Share the symbol Niko or copy to use from the list. More info. First Minister Nicola has been known as ' Nippy Sweetie' for more than a decade after being given the nickname early on in her political career. [107] She formed her second cabinet and re-appointed Swinney as her deputy. [] I can think of no greater privilege than to seek to lead the party I joined when I was just 16. While it commended the authorities for preventing hospitals from becoming overwhelmed during the crisis, the watchdog also noted that recommendations from pandemic planning exercises in 2015, 2016 and 2018 had not been fully implemented. She has made several demands for a Section 30 order, however, they have been declined by both Theresa May and Boris Johnson, with Liz Truss stating she would "ignore"[6][7] Sturgeon's future requests. The reception She has received today, demonstrates that that admiration and affection is certainly felt here in Scotland. "[183], In 2021, Audit Scotland concluded that, "Progress on closing the poverty-related attainment gap between the most and least deprived school pupils has been limited"[184] and fell short of the Government's aims. "[74], In November 2013, Sturgeon joined Salmond to launch Scotland's Future - the Scottish Government's prospectus for independence. The couple have been in a relationship since 2003. [158][159], In March 2021, the Court of Session declared that the Scottish Government's prohibition on communal worship, imposed during the pandemic, was unlawful. [172] In December 2020 figures were released revealing that 1,264 people in Scotland had died from drug overdoses in 2019 the highest number in Europe per head and more than double the number in 2014. #favourite #nickname #ever #doug #moodie #nicola #sturgeon #pictured #here #dressed #young #schoolboy #known #seaweed #glasgow #university #because #not #even #tide. [170][171] At the time, Scottish Drugs Forum Chief Executive David Liddell said he was concerned that the cuts had "the potential to increase harm and drug-related deaths. This will be the last chance of gaining independence for a generation. However, the Scottish referendum in 2014 was obviously a huge disappointment for the SNP, and a victory for those fighting for the union. The compromise had the support of Souter but an amendment to that effect was voted down by MSPs who expressed concerns it would stigmatise children from single parent and unmarried families. [314][315] She was recognized as one of the BBC's 100 women of 2014. The SNP won a landslide majority in 2011 and a year later Salmond appointed her as Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Capital Investment and Cities. [93], At a speech in Dundee's Caird Hall on 7 November, Sturgeon pledged to be "the most accessible First Minister ever" when she took over. Nicola Sturgeon: 'I was bullied at school' 14 September 2018 STV Ms Sturgeon was asked questions by an audience of 100 children and young people Scotland's first minister has revealed that she. She launched her programme for government, the Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan, which settled a new vision for NHS Scotland. Initially, the Scottish Government resisted banning public events and on 12 March allowed 47,000 fans to attend a Rangers match at Ibrox, insisting that, "stopping mass gatherings [is] not the best way to contain this virus. ", "BBC NEWS | Election 2007 | Scottish Parliament | Election Result: Glasgow Govan", "Salmond prepares for SNP minority government", "Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan", "Sturgeon to reverse A&E closure decision", "Scottish government confirms plans to scrap prescription charges", "Prescription charges abolished in Scotland", "Swine influenza Health Protection Agency update", "WHO | World now at the start of 2009 influenza pandemic", "UK plays down swine flu pandemic implications", "Scottish death marks Europe's first H1N1 fatality", "Scottish minimum alcohol pricing passed by parliament", "Scottish cabinet reshuffle: Nicola Sturgeon given new independence role", "High-speed rail plan for Glasgow to Edinburgh line", "High speed Glasgow-Edinburgh rail link plans 'shelved', "Scottish independence would allow economy to grow, says Sturgeon", "Nicola Sturgeon interview: 'I do believe Scotland can be better off', "Scottish independence: Referendum White Paper unveiled", "Independence referendum: Nicola Sturgeon accuses Westminister of bullying over currency", "Scottish minister Nicola Sturgeon hits back over sterling threat", "Scottish independence: Barroso says joining EU would be 'difficult', "Sturgeon warns Europeans could lose right to stay", "UK minister: Sturgeon used EU nationals as bargaining chips", "Scottish independence referendum: final results in full", "Scottish referendum results: As Alex Salmond steps down, Nicola Sturgeon waits for her chance to lead", "Alex Salmond Resigns: Will SNP Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Replace Him? [250][251][252] Sturgeon has committed to strengthening links between Scotland and Africa. [176], In August 2021 the Scottish Government announced there had been 1,339 drug deaths in the previous year a new record high. She is frequently compared in her appearance to Scottish comedy character Jimmy Krankie. While this worry may prove to be transient, I am more concerned by the signs of division in the nationalist movement. The Scottish National party leader, Nicola Sturgeon, has been coming under heavy fire from all quarters; from David Cameron's Mean Girls -esque refusal to sit next to her on the Andrew Marr Show,. Nicola Sturgeon during First Minister's Questions at the Scottish parliament on Thursday. [20] She developed a passion for books and reading which continued into adult life. [122] Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all plans for another referendum have been put on hold. [312], Sturgeon won the Scottish Politician of the Year Award in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2019. [70], In 2012 she pledged to build a high-speed railway line between Glasgow and Edinburgh by 2024, cutting journey times between the two cities to under 30 minutes. In the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, the SNP lost its overall majority, but remained the largest party with Sturgeon seeking a second term in office as a minority government. "[179], In July 2022 the figures for 2021 were released, revealing that 1,330 had died - nine fewer than in 2020. Nicola Sturgeon is a Scottish politician who became the first woman to be elected as the First Minister of Scotland and the Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP); she achieved this feat in November 2014 and is currently serving her second term as the First Minister. [100] On 21 November, she unveiled her Cabinet with a 50/50 gender balance, promoting Finance Secretary John Swinney to become her Deputy First Minister. SUPPORT JOURNALISM. [265] In recent years, following the defeat of the Yes Scotland campaign in 2014 Scottish Independence referendum, Sturgeon has aligned herself with the new gradualist wing, who believe in only holding a second referendum if there is clear public support, such as polling being over 60%, or if there is a material change in circumstances. When the British Government turned down the Scottish Government's idea of a formal currency union - on the grounds that the rationale for sharing a currency with a foreign country was "not clear" - Sturgeon accused Westminster of trying to "bully Scotland" and said it would "cost their own businesses hundreds of millions in transaction costs". If you are not, as First Minister, prepared to put your neck on the line on the education of our young people then what are you prepared to. Scottish Independence is a misdirection play. [47] Ultimately, Salmond formed a minority government and he was appointed First Minister of Scotland. No. [70], In December 2012, Sturgeon said that she believed that independence would allow Scotland to build a stronger and more competitive country, and would change spending priorities to address "the scandal of soaring poverty in a country as rich as Scotland". [177] Sturgeon tweeted that the figures were "unacceptable, each one a human tragedy",[178] while the Scottish Liberal Democrats said: "It was Nicola Sturgeon's choice to ignore this unfolding epidemic. [89] During the speech launching her campaign, Sturgeon announced that she would resign as Depute Leader, triggering a concurrent depute leadership election; the MSPs Angela Constance and Keith Brown and the MP Stewart Hosie all nominated themselves to succeed Sturgeon as Depute Leader. [69], At the 2011 election, the SNP won a large overall majority. Absolutely not, there's no man I know who is less sexist. [161], In April 2021 Scotland's death toll from coronavirus passed 10,000. [257], Sturgeon was highly critical of Donald Trump and his policies during the 2016 United States presidential election and had publicly backed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. no memes yet . "We have seen a rapid increase in the number of confirmed cases in Scotland over the past 10 days," she told Parliament. There was however significant public opposition to repeal and an unscientific postal vote on the issue organised by SNP donor Brian Souter suggested most Scots wanted to keep the clause. [29] Shortly after this, Sturgeon was appointed as the SNP's spokesperson for energy and education matters. trending channels. On 20 November 2014, Sturgeon was formally sworn into office. We can't bind our successors, but we've made very clear our belief that constitutional referenda are once-in-a-generation events. [81] Following the defeat of the Yes Scotland campaign, Salmond announced his resignation as First Minister and Leader of the SNP. Yes, I think that is true. Overall 52% of voters in the United Kingdom voted for Brexit (leaving the EU), with 48% voting to remain. He appointed Sturgeon as Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing. [117] As the constitution is a reserved matter under the Scotland Act 1998, for a future referendum on Scottish independence to be legal under UK law, it would need to receive the consent of the British Parliament to take place. [23] Sturgeon also stood unsuccessfully as the SNP candidate for the Irvine North ward on Cunninghame District Council in May 1992, for the Baillieston/Mount Vernon ward on Strathclyde Regional Council in 1994, and for the Bridgeton ward on Glasgow City Council in 1995. READ MORE:Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon denies she is 'playing politics' over testing. The previous leader, Alex Salmond, announced at the time that he would not stand. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. She also said that the result "renews, reinforces and strengthens" the mandate for Indyref2.[144]. [118], Prior to the day the Prime Minister triggered Article 50, formally allowing the process of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Scottish Parliament voted 69 to 59 in favour of another independence referendum. [206] As part of the agreement, the Green Party co-leaders would be nominated to serve as ministers. Sturgeon was retained as Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing until a reshuffle one year later, when she was appointed as Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Capital Investment and Cities and an additional role overseeing the referendum on Scottish independence, essentially putting her in charge of the SNP's referendum campaign. Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. The First Minister claimed she used to be called "nippy sweetie" because she tried to emulate the aggressive and adversarial approach of male politicians. The worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 began during Sturgeon's second term as First Minister. She attended Dreghorn Primary School from 1975 to 1982 and Greenwood Academy from 1982 to 1988. Sturgeon stood for election to the Scottish Parliament in the first Scottish Parliament election in 1999 as the SNP candidate for Glasgow Govan. Therefore, my fellow nationalists, I urge you to unite and pull together to win our independence in inderef2. [87][88] It quickly became apparent that no other candidate would be able to receive enough required nominations to run a credible leadership campaign. His then-depute, Roseanna Cunningham, immediately announced her intention to stand for the leadership. This also made her First Minister-Designate, given the SNP's absolute majority in the Scottish Parliament. [41], In the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, Sturgeon defeated Gordon Jackson QC[b] with a 4.7% swing to the SNP in the Glasgow Govan constituency. [75] Sturgeon was one of the white paper's most high-profile media champions and frequently debated its contents with opposition politicians and sceptical Scots. [96], Although, Salmond did not officially tender his resignation as First Minister until 18 November 2014, Sturgeon was not sworn in until two days later. [61][62], On 11 June, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the influenza virus a pandemic. [236] She sought the Prime Minister to consent to the vote by signing a section 30 order, a move that Downing Street has refused to comply. [53] Sturgeon oversaw the scrapping of prescription charges In Scotland, an election pledge by the SNP originally for the chronically ill and those with cancer. Lets get that debate started! She once addressed the name and told journalists. [242][243], On the day the Supreme Court ruled the Scottish Parliament does not have the power to legislate a referendum on independence, Sturgeon announced the next democratic election in Scotland, in this case a UK general election expected to be held in 2024, would be campaigned by the SNP as a de facto referendum. [30] Although she failed to win the seat, she was placed first in the SNP's regional list for the Glasgow region, and was thus elected as a Member of the Scottish Parliament. [222][223][224], Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament of her "deep regret" that islanders were enduring such chaos and said that the Government was "learning lessons from this experience". SNP membership surged and the party achieved stunningly good results in the 2015 general election, winning 56 out of the 59 seats in Scotland. [63] Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament the containment of the virus had failed and the Scottish Government was taking steps to mitigate the spread of virus. On 18 November 2014, Salmond formally resigned as First Minister of Scotland and the election for the new first minister took place the following day. Sturgeon apologised for being overexcited although expressed that she was celebrating Amy Callaghan's win. [199] In the election, the SNP won 64 of the 129 seats contested. [71] Sturgeon said the Scottish Government would "not wait" for Westminster to build a high-speed line to Scotland. [313], Forbes magazine ranked Sturgeon as the 50th most powerful woman in the world in 2016 and 2nd in the United Kingdom. In June 2022, Sturgeon launched her government's campaign for a second referendum to be held on 19 October 2023, subject to UK Supreme Court ruling. [194][195], In the 2021 SNP manifesto, Sturgeon committed the party once again to reform the Gender Recognition Act[196] One particular problem it highlighted was that not enough had been done to ensure Scottish hospitals and care homes had enough personal protective equipment. [82][83][84] Sturgeon said that there would be "no greater privilege" than to lead the SNP. She says she has been targeted by a 'very partisan leak'. [146] On 23 March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Sturgeon ordered Scotland into "lockdown", limiting the reasons as to why people may leave their homes in an increase attempt to limit the spread of the virus, to protect the health of the population, as well as to ease the pressure the virus places on NHS Scotland services and workforce. Issuing apologies now is too late for thousands of people. [293][294] In July 2019, the prime minister met Sturgeon at her official residence, Bute House, where Johnson was "booed and heckled" by protesters. [248], While foreign policy remains a reserved matter,[249] Sturgeon has undertaken a number of visits to Europe, North America and Asia to promote Scotland as a place of investment and Scottish businesses to trade and do business with. From 18 November until her officially appointment on 20 November, she served as the acting First Minister, essentially the First Minister-elect.[97]. She would grill Labours Jack McConnell at First Ministers questions each week, unleashing her assertiveness. [162][163], At a session of First Minister's Questions in June 2021, Sturgeon was asked about mistakes made early on in the pandemic and she replied: "If I could turn the clock back, would we go into lockdown earlier than we did? [67], To tackle Scotland's poor relationship with alcohol, Sturgeon passed legislation to increase the price of alcohol per units to help reduce sales, in particular, for those addicted. MOONSHOT my derriere. Just as Theresa May was preparing to trigger the formal Brexit process, Ms Sturgeon launched her bid for Indyref2. SNP's Nicola Sturgeon hits out at a 'full-frontal attack' on the Scottish Parliament By Greg Heffer, Political Correspondent For Mailonline Published: 13:00 EST, 16 January 2023 | Updated:. Sturgeon led the Scottish Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland, implementing a series of restrictions on social gatherings and rolling out the vaccine programme. She has been married to Peter Murrell since July 16, 2010. On 19 September 2014, independence was rejected in the Scottish independence referendum, with 55.3% of the voters voting no and 44.7% voting yes. ", "Polls "confirm Nicola Sturgeon TV debate success", "New MSPs to arrive at Holyrood for first day", "Nicola Sturgeon wins Scottish first minister vote", "Scotland Seeks Independence Again After U.K. 'Brexit' Vote", "Scotland Says New Vote on Independence Is 'Highly Likely', "Scots' backing for Remain raises threat of union's demise", "Second Scotland Referendum 'Highly Likely', "Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish referendum 'highly likely' as it happened", "Sturgeon to lobby EU members to support Scotland's bid to remain", "Sturgeon to seek EU talks to 'protect' Scotland's membership", "Nicola Sturgeon says independence vote would be proposed 'if best or only way to protect EU place', "EU referendum: The 'stark difference' between Wales and Scotland", "Scottish parliament votes for second independence referendum", "Nicola Sturgeon writes letter to Theresa May requesting second Scottish independence referendum", "Theresa May: 'Now is not the time' for indyref2", "Voters want a break, says Nicola Sturgeon as she postpones IndyRef2", "Nicola Sturgeon Says The General Election Could "Reinforce" Her Plans For IndyRef2", "Sturgeon: Indyref2 'factor' in SNP losses", "Is Scotland on the cusp of a Tory resurgence? SNP leadership hopeful Nicola Sturgeon was seething last night over "disgusting and untrue" allegations about her private life. [52] She reversed the decision to close casualty units at University Hospital Ayr and University Hospital Monklands. Answer (1 of 3): The version I heard is this. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. During this time she saw through popular SNP pledges like reversing A&E closures and scrapping prescription charges. ", "Covid in Scotland: Inadequate preparations for Covid, says watchdog", "Scottish government inadequately prepared for Covid watchdog", "Covid in Scotland: Places of worship can open now after court win", "Church leaders pile pressure on Sturgeon to lift public worship ban", "Scotland's Covid death toll officially passes 10,000", "The full picture of Covid-linked deaths in Scotland's care homes", "Nicola Sturgeon leads calls for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to resign", "Nicola Sturgeon demands Boris Johnson resigns after Prime Minister fined", "Police speak to Nicola Sturgeon over mask breach", "Police Scotland takes 'no further action' on Nicola Sturgeon following face mask complaint", "Covid in Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon gets police warning but no fine after mask law break", "Health boards told to fill 15 million cut in funding for drug and alcohol care", "Proposed cuts on funding for drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Scotland", "Drug deaths in Scotland rose by 23% in 2016", "Scotland's drug deaths rise to new record", "Sturgeon: We took our eye off the ball on drug deaths", "Deaths among homeless people in Scotland up 10%", "Drug deaths in Scotland reach new record level", "Scotland: Drug deaths hit record level for seventh year in a row here's what the data shows", "Nicola Sturgeon accused of ignoring drug deaths epidemic in Scotland", "Scottish government under pressure as drug deaths fell by just nine in 2021", "Drug deaths in Scotland fall by one per cent but are still second highest ever recorded", "Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish education 'not good enough', "Nicola Sturgeon: Judge me on education record", "Attainment gap remains wide and better education data needed | Audit Scotland", "School attainment gap 'remains wide', watchdog warns", "Nicola Sturgeon makes gender recognition pledge", "Scottish transgender reforms put on hold", "Several women 'close to quitting SNP over gender recognition plans', "Joanna Cherry accuses SNP colleagues of 'performative histrionics' over transgender issue", "Anger over trans woman on all-female SNP shortlist", "SNP civil war deepens as leading Sturgeon critic Joanna Cherry purged from Westminster team", "Transgender reforms shelved due to coronavirus pandemic", "Why has the SNP been accused of 'transphobic views' and who is Teddy Hope? "[227][228][229][230], In June 2022, Sturgeon officially announced her plan for Scottish independence once again. Unfortunately, though, these important debates are being spoiled by a vocal minority of trolls who arent really interested in the issues, try to derail the conversations, register under fake names, and post vile abuse. [268] She described the Queen as the "greatest constant in our national life" and added her death was a day for reflection and remembrance" and "a day for giving thanks to The Queen for her devotion to duty and the decades of public service she gave to the people of Scotland.[269][270], She has at times been a critic of austerity, saying that the UK government's "austerity economics" is "morally unjustifiable and economically unsustainable". One nurse told STV, "[When we hear the government say supplies are fine] it's not frustrating, it's crushing. [85] She also opined that Scottish independence was a matter of "when, not if". [151] Many had been infected with the virus and ended up passing it on to other care home residents. She once addressed the name and told journalists. [185], Ahead of the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, Sturgeon pledged to review and reform the way that trans people change their legal gender. [258] Sturgeon highlighted her disapproval of his language and views relating to sexism and misogyny, and stated upon Trump's victory that she hopes "Trump turns out to be a president different to the one he was during his campaign and reaches out to those who felt vilified by his campaign". Following the referendum defeat, Sturgeon said that "further devolution is the route to independence". Today, demonstrates that that admiration and affection is certainly felt here in Scotland the name... Apologised for being overexcited although expressed that she was celebrating Amy Callaghan 's.. 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