was released, and it became not only the best in Nolans Batman trilogy but also one of the best superhero films ever made. What was a Progressive goal A. But when Bruces inability to resolve a conflict boils down to his stubborn lack of community and willful isolation for isolations sake, the story stops being about Batman growing and changing and starts being about a petulant boy in a bat mask who refuses to ask for help, even at astronomical cost. Theres no explanation given for why the GCPD doesnt make it to Rachel on time, despite having left the station in the same moment as Bruce and, presumably, having units closer to the scene they could have radioed in. Yes, she was tied up in an abandoned building surrounded by barrels . Rachel was horrified and slapped Bruce, telling him that his late parents would be ashamed of him. Batman should always be allowed to fail. Right before she died, Rachel wanted to say something to Harvey, but she wasnt able to finish so what were those last words going to be? Everything was worked out in due time, and the character, as well as the film, went on full steam ahead without Holmes, for better or worse. During moments of crisis (or even capital-C Crisis, as the DC Universe employs on the regular) Batman finds his strength and his ability to conquer the impossible to be the Caped Crusader thats been captivating fans for nearly eighty years because hes not bogged down by the extremely Nolan-verse idea that his validity stems from his isolation. The Dark Knight might be the jewel in the crown of Christopher Nolan's trilogy, but its Two-Face really didn't work - and fans won't admit it. How does Bruce figure out that the Joker was about to attack? Shane started at Screen Rant in late 2019. After Bruce's parents are murdered by Joe Chill (Richard Brake), Rachel's mother seeks other employment and leaves Wayne Manor with Rachel. It was great. I'm a man of my word. Why is a graviton formulated as an exchange between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime? In the Dark Knight, Rachel and Harvey are strapped to bombs and chairs, surrounded by oil drums. With Harvey Dent still dead, but without any of the incriminating acts that would compromise his legacy, the Dent Act and Commissioner Jim Gordons career would both be intact. Rachel enrolls in law school and gets an internship at the Gotham City District Attorney's office during her first year. Oops. The Batman jumped out the window after her, breaking their fall on a car below. Initially portrayed by Katie Holmes, the actress did not reprise her role in 2008's The Dark Knight. However, the Joker has switched the addresses, with the intention of psychologically tormenting Batman and orchestrating Dent's downfall. Cue an even more hostile environment where Batman is still a wanted man, and Bruce Wayne still finds himself being targeted by the world at large. The idea of a broken Gordon tells me that in this film, set 8 years after the events of The Dark Knight, all bets . It was a decision that I made at that time and it was right for me at that moment, so I don't have any regrets. But the Joker was clever enough to know that Batman would try to save Rachel. 4/10 Harvey Dent's Evil Motivations Are Strange. She defended herself and a boy caught in the riot by firing a Taser at Crane's face, driving him away. But . Rachel Dawes was Bruce Wayne's childhood friend and love interest who served as Gotham City's assistant district attorney and fought against corruption in the city. Rachel dedicates her life and career to eliminating crime in Gotham, in the process making enemies of Falcone and later Dr. Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy), Arkham Asylum's corrupt chief psychiatrist. New York, The way you threw yourself after her." Initially portrayed by Katie Holmes, the actress did not reprise her role in 2008's The Dark Knight. When she's not writing, you can find her trying to learn a new language, watching hockey (go Avs! After Finch was murdered by Crane's thugs, Rachel took over his job until a replacement could be found. Emerson . Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. She dies in the explosion and Dent is left traumatized, scarred its his first real step into his Two-Face persona in this universe and believing Batman made the wrong choice. This is the retrospective you deserve and the one you need right now. After all, Bruce Wayne isnt above doing what he has to do in the business world to get what he wants. Dent strains at the leather cuffs binding him to the bed. Related: The Dark Knight Had A Sneaky Reference To The Riddler. After Finch is murdered by Crane's thugs, Rachel takes over his job until a replacement can be found. The actress wanted to explore other roles, which is wholly her right to do. 17She was having a lot of trouble with this birth. When the Joker shows up in Dent's hospital room, there to recover from burns he received the night of Rachel's death, we have no idea what the Joker is doing. He has also delved into the tedious world of stop-motion animation, putting together a handful of short films. do you go for the girl or the person who is truly important. He gives her instructions for a plan to save the city from the League's attack. "Katie wasn't available for the role, which I wasn't very happy about, but these things happen, and I was very, very fortunate that Maggie [Gyllenhaal] was able to take it over," Nolan told Business Insider. The Dark Knight (2008)Scene: Batman kidnaps Lau from Hong KongPlaylist: https://is.gd/Pxi1yKStoryline: When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and ch. Oh, and every day he doesn't, people will die, starting tonight. Batman arrives and fights off the men, but the Joker grabs Rachel and throws her from the skyscraper window. The Nolan trilogys refutation of that one principle, and all the flaws that came with it, are never more obvious than in the Jokers gambit to kill either Harvey Dent or Rachel Dawes. Lol Nah, but in all seriousness, it's because she'd already let Bruce know that they weren't going to happen unless he stopped Batman-ing. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. ; Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In Rises Bruce went into retirement eight years . I never thought this scene was confusing. However, she passed up playing Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight to appear as Jackie Truman in the 2008 film Mad Money which was a disastrous flop. Bruce takes responsibility for the tragedy, having lost the . Rachel is next seen at the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb (Colin MacFarlane), who was murdered by the Joker. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Using a Counter to Select Range, Delete, and Shift Row Up, First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders, Poisson regression with constraint on the coefficients of two variables be the same. Does the LM317 voltage regulator have a minimum current output of 1.5 A? Said event involved Rachel Dawes (now played by Maggie Gyllenhaal), Bruces childhood friend and love interest who in The Dark Knight started dating Dent. New with box: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original . The Dark Knight is a flawed film and, for my tastes, Christopher Nolan has shortcomings as a director but "lack of vision," as cited in the video, is a hard one to hammer down on. Rachel Dawes is a fictional character who first appeared in Christopher Nolan's 2005 feature film Batman Begins.She was portrayed in that film by Katie Holmes, with Emma Lockhart as a younger version of the character in early scenes.Holmes also voiced the character in the video game adaptation. He can be found on all social media platforms @sheamus_oneill. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. When Bruce Wayne returns as Batman in Dark Knight Rises he isn't the same person in terms of his reaction times and agility which he possessed years ago when he decided to hang up his boots at the end of Dark Knight (plus the limping at the start of the movie). Answer (1 of 22): Easy. Before dying, she named the boy Benoni. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, She was in great pain. Related: Why The Dark Knight Recast Katie Holmes As Rachel Dawes. Batman interrogates the Joker and learns that the lives of both Dent and Rachel are at stake. Rather than using Anne Hathaways Catwoman as a co-antagonist, Bane (Tom Hardy) would have an even better weapon in his arsenal: someone who knows the true identity of Batman. In an attempt to stop him, Alfred finally confesses to Bruce that Rachel chose Dent and that he burned the letter in order to spare Bruce of the pain. Secret identity choose which one of them to save and gave Rachel a hint as to his secret.! Social media platforms @ sheamus_oneill mentioned several times throughout the Dark Knight films READING: Constantine 2 why. Get what he has also delved into the tedious world of stop-motion animation, together. S trust in Batman is restored, enough so that a statue of the movie follows Federal! Holmes, he does not hold any ill will toward her. to Rachel that he to... Matter of preference, as Holmes wanted to explore other roles, which is wholly her right do... 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